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In the article „The Anode and Cathode”. The last collection of Melchior Wańkowicz’s reportages the author discusses a two-volume set of lifelong journalism by Wańkowicz, rarely commented by researchers. This series has been prepared by Thomas Jodełka-Burzecki according to the general guidelines of the author. It is one of the collections composed at the end of his life, such as From Stołpce to Cairo, By the four climates 1912-1972, and even La Fontaine’ Decanter or War and Pen. This astonishing proliferation of reportages’ selection can be explained by a presentiment of approximating death and the desire to systematize his workshop. The author believes that within the created set of cycles The Anode and Cathode is composed in a most convincing way: it is a collection of press prewar reports from the Easter borderlands of Poland, reportages from journeys undertaken both in the country and abroad, descriptions of exile and emigration during the World War II, as well as articles demonstrating the writer's concern about human values, literature (mainly: non fictional), which in total gives an image of the writer involved competently, honestly and thoroughly in the patriotic issues.
This study analyses the names of the colours used by the author of the reportages. The research method is based on finding answers to the following questions: What colours does the author write about? Which of them prevail? What do they refer to? What stylistic functions do the names of the colours fulfill? What names appear in various colour fields? What parts of speech are the colours represented by? The lexicon of colour words in the reportages under consideration is quite rich. Colours are related to people, animals, plants, landscapes and artefacts, and their function is to describe the appearance of the characters and their beauty, depict their clothing and their mental state, portray the reality of the Borderlands, mainly the landscape. Most often, they are used as epithets. The names in the colour field are not ifferentiated. Colours are most often represented by adjectives, less frequently by nouns, verbs, active and passive participles and adverbs. Occasionally, adjectival compounds are used.
vol. 6
issue 1
The subject of the study is German traces in Melchior Wańkowicz’s reportages published in the “Anoda i katoda” [“The Anode and Cathode”] series, in the part titled “Kraj lat dziecinnych” [The Land of Childhood]. This paper presents the vocabulary of German origin and Polish vocabulary referring to Germany and discusses common words and proper names, mostly of German origin, including quotations and lexis more or less assimilated in the Polish language. Appellatives are classified into parts of speech. The prevailing group of proper names comprises surnames, divided into two groups: German surnames and Polonised surnames. Another issue discussed in this article refers to the ways in which the presented vocabulary underwent Polonisation. Additionally, an interesting question is why the author, born in the Russian partition territory, uses so many words related to Germany. Wańkowicz refers to history, which justifies lexical items of German provenance, e.g. Ober-Ost. The presence of numerous surnames of German origin may result from Wańkowicz’s memories, e.g. Gebethner and Wolff are publishers of his story for children, and the surname Einstein is referred to in relation to Warsaw. As for the presence of appellatives, they were probably well-assimilated and frequently used, since most of them are not distinguished in any way in the text by the author. Some of the above-quoted Germanisms (appellatives and proper names) were Polonised in terms of vowels and consonants and through the application of Polish wordforming suffixes.
Przedmiotem artykułu są chrematonimy w reportażach Melchiora Wańkowicza z tomu Anoda i katoda. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest prezentacja różnorodności tej kategorii onimicznej. Chrematonimy przyporządkowano pięciu kategoriom: nazwy przedsięwzięć kulturowych, nazwy instytucji, nazwy firm, nazwy pojazdów oraz nazwy produktów. W obrębie poszczególnych kategorii rozróżniono liczne podkategorie, np. wśród nazw przedsięwzięć kulturowych występują w dziele M. Wańkowicza m.in.: tytuły książek, czasopism, artykułów w czasopismach, tytuły felietonów samego autora. Z kolei w nazwach różnych rodzajów instytucji wymienia się m.in.: nazwy instytucji związanych z kulturą, instytucji finansowych. W nazwach organizacji, towarzystw wyróżniono przykładowo: organizacje rolnicze, wojskowe, pomocowe i wiele innych. Poświęcono także uwagę kategorii przejściowej między toponimią a chrematonimią, czyli nazwom budynków oraz nazwom odznaczeń – falaronimom. Ponadto założeniem niniejszego szkicu jest ukazanie, jaką funkcję pełnią chrematonimy w analizowanych tekstach. Największy zbiór stanowią nazwy przedsięwzięć kulturowych. W tej grupie dominują tytuły książek. Chrematonimy w Anodzie i katodzie najczęściej pełnią trzy podstawowe funkcje: funkcję lokalizacji w przestrzeni, funkcję socjologiczną oraz informacyjną.
The article deals with chrematonyms in reports by Melchior Wańkowicz from the Anoda i katoda collection. The aim of the study is to present the diversity of this onymic category. The excerpted chrematonyms were assigned to five categories: names of cultural enterprises, names of institutions, names of companies, names of vehicles and names of products. Numerous subcategories were identified within each category, e.g. the names of cultural enterprises in Wańkowicz’s texts include titles of books, periodicals, articles in periodicals and titles of Wańkowicz’s feuilletons. Furthermore, the names of institutions include names of cultural institutions and financial institutions. The names of organisations and associations include: agricultural, military, aid organisations and others. Some attention was also devoted to a transition category between toponymy and chrematonymy, i.e. names of buildings and names of orders – phalaronyms. The set of cultural enterprises is the largest, with book titles dominating. Moreover, the aim of the study is also to demonstrate the function of chrematonyms in the texts under analysis. The chrematonyms in the Anoda i katoda collection typically perform three basic functions: the function of spatial location, the sociological function and the informational function.
Pamiętnik Literacki
vol. 106
issue 2
Artykuł poświęcony jest Meksykowi – wielkiej, niespełnionej fascynacji Melchiora Wańkowicza. Pisarz poświęcił tej przestrzeni wczesny reportaż "W kościołach Meksyku", będący owocem trzymiesięcznej wyprawy z 1926 roku, podjętej w celu opisania konfliktu państwa z Kościołem katolickim, oraz fragmenty trylogii amerykańskiej "W ślady Kolumba" – zawierające impresje z kolejnej podróży do kraju orła i węża, odbytej w 1961 roku. Ślady meksykańskich przygód można także odnaleźć w przywoływanej w artykule korespondencji małżeństwa Wańkowiczów ("King i Królik. Korespondencja Zofii i Mechiora Wańkowiczów"). Podejmując próbę opisu fenomenu meksykańskości (mexicanidad), który tak urzekł ojca polskiego reportażu, autorka sięga m.in. do eseistyki Octavio Paza ("Labirynt samotności") oraz do naukowych ustaleń Tadeusza Łepkowskiego zawartych w "Historii Meksyku". Analizując wątki biograficzne i bibliograficzne dotyczące pisarstwa Wańkowicza, podaje w wątpliwość przypisywanie twórcy "Bitwy o Monte Cassino": autorstwa popularnej w Dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym broszury o pejotlu – narkotyku pozyskiwanym z rośliny rosnącej w Meksyku ("Czciciele ś-go kaktusa"). Autorka uznaje, że Wańkowicz miał wszelkie cechy, by odnaleźć głęboką więź z Meksykiem, a jednak fascynacja pisarza musiała pozostać niezaspokojona. Reporter wiódł życie ściśle zestrojone z rytmem XX-wiecznej historii świata, zatem jego pisarskie pasje realizowały się w rewolucyjnej Rosji, okupowanej Polsce, hitlerowskich Niemczech i powojennej Ameryce.
The article is devoted to Mexico, Melchior Wańkowicz’s great and unfulfilled fascination. The writer related to this country in his early essay "W kościołach Meksyku" ("In the Churches of Mexico") which is an effect of his 1926 three months expedition taken in order to describe the conflict between the country and the Catholic Church, as well as fragments of American trilogy "W ślady Kolumba" ("Following Columbus") with impression from his next journey in 1961. Traces of Mexican adventures can also be found in the correspondence between Wańkowicz and his wife ("King i Królik. Korespondencja Zofii i Mechiora Wańkowiczów" <"King and Rabbit. Correspondence between Zofia and Melchior Wańkiwicz">) which is also referred to in the article. Attempting to describe the phenomenon of the Mexicanness (mexicanidad), which so much captivated the father of Polish journalism, the author of the article resorts to, inter alia, Octavio Paz’s essay ("El labiryntode la soledad" <"The Labirynth of Solitude">) and to academic assumptions of Tadeusz Łepkowski collected in his "Historia Meksyku" ("A History of Mexico"). Analysing autobiographical and bibliographical threads concerning Wańkowicz’s creativity, she also calls into question attributing him the authorship of a popular in The Inter War Period brochure about peyote, a psychotropic substance obtained from a plant growing in Mexico ("Czciciele ś-go kaktusa" <"Adorers of St. Cactus">). Nowacka admits that Wańkowicz possessed all the characteristics to find a deep connection with Mexico, yet his fascination remained unfulfilled. He lived his life closely tied to the rhythm of 20th c. world history, so his literary passions were realised in the Revolutionary Russia, occupied Poland, Nazi Germany, and post-war America.
The work is an attempt to analyse Puppy Years by Melchior Wańkowicz in the context of postcolonial theory, feminist criticism and gender studies. The aspects presented in the text include the relationship between Belarusians, Poles and Russians at the turn of the 19 ad 20 century, the reality of life under Russian annexation, the exploitation of Belarusian peasants by the Polish gentry and the issues of sexual violence and performative theory of sexuality.
This article is an analysis of the linguistic view of the identity of Mazurian people in East Prussia presented in the literary reportage On the Trail of the Sad Devil by Melchior Wańkowicz. The main focus is put on symptoms and mechanisms of an identity formation and a cultural interpenetration at the ethnic borderland viewable in language. The text considers narrator and narrative construction. It also presents the Mazurian attitude towards native language in the early 20th century and its historical grounds.
The aim of this paper is to present the multitude of foreign words and phrases in reportages published in the Anoda i katoda [Anode and Cathode] collection by Melchior Wańkowicz and to answer the following questions: Does the author mark foreign words in his text? Have they been adapted to the Polish language? Where did this abundance of borrowings come from? When the lexemes or phrases were kept in their original form, it was established whether the writer marked them in the text, and if so, how it was achieved. In the group of words highlighted in the text by the writer, the majority are written in italics. The writer did not use any special distinction towards many words in a foreign form. In those cases when words of foreign origin were adapted to the Polish language system, the methods of this adaptation were indicated. The two largest collections of foreign vocabulary in the examined material originate from Latin and French. Some foreign lexemes were adapted to Polish, becoming the basis for new words in the Polish language by declination and replacement of vowels and/or consonants with their Polish equivalents. The diversity of the borrowings applied is the effect of the writer’s background in the multi-cultural Borderlands, his thorough education and his numerous journeys and long time spent abroad.
Szpulak Andrzej, Podwójne spojrzenie na pewne zdarzenie z przeszłości. O Szpitalu w Cichiniczach Melchiora Wańkowicza i Wrotach Europy Jerzego Wójcika [Double gaze at an event from the past. About Melchior Wańkowicz’s Hospital in Cichinicze and Jerzy Wójcik’s The Gateway of Europe]. „Images” vol. XXVI, no 35. Poznań 2019. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. 117–127. ISSN 1731-450X. DOI 10.14746/i.2019.35.06. This text confronts two images of a small episode from the First World War and the struggle of Poland to regain its independence. The literary image, Hospital in Cichinicze, is the story of Melchior Wańkowicz (1926), and the film picture is The Gateaway of Europe by Jerzy Wójcik (1999). The film work was an adaptation of literary material; however, the ways memory is created in the two cases are different. Wańkowicz created a somewhat reporter-like, realistic, non-stereotypical record of events, while Wójcik’s story was more universal and at the same time more rooted in national symbolism.
Artykuł przybliża teorię reportażu Melchiora Wańkowicza, związane z nią techniki, m.in. mozaikarstwo, rozmywanie gatunków, aspekty stylistyczne. Podkreśla samoświadomość twórczą pisarza, stworzenie i stosowanie teorii wychodzącej daleko poza dane czasy. Wskazuje na nierozerwalne powiązania teorii z procesem twórczym oraz efekty, jakie przyniosła postawa autora. Pracę dopełnia zaprezentowanie odbioru postaci M. Wańkowicza przez krytyków.
The main aim of the article is to present Melchior Wańkowicz’s theory of reportage, including related techniques, such as: mosaic-technique, crossing the line between non-fiction and fiction, stylistic aspects. The analysis emphasizes creative self-awareness of the writer, shows the process of forming and putting theory into practice. The article indicates an unbreakable link between theory and the creative process of Melchior Wańkowicz. The paper concludes with a presentation of the critic’s reception of author’s work.
The article discusses one of Melchior Wańkowicz's main works. His journalistic travels lead him to major countries in Europe, several countries in Asia, and some across the Atlantic. His American travels are particularly important to the writer (who wanted to make the U.S. his adoptive homeland), but his American trilogy does not belong to the author's most successful works, which might prove that, despite his efforts, Wańkowicz does not understand American reality. The author ascribes this to the fact that, perhaps, in contact with a technology-oriented culture, Wańkowicz's journalistic sense fades.
The motivation for discussing representations of the Soviet Union in Polish reporting has been the desire to examine how the greatest Polish reporters grappled with such an important political and social problem. For writers and historians, Soviet communism posed a difficult challenge, which raised many questions: how to avoid stereotyping, shoulder the burden of the past, and navigate the constraints of censorship of the communist period. How not to join the naïve voices of some Western intellectuals enchanted by Soviet propaganda (a problem faced by Wańkowicz and Pruszyński)? The article presents the use of individual reporting techniques and artistic devices visible in the observations and the reflections formulated by Polish reporters.The research material has been arranged chronologically. Written with artistry, Wańkowicz’s reports from the 1930s record his fascination with the newly emerging workers’ state, but they also document many disturbing phenomena, contrasts and lies. His particularly critical observations had to be later removed or mitigated by the writer in the post-war editions. These interesting self-censoring changes are examined in detail in this article. Pruszyński’s texts are a valuable supplement to the complicated relations between, on the one hand, Sikorski’s government and the main Allies, and on the other hand, Stalin’s state. They also present the creation of the Polish army in the USSR. At the same time, they are an artful and expressive picture of a brave nation led by a charismatic dictator (the texts were written before the discovery of the Katyń massacre!). Although dependent on her party bosses, Hanna Krall, a reporter from a satellite state, managed to construct an authentic representation of the life of individuals in the Soviet state. She achieved this thanks to her style of ‘mundane realism’ and the use of microanalysis as a technique. However, she did not manage to avoid the optimism that was obligatory at the time with regard to the entire system (especially the reforms initiated by Khrushchev and Brezhnev). Ryszard Kapuściński took up Soviet themes in numerous works over many years; his reports from ‘exotic’ Asian republics and his depiction of the cultural melting pot of the former USSR are particularly interesting. He was also given the opportunity to describe perestroika and the final collapse of the red empire; he reported also on how the foundations of the new Russia were built. The article is based on the following claim: the greatest reporters, who employed a variety of writing techniques, encountered serious – objective and subjective – difficulties in representing the dynamic spectrum of transformations and perspectives which communism brought about for the USSR itself and also for Poland. The effects of their reporting work are thus varied, and the imprint of the times is visible in them.The text is situated within the disciplines of social communication and media studies, literary studies and modern history. The methodologies used in the article include text analysis and interpretation, stylistic, genre and comparative analysis, thematic and historical research.  
Powodem podjęcia tematyki opisu Związku Radzieckiego w polskich reportażach była chęć zbadania, jak najwięksi polscy reportażyści zmagali się z tak ważnym polityczno-społecznym problemem. Radziecki komunizm stanowił dla pisarzy i historyków trudne wyzwanie, które stawiało przed nimi wiele pytań: jak ustrzec się czarnych i białych stereotypów, presji historycznych zaszłości czy nacisków cenzury okresu PRL. Jak nie dołączyć do naiwnego chóru niektórych zachodnich intelektualistów oczarowanych sowiecką propagandą (z czym borykali się Wańkowicz i Pruszyński)? W artykule pokazano wykorzystanie indywidualnych technik reporterskich i środków artystycznych w podjętych obserwacjach i formułowanych refleksjach.Materiał badawczy uporządkowany został chronologicznie. Napisane z artyzmem reportaże Wańkowicza z lat 30. XX w. utrwalają fascynację nowo powstającym państwem robotników, ale odnotowują też wiele niepokojących zjawisk, kontrastów, kłamstw. Szczególnie krytyczne spostrzeżenia musiał potem pisarz usuwać bądź łagodzić w powojennych wydaniach. Te interesujące, autocenzorskie zmiany zbadano szczegółowo w niniejszym artykule. Teksty Pruszyńskiego stanowią cenny suplement do skomplikowanych relacji rządu Sikorskiego i głównych aliantów z państwem Stalina. Przedstawiają też budowanie polskiej armii na terenie ZSRR. Jest to zarazem pełen kunsztu i ekspresji obraz dzielnego narodu kierowanego przez charyzmatycznego dyktatora (teksty powstały przed odkryciem zbrodni katyńskiej!). Hanna Krall – reporterka z państwa satelickiego – choć zależna od swoich partyjnych szefów, zdołała swym stylem „małego realizmu” i techniką mikroanaliz przekazać autentyczny obraz życia jednostek w państwie radzieckim. Nie udało jej się jednak uniknąć obowiązkowego wtedy optymizmu w odniesieniu do całego systemu (zwłaszcza reform rozpoczynanych przez Chruszczowa i Breżniewa). Ryszard Kapuściński podejmował tematy radzieckie w licznych utworach na przestrzeni wielu lat, szczególnie ciekawe są jego reportaże z egzotycznych, azjatyckich republik i pokazanie całego tygla kulturowego byłego ZSRR. Dane mu było też opisywać pierestrojkę i ostateczny upadek czerwonego imperium, budowanie fundamentów nowej Rosji.Artykuł opiera się na następującej tezie: najwybitniejsi a dysponujący zróżnicowanym warsztatem reportażyści natrafiali na poważne – obiektywne i subiektywne – trudności w ukazaniu dynamicznego spektrum przeobrażeń i perspektyw, jakie dla samego ZSRR, ale także dla Polski, niósł komunizm. Efekty prac reporterskich są więc zróżnicowane, widać na nich odciśnięte piętno czasów.Tekst sytuuje się w obszarach: nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach, literaturoznawstwa i historii współczesnej. Metodologie zastosowane w artykule to analiza i interpretacja tekstu, analiza stylistyczna, genologiczna i porównawcza, badania tematologiczne i historyczne.
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