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Perspektywy Kultury
vol. 30
issue 3
Mavi Sürgün [Błękitne wygnanie] Halikarnasa Balıkçısı to książka wspo­mnieniowa wydana w 1961 roku, a opisująca wydarzenia z lat 1920–1947. Jej hybrydyczna forma zawiera elementy autobiograficzne i reportażowe, moty­wem przewodnim są próby wprowadzenia Morza Śródziemnego do literatury tureckiej, a samej literatury tureckiej w krąg cywilizacji śródziemnomorskiej. Artykuł wyjaśnia fenomen tak późnego „odkrywania” Morza Śródziemnego dla literatury tureckiej i przedstawia Halikarnasa Balıkçısı, Rybaka z Hali­karnasu (prawdziwe nazwisko to Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı), jako człowieka zaangażowanego w literacką, turystyczną i kulturową promocję Morza Śród­ziemnego wśród swoich rodaków.
Mavi Sürgün [Blue Exile] by Halikarnas Balıkçısı is a memoir published in 1961, describing the events of 1920–1947. Its hybrid form contains elements of autobiography and reportage, and the leitmotif is an attempt to introduce the Mediterranean Sea into Turkish literature, and introduce Turkish litera­ture itself into the circle of Mediterranean civilization. The article explains the phenomenon of such a late “discovery” of the Mediterranean Sea for Turkish literature and presents Halikarnas Balıkçısı, the Fisherman of Halicarnassus (his real name is Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı), as a person engaged in the literary, touristic, and cultural promotion of the Mediterranean Sea among Turks.
Perspektywy Kultury
vol. 30
issue 3
Hikmet Afif Mapolar (1919–1989) to tureckocypryjski pisarz i publicysta, bardzo zasłużony dla rozwoju tureckojęzycznej prozy, publicystyki i prasy na Cyprze. Całe życie związany ze swoim ojczystym krajem, a szczegól­nie z miejscem urodzenia (miasto portowe Kyrenia nad Morzem Śródziem­nym), w swojej twórczości na miejsce akcji najczęściej wybierał nadmorskie miejscowości okolic Kyrenii, a na bohaterów swoich utworów – mieszkańców tego rejonu: wieśniaków i rybaków. Przedmiotem opisu w tym artykule jest opowiadanie Mapolara Ahtapot Avı (Polowanie na ośmiornice) z roku 1943, a więc z okresu kolonialnego. Typowa dla tego pisarza realistyczna metoda opisu połączona z wartką, dramatyczną akcją sprawia, że fabuła przynosi na myśl scenę z dramatu filmowego z morzem w roli głównej. Wiele elemen­tów fabuły Polowania na ośmiornice nasuwa skojarzenia z nowelą Stary czło­wiek i morze E. Hemingwaya, co pozwala sformułować uniwersalną prawdę, że ludzie morza mają podobne pragnienia i podobny los bez względu na to, gdzie żyją, oraz że „ich” morze nie jest miejscem peryferyjnym, a centralnym. Dla mieszkańców regionu nadmorskiego morze to ich centrum świata, cen­trum życia, sens życia i determinant ich losów.
Hikmet Afif Mapolar (1919–1989) was a Turkish Cypriot writer and journal­ist who contributed immensely to the development of Turkish-language prose, journalism, and the press in Cyprus. Tied to his native country all his life, and especially to his place of birth (the port city of Kyrenia on the Mediterranean Sea), he set most of his stories in coastal towns in the vicinity of Kyrenia, and his characters are inhabitants of this region: villagers and fishermen. This arti­cle discusses a short story by Mapolar, Ahtapot Avı [The Octopus Hunt], pub­lished in 1943, i.e., during the colonial period. The realism of the descriptions, which is typical of this writer, combined with the fast-paced and engrossing storytelling bring to mind scenes from a movie drama where the sea plays the lead role. Many plot elements in The Octopus Hunt evoke associations with Hemingway’s short story, The Old Man and the Sea, which leads me to formu­late a universal truth that sea people have similar desires and a similar fate no matter where they live, and that “their” sea is not a peripheral place, but a cen­tral one. For the inhabitants of the coastal region, the sea is the center of their world, the center of life, the meaning of life, and the determinant of fate.
W 2015 r. artystka wizualna Amel Alzakout uciekła z Syrii do Niemiec trasą prowadzącą przez Morze Śródziemne. Pół godziny po wypłynięciu łódka, na której znajdowało się 315 osób, zatonęła. Rozbitkowie spędzili 4 godziny w wodzie, a Alzakout, wyposażona w małą wodoszczelną kamerę (którą wcześniej zdążyła przypiąć sobie do nadgarstka), nagrała to, co działo się pod jej powierzchnią. Z nagrań tych powstał film dokumentalny zatytułowany Purpurowe morze (Purple Sea, 2020). Artykuł jest próbą uchwycenia jego wyjątkowości, również na tle innych dokumentów o podobnej tematyce, która przejawia się głównie w prezentowanym przez niego spojrzeniu. Spojrzenie to można byłoby określić mianem nieantropocentrycznego i nieeuropocentrycznego. Analizując dokument w tym kontekście autorka proponuje, by odczytywać go jako obraz będący efektem szczególnego ujęcia rzeczywistości, które nazywa ujęciem z wnętrza rzeczy.
In 2015, visual artist Amel Alzakout fled from Syria to Germany across the Mediterranean Sea. Half an hour after departure, the boat, carrying 315 people, sank. The survivors spent four hours in the water, and Alzakout, equipped with a small waterproof camera (which she had clipped to her wrist), recorded what was happening under the surface. These recordings were used to make the documentary film titled Purple Sea (2020). This article is an attempt to capture its uniqueness, also against the backdrop of other documentaries with similar themes, which manifests itself mainly in the gaze it presents. This gaze could be described as non-anthropocentric and non-Europocentric. Analysing the document in this context, the author suggests that it should be read as an image which is the effect of a particular approach to reality, which she calls an approach from the inside of things.
Balkan Wars 1912-1913 were a milestone event in the history of the Balkans. They ending, started in 1878, process of expulsion of Turkey from its European possessions, and creating the possibility of realizing popular in this part of Europe slogan “The Balkans for the Balkan nations”. It should be noted that taking on the Balkan Peninsula events were with attention watched by the European great powers, because this part of Europe they are treated as a region of special economic and politic-military interest. This situation was dictated primarily by dynamic industrialization of Europe, which already in the middle of the nineteenth century led to the exacerbation of the struggle for access to the raw materials and especially to sales markets. In the context of the Balkans the essential importance had the rivalry between Austria-Hungary, which was seeking a safe and comfortable way to the port of Thessaloniki, and Russia, which was striving to change the status of Bosporus and the Dardanelles, for ensure grain exports through the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It must be remembered that the Balkans and Turkey played an equally important role in the economic plans of other powers – Great Britain, France, and from the late nineteenth century also Italy and Germany. An equally important role played by political and military considerations. The entry of great powers in the so-called imperial era greatly influenced the intensification of the competition for the “undisputed leader” in Europe and the range of spheres of influence, and the crystallization of the opposing military-political blocks in the Europe, pay attention of politicians to those European countries, which was created the possibility of blocking the enemy actions and obtain tactical advantage. For obvious reasons, the Balkans have played in this rivalry special role. Although the imposition of all these factors complicated the situation on the Balkan Peninsula, the persistent tension between the great powers created Balkan states and nations the feasibility of their policy plans. Thus, in the era of the Balkan wars, they did not intend to follow the guidelines of European diplomacy, and taken by the great powers the efforts to save peace and acquisition of potential allies did not lead to the expected success, which clearly confirmed the events of WWI.
The problem of irregular migration to the European Union (EU) via the Mediterranean Sea is a phenomenon that has been with the European Community (EC) for many years. The migration crisis that began in 2014 has shown the entire international community that the challenge for the EU is not only uncontrolled migration but also what causes it. In the context of the EU’s close neighborhood with the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), the priority of EC members should be both to provide assistance to those in need and to effectively support the countries of the region facing internal problems, which in the near future can only increase this migration. The MENA region, home to more than 40 million migrants and 14 million internally displaced persons, has experienced numerous natural disasters, crises (man-made or currently caused by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic) and conflicts (some of the longest-running in the world). The aim of the article is to determine the causes of the migration crisis of 2014–2017 and to show the scale of irregular migration along with the results of scientific research. Particularly noteworthy in this respect is the identification of the importance of the Mediterranean Sea for migration and the determination of the EU’s response to the problem of uncontrolled migration by sea.
Problem nieregularnej migracji do Unii Europejskiej (UE) przez Morze Śródziemne to zjawisko, które towarzyszy Wspólnocie Europejskiej (WE) od wielu lat. Kryzys migracyjny, który rozpoczął się w 2014 r., ukazał całej społeczności międzynarodowej, iż wyzwaniem dla UE jest nie tylko niekontrolowana migracja, ale również to, co stanowi jej przyczynę. W związku z bliskim sąsiedztwem UE z regionem Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki Północnej (ang. Middle East and North Africa – MENA) priorytetem członków WE powinno być zarówno udzielanie pomocy osobom potrzebującym, jak i skuteczne wspieranie państw regionu, borykających się z problemami wewnętrznymi, które w niedalekiej przyszłości mogą tylko tę migrację nasilić. W regionie MENA, zamieszkałym przez ponad 40 mln migrantów i 14 mln wewnętrznych przesiedleńców, mają miejsce liczne klęski żywiołowe, kryzysy (spowodowane przez człowieka czy aktualnie wywołane skutkami pandemii COVID-19) oraz konflikty (są to jedne z najdłużej trwających na świecie). Celem artykułu jest określenie przyczyn kryzysu migracyjnego z lat 2014–2017 oraz ukazanie skali nieregularnej migracji wraz z wynikami prowadzonych badań naukowych. Na szczególną uwagę w tym zakresie zasługuje określenie znaczenia Morza Śródziemnego dla migracji oraz wskazanie odpowiedzi UE na problem niekontrolowanej migracji drogą morską.
Vox Patrum
vol. 50
L’articolo prende in esame il monachesimo latino maschile nel Mediterraneo perlustrando, per quanto concerne i secoli IV-VI, la legislazione ecclesiastica che di regione in regione ne ha regolato vita e modalita d’essere. Vengono analizzati gli atti conciliari del Mediterraneo latino che riguardano la vita religiosa maschile a cominciare dagli stessi inizi della legislazione ecclesiastica fino all’arrivo degli albori dell’Alto Medioevo. L’articolo esamina tutti i canoni concementi gli asceti che furono promulgati dalia Chiesa dell'Africa, della Gallia, della Penisola Iberica e delPItaha. I concili come tali manifestano molto bene la vita della Chiesa, rispecchiando i diversi probierni e le situazioni (spesso difficili) che influirono sulla promulgazione degli stessi canoni, fornendo, in tal modo, un prezioso quadro sia storico che, insieme, teologico-spirituale-giuridico. In seno ad esso, peró, molto importante parę sia quello che riguarda il monachesimo delle origini, dal momento che questo movimento carismatico-spirituale cosi importante per la vita della Chiesa nasce proprio in quel periodo e in esso trova le sue fondamenta giuridiche, che assicurarono il suo instancabile cammino verso la casa del Padre, insieme e a capo del popolo di Dio quale sua guida carismatico-spirituale. Vengono presentati i canoni riguardanti i monaci, e ció seguendo l’ordine cronologico della loro promulgazione. Viene presentata dapprima la legislazione africana, successivamente quella della Gallia e della Penisola Iberica. Pochissime, mycce, sono le leggi della Chiesa di Italia. E attraverso la lettura delle tematiche entrate nelle normative allora vigenti, e talvolta sensibili di differenze da luogo a luogo, che si comprendono probierni, usanze e dinamiche di un fenomeno il quale si e umilmente imposto nel tessuto della Chiesa e delle istituzioni. Ció testimonia pure quanto sia sembrato essere stato ritenuto importante il salvaguardame integrita e verita, e non solo il riconoscimento ufficiale.
The aim of the article is to show the role of the Balkans in the context of the tasks carried out by the diplomacy of the Turkish Republic in the interwar period. Turkish foreign policy was determined by the position of the state in the three regions - the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Balkans. The activity of the Turkish diplomacy in the Balkans should be divided into two phases covering the years 1923–1932 and 1932–1939. Many Turkish diplomatic initiatives met with a positive reaction in the Balkans. Turkey was an advocate of solutions based on negotiations, not on the arguments of force. On the other hand, the political successes in the Balkans did not substantially strengthen its position in other matters concerning Turkish security. Neither did Turkey increase the Turkish rank in the eyes of superpowers.
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