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issue 6
This paper examines Pan-Mongolism, a socio-cultural and political phenomenon negatively perceived from the outset. This notwithstanding, Pan-Mongolism occupied a special place in ethnic Buryatia. Its development was strongly influenced by the Buryat national movement in the early twentieth century that pursued national autonomy as its major goal. To a great extent the development of Pan-Mongolism was intensified by the foreign policy interests of Russia in Asia, particularly, in Tibet, and by the religious, diplomatic and public activity of Dalai Lama 13th mentor Agvan Dorzhiev, a proponent of a “great Buddhist confederation” that ensured positive attitude of the principal hierarch of Buddhism toward Russia. External factors that contributed to the emergence of the idea of national-cultural autonomy and “cultural Pan-Mongolism” in the period when various political groups and autonomist scenarios shaped played an important role in the evolution of Pan-Mongolism. All this led to the fact that “cultural Pan-Mongolism” became a catalyst of development of humanitarian knowledge, a basic element of the further construction of national state of the Mongols. In the process of discussion Pan-Mongolism went beyond the Buryat area and started to ripen as a Pan-Mongolian movement that gradually grew into Pan-Mongolist ideology.
The article is an analysis of an institution of tulku in Tibetan Buddhism examples by tradition of the incarnations of the Dalai Lamas. The purpose of the paper is to show the discussed topic in possible broadest context with its historical, political and cultural framework. The genesis the institution of tulku in Tibet will be described, as well as its mechanisms of actions. The way of choosing a heir within tradition will be analyzed along with its theoretical justification. Then, in the next part of the paper, the short history of the lineage of the Dalai Lamas in Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism will be presented including all possible relevant factors on this topic. As a conclusion, the author of the paper will try to answer a question about the reasons of such tremendous impact of the institution of the tulku exerted on the Tibetan society.
This article presents a contemporary Indian national pilgrimage called Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra, organized every year by the government in Delhi for about 650 Siva worshipers. The pilgrims go on an extremely difficult over-a-month pilgrimage to Mount Kailas in Tibet (China). It is a challenge for them, a dream come true and a socio-religious prestige. They obtain the honorary title “Kailashi Yatri”. This article has been prepared based on the ethnological fieldwork done in 1998 and 2007. Seeing religious phenomena in the socio-ethnological context, which is the organization and conduct of the KMY, origins of pilgrims, their relationships, self-presentation, private opinions about yatra, and also the historical and political background of the pilgrimage to Kailas, relating to the uncertain political situation of the Himalayan border between India and China, give a picture of contemporary social and cultural phenomenon, in which the great policy directly affects the lives of ordinary people and local communities; both those in the Indian mainland and on the mountainous borderland.
Hanka Grupińska's text, "Good Should Prevail over Evil. On Cultural, National, and Religious Extermination of the Tibetan People"
Tekst Hanki Grupińskiej pt. Zło trzeba dobrem nakrywać. O kulturowej, narodowej i religijnej zagładzie Tybetańczyków
In 1888, a British expedition in the southern Himalayas represented the first direct confrontation between Tibet and a Western power. The expedition followed the encroachment and occupation, by Tibetan troops, of a portion of Sikkim territory, a country led by a Tibetan Buddhist monarchy that was however linked to Britain with the Treaty of Tumlong. This paper analyses the role of the Bhutanese during the 1888 Expedition. Although the mediation put in place by Ugyen Wangchuck and his allies would not succeed because of the Tibetan refusal, the attempt remains important to understand the political and geopolitical space of Bhutan in the aftermath of the Battle of Changlimithang of 1885 and in the decades preceding the ascent to the throne of Ugyen Wangchuck.
issue 6
The article discusses a helmet that was published in 1914 in Zeitschrift für Historische Waffenkunde. It was possibly found by a German farmer during field works near the town of Verden in Lower Saxony. The helmet which was previously associated with the Saxons and dated between Migration Period and the reign of Charlemagne shows clearly relations with far Asian constructions. Additionally I discuss here another helmet in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which seems to be a 20th century reworking that imitated the Verden helmet.
The British Expedition to Tibet of 1903–1904 represented the last major military operation of the Great Game, the broad cultural confrontation between the British and the Russians that contested the geopolitical space of central and high Asia for almost the entire nineteenth century, up until the St. Petersburg entente of 1907. The role assumed by the then Tongsa Penlop, Ugyen Wangchuck, as a mediator between the British and Tibetans during the Expedition, was critical. Among the Bhutanese nobles, Ugyen Wangchuck had emerged victorious from the Battle of Changlimithang in 1885 and in 1907 he was crowned as the first king of Bhutan. In the period between the military victory and his accession to the throne, the power of Ugyen Wangchuck had to be consolidated definitively in a country that was simultaneously involved in the geopolitical space of the Raj, to which it was linked by the Treaty of Sinchula of 1865, and in the cultural sphere of Tibet, its most profound and ancient spiritual heritage. This paper reconstructs through British archival documents an attempt carried out by the Bhutanese with the British — in anticipation of Anglo-Tibetan negotiations — to try to resolve the last internal tensions of Bhutan. Although strongly downsized, some ancient rivalries, like underground rivers, continued to run across the balances of power and the international role of the small Himalayan country at the beginning of the twentieth century
The purpose of this paper is to present the phenomenon of Tibetan jewellery, its history, characteristics, styles, applied patterns and ornamentation. The work focuses on traditional jewellery, its application, execution methods, tools and materials used by jewellers, as well as on the symbolism, mainly Buddhist one, with broad meaning and often used during execution of the ornaments.
Autor wypunktował główne obszary problemowe sytuacji politycznej współczesnego Tybetu przedstawione w literaturze o charakterze popularnej, głównie w źródłach dziennikarskich, dziełach dotyczących kultury oraz relacjach podróżniczych i historycznych. Zarysowany obraz znacząco odbiega od wizerunku Tybetu kreowanego w mediach, który nierzadko jest bardzo uproszczony i zniekształcony. Środki masowego przekazu niemal zupełnie pomijają zasadnicze czynniki polityczne i uwarunkowania geopolityczne regionu. Stąd wniosek, że przekazy medialne, a wraz z nimi stan wiedzy powszechnej na temat problematyki tybetańskiej nie tylko są odległe od wiedzy zawartej w specjalistycznych opracowaniach i źródłach naukowych (czego trudno oczekiwać), ale nawet ignorują podstawowe wiadomości zawarte w literaturze popularnej i popularnonaukowej
The author focused on main problems of the political situation of contemporary Tibet, presented in popular books, mainly in journalistic, travel and historic publications as well as in the books on Tibetan culture. This image is significantly different than the image of Tibet presented by Polish media, which is frequently very simplified and deformed. The mass media almost entirely ignore the crucial political factors and geopolitical background of the Tibetan region. That leads to the conclusion that the media news and relations, along with popular knowledge assets in the society are not only unsupported by expert analysis and academic sources (what would be difficult to attain) but even discard the basic facts that can be found in the popular and popular science literature.
This article makes an attempt to assess the importance of the Political Testament of the 13th Dalai Lama of Tibet that was written just before his death in 1933. The article contains a Polish translation of the document which describes Tibetan history during the 13th Dalai Lama’s life. It also discusses the significance of the document that apart from Dalai Lama’s life contains prophetic instructions for the Tibetan nation and speaks of the dangers that may happen in the future if people do not follow these instructions. The document is considered as prophetic in view of the fact that the predictions mentioned in it, unfortunately for Tibet and Tibetan nation, came true.
This paper shows and analyses the issue of the relations between Nepal and the Ch’ing Empire from the British point of view during the last months of the Manchu authority in China. Nepal, a buffer state between India and Tibet, represented for the British an important and decisive ally in South Asia. The first part of the work will be dedicated to an analysis of the political and geopolitical status of Nepal compared to Britain and China of the Ch’ing Dynasty. The second part, which further develops the first, enters into the specifics of a tribute that the Himalayan country should have offered the Emperor P’u-i. The Hsin-hai Revolution of 1911 put an end to imperial power in China and would lead to the establishment of the republic and would resolve issues and misunderstandings between the countries. The paper pays particular attention to the correspondence between the then Nepalese Prime Minister, Chandra Shum Shere, and the British Resident in Nepal, John Manners Smith. The research takes as a benchmark the wider scenario of the period immediately following the end of the Great Game and the decline of the Manchu power. The guideline and key to interpretation of the documents reflects the perspective of the geopolitical and strategic interests of the British Empire in Asia.
The article discusses a Mongolian manuscript entitled Tngri-yin tngri burqan-u nomlaɣsan ečige eke-tür (-dür)-iyen ači qariɣulqu neretü qutaɣ-tu (qutuɣtu) nom buyu that most probably is a Mongolian translation of a well-known Chinese Buddhist apocrypha devoted to an idea of Buddhist filial piety. The paper aims to introduce this text preserved in the collection of the State University in Saint Petersburg against the multicultural background of other well-known texts on a similar topic.
We normally hardly notice the mass-produced paper products that pass through our hands on a daily basis, which we then recycle. In fact it has recently been predicted that books printed on paper will be replaced by digital formats. However, paper endures and specialist craft papers are now being produced in increasing quantities, especially valued by artists and conservators, but also by tourists visiting paper-producing areas around the world. Paper is therefore flourishing even in our computer and mobile-phone focused world. One of the areas benefiting from this revival is the Himalayas. As well as serving the tourist trade these products are now exported world-wide, as they were when paper first arrived in Europe in the eleventh century. There are even organisations that run Tibetan-style paper making workshops in America. This paper focuses on the papermaking revival in Tibet (China), Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim (India). Using information gained from visits to producers, middle men, as well as retail and export operations, it seeks to compare the economic and social factors influencing the revival, including conservation issues. The conclusion highlights the fact that, even in the twenty first century, hand-crafted items still play an important rôle in our lives.
The paper discusses three controversies connected with Nicholas K. Roerich: was he a Bolshevik spy, were there any ulterior motives behind his Central Asian Expeditions, and was he the reincarnation of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama of Tibet. It also includes a brief biography of N.K. Roerich.
Artykuł omawia trzy kontrowersje związane z Mikołajem K. Roerichem: czy był on bolszewickim szpiegiem, czy za jego ekspedycjami do Azji Środkowej kryły się jakieś nieznane jeszcze motywy, oraz czy wierzył, iż był reinkarnacją Piątego Dalajlamy Tybetu. Artykuł zawiera także krótką biografię Roericha.
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza sytuacji współczesnego Tybetu, którego struktury polityczne i prawne podzielone są na Centralny Rząd Tybetański w Indiach i Tybetański Region Autonomiczny w Chinach. Tym, co je łączy, są kształtująca się tożsamość narodowa Tybetańczyków oraz działania podejmowane przez Centralny Rząd Tybetański na rzecz stworzenia nowego i niepodległego państwa. Duże znaczenie dla specyfiki polityki i kształtowania tybetańskiej tożsamości narodowej ma również działalność XIV Dalajlamy, który na arenie międzynarodowej promuje kulturę tybetańską oraz informuje o sytuacji Tybetańczyków żyjących w Tybetańskim Regionie Autonomicznym w Chinach. Dalajlama jest również autorem projektu konstytucji przyszłego państwa Tybet, której treść stanowi podstawę analizy zawartej w niniejszym artykule. Ze względu na kompleksowe ukazanie i wyjaśnienie specyfiki tego projektu zajmiemy się analizą nie tylko poszczególnych artykułów, lecz także wprowadzenia, które uznać możemy za preambułę. Dzięki temu możliwe będzie wykazanie związków między kwestiami politycznymi, prawnymi a religijnymi, składającymi się na wizję nowego państwa Tybet. Z tego też powodu artykuł podzielony jest na dwie powiązane ze sobą części. Pierwsza dotyczy tożsamości narodowej i niepodległości Tybetu, zaś druga demokratyzacji Tybetu i związków między religią a polityką.
The main purpose of this article is to analyze the situation of modern Tibet, which political and legal structures are divided into the Central Tibetan Administration in India and the Tibet Autonomous Region in China. What connects them is a developing national identity of the Tibetans and the actions taken by the Central Tibetan Administration to create a new and independent state. Of great importance for the specificity of politics and the shaping of Tibetan national identity are also activities of the 14th Dalai Lama, who internationally promotes Tibetan culture and informs about the situation of Tibetans living in the Tibet Autonomous Region in China. Dalai Lama is also the author of the draft constitution of the future state of Tibet, which content is a basis of the analysis in this article. Due to the comprehensive presentation and explanation of the specifics of this project, we will analyze not only particular articles, but also the introduction that we can consider as preamble. Thanks to this, it will be possible to show the relationship between political, legal and religious issues that make up the visions of the new state of Tibet. This article is divided into two related parts. The first one is connected with national identity and independence of Tibet. The second part is focused on democratization of Tibet and relation between religion and politics.
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