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: Recent research on reading situation in Poland indicates decreasing interest in books among adults. This tendency is also supposedly followed by changes in reading models as well as different ways of reader-text interactions. Since internauts are generally believed to be a non-reading community, an online questionnaire for Facebook users was prepared, a group which is quite easy to reach, to get a better insight into the situation. The research was carried out between April 23rd and May 3rd 2011 on a group of 150 respondents. It focused on book reading and purchasing intensity, book choices, most commonly used book sources, reading traditional magazines, online magazines, e-books and using digital libraries. It was available in either Polish or English language version. A total of 138 respondents from Poland, USA, UK, Tunisia, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Mexico, South Korea and Switzerland took part, one origin unknown. Most of them (74,67%) were people between 17 and 35 years old, the eldest one being 77, the youngest 13. Out of 138 interviewees, 110 were women, over 76% lived in urban areas and declared their education level as higher (57,3%) or secondary (28,7%). The results proved surprisingly optimistic. Only 9 interviewees admitted that they had not read any books in the last 12 months, others read 0–2 or 3–5 books a month. Fantasy, suspense fiction and classical novels were the most popular among them. When asked about favourite titles, respondents listed mainly classics of world literature and popular bestsellers. Reviews as well as recommendations of family members or friends had the greatest influence on their reading choices. Almost 75% of survey participants bought books, usually once a month or once every few months, however, they preferred to borrow them from libraries or friends. Almost half of Polish respondents read e-books and online magazines, although they avoided using digital libraries. They also read traditional print magazines, especially political and social ones, women and popular science magazines. As the results show, reading still remains one of the most popular forms of spending free time for both interviewed Facebook users and other members of their communities. Books are also a popular subject of their conversations and discussions in both real and virtual space.
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Dlaczego Polacy nie czytają gazet?

Answering the question embodied in this article it could be stated that Poles aversion to newspapers is due to a number of causes. Firstly, it is a historically-conditioned problem emanating not only from the loathing for newspapers fulfilling propaganda functions,but also in connection with the dismantling of the tolerably efficient system of press distribution as well as the propagation of the press developed in the era of the People’s Republic of Poland. It is also expedient to acknowledge as historical the demonopolization process of the Polish press market, which instigated the audience to various reading experiments that usually resulted in relinquishing reading of the daily press. Extreme commercialization of the press market and the introduction of such products as advertisement and free newspapers undermined the survival of the information and journalistic press. Originally, the destabilization of this market caused press competitions and later on various gadgets. The newspaper, more and more to a less extent a medium of communications and a cultural good, became a simple market product promoted by the same methods as in the instances of soap, mayonnaise or washing powder. If we should add to this the incessant pursuit of advertisement and the neglect of editorial content, then there will emerge a group of subsequent factors that will effectively alienate Poles from the daily press. The future survival of printed newspapers will certainly be challenged by computer users. The young polish generation currently rarely fall back on classical printed matter, seeking all information, above all, on the net. What results this will yield will be seen in the near future.
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Od redakcji

The paper analyses the ways in which the terms processes and strategies are defined within literature reporting verbal protocols on reading. The main argument presented concerns the fact that distinguishing between the two terms in not always based on the same criteria.
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Hypertextualités décadentes

This article aims at demonstrating the double hypothesis that hypertextuality both constitutes the essence of the end of the century’s literature and explains the negative term of « decadence » used to describe the literary production of the 1880–1900’s. Reading the two founding texts of the decadence, Huysmans’ A rebours (1884) and Les Déliquescences, poèmes décadents d’Adoré Floupette (1885), one can draw some of the major consequences of these practices of rewriting. They mark the end of a mimetic regime of literature defended by the Classics and the Realists, in which the aim is to represent the world, and substitute a new form of creation based on the texts only. They destroy in the same way the claim of originality praised to the skies by the Romantics. Those rewrites also contribute to the setting of new reading strategies that demand culture and erudition. Literature is affected by the rewritings of which she is constantly the object and which sometimes take the appearance of mystifications more or less melancholic. The use of hypertextuality both threatens and enchants literature.
The reading practices of women, mediated by a prison library in Portugal, constituted an interesting case study. In Santa Cruz do Bispo prison, female prisoners were increasingly aged and excluded from social groups, less literate, and educated. Many were first-time library users and some were beginning readers. This research aimed to understand their reading practices and preferences, their self-assigned meanings, and the roles of reading in prison. Having become aware that industrial literature romance novels were the most requested items, a critical comparative analysis of the three most requested titles was contrasted with readers’ favorite passages to foster a deeper understanding of their preferences and sustain an integrated analysis. Furthermore, a consensualized definition of a “good read” is presented. The results from ethnography and interviews to readers and staff are analyzed taking into account class, gender, ethnicity, age, occupation, and education of the detainees. Conclusions address the fact that although the prison’s educational service and imprisonment conditions propitiated an increase in reading generally, the library was oriented by educational targets and irresponsive to certain demands expressed by readers. Secondly, women readers were using the available top-selling romance novels to sustain their introspective and prospective work, while reckoning with their past and planning for their future. In addition to this reflexive stance, escapist entertainment and knowledge building were important reading purposes.
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Od redakcji

Artykuł poddaje rozważaniom dwa rodzaje badań czytelnictwa w Polsce: ilościowe, przeprowadzane przez Bibliotekę Narodową, oraz jakościowe, zrealizowane przez pracowników naukowych Wydziału Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego na zlecenie Fundacji Centrum Cyfrowe. Nie są analizowane ich wyniki. Interesujące są metody i cele tych badań w kontekście filozoficznym – w kierunku wybranych metateorii, dzięki którym są możliwe. Podjęto próbę wskazania i krótkiego opisania niektórych paradygmatów nauk społecznych, które stoją za różniącymi się od siebie pod każdym względem projektami badawczymi podejmującymi odmiennie ten sam temat – czytelnictwo.
The article deals with two types of reading research in Poland: quantitative, carried out by the National Library, and qualitative, made by the academic staff of the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Bibliology of the University of Warsaw, commissioned by the Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation. Their results are not analyzed. Interesting are the methods and goals of these research in a philosophical context – in the context of selected metatheses. An attempt is made here to indicate and briefly describe some of the paradigms of social sciences, which stand behind these research projects being different from each other in every aspect, but, however, regarding the same topic – reading.
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O lekturze uniwersyteckiej

Artykuł omawia problem lektury uniwersyteckiej oraz pracy z tekstem, które mają podstawowe znaczenie w kształceniu uniwersyteckim. Chodzi bowiem nie tylko o rozumienie i znajomość tekstów kluczowych dla naszej cywilizacji, lecz także o zdolność do uczestniczenia w kulturze i tradycji poprzez tekst, o większe zaangażowanie w sprawy społeczne i kształtowanie postaw obywatelskich, które rozwija mądra lektura. Wychodząc z założenia, że literatura jest ważnym elementem kultury oraz wpływa na tworzące się w naszym kręgu cywilizacyjnym kody kulturowe, Autorka formułuje zalecenia do pracy z tekstem literackim na poziomie uniwersyteckim oraz postuluje wprowadzenie ogólnych kursów literackich na wszystkich szczeblach i kierunkach kształcenia uniwersyteckiego.
This paper addresses the issue of teaching literature and reading comprehension at a university level. The underlying assumption is that the knowledge of certain literary works is crucial in modern higher education since it translates into larger civic engagement. Furthermore, a thorough knowledge of texts of enduring significance has far-fetched implications for those who want to participate in modern culture. The paper examines the importance of reading and puts forward some suggestions and ideas for teaching a non-specialist university literary course.
Journal of Pedagogy
vol. 1
issue 2
Writing is often considered secondary to the spoken language, as it is only coded sound-by-sound. But other scholars have demonstrated that writing is similar to ‘arithmetic’: a cognitive structuring, a shift to the meta-level (‘for the eye’). Handwriting (referred to here as the cursive writing in the sense of joined up handwriting, of ‘écriture liée’) differs from writing (in the first analysis): it has its own grammar composed of paradigmatic gestemes and tracemes and its own syntagmatic rules that connect them. In emotional terms, handwriting is designed to provide a special pleasure by its own drive (instinct, ‘Trieb’). But there is also cognitive aspect to it: the rapidity and fluidity of a cursive writing could be (in professional writing, for instance) more important (at the climax of the creative process) than it being legible for all eternity. The project of the new handwriting reform for Czech schools, abolishing the liaison between letters, is shown to be a modern and technically simplified form of calligraphy.
Artykuł dotyczy zagadnienia promocji czytelnictwa w Internecie. Przedstawione w nim przykłady kampanii i akcji ogólnopolskich, szkolnych oraz klasowych, blogów, vlogów i stron na Facebooku, organizowanych przez entuzjastów czytania, nauczycieli, bibliotekarzy czy rodziców, mają za zadanie z jednej strony wykazać, że Internet w ogromnym stopniu przyczynia się do popularyzowania czytelnictwa wśród dzieci i młodzieży, z drugiej zaś zainspirować nauczycieli do wykorzystywania tego medium w procesie edukacji polonistycznej.
This article deals with the issue of the promotion of reading on the Internet. The examples of nationwide, school and class campaigns and actions, blogs, vlogs and Facebook pages – organized by reading enthusiasts, teachers, librarians and parents – are presented here, showing, on the one hand, that the Internet contributes greatly to the promotion of reading among children and youth; on the other – to inspire teachers to use this medium in the process of Polish language education.
W artykule dokonano analizy autorskiego cyklu lekcji bibliotecznych „Różne oblicza literatury młodzieżowej” dla uczniów klas IV–VIII szkoły podstawo-wej oraz klas gimnazjalnych. Na cykl zajęć prowadzonych w Miejsko-Powiatowej Bi-bliotece Publicznej w Pszczynie składają się lekcje dotyczące powieści dla młodzieży, literatury fantasy oraz horrorów. Omówiono metody i formy pracy zastosowane w celu zapoznania uczniów z poszczególnymi gatunkami literackimi, prace praktycz-ne wykonywane w czasie zajęć oraz notatki z lekcji. Zaprezentowano działania, które mogą zwiększyć zainteresowanie młodych użytkowników książką, oraz wskazano na korelacje między zainteresowaniami czytelników a zakupami dokumentów przez dział gromadzenia zbiorów.
The aim of the article is to analyze the methods utilized in the authorial cycle of library lessons “Different faces of teen fiction,” conducted for the 4th–8thgrade students as well as secondary school students at the Municipal and County Public Library in Pszczyna. The cycle comprises lessons concerned with teen fiction, fantasy and horror. The analysis includes the methods utilized during the lessons to familiarize the students with literary genres, practical exercises implemented in class and notes from class. The study is predominantly aimed at presenting effective and interesting methods of engaging the young reader audience that foster interest in reading and indicating the correlations occurring while acquiring library collections following the course.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie zjawiska oporu jako kategorii poznawczej w szkolnej edukacji polonistycznej oraz zaakcentowanie niebagatelnego znaczenia nowoczesnych technologii cyfrowych i medialnych w zwalczaniu narastającej niechęci uczniów do czytania lektur szkolnych. Należy zauważyć, że współczesne media mogą mieć pozytywny wpływ nie tylko na zwiększenie poziomu atrakcyjności zajęć szkolnych, ale przede wszystkim na efektywniejszy rozwój intelektualny ucznia oraz kształtowanie jego zainteresowań czytelniczych. Tekst stanowi ponadto próbę charakterystyki przyczyn, skutków oraz sposobów ujawniania się oporu w obszarze edukacyjnym. W prowadzonych badaniach opór potraktowano jako kategorię interdyscyplinarną, dlatego zjawisko to jest opisywane z perspektywy różnych dziedzin nauki: psychologii, socjologii oraz filozofii.
The purpose of the paper is to present the phenomenon of resistance as a cognitive category of teaching the Polish language at schools as well as to emphasize the importance of modern digital and media technologies to eradicate the growth of students’ resistance against obligatory reading list. It is important to notice that contemporary media may not only have a positive influence on the growth of lesson attractiveness but also on more effective intellectual student development and development of his/her reading interests. The article is also the attempt to characterize the causes, effects and measures of exposing the resistance in educational area. In scientific research, resistance is treated as an interdisciplinary category, thus, the phenomenon is described from the perspective of different scientific fields: psychology, sociology and philosophy.
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Odbiór komunikatów z Internetu i druku

The validation of communication processes requires cross-verified semiotic and psychological analyses. The evaluation of future coexistence of digital and written communication is highly speculative. The writing derives from the speech and its linearity facilitates deep and abstract processing of the content received. The dynamic, simultaneous and polisemiotic language of Internet, HTML, is homologically complex and its transmissions are based on links and lexias. These languages are different and the text printed is not the same writing viewed on the screen – it is faster and on a deeper level as the recipient is more concentrated and intellectually activated. The human brain reacts to various signals in a different manner, although it integrates all content received and relates it to the content received earlier. The most long-lasting content stored in the long-term memory comes from deep, unhasty reading of written texts – this is the basic condition for successful learning and memorizing. The final effect is that of internalized knowledge and creative mental processes, with the creativity of the latter related not only to the content received but also to the form and semiotics of the communication. Wildly fluctuating social context and evolution of communication technologies, including miniaturization, makes trends foretelling a highly speculative task. However, one may expect gradual task-oriented specialization of various communication forms and their growing coexistence based on this specialization.
Ustalenie prawidłowości przebiegu procesów komunikacji wymaga analiz semiotycznych i psychologicznych, weryfikowanych w sposób krzyżowy. Współistnienie komunikacji digitalnej i piśmienniczej, obecnie ewidentne, w perspektywie przyszłości jest oceniane różnie, ale w sposób spekulatywny. Pismo wywodzi się z naturalnego języka mowy, czyli jest linearne w płaszczyźnie, co ułatwia pogłębione i abstrakcyjne przetwarzanie treści odebranych. Język Internetu, HTML – dynamiczny, symultaniczny i wielosemiotyczny - jest złożony homologicznie, a transmisje opiera na linkach i leksjach. To odmienne języki i nawet pismo nie jest na ekranie tym samym, co w druku. Procesy odbioru pisma z druku przebiegają inaczej, niż z monitora: są pogłębione i trwają krócej. Decyduje znacznie większa koncentracja i aktywizacja intelektualna. Mózg inaczej reaguje na różne sygnały, jakkolwiek zachodzi też finalne scalanie przejętych treści, odnoszonych następnie do treści już wcześniej przyswojonych. Ale na dłużej przechowują się tylko treści przetworzone do pamięci długotrwałej, a najtrwalej – te, które pochodzą z pogłębionego czytania tekstów pisemnych, nie nadmiernie szybkiego: taki jest warunek uczenia się i zapamiętywania. Ostateczny efekt to zinternalizowana wiedza oraz kreatywne procesy mentalne. To zaś, czy są kreatywne, czy tylko odtwórcze i bierne, pozostaje w relacji nie tylko z przejętą treścią, lecz także z formą komunikacji i jej semiotyką. Przy zmieniającym się kontekście społecznym i rozwoju komunikacyjnych technologii – w tym miniaturyzacji urządzeń – określanie tendencji przyszłościowych jest wysoce spekulatywne. Można jednak spodziewać się postępującej z czasem specjalizacji zadaniowej różnych form komunikacji oraz ich wzajemnej koegzystencji – na tej specjalizacji opartej.
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