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The relatively rich complex of hagiologic works and documents attesting the CyrilloMethodian tradition contains various kind of information on the death, grave and remains of the Holy brothers, especially those of St. Cyril. All texts, including the emerging in our time, are a living testimony of their cult, revealing the diversity of its’ functions appointed. The authors trace out and systemize various text – liturgical, hagiographic, historiographic and documentary, concerning the issue of the relics of the two Slavic saints. Besides the Long Life of St. Constantine-Cyril, the Greek Vitae of SS Clemens and Nahum of Ochrid, the Eulogy on Cyril and Methodius and the so-called Legenda Italica, hagiographic works of West Slavic origin are considered under the aspect of their essential importance for the saints’ relics veneration. They are interpreted as a phenomenon of realizing King Charles’ IV national doctrine on the base of their appearance in the inventories of the S. Vaclav chapel treasury in the metropolitan church of Prague as well as in the correspondence of Czech kings and Czech and Polish prelates. The issue of the burial place of the Brothers from Salonika and the location of their remains is presented in the article as an element of the hot interfaith dispute in the 1stRzeczpospolita. The 16th c. common awareness that the relics of SS Cyril and Methodius are kept at San Clemente in Rome was treated by the Catholics as a clear proof of divine approval for the Western church (and especially its head) and synergistic cooperation in the intention of the saint (Cyril wants to stay in Rome forever). Orthodox party defended “the good name” with the argument that even in Rome the orthodoxy and its missionaries were paid special attention. А modern attitude to the issue is displayed by the modern service dedicated to the rediscovery of S. Cyril’s relicts and their replacement in “San Clemente” on 17th November 1963. It was introduced in the liturgical praxis of the Bulgarian Catholics in 1980. The text of the service is designed in the prospects of the new vision on the role of SS Cyril and Methodius and their veneration in the contemporary world – as expressed by the Pope’s encyclical epistle “Antiquae nobilitatis” from 2nd February and the speech of Pope Paul VI in San Pietro on 14th February. Contemporary evidences of the political instrumentalization of the cult of St. Cyril’s remains are demonstrated as well. Without being exhaustive, the article presents a wide panorama of the cult of relics of St. Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher as a phenomenon of Slavonic and European cultural identity.
The aim of the paper is to introduce the authors’ selection of innovative methods and aspects, that were considered during the selection process. Fact, that demand for innovation and their management lately increases and at the same time knowledge of the methods for innovations management is usually not sufficient, was the main initiative for analysis and selection of innovative methods. When choosing the methods the creativity support and systematic support of each method were considered. The set of thirty-four passported innovative methods including their brief characteristics is the result.
Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie autorskiego zbioru metod sprzyjających innowacyjności oraz ukazanie aspektów, branych pod uwagę w procesie ich doboru. W obecnej sytuacji gospodarczej innowacyjność i zarządzanie innowacjami zyskują dynamicznie na znaczeniu, podczas gdy wiedza dotycząca metod wspierania innowacyjności jest niewystarczająca. Stało się to podstawą do analizy oraz wyboru (wskazania) metod sprzyjających innowacyjności. Wybierając je, zwrócono szczególną uwagę na zagadnienia wsparcia kreatywności oraz wsparcia systematycznego, charakterystycznych dla każdej metody. Zbiór 34 rekomendowanych metod, wspierających innowacyjność wraz z ich charakterystyką to główny wynik przeprowadzonych badań.
Celem niniejszej refleksji jest wskazanie na znacznie świętych Cyryla i Metodego w chrystianizacji Europy Środkowowschodniej i ukazanie przez to ideału duchownego. Podstawą refleksji będzie analiza etyczna.
The aim of this reflection is to point to the much-sainted Cyril and Methodius in the Christianization of Central-Eastern Europe and to show the ideal of the clergy. The basis for reflection will be ethical analysis.
In 988, prince Volodymyr took up the great epochal challenges of faith and grace, making the salvifi c secret of the Baptism of the Ruthenians and other Slav peoples inhabiting the vast lands of Kievan Rus. This is the most important breakthrough moment of the act of conversion and the process of Christianization, opening the Christian epoch throughout Russia and including Kievan Rus in the civilization of countries of the early Middle Ages. It is hard to overestimate the importance of these „plural” monasteries, council schools and libraries for the further development of Kievan Rus. After all, they were the driving force of the missionary work of Cyril and Methodius, they promoted and disseminated the religion and Christian principles of life and co-existence, created works conducive to the formation of Rusin’s personality of „new times” and at the same time satisfying the whole of his religious, social and cultural needs. The missionary work of Cyril and Methodius in Rus – Ukraine gave Kyiv Christianity the hallmarks of universality, thus opening up the possibility of bringing together and playing the role of a bridge between Christian East and West and drawing a full hand on the heritage of civilization and culture. Literature, art and science of both the East and the West. It is no coincidence, therefore, that Kiev fulfi lled an honorable role of „the mother of Ruthenian cities,” and at the same time as Constantinople was perceived as the „New Jerusalem”. It is the fruit of the idea of the apostolicity of Kiev realized by the rulers of Rus-Ukraine for over two centuries, which experienced its „Golden Age” of development.
W roku 1927 w Katowicach, stolicy ustanowionej dwa lata wcześniej diecezji, rozpoczęto budowę katedry Chrystusa Króla, zaprojektowanej przez Zygmunta Gawlika. W tym samym czasie Xawery Dunikowski we współpracy z architektem przystąpił do prac nad koncepcją rzeźbiarskiej dekoracji fasady. Ich efekty w postaci gipsowego modelu zaprezentowano w roku 1931. Centralną część głównej elewacji świątyni zajmować miały figury świętych Cyryla i Metodego, flankowane przez grupy ludu i rycerstwa śląskiego. W zamyśle tym, który nie doczekał się realizacji, szczególnie wyeksponowano zatem postaci braci sołuńskich, mimo iż nie byli oni patronami kościoła ani diecezji. Przyczyn owego rozwiązania szukać należy w znaczeniach skondensowanych w micie cyrylo-metodiańskim, interpretowanych zarówno w kontekście górnośląskim jak i szerszym, związanym z organizowanymi w morawskim Welehradzie kongresami unionistycznymi i dążeniami do przywrócenia jedności między Rzymem a chrześcijań-skim Wschodem. Apostołowie Słowian symbolizowali poszanowanie „autentycznej” kultury ludu i w tej roli pojawiali się w narracjach słowiańskich nacjonalizmów, opierających się niemieckiej presji. Taki wymiar miała ich obecność w publicystyce polskiego działacza narodowego na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Pawła Stalmacha, a także w witrażu zaprojektowanym przez Włodzimierza Tetmajera na zlecenie księdza Aleksandra Skow-rońskiego dla kościoła w Ligocie Bialskiej na pruskim Górnym Śląsku w roku 1908. Przywołane znaczenia zachowały swą aktualność w projekcie rzeźbiarskiej dekoracji fasady katowickiej katedry. Okoliczności powstania świątyni pozwalają jednak przyjąć, że co najmniej równie istotną racją pojawienia się figur Cyryla i Metodego była polityka papiestwa, upatrującego w Rzeczpospolitej zaplecze misji wschodniej, której strategiczny cel stanowiła likwidacja schizmy. W tym kontekście bracia sołuńscy symbolizowali jedność Kościoła pod zwierzchnictwem biskupa Rzymu. Duchowieństwo polskiego Górnego Śląska Piusowi XI zawdzięczało powstanie swej diecezji. Manifestacją związków ze Stolicą Apostolską była nie tylko „rzymska” forma katedry, ale i jej wezwanie – to właśnie Pius XI ustanowił w roku 1925 święto Chrystusa Króla. Niezrealizowany projekt Dunikowskiego stanowi artystyczne świadectwo prób syntezy katolicyzmu i nacjonalizmu, afirmującego „autentyczność” ludu, oraz wyraz poparcia dla idei jedności Słowian skupionych pod duchową władzą papiestwa.
The construction of the Cathedral of Christ the King designed by Zygmunt Gawlik began in 1927 in Katowice, the capitol of the diocese established two years previously. Simultaneously, Xawery Dunikowski, in co-operation with the architect, began work on the concept of sculptural decoration of the facade. The effects – in the form of a plaster model – were presented in 1931. The central part of the main elevation was to be occupied by the statues of saints Cyril and Methodius flanked by groups of Silesian people and knights. In the project, finally not accomplished, the figures of Cyril and Methodius were most prominent despite the fact that they were not the patrons of the church or the diocese. The reasons for this solution should be sought in the meanings of the myth of Cyril and Methodius, interpreted both in the Upper Silesian context as well as a broader one, connected with the unionist congresses in Moravian Welehrad as well as aspirations to re-establish the unity between Rome and the Christian East. The Slavic Apostles symbolised the respect for the “authentic” culture of the people and appeared in this role in the narrations of Slavic nationalisms based on German pressure. Such was the significance of their presence in the writings of Polish national activist in Cieszyn Silesia, Paweł Stalmach as well as in the stained-glass window designed by Włodzim-ierz Tetmajer, commissioned by Rev. Aleksander Skowroński for the church in Ligota Bialska in the Prussian Upper Silesia in 1908. The above mentioned significance was present in the project of the sculptural decoration of the cathedral in Katowice. The circumstances of the construction point to the fact that the equally important cause for exposing the statues of Cyril and Methodius was the papal policy, which considered the Republic of Poland to be the background of the eastern mission, whose strategic aim was to terminate the schism. In this context, Cyril and Methodius symbolised the unity of the Church under the rule of the Bishop of Rome. The clergy of Upper Silesia owned the establishment of their diocese to Pius XI. The manifestation of the ties with Rome was not only the “Roman” form of the cathedral but also its patron – it was Pius XI who instituted the Feast of Christ the King in 1925. Dunikowski’s project constitutes an artistic evidence of an attempt at a synthesis of Catholicism and nationalism, affirmating the “authenticity” of the people and the endorsement of the idea of Slavic unity under the spiritual rule of the papacy.
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