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This article focuses on the emigration/migration issue depicted in Polish literature written after the year 2000. The examples discussed prove that we aredealing with two variants in the depiction of emigrants’ experience. On the one hand, we can talk about a positive pattern where emigration is treated as an adventure, perceived as breaking free from the existing obligations and imposed rigours. On the other hand, one may find several negative patterns, in which emigration is a necessary evil. The author notices a clear gender difference in the presentation of the emigrant experience: male narratives tend to be more depressing, presenting the protagonists as degenerated and humiliated, while female authors drift towards “chick lit,” depicting their protagonists as developing professionally and emotionally.
This article aims to problematize the issue of corporeality in Joanna Bator’s novel Chmurdalia, whitch was written in 2010. The aim of the sketch is to discuss and conceptualize the approaches to corporeality presented in the novel and to take into account such an approach to the human body that would take into account its specific subjective character. It is also advisable to verify the theses about the fundamental role of corporeality in Bator’s novel and about the subjectivity of the body. The last point is directly related to the – extremely important for my deliberations – elements of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s concept. His theory seems to be especially valuable in the face of the phenomenon of “looking at the body”” that is taking place today. According to the philosopher, the uniqueness of corporeality manifests itself in the fact that the body is not limited only to what is seen, but is also what it watches. The text includes a reflection on the present Chmurdalia shots of corporeality related to the corporeality of the main character, Dominika Chmura, as well as the body of Dominika’s friend, Sara Jackson, and the hairdresser Tadeusz Kruk’s theme.
The article focuses on presenting identity problems of the main protagonists in Gaja Grzegorzewska’scrime novels. The problems concern personal, gender, and sexual identity. The characterswear various masks, hiding their true “selves”. The paper presents homosexuality, bisexuality, androgynyand the deconstruction of stereotypical female and male characteristics. Finally, the articleraises the problem of creating different masks and the constant identity changing among characters.
This article focuses on the relationship between Yanka Bryl and Poland, showing the influence of Polish classics on his literary legacy. Stories such as Orphan’s Bread by Yanka Bryl, Orphan’s Plight by Bolesław Prus and the novel Sisyphean Labours by Stefan Żeromski were subjected to comparative analysis. Prus concentrated on the fate of the orphan and his unequal struggle for a better tomorrow. Żeromski showed the image of the school in the Russian Congress Kingdom of Poland and the struggle of young people against Russification. J. Bryl, in his story, raised the topics of the orphanage and the struggle for linguistic, cultural and national identity.
Olga Tokarczuk’s novel E.E. apart from the fact that it is the story of a 15-year-old girl with mediumistic abilities and her family is also affacted by the issue of corporeality. Especially inspiring, valuable cognitively and imoprtant from a perspective of this article seem to be the corporeality presentation of two main characters – Erna Eltzner and her mother. This article containing an in-deph reflection on the issue of corporeality of Olga Tokarczuk’s novel. The aim of the work is to analyze and interpret showed by Tokarczuk images of corporeality related to psychic and personality domain of the main characters. The main thesis is the assumption that corporeality is essential for the novel about the fate of Erna Eltzner. The aim is to look and subject the interpretation of the presented by Tokarczuk depiction of corporeality, capturing its function, reflection on the cosequences of the used way of imagery as well as to analyze what is the connection between the corporeality of the main character and gaining by her identity and independence. The methodology adopted in the project is based on the elements of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s theory as well as the conception of somatopoetics by Anna Łebkowska. The essay’s author on the basis of somatopoetics theory brings us closer the functioning of the body as an interpretive category not just as a subject of literaturę, as well as using the tools created by somatopoetics examines various aspects of the manifestation of the category of corporeality in the novel.
This article refers to the way of space functionalization in the Polish literature of recent decades, being, in various manners, representation of experiences connected with the post-war resettlements of European population. The text demonstrates differences between phantasmatic spaces of Stefan Chwin and Paweł Huelle’s stories and heterotopic non-places in Inga Iwasiów and Joanna Bator’s novels.
Eustachy Rylski’s story – A Little Girl from the Hotel ‘Excelsior’ – can be read as an example of psychological prose with a distinctive existential outline – as a literary study of alienation, aging and gradual loss of con- nections with life. There is a temptation to see in it a work that, in a di- screet way, refers to the outstanding achievements of Polish prose (such as Iwaszkiewicz’s Tatarak) and world prose (such as Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice, Truman Capote’s Miriam and even some works of Edgar Allan Poe). The specific artistic character of Rylski’s work is based on the processing of various ideas linked with the illusion of the femme fatale (including the Young Poland idea of the women-animal), nymphet figures and the ‘odd child’ and introduce them into the caricatured scenery of the Polish People’s Republic. In this broad intertextual context, one can see in Inte – this ‘beautiful temptress’ but also an ordinary ‘little whore’ – something more than a literary manifestation of misogyny, a con- temporary crisis of masculinity or a battle of the sexes...
The article is a review of Dorota Siwor’s monography entitled Traces of Myth and Ritual On Contemporary Polish Prose (Tropy mitu i rytuału. O polskiej prozie współczesnej – nie tylko najnowszej). The affinities between literature and myth (and the ritual that is associated with myth) are analysed in this book from several perspectives – those of structure, theme, and function. Dorota Siwor’s interpretations generally focus on Polish prose composed in the second half of the twentieth century and the first several years of the twenty-first century (the literary works written by Andrzej Stasiuk, Olga Tokarczuk, Wilhelm Dichter, but also by Czesław Miłosz, Tadeusz Konwicki, Tadeusz Nowak and others). Essays included in this book are interpretative, but some of them also offer a systematic account. In this monograph, the main problem – the mythization strategy in prose – is explained as a type of search (search for order in the surrounding world, search for the origins and search for oneself). The analyses in mythical and ritualistic contexts highlight the interesting tendencies in prose but also show some kind of different topography (topography of mythization) and ritual of reading (not only private but also more universal).
Urban fantasy is attracting more attention from readers, but scientific papers about it still do not appear often enough. The aim of the present article is to specify where urban fantasy originates from, what its constitutive features are, and how this subgenre is changing the way the city is described. Genre similarities with crime fiction, a change in the city paradigm, and the influence of urban legends on urban fantasy are indicated. Moreover, the relationship between the heyday of urban fantasy and the spatial turn is outlined.
Fantastyka miejska cieszy się coraz większym zainteresowaniem czytelników, pozostając jednocześnie na marginesie badań naukowych. Artykuł miał na celu skonkretyzowanie, z czego wywodzi się fantastyka miejska oraz jakie są jej cechy konstytutywne, a także jak ten podgatunek wpływa na zmianę opisywania miasta. Wskazano na zbieżności gatunkowe z kryminałem, zmianę paradygmatu miasta, wpływ legend miejskich na urban fantasy. Nakreślono związek rozkwitu fantastyki miejskiej z obserwowanym od kilku dekad zwrotem przestrzennym.
The author analyses the novels by Marek Słyk using terms and concepts typical for modern literature. He shows relations between Gra o super-mózg, a detective story for teen readers, and other novels, which were much more experimental and avant-garde. Słyk tried to transform the ways of defining literature as an institution especially in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Poland. Political situation of that period involved completely different socially accepted approach to prose. His offer was radically innovative but not like Słyk’s predecessors. He pointed out that modern 20th-century world was marked with permanent ambiguity, so literature had no other way but to accept this fact.
Szkic stanowi próbę opisu powieści Marka Słyka przy użyciu pojęć charakterystycznych dla modernistycznego dyskursu literackiego. Autor za punkt wyjścia przyjmuje analizę powieści Gra o super-mózg, widzianej jako specyficzna realizacja konwencji powieści detektywistycznej. Następnie przygląda się modyfikacjom tej konwencji, dokonanym w pozostałych tekstach Słyka, i wynikającym stąd konsekwencjom dla rozumienia literackości i zadań powieści, a także dla procesów budowania znaczeń w rzeczywistości empirycznej. Przeobrażenia te ujęte zostają jako diagnoza określonego momentu kultury XX-wiecznej, charakteryzującego się nieokiełznaną wieloznacznością, odporną na próby totalizującego ujednoznacznienia.
The main subject of the article is a diverse image of the generation of World War I in Polish and Balkan literature. The two works which have been a subject of the comparative study are Badge of Loyal Service by Andrzej Strug and the novel Domobran Jambrek by Miroslaw Krleža (a part of Croatian God Mars). The author explains the principles and functions of pompous poetics of the description of war in the prose by Strug and in a completely different, ironic poetics of the stories by Krleža. Despite many similarities, the two works transmit different artistic and political ideologies. In the last part of the article, another point of reference to the subject of war is a novel by Serbian writer Miloš Crnjanski: Records of Czarnojevic. In the conclusion of her considerations, the author points to the diversity of contexts of tradition and draws attention to the importance of formative function of Polish Romanticism.
Głównym tematem artykułu jest zróżnicowanie obrazu pokolenia I wojny światowej w literaturze polskiej i bałkańskiej. Przedmiotem przeprowadzonej analizy porównawczej stały się dwa utwory: Odznaka za wierną służbę Andrzeja Struga oraz opowiadanie Ambrożek domobrońca (Domobran Jambrek) Miroslava Krležy z tomu Chorwacki bóg Mars. Autorka objaśnia zasady i funkcję patetycznej poetyki opisu wojny w prozie Struga oraz zupełnie odmiennej, ironicznej poetyki opowiadania Krležy. Mimo wielu podobieństw, oba utwory emitują odmienne ideologie artystyczne i polityczne. W zakończeniu artykułu kolejnym odniesieniem dla tematu wojennego jest powieść serbskiego pisarza, Miloša Crnjanskiego pt. Zapiski o Czarnojeviciu. W konkluzji rozważań autorka wskazuje na odmienność kontekstów tradycji i zwraca uwagę na formacyjne znaczenie polskiego romantyzmu.  
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
vol. 61
issue 3
The author of the article proposes the thesis that contemporary Polish literature, in many instances that include the prose and screenplays of Jakub Żulczyk, does not merely diagnose a particular moral condition of Polish society, but also generates it. Pierre F. Bourdieu’s term „symbolic violence” aptly describes this process, which involves the creation of negative or pathological behaviours. What is particularly dangerous is an increasing vulgarization of literary language, which proceeds according to the principle of the vicious circle: the author is initially inspired by the language of the street, which he subsequently enriches with new vulgar expressions. Those are, in turn, incorporated in the language. The impact of this kind of literature on the readers appears to be consistent with processes recognized by psychology such as priming, modelling, and developing scripts.  Although the article makes references to Jakub Żulczyk›s prose, the phenomena it describes are not restricted to Polish literature, but universal. What might interest foreign readers are the psychological consequences of reading popular novels which exhibit the features and tendencies on which the article focuses.
Autorka artykułu stawia śmiałą tezę, że współczesna literatura polska w wielu przypadkach (a na pewno w przypadku omawianej tu prozy i scenariuszy pisanych przez Jakuba Żulczyka) nie diagnozuje jedynie sytuacji obyczajowej, ale również stwarza pewne wzorce zachowania. Używając pojęcia „przemocy symbolicznej” (ukonstytuowanego przez Pierre’a-Félixa Bourdieu), twierdzi, że takie pisarstwo generuje również patologiczne i szkodliwe społecznie zachowania. Szczególnie niebezpiecznym moralnie zjawiskiem jest narastająca w literaturze wulgaryzacja języka. Jest to w istocie błędne koło: społeczeństwo podpowiada pewne wulgarne środki wyrazu; pisarz, nagminnie je stosując, daje przyzwolenie by właśnie tak, a nie inaczej wysławiać się i postępować. Uczenie się niewłaściwych zachowań zachodzi dzięki procesom, które psychologia nazywa torowaniem (ang. priming), modelowaniem i budowaniem skryptów (ang. scripts). Opisywane w artykule zjawiska, chociaż dotyczą przede wszystkim prozy polskiej, mają charakter uniwersalny. Zainteresowanie czytelnika z zagranicy mogą wzbudzić zwłaszcza psychologiczne konsekwencje odbioru literatury popularnej przejawiającej wymienione przez autorkę tendencje.
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