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The first constitution of the Ottoman-Turkish Empire was adopted in 1876 – the Kânûn-ı Esâsî (Eng. Fundamental Law). In its history, Turkey has had four constitutions. They were adopted in 1921, 1924, 1961, and 1982, with the latter being presently in force. Nowadays, the creation of a new constitution is the main issue on Turkey’s political agenda. The government of Turkey and Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan want to amend the constitution, and envisage creating an executive presidential system (Tur. Başkanlık sistemi), similar to that of the Russian Federation and the United States. Critics are concerned about what Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s motivation may be. This article analyzes the historical roots of the constitution, its amendments, the presidential system in Turkey and the arguments of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) against the adoption of a presidential system. The key issues that the authors address are the changes that could be made under Turkey’s new constitution and whether all political power would be concentrated in president’s hands.
The article “Status of women in the Republic of Turkey” examines the issueof an ambiguous predicament of feminine part of the society in one of the European Union’s candidate countries. The objective of the article is to attempt to answer the following question: what are the reasons of social acceptance for violating women’s rights in Turkey? In order to examine the issue, this paper describes and compares legal status (past and present) concerning Turkish women and the instances of abusing their rights. Big contrast shown between them raises other questions. In the end all reflections lead to conclusion that patriarchal heritage and Kemalism’s inadvertences are the two main reasons responsible for current predicament of Turkish women. The whole article refers to the efforts of Turkey to become an EU member, as it plays a significant role there in the process of law modernisation. Artykuł bada zagadnienie, jakim jest niejednoznaczne położenie kobiet w jednym z krajów kandydujących do członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej – w Turcji. Rozważania będące treścią artykułu oscylują wokół pytania o przyczyny społecznej akceptacji dla łamania praw kobiet w tym państwie. By na nie odpowiedzieć, z jednej strony poruszona zostaje kwestia stanu prawnego (niegdysiejszego oraz obecnego), dotyczącego kwestii równouprawnienia, z drugiej zaś zostają opisane aktualne przypadki naruszeń praw kobiet. Duży kontrast pomiędzy tym, co państwo tureckie gwarantuje w różnego rodzaju aktach prawnych, a rzeczywistą trudną sytuacją, w jakiej znajdują się tamtejsze kobiety, prowokuje do stawiania kolejnych pytań. Ostatecznie, rozważania prowadzą do wniosku, iż to patriarchalne tradycje oraz ideologia kemalistyczna są dwiema głównymi przyczynami, które doprowadziły do obecnej - dość ambiwalentnej – sytuacji, w której tkwią dziś tureckie kobiety. W całym artykule pojawiają się liczne nawiązania do starań Turcji, by zostać członkiem Unii Europejskiej – jest to bowiem istotny powód, który od wielu lat wpływa na modernizację prawa w tym kraju
This paper aims to analyze the role of EU-Turkey relations in Turkish public debate since 2002, when the Justice and Development Party took power. The Republic of Turkey filed an application to accede to the European Economic Community (the predecessor of the European Union) in 1987; however, the accession negotiations proceeded extremely slowly until the entire process came to an impasse in 2018. Although currently Turkey and the European Union share many common problems (e.g. migration crisis, threat of terrorism, energy security), their cooperation is very limited and thus often ineffective. The author argues that recent developments in Turkey have been shaped by President Erdoğan’s anti-Western rhetoric and are dominated by domestic factors (i.e. inward oriented). In order to present Turkey’s attitudes towards the EU, the source analysis focused on identifying basic assumptions and objectives of Turkish foreign policy  The analysis revealed that here are three possible scenarios for future partnership between Turkey and the EU: optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic.
On October 17, 2017, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan paid an official visit to Warsaw upon the invitation of the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda. The main subject of the talks was political, economic and cultural cooperation. Issues of security were also addressed. President Erdoğan had last visited Warsaw during the NATO summit on July 8–9, 2016. During the meeting in October, the two presidents signed five bilateral agreements. This paper provides an analysis of the effects of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit and prospects regarding the development of friendly relations between Poland and Turkey from Ankara’s perspective. In the paper we applied the test analysis method, the historical method and the institutional and legal one. We pose a thesis that the aim of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit was to identify mutual relations in the economic, political and cultural dimension. According to the Turkish government, these relations are beneficial for both sides. What should be particularly important for Poland is the prospect of opening new cooperation opportunities in the economic sphere. Turkey, in turn, apart from defining the broad framework of business cooperation, is undoubtedly determined to find a partner which could be its ally in the European Union.
Mustafa Kemal was reformer and creator of the Republic of Turkey. The first president built a new Turkey, European and secular. He also wanted to create a model of a “new” Turkish woman modern and well educated. His private life was as interesting as political life. In his life were many women, some of them were controversial for example much younger wife Latife or mistress Fikriye (they should have religious marriage). Interesting figures were also adopted, mostly adult daughters, who were well educated, and they should give a good example to other Turkish women. To make the full image of women who had a big impact on the life of the Mustafa Kemal, it should also pay attention to his mother and sister.
Мустафа Кемаль был реформатором и создателем Турецкой Республики. Первый президент построил новую Турцию – европейскую и светскую. Он также хотел создать модель «новой» турецкой женщины – современной и хорошо образованной. Его личная жизнь была такой же интересной, как и политическая. В его жизни было много женщин, некоторые из них были противоречивы, например, гораздо младшая жена Латифе или любовница Фикрие (у них должен был быть религиозный брак). Интересными представляются также другие персоны – это, в основном взрослые дочери, которые были хорошо образованы, и они должны подавать хороший пример другим турецким женщинам. Чтобы составить полное представление о женщинах, оказавших большое влияние на жизнь Мустафы Кемаля, следует также обратить внимание на его мать и сестру.
The integration process consists of European standards introduction in the education, science and technology, distribution of cultural, scientific and technical achievements in the European Community. Educational concept of consolidating the European educational community is creating European Higher Education, which is based on the principles of democracy and independence of universities, their academic and research autonomy, activation of the student’s and teacher’s mobility, preparing young people for active life in a democratic society and creating conditions for their professional career and personal development. The article deals with the preconditions of the European integration process, the stages of the Bologna process and it describes the contents of the main document of each stage. It was found out that after the signing of the Bologna Declaration a new phase of reform of the European higher education began, which presented a number of conferences and meetings. The author analyzes the key issues that were discussed at the conference. It is established that in the Bologna process and the integration of higher education in the European educational space in recent years, more attention is paid to the study of features of pedagogical education in developed countries. In this regard, some aspects of education system reforms in Turkey were defined, which has become a part of the Bologna process in 2001. In particular, we note that at the beginning of the XXI century Turkey tends to increase quality education that leads to some success in the cultural development of the country. The educational system of the country is in the search for an optimal fit between established tradition of Turkish higher education and the new challenges that are associated with the entry of the country into the world educational space. It is noted that to the aims of the higher education reform in Turkey belong: the development of undergraduate and master’s programs, increasing the number of double graduate, promoting the student’s and teacher’s mobility, the formation of a clear system of credits and the development of science and technology.
Pour la réforme de la justice ottomane: Count Leon Walerian Ostroróg (1867–1932) and his activities in the final decades of the Ottoman Empire Following the final partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795 the Ottoman Empire became one of the chief destinations for the Polish political émigrés. Poles fled to Istanbul hoping for Ottoman support in their efforts to regain independence. Their participation in the Ottoman public sphere was not limited to the activities aimed at the restoration of an independent Poland; rather, Polish émigrés also played an active role in the enterprise of modernization of the Ottoman state since the era of the Tanzimat reforms (1839–1876). While one can say that the intensity of the Polish participation in the Ottoman public sphere decreased substantially after the Ottoman defeat in the war against Russia (1877 –1878) and during the reign of Sultan Abdülhamid II (r. 1876–1909), the subsequent 1908 Young Turk Revolution and the coming to power of the Committee of Union and Progress (İttihat ve Terakki Fırkası) was a watershed event that attracted some Polish émigrés from France to come to the Ottoman Empire.This paper focuses on the work of Count Leon Ostroróg (1867–1932), who came to prominence as a legal adviser to the Ottoman Ministry of Justice in the Second Constitutional Period (1908–1918). He played an important role in the reform projects of the Ottoman legal system. Meanwhile, he was actively engaged in the life of the Istanbul’s Polish, French and Levantine communities. By focusing on his major works this paper discusses Ostroróg’s views on the late Ottoman Empire and his stance towards the transformation of the multicultural and multiethnic Ottoman Empire into the nation-state of the Republic of Turkey in the aftermath of the WWI and towards a number of far-reaching reforms that characterized that period. Pour la réforme de la justice ottomane: Hrabia Leon Walerian Ostroróg (1867–1932) i jego działalność w późnym Imperium Osmańskim Po ostatnim rozbiorze Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodów w 1795 roku Imperium Osmańskie było jednym z najważniejszych kierunków, jakie obrała polska emigracja polityczna. Polacy przyjeżdżali nad Bosfor mając nadzieję na osmańskie wsparcie w próbach odbudowania niepodległego państwa polskiego. Aktywność Polaków w Porcie Osmańskiej nie ograniczała się jednak wyłącznie do planowania przyszłych powstań przeciwko zaborcom. Emigranci odegrali znaczącą rolę w przygotowaniu reform mających na celu reorganizację Imperium Osmańskiego poczynając od okresu Tanzimatu (1839–1876). Choć działalność polskiej emigracji zmalała po przegranej Imperium Osmańskiego w wojnie przeciwko Rosji (1877–1878) i podczas panowania Sułtana Abdülhamida II (na tronie od 1876 do 1909), rewolucja młodoturecka w 1908 roku i dojście do władzy Komitetu Jedności i Postępu (İttihat ve Terakki Fırkası) były przełomowymi wydarzeniami, które stały się impulsem dla polskich emigrantów urodzonych we Francji do przybycia do Państwa Osmańskiego.Tematem tego artykułu jest działalność Hrabiego Leona Ostroroga (1867–1932), który w okresie młodotureckim (1908–1918) zasłynął jako doradca prawny w osmańskim Ministerstwie Sprawiedliwości. Ostroróg odegrał znaczącą rolę w przygotowaniu projektów reform osmańskiego systemu prawnego. Równocześnie był on również aktywnie zaangażowany w życie polskiej, osmańskiej oraz lewantyńskiej społeczności Stambułu. Koncentrując się na najważniejszych pracach opublikowanych przez Ostroroga, artykuł poddaje pod dyskusję poglądy Ostroroga na sytuację Imperium Osmańskiego w ostatnich latach jego istnienia oraz na zmiany zachodzące w wyniku I wojny światowej, kiedy to wielokulturowe i wieloetniczne imperium przeobraziło się w Republikę Turcji.
Artykuł bada zagadnienie, jakim jest niejednoznaczne położenie kobiet w jednym z krajów kandydujących do członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej – w Turcji. Rozważania będące treścią artykułu oscylują wokół pytania o przyczyny społecznej akceptacji dla łamania praw kobiet w tym państwie. By na nie odpowiedzieć, z jednej strony poruszona zostaje kwestia stanu prawnego (niegdysiejszego oraz obecnego), dotyczącego kwestii równouprawnienia, z drugiej zaś zostają opisane aktualne przypadki naruszeń praw kobiet. Duży kontrast pomiędzy tym, co państwo tureckie gwarantuje w różnego rodzaju aktach prawnych, a rzeczywistą trudną sytuacją, w jakiej znajdują się tamtejsze kobiety, prowokuje do stawiania kolejnych pytań. Ostatecznie, rozważania prowadzą do wniosku, iż to patriarchalne tradycje oraz ideologia kemalistyczna są dwiema głównymi przyczynami, które doprowadziły do obecnej - dość ambiwalentnej – sytuacji, w której tkwią dziś tureckie kobiety. W całym artykule pojawiają się liczne nawiązania do starań Turcji, by zostać członkiem Unii Europejskiej – jest to bowiem istotny powód, który od wielu lat wpływa na modernizację prawa w tym kraju.
The article “Status of women in the Republic of Turkey” examines the issueof an ambiguous predicament of feminine part of the society in one of the European Union’s candidate countries. The objective of the article is to attempt to answer the following question: what are the reasons of social acceptance for violating women’s rights in Turkey? In order to examine the issue, this paper describes and compares legal status (past and present) concerning Turkish women and the instances of abusing their rights. Big contrast shown between them raises other questions. In the end all eflections lead to conclusion that patriarchal heritage and Kemalism’s inadvertences are the two main reasons responsible for current predicament of Turkish women. The whole article refers to the efforts of Turkey to become an EU member, as it plays a significant role there in the process of law modernisation.
The aim of the article is to show the role of the Balkans in the context of the tasks carried out by the diplomacy of the Turkish Republic in the interwar period. Turkish foreign policy was determined by the position of the state in the three regions - the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Balkans. The activity of the Turkish diplomacy in the Balkans should be divided into two phases covering the years 1923–1932 and 1932–1939. Many Turkish diplomatic initiatives met with a positive reaction in the Balkans. Turkey was an advocate of solutions based on negotiations, not on the arguments of force. On the other hand, the political successes in the Balkans did not substantially strengthen its position in other matters concerning Turkish security. Neither did Turkey increase the Turkish rank in the eyes of superpowers.
Научная цель этой статьи - проанализировать и оценить действия, предпринятые ведущими политиками Турции в отношении западно-балканских государств (т. е. Албании, Боснии и Герцеговины, Косово, Черногории, Северной Македонии и Сербии) во время пандемии COVID-19. С тех пор как в 2002 году к власти пришла Партия справедливости и развития, Турция пыталась усилить свое международное влияние с помощью дипломатических, экономических и культурных мер. Регион Западных Балкан, с которым турки имеют исторические и этнические связи, является одним из ключевых направлений доктрины ПСР. Принимая теорию имиджа в международных отношениях в качестве теоретической основы, это исследование изучает реализацию внешней политики Турции на Западных Балканах во время пандемии коронавируса SARS-CoV-2. Используя доступные оригинальные турецкие источники (академические публикации, публичные отчеты, пресс-релизы), были определены основные цели политической стратегии Турции в отношении региона. Детальный анализ официальных заявлений и выступлений турецких политиков также имел основополагающее значение для данного исследования. В этом контексте были определены ценности и символы, на которые ссылается правительство ПСР в своей деятельности на Западных Балканах. Основанное на контент-анализе, сравнительном анализе и анализе политического дискурса, это исследование призвано объяснить причины действий Турции в последние месяцы. В заключение были представлены и обсуждены будущие перспективы участия Турции в делах на Западных Балканах.
The scientific aim of this paper is to analyse and evaluate actions taken by Turkey’s leading politicians with regard to the Western Balkan states (i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the Justice and Development Party came to power in 2002, Turkey has attempted to increase its international influence through diplomatic, economic and cultural measures. Western Balkans region, with which Turks have historical and ethnic ties, is one of the key areas in AKP’s doctrine. Adopting image theory in international relations as the theoretical foundation, this research examines implementation of Turkish foreign policy in the Western Balkans in times of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. By employing available original Turkish sources (academic publications, public reports, press releases), the main objectives of Turkey’s political strategy towards the region have been determined. Detailed analysis of official statements and speeches of Turkish policy-makers was also fundamental for this study. In this context, the values and symbols to which the AKP government refers in its activities in the Western Balkans have been identified. Based on content analysis, comparative analysis and political discourse analysis, this research seeks to explain the rationale of Turkish actions in recent months. As a conclusion, future prospects for Turkey’s involvement in the Western Balkans have been presented and discussed.
Morze Czarne oraz cieśniny czarnomorskie podczas II wojny światowej i zaraz po jej zakończeniu miały istotny wpływ na kształtowanie się relacji turecko-sowieckich. Już na początku wojny Moskwa starała się wymusić na Ankarze rewizję traktatu z Montreux. Naciski sowieckie uzależnione były od sytuacji wojennej, powróciły, gdy Alianci zaczęli zyskiwać przewagę w konflikcie. W 1945 roku Turcja, obawiając się braku poparcia w przypadku konfliktu ze Związkiem Radzieckim, gotowa była na ustępstwa, w następnym roku Moskwa coraz śmielej zaczęła w swoich notach domagać się rewizji traktatu z Montreux w taki sposób, aby o Cieśninach decydowały państwa czarnomorskie, a na straży bezpieczeństwa Bosforu i Dardanele stały Turcja i Związek Radziecki. Ankarę mogło w tym okresie uratować tylko wsparcie zachodnie – a w dłuższym kontekście wybuch zimnej wojny.
The Black Sea and the Black Sea Straits during World War II and immediately after its end had a huge impact on the formation of Turkish-Soviet relations. Already at the beginning of the war, Moscow tried to force Ankara to revise the Montreux Treaty. Soviet pressure depended on the war situation and resurfaced as the Allies began winning the war. In 1945, Turkey, fearing a lack of support in the event of a conflict with the Soviet Union, was ready to make concessions, and in the following year Moscow began to boldly demand a revision of the Montreux Treaty in its notes in such a way that the straits would be decided by the Black Sea states, and the security guards Turkey and the Soviet Union were to become the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. Ankara could only have been saved by Western support during this period - and in the longer context by the outbreak of the Cold War.
The article analyses the Angela Merkel government’s attitude towards far-reaching plans to rebuild the EU of the French president in three key areas: EU architecture, refugee issue and security policy and towards two non-EU players on the continent: Russia and Turkey. The article is trying to prove that the head of the German government, preferring the unity of the EU rather than integration, will looking for compromise with Macron, taking into account different from the French one positions of other EU countries, and will try to stop the wave of the refugees from Africa through agreements with African countries. Regarding the Turkish autocrat, to avoid provocation, A.Merkel will attempt pragmatic relations. Also regarding Russia, even though it poses a threat to the security of the EU, she will consider (as the requirement of the moment) to establish a network of lively relations with the Putin state.
Artykuł analizuje stanowisko rządu kanclerz Angeli Merkel wobec dalekosiężnych planów przebudowy UE francuskiego prezydenta w trzech kluczowych obszarach: unii gospodarczej i walutowej, kwestii uchodźczej i polityki bezpieczeństwa oraz wobec dwóch spoza UE graczy na kontynencie: Rosji i Turcji. Artykuł stara się udowodnić, że niemiecka szef rządu, preferująca jedność UE nad jej pogłębioną integrację, będzie szukała kompromisu z Emmanuelem Macronem, uwzględniając odmienne od francuskiego stanowiska innych państw unijnych i dążyła do zahamowania fali uchodźczej z Afryki na drodze porozumień z krajami afrykańskimi. Wobec autokraty tureckiego Berlin unikając prowokacji, będzie się starać o pragmatyczne relacje z Ankarą. Także wobec Rosji, pomimo, że ta stanowi ona zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa UE, za wymóg chwili uzna zawiązanie sieci ożywionych relacji z państwem Putina.
The article analyzes the Angela Merkel government's attitude towards far-reaching plans to rebuild the EU of the French president in three key areas: EU architecture, refugee issue and security policy and towards two non-EU players on the continent: Russia and Turkey. The article is trying to prove that the head of the German government, preferring the unity of the EU to integration, will look for compromise with Macron, taking into account different from the French one positions of other EU countries, and will seek to stop the wave of the refugees from Africa through agreements with African countries. Regarding the Turkish autocrat, to avoid provocation, she will attempt pragmatic relations with Ankara. Also regarding Russia, even though it poses a threat to the security of the EU, she will consider the requirement of the moment to establish a network of lively relations with the Putin state.
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