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For centuries, migrations have been features of social communities, and it is quite certain they will remain so in the future. However, what marks certain periods or circumstances are the causes of migrations, their manifestations, extent, dynamics, the general directions of migrant movement, and the corresponding effects on the safety of individuals, regions, and even international security. In this paper we have defined what migrations are and discussed their effect on human trafficking one of the most dangerous forms of organised crime - and the security challenges in this domain in the European Union area, also with regard to international security. In terms of the variety of its exploitative objectives, human trafficking is an international, organised, criminal phenomenon with severe consequences on the security, well-being, and human rights of its victims. In the opinion of many, sexual exploitation is one of the most widespread forms of exploitation of human trafficking victims in practice. According to data available to Europol, 10,000 migrant children have so far disappeared after their arrival on European soil. The scope and dynamics of migratory movements of the last few years, and their relation to numerous illegal activities, certainly affect the security of individuals and regions, as well as international security. It is important to consider whether the European Union, in attempting to protect the national security of EU states by numerous restrictive measures, has achieved that in reality, or has actually produced the opposite effect in this area.
Migrations have accompanied mankind for hundreds of years. Wandering for livelihood has been and is inscribed in historical and social processes taking place on a regional and global scale. Decisions on change of residence usually are on economic grounds, but they can also be political, religious, social or related to the climate. They are taken by adults, but their range and effects also affect children. This happens when they take them with them, for the sake of wanting to improve their life situation, or when they leave them in the country of origin, for the same reasons.The challenge for these children is related to the problems of being able to adapt to the new situation, including education and their values,when they leave with their relatives, while when they stay they may experience loneliness, the lack of family warmth and a reduced sense of security. The following text is devoted to the situation of children of immigrants.
National minorities in Switzerland should be divided into traditional minorities and the so-called new minorities, i.e. those which have developed in effect of immigration in the last 50 years. The role of national minorities in the political system of the country is shaped by the specificity of direct democracy. The influence of politics, and especially of the people’s initiative and the referendum, on legal regulations concerning minorities have not been fully researched in the literature thus far. The aim of the article is to demonstrate this influence and, specifically, to analyze the dependency of the status of non-Christian minorities in Switzerland on the elements of direct democracy in the country.
Migrations have accompanied humankind for hundreds of years. The journeys made to “pursue bread” as the Polish put it, have been ingrained in historical and social processes taking place on both regional and global scales. Decisions to relocate are frequently underpinned by economic reasons, but political, religious, social or climatic reasons can also be factors. These decisions are taken by adults, but their scope and effects also extend to children. The challenges that these children face come in the form of problems with adaptation, education, and the priority of values, oftentimes - loneliness, a lack of close relations, and a reduced sense of security during their stay in foreign environments. The refugee situation is a specific case and a challenge for children. The aim of this article is to highlight the problem of the integration/assimilation of Ukrainian children in Poland who have arrived here as a result of their parents' informed migration decisions, as well as those who have ended up here as a consequence of the war that Russia has been waging against Ukraine since 24th February 2022.
The aim of this article is to describe the evolution of identity within European societies in the 21st century driven by two factors that overlap – migration crisis of 2015 and globalization as well as the impact of these two factors on the European liberal economic and political model. The aforementioned processes have generated several negative effects and as a result they have put to test the elaborate and long-time project of United Europe. Particular nations started to loudly express their concerns and objections regarding the rules governing economic relations and the ways of dealing with migration issues. The multidimensional sense of insecurity has inspired a pan-European dispute with questions regarding areas and scope of unity, sovereignty etc. Some turbulence in identity of European nations has been observed leading to different changes in perception of identity including recurrence of seemingly long forgotten definitions of national identity. One can even say that the future success of the EU project has become dependent on the problem of European identity. This article is an attempt to analyze the impact of aforementioned factors on the identity of European societies.
The subject of this article is a reflection on the impact of Polish migration processes on the level of socio-political security of the state and its citizens. This problem aroused much excitement since the early 90s of the twentieth century, because for some part of Polish society, the presence of immigrants caused public concern, in the opinion of others, it was desirable. In the article there is a brief analysis of the influx of foreigners to Poland for permanent residency with the division of their origin and the size of the flow of immigrants across Polish borders. There is also a reference to concrete examples of demonstration of dissatisfaction of Polish people due to the presence of foreigners. Subsequently in this article, it is referred to the adverse phenomena which, in the opinion of Poles, emerged with the influx of immigrants and could put a strain on the security level. These include: an increase in crime, illegal immigration, illegal employment and buying out Polish grounds. The analysis of these four issues was to assess whether they are indeed a real threat.
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są rozważania na temat wpływu procesów migracyjnych do Polski na poziom bezpieczeństwa społeczno-politycznego państwa i jego obywateli. Problemu, który od początku lat 90. XX wieku budził wiele emocji, ponieważ dla części polskiego społeczeństwa obecność imigrantów wywoływała niepokój, a w opinii innych była pożądana. Dokonano analizy napływu cudzoziemców do Polski na pobyt stały z podziałem na ich pochodzenie oraz rozmiarów przepływu imigrantów przez polskie granice. Odniesiono się także do konkretnych przykładów demonstracji niezadowolenia Polaków z powodu obecności obcokrajowców. Odwołano się do niekorzystnych zjawisk, które w opinii Polaków pojawiły się wraz z napływem imigrantów i mogły nadwyrężyć poziom bezpieczeństwa. Do nich zaliczono: wzrost przestępczości, nielegalnej imigracji, nielegalnego zatrudnienia i wykupu polskiej ziemi. Analiza tych czterech zagadnień miała na celu zbadanie czy rzeczywiście są one realnym zagrożeniem.
issue 48
The article describes the role of Indian merchants in the international trade of Zanzibar during the period 1840-1888, i.e. from the strengthening of the rule of Sa’īd ibn Sultān Āl Bu Saʻīdī on the East African coast to the loss of this area by his son Bargaš ibn Sa’īd as a result of colonial conquest. The article deals with both objective and subjective factors determining the place of Indians in the trade of Zanzibar, including transport and communication, currency, factors related to participation in exchange mechanisms, negotiations, cooperation, competition and capital flow. Moreover, the author analyses the transformation within the Indian community of the Sultanate of Zanzibar, referring to the concept of commercial diaspora. He focuses on the ways in which the diaspora acted as an intermediary in the international exchange at various levels, adapting to changing political, technical and financial conditions. He scrutinises the changes in relations with Europeans, including the erosion of trust which was related to the increase of competition and risk. The author draws a model of the evolution of the Indian community from the stage in which access to brokering was controlled by the diasporaʼs narrow elite and the ruler to a situation in which the hierarchy of diaspora became fragmented and the access to credit opened up new opportunities to a broader wave of immigrants at various levels of exchange. This concerned both the direct trade with Western markets and the trade on the East African coast. The author used the archival sources from Zanzibar, Great Britain, Germany, the USA and France, including those created by the merchant companies from Staatsarchiv in Hamburg and the Peabody Essex Museum in Peabody (MA, USA)
Współczesne gospodarki na świecie rozwijają się dzięki właściwemu kształtowaniu i wspieraniu jednego z czynników wytwórczych, jakim jest praca, a w szczególności przedsiębiorczości mieszkańców kraju. Może być ona rozpatrywana zarówno w kontekście krajowym, jak i międzynarodowym – bardzo ciekawe jest pytanie o to, jak przedsiębiorczość jest związana z migracją. Na tym tle powstała koncepcja zaprezentowanych badań. Podjęto próbę oceny przedsiębiorczości studentów w kontekście ich postaw migracyjnych. Podstawą badań jest teoria planowanego zachowania Ajzena. Przeprowadzono badania ilościowe, które objęły ogólnopolską grupę reprezentatywną. Główną metodą badawczą była analiza zebranego materiału badawczego zgromadzonego na podstawie sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza ankiety. Analiza w tym przypadku skoncentrowała się na próbie odpowiedzi na postawione pytanie badawcze: czy deklaracje dotyczące migracji po ukończeniu studiów są związane z intencjami przedsiębiorczymi? Dodatkowym pytaniem było: czy posiadanie własnego przedsiębiorstwa determinuje chęć pozostania w kraju zamieszkania? Postawiono przy tym hipotezę o istnieniu zależności pomiędzy deklaracjami migracyjnymi a intencjami przedsiębiorczymi. Do weryfikacji hipotezy obok analizy opisowej otrzymanych wyników badań zastosowano analizę statystyczną z ustaleniem współczynników T Czuprowa i V Cramera.
Modern economies in the world develop thanks to the proper creating and support of the production factor namely labor, and in particular entrepreneurship of the citizens. It can be considered that in the national and international context. In this pattern the question how entrepreneurship is connected with migration is very interesting. The concept of the presented research was created based on this. An attempt was made to assess the entrepreneurship of students in the context of their migration attitudes. The basis of the research is Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior. Quantitative research was carried out on the nationwide representative group. The main research method was the analysis of collected research material on the basis of a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire. The analysis in this case focused on the attempt to answer the given research question: whether declarations regarding migration after graduation are related to entrepreneurial intentions. An additional question was: whether owning a company determines the desire to stay in country of residence. The hypothesis was created: there is a relationship between migration declarations and entrepreneurial intentions. To verify the hypothesis, in addition to the descriptive analysis of the results, statistical analysis was used with the determination of T Czuprov and V Cramer’s T coefficients.
Celem opracowania jest pomiar i ocena stopnia zależności pomiędzy odległością geograficzną i poziomem rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego a wielkością migracji. Obiektem badania jest województwo śląskie, zaś przedmiotem badania – napływ i odpływ migracyjny ludności w latach 1990-2015. W ekonometrycznej analizie ruchów migracyjnych wykorzystano modele potęgowe typu funkcji Pareto. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że zarówno odległość geograficzna, jak i zróżnicowanie przestrzenne poziomu rozwoju społeczno- gospodarczego poszczególnych województw Polski mają istotny wpływ na przemieszczenia ludności województwa śląskiego. Co więcej, w miarę upływu czasu odległość geograficzna jako determinanta, która wpływa destymulująco na ruchy migracyjne, straciła nieco na znaczeniu.
The goal of the paper is to measure and assess the degree of relationship between geographical distance and the level of socio-economic development towards the size of migration. Silesian Voivodeship is the object of the research, and migration inflow and outflow of the population between 1990 and 2015 is its subject. Power models of the Pareto function type were applied in the econometric analysis of migration movements. Obtained results show that both geographic distance and spatial diversification of the level of socio-economic development in individual voivodships in Poland have a significant impact on the movements of the population of Silesian Voivodeship. Furthermore, geographic distance as a determinant that has a destimulating influence on migration movements has slightly lost its significance over time.
Opracowanie jest efektem badań zrealizowanych na przełomie listopada i grudnia 2021 r. na terenach przy granicy Polski z Białorusią, przeprowadzonych wśród księży rzymskokatolickich pełniących posługę duszpasterską na tym obszarze. Celem badań było poznanie nastrojów społecznych i postaw duchownych dotyczących kryzysu migracyjnego w 2021 r. Wnioskować można, że księża z parafii w rejonie przygranicznym są bardziej skłonni myśleć o wspólnocie w kategoriach narodowościowych niż ewangelicznych, co zapewne wynika z doświadczeń historycznych Polski z Rosją i Związkiem Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich (ZSRR), uratą niepodległości i zależnością od władzy komunistycznej rządzącej z Moskwy.
This publication is a result of interviews carried out at the end of November-beginning of December 2021 in the areas along the border between Poland and Belarus with Roman Catholic priests providing pastoral ministry in that area. The aim of the interviews was to gain insight into the social moods and attitudes of the clergy with respect to the migration crisis in the year 2021. It may be guessed that the priests from the borderland parishes are more prone to thinking about the community in national rather than evangelical categories, which most probably is an outcome of the historical experiences of Poland with Russia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the loss of independence and subordination to the communist authorities in Moscow.
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