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Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie głównych sposobów prowadzenia operacji przeciw oddziałom ukraińskich nacjonalistów w trakcie operacji „Wisła”. Jest to o tyle istotna kwestia, że w wielu publikacjach pojawiają się „autorskie” sugestie pisane z perspektywy 70 lat, w jaki sposób należało przeprowadzić w 1947 roku walkę z UPA i jak ograniczyć straty wśród ludności cywilnej bez wysiedlania mieszkańców terenów objętych działaniami zbrojnymi. Często w tych dywagacjach ignoruje się zasady sztuki operacyjnej i konieczność podporządkowania się decyzjom politycznym i rozkazom dowództwa Grupy Operacyjnej „Wisła”
In the ongoing debate on "Operation Vistula” for years, there is no adequate attention paid to the importance of terminology. It is still very common to use the term "Operation Vistula" in the description of the activities of the operational group "Vistula", suggesting that its main purpose was the resettlement of the Ukrainian population from the southeastern part of Poland. In fact, the primary task of the military operation was the destruction of the UPA troops, and the resettlement action was only treated as an element of aid and support for the State Repatriation Office. Henceforth, when talking about the activities of the operational group "Vistula", it is necessary to speak about “Operation Vistula", and in relation to the resettlement of the Ukrainian people one should speak about resettlement within the framework of the aforementioned operation. The purpose of the article is to present the main means of conducting operations against branches of Ukrainian nationalists during “Operation Vistula”. This is a significant issue since many contemporary authors try to formulate suggestions from a perspective of 70 years, how the fight against the UPA had to be carried out in 1947 and how to reduce civilian losses without resettlement of the residents of the areas when battles were waged. Often in these divagations the principles of operational art which then dominated in the military and the necessity of compliance with the political decisions and orders from operational group “Vistula” are neglected as far the ways of combating the Ukrainian nationalists are concerned.
Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie terrorystycznej działalności Organizacji Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów i Ukraińskiej Powstańczej Armii w oparciu o wiarygodne dokumenty, jak również omówienie związku między zbrodniami nacjonalistów ukraińskich a przesiedleniami ludności ukraińskiej na terenie powiatu jarosławskiego w latach 1944 – 1947.
Criminal activities of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Jarosław County (murder, arson, robbery, abduction, torture)struck at civilians and government workers serving as soldiers, police officers, foresters or civil servants. Fight against that terrorism was therefore a key duty of the Polish state, carried out primarily by the military and police. The article also discusses formally voluntary resettlement of the Ukrainian population to the USSR in the years 1944 – 1946, and then forced resettlement to the northern and western areas of Poland. It is demonstrated that Operation “Wisła” was a direct consequence of the terrorist activities of OUN and UPA in the years 1944 – 1947, and it was carried out in order to ensure public safety in Jarosław County.
Events of 2014 in Ukraine shown that radical nationalism can be a significant force effecting Euromajdan. Some years ago president Juszczenko put back UPA and Stepan Bandera to national identity and political struggle. In Ukraine grew up a whole generation of people who openly support the influence of nationalist ideas based on the cult of Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian hero who build a state based on the genocide of Russians and Poles. Polish authorities in the beginning was opposed, later neglect in the end surprisingly support that movement.
The Volhynian Massacre of 1943 and the Myth of a Peasant RevoltThe discussion about the events, which took place in Volhynia in 1943, includes a hypothesis presenting the anti–Polish outbreaks as an expression of a spontaneous revenge of the local Ukrainian peasants for the discrimination experienced at the time of the Second Republic. The author of the article based himself on unknown documents to demonstrate that in reality the mass–scale massacre of the Poles was organized by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists–Bandera (OUN–B) Underground and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) partisan units it commanded. The peasants participating in the events were mobilised (at least partly by force) to special auxiliary detachments, ordered by the Bandera–led superiors to set fire to Polish settlements and to kill their inhabitants. Both in Volhynia and in Galicia peasants were incorporated into groups attacking localities inhabited by the Poles, despite the fact that partisan forces sufficed to destroy them. The victims were cruelly murdered with axes and other tools so as to produce the impression among the observers that they were dealing with a local Jacquerie while in reality the massacre was a planned ethnic cleansing campaign. The idea to resolve the Polish–Ukrainian territorial controversy with the assistance of an ethnic purge had been devised by the OUN already prior to 1939. Initially, it was assumed that the future Ukrainian state would be devoid of all landowners and colonists who settled down in the conflict–ridden terrains after 1918, but in time the opinion calling for ”ejecting” the entire Polish population became increasingly popular. The population in question was to be murdered at least partly by the incited local peasants. At the beginning of 1943 UPA detachments commenced a battle against the Germans and Soviet partisans while simultaneously initiating the so–called anti–Polish campaign. The organised de–Polonisation operation, inaugurated on 9 February 1943 by attacking the village of Parośle in Volhynia, lasted until 18 May 1945 and claimed the lives of about 100 000 victims.
Polish Problems with Genocide According to Rafał LemkinRafał (Raphael) Lemkin is currently the best–known Polish lawyer, whose name appears invariably as a point of departure for international discussions about genocide. He is the author of The German New Order in Poland and in 1944 published Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, containing the term: “genocide”. At the time of the Nuremberg Trial Lemkin acted as adviser to United States Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson. Subsequently, he worked on devising an act of law that would define the principles of penalising the crime of genocide. On 9 December 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. In Poland the revival of interest in Lemkin has its positive and negative sides. The former undoubtedly include changing or rather initiating an alteration of a situation embarrassing or outright insulting for Poland, namely, when Polish–language versions of the above–mentioned books about the Axis occupation were not available and Lemkin was not mentioned in assorted studies. The latter aspect involves his sui generis sacralisation and elevation, hindering a critical discussion about his achievements, since such a debate could be interpreted as questioning them. This article endeavours to examine the conception of genocide from the viewpoint of an historian, and reflects on the extent to which it could become an instrument of historical analysis.
The Euromaidan revolution totally reoriented Ukraine’s policy in both internal and external dimensions. The new Ukrainian authorities facing Russian aggression and domestic instability started to build a new national identity in order to consolidate social cohesion. Due to the fact that Kiev’s new historical narrative glorifies the Ukrainian nationalists from the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) who contributed to the Holocaust of Jews and committed mass murders on the representatives of other nationalities, such a policy may be a serious obstacle in the context of Ukraine’s external relations. The present article investigates particularly Israeli-Ukrainian relations after the Euromaidan revolution. The article analyses the impact of the new Ukrainian identity on bilateral relations as well as attempting to answer whether or not it may influence Kiev’s cooperation with the European Union. The article contains a brief description of the new identity building process in the post-Euromaidan Ukraine with special consideration of those elements of it, which are related to “Ukrainian Nationalism”.
Autorzy formułują i argumentują tezę, że polityka agrarna odrodzonego państwa polskiego na terenach „ukrainnych” (galicyjskich oraz wołyńsko-poleskich) stała się w rzeczywistości elementem jego polityki narodowościowej. Korzenie owej polityki agrarnej sięgały czasów sprzed I wojny światowej. Polscy politycy galicyjscy wprowadzili wówczas regulację stanowiącą, że z parcelacji wielkich majątków ziemskich na terenach mieszanych pod względem narodowościowym powinni korzystać przede wszystkim drobni właściciele polscy, a nie Rusini. Z upływem czasu podejście takie stało się kamieniem węgielnym polityki agrarnej II Rzeczypospolitej. Przyjęte w latach 20. XX w. ustawy wyznaczające zasady reformy rolnej były dyskryminujące dla ukraińskich chłopów mieszkających na kresach południowo-wschodnich II RP. Przede wszystkim ze względu na tzw. rację stanu przewidywały one dalsze istnienie wielkiej własności ziemskiej na tych terenach. Ponadto nawet wyznaczona aktami prawnymi górna granica „normy” – od 300 do 700 ha – niejednokrotnie była znacznie przekraczana. Dyskryminacja miejscowych chłopów w procesie parcelacji dodatkowo była pogłębiana przez państwową politykę osadnictwa wojskowego i kolonizacji cywilnej terenów z przewagą ludności „niepolskiej”. Zakładano, że tylko polski chłop może „uspokoić kresy”. Pojawienie się w zamkniętych społeczeństwach wiejskich stosunkowo dużej liczby „obcychobcych” zaostrzało problem braku ziemi uprawnej, dawało podstawy do pogłębiania się konfliktów społecznych oraz tworzyło korzystne warunki do prowadzenia propagandy zarówno nacjonalistycznej, jak i komunistycznej. Tak więc „narodowy” charakter agrarnej polityki polskich rządów w latach międzywojnia wywarł negatywny wpływ na stosunki polsko-ukraińskie zarówno w tym okresie, jak i w czasie II wojny światowej.
The author formulates and argues the thesis that the agricultural policy of the new Polish State in Ukrainian territories (Galicia, Polissya, and Volhynia) became an essential element of its ethnic policy. The roots of this policy dated back to before World War I. Polish politicians in Galicia introduced a regulation that big estates should be parceled out in ethnically mixed lands in a way that made the Polish small landowners, not the Ruthenians the primary beneficiaries. Over the course of time, it became a cornerstone of the agricultural policy of the Second Polish Republic. The principles of the land reform, dated back to the 1920s, were discriminating against Ukrainian peasants living in the south-eastern part of the II Polish Republic. First of all, because of the so-called raison d’état, which allowed for the further existence of large landed properties Even the legally defined upper limit – from 300 to 700 hectares – was oftentimes significantly exceeded. Discrimination of the local peasantry during the land division period was additionally intensified through the military settlement policy and civilian colonization of lands with the prevailing non-Polish population. It was generally considered that only Polish peasants could improve the situation in the Eastern borderlands. The growing number of settlers in closed rural communities caused a lack of arable land, and in consequence deepening civil conflicts, as well as favourable conditions for both nationalistic and communist propaganda. Thus, the nationalistic character of the Polish agricultural policy during the interwar period had a negative impact on Polish-Ukrainian relations both then and during World War II.
This text provides the source edition of three accounts recorded in 2013 concerning the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists committed during World War II against Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, referred to as the Volhynia Massacre. Feliks Trusiewicz, Tadeusz Szewczyk, and Maria Maleńczak were eyewitnesses of the genocide, lost people close to them, and had their lives threatened by their neighbours and sometimes even members of their own mixed Polish-Ukrainian families. They recount their dramatic memories of those events as well as their interpretations of the causes of the Polish-Ukrainian conflict. They also highlight the uniqueness of the phenomena, which took on a different path in Volhynia itself and in Eastern Galicia as a whole.
Tekst stanowi edycję źródłową trzech relacji zarejestrowanych w 2013 r., dotyczących zbrodni ukraińskich nacjonalistów dokonanych w latach II wojny światowej na Polakach na Wołyniu i w Galicji Wschodniej, określanych mianem zbrodni wołyńskiej. Feliks Trusiewicz, Tadeusz Szewczyk i Maria Maleńczak, którzy na własne oczy widzieli ofiary ludobójstwa, utracili w ten sposób bliskie osoby i doświadczyli zagrożenia życia ze strony sąsiadów, a czasem nawet członków własnych polsko-ukraińskich rodzin, przytaczają dramatyczne wspomnienia tamtych wydarzeń, ale też własne interpretacje źródeł polsko-ukraińskiego konfliktu. Zwracają też uwagę na specyfikę zjawiska, które przebiegało w odmienny sposób na samym Wołyniu i w Galicji Wschodniej.
Artykuł przedstawia działalność Grupy Operacyjnej KBW „Lubaczów”, która w 1947 r., po zakończeniu akcji „Wisła”, prowadziła działania przeciwpartyzanckie przeciwko OUN i UPA. W wyniku intensywnych poszukiwań oddziałom KBW udało się w ciągu nieco ponad trzech miesięcy wykryć i zlikwidować ośrodek kierowniczy OUN w Polsce, na czele z krajowym prowidnykiem Jarosławem Staruchem „Stiahem”, jak również wszystkie większe grupy partyzanckie na terenie pow. lubaczowskiego. W ten sposób faktycznie położono kres istnieniu zorganizowanego podziemia ukraińskiego. W oparciu o analizę mało znanych dokumentów archiwalnych autor pokazuje, iż celem KBW nie była jedynie likwidacja podziemia ukraińskiego. Równolegle bowiem prowadzono aresztowania członków polskiego podziemia niepodległościowego, a także czystki personalne w szeregach partii politycznych i organizacji społecznych regionu. Pod egidą KBW stworzono liczne placówki ORMO i wzmocniono powiatowe struktury PPR. Podstawowym celem GO „Lubaczów” było więc umocnienie władzy komunistów w powiecie lubaczowskim.
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