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The paper deals with the development of the historiography of the Polish minority in Bohemia (since the establishment of Czechoslovakia to the present times). A broader, Polish-Czech context has been provided, including the research outcomes of Czech and Polish historiographies.
The paper presents selected aspects of the cultural influence of Czech emigra-tion on the intellectual life of the Republic of Poland in the second half of the 16th century and in the early 17th century. The first part discusses the history of the Rybiński family and their literary achievements. The second part is dedi-cated to Jan Łasicki and to his version of the history of the Czech Brethren. Thus, the author of the paper attempts to show – using the examples of phe-nomena connected with the first and second wave of Czech emigration – how the presence of Czech emigrants influenced the Polish genological system of those times.
The situation of Zaolzie, a historical and geographical part of Cieszyn Silesia, is complicated. Despite the years of appurtenance to Czechia and Chechoslovakia there is still active Polish residence and both nations continue to share their history. In this article I intend to show the tense Polish-Czech relationship in Zaolzie presented in Dziennik. Zapiski bibliofila i dziejopisa 1963–1995 by Jerzy Pilch, a writer and essayist from Ustroń. This will be shown in the context of local memory and activist memory stressing the Polishness of the region. It will be possible to analyze how the ideological dimension of the identity is interwoven with an effort to bring about a narrative restoration of Zaolzie, divided by an arbitrary border.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie refleksji nad stanem współpracy religijnej we współczesnym świecie z komentarzem do realiów polsko-czeskich. Autor prezentuje stanowisko, w którym odnosi współpracę religijną do szerszego spektrum zjawisk związanych z relacjami między ludźmi oraz w odniesieniu do relacji z Bogiem poprzez wartości zaufania, partnerstwa, dialogu oraz znamion realizowanej współpracy ekumenicznej między Kościołami i Ludu Bożego.
The aim of the article is to present a reflection on the state of religious cooperation in the modern world with a commentary on the Polish-Czech realities. The author presents a position in which he relates religious cooperation to a broader spectrum of phenomena related to relationships between people and in relation to relationships with God through the values of trust, partnership, dialogue and the hallmarks of ecumenical cooperation between Churches and People of God.
The article is focused on the cooperation within the Euroregion Cieszyn Silesia. It is an interesting area for research because of the difficult history of the region, including military confrontations over territory of Cieszyn Silesia. Towns Cieszyn and Český Těšín (Czech Cieszyn) are divided by a border on the Olza River and still are a significant symbol of the region. The aim of the article is to analyse cross-border cooperation between Poland and Czech Republic in the Euroregion Cieszyn Silesia. First hypothesis of the article says that cooperation has been developing systematically since the accession of Poland and Czech Republic to the European Union and it is primarily based on the European Funds. It is also said that historical and cultural determinants have negative impact on the cooperation development. First and foremost, to verify hypotheses mentioned above, there have been used official data published by the administrators of the projects that were implemented in the Euroregion Cieszyn Silesia.
W artykule głębszej analizie została poddana współpraca w ramach Euroregionu Śląsk Cieszyński. Stanowi ona ciekawy obiekt badawczy ze względu na zaszłości historyczne – spory o tereny Śląska Cieszyńskiego. Znamiennym symbolem regionu są przedzielone granicą miasta Cieszyn i Czeski Cieszyn. Celem artykułu jest analiza współpracy transgranicznej między Polską a Republiką Czeską na terenie euroregionu. Przyjęto hipotezę, że rozwija się ona systematycznie po wstąpieniu Polski i Czech do Unii Europejskiej, a także, że rozwija się obecnie przede wszystkim dzięki funduszom pozyskiwanym z Unii Europejskiej. Założono także, że  uwarunkowania historyczne oraz kulturowe mają niekorzystny wpływ na rozwój współpracy. Do zweryfikowania hipotez wykorzystane zostały przede wszystkim dane urzędowe publikowane po zakończeniu projektów realizowanych przez Euroregion Śląsk Cieszyński.
Article presents the national attitudes of railway workers in the region mostly inhabited by Polish and German minority. Czechoslovak railway administration with the collaboration of nationalistic organizations (especially Matice osvěty lidové pro Těšínsko a Hlučínsko) tried to increase the number of Czech railway workers and demanded from them contribution to the czechization efforts. The administration used the policy of relocation and other means of pressure on workers of Polish and German nationality to convince them to support the Czech cause, especially by sending their children to Czech schools.
This review paper is an attempt of a general outline of the Czech history (for the whole Crown of Bohemia) from the perspective of Wroclaw, not of Prague, which is justified by the particular role of the Silesian city, which at that time rose to the role of the second to Prague capital of the state. The article is also an attempt to counter the axiology present in Czech historiography, which accentuates the Hussite period. Such “revolutionary” vision of the history of the state led to a peculiar anomaly – the royal power of Sigismund diminished almost entirely, like if the state of Bohemia ceased to be a monarchy. The present paper is also an attempt to bring back into the awareness of historians the Habsburg period in the Czech history (1438–1457), which was longer than the 13 years of the rule of king George of Podebrady (1458–1471), yet it disappears in the general view of the past. The result is the myth of Habsburg assumption of the throne of Bohemia in 1526, while it should be described as the return of the Austrian dynasty to this throne.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie stosunku polskiego piśmiennictwa okresu międzywojennego (publicystyki, historiografii) wobec roli Słowaków w dziele budowy I Republiki Czechosłowackiej oraz ich sytuacji we wspólnym z Czechami państwie. Zebrany materiał podzielono zasadniczo na trzy nurty: filowęgierski, filoczeski (filoczechosłowacki), filosłowacki, ale zwrócono także uwagę na zainteresowania Słowacją w ramach prowadzonych w II RP badań słowianoznawczych. Omawiane w niniejszym artykule prace starały się porównać położenie Słowaków pod panowaniem węgierskim oraz w czasach czechosłowackich, odpowiedzieć na pytanie o to czy istnieje naród czechosłowacki, w końcu wskazać, z kim państwo polskie powinno wiązać swoją przyszłość na arenie międzynarodowej (wspierać aspiracje Węgier do odzyskania Słowacji, ułożyć poprawne stosunki z Pragą, czy może wspierać narodowy ruch słowacki przeciwko Czechom).
The aim of this article is to show the attitude of Polish interwar literature (political commentary, historiography) towards the role of Slovaks in building the First Czechoslovak Republic and their situation in the state they shared with Czechs. The collected material has been divided into three categories: pro-Hungarian, pro-Czech (pro-Czechoslovak) and pro-Slovak, but the author also notes an interest in Slovakia related to the Slavic studies conducted during the Second Polish Republic. The works discussed in this article attempted to compare the Slovaks’ situation under the Hungarian rule and in Czechoslovakia; to answer the question whether the Czechoslovak nation existed; and to suggest to whom the Polish state should bind its future on the international arena (support Hungary’s aspirations to recover Slovakia, establish good relations with Prague, or support the Slovak nationalist movement against Czechs).
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