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Many scientists wondered: whether Poland can become a welfare state, despite the choice of a market economy. At work I put the hypothesis that Poland has not created the idea of the welfare state. It is worth mentioning the main features of the welfare state. These are: cost - free, universality and public character. Implementation of these features, as well as specific principles such as social justice, protection of labor, health care model, model of education show whether the state is realizing the ideas of welfare state, or not. The study compares Polish achievements and Finnish ones - country which, despite difficult historical experience, consistently implementing the ideas of welfare state. Also an important aspect is social identity and social acceptance of changes that take place, depending on the model of the economy. Polish experience show that the welfare state was not a real idea, but rather a myth, in which has been believed. Years of transition pointed out that attempt to create a welfare state in the current situation is hardly ever real.
The National Insurance Scheme is the main element of the Norwegian ’’welfare state”. The Scheme secures people’s finance when they are sick, disabled, unemployed or old, or when they have no one to support them and are unable to support themselves. The National Insurance Scheme is the most fundamental cornerstone of the structure represented by the ’’welfare state”. The Scheme consists of long-term benefits; pensions and transitional allowances; short-term benefits; daily allowances for the sick, and daily cash benefits for the unemployed and benefits in kind; and expenditure for health care and rehabilitation.
In this paper we claim that the Swedish model should be perceived by a dynamic relation between its two pillars, namely economic and welfare policies. It is this relation that explains its creation, evolution, and recent transformation. Also, the Swedish model was not only an economic or social project, but it concerned a society as a whole. This is why it were not the policies themselves that defined what the model was, yet rather their relationship toward the supreme goal of creating classless society of welfare. Political and economic toolbox changed in the 90s, but adherence to egalitarian and welfare values has not entirely vanished Thus we believe that we should rather speak of a continuation of the Swedish welfare state model in changing external conditions and a change of policy measures than of a radical shift in policy aims and values.
Welfare state to koncepcja, zgodnie z którą państwo angażuje się nie tylko w sprawy opieki i pomocy społecznej, ale też w szeroki zakres spraw dotyczących dobrobytu swoich obywateli. Welfare state stanowi ważny i cenny element tradycyjnego państwa narodowego w UE, ale zmiany zachodzące w globalnej gospodarce wymuszają rewizję jego założeń oraz rozwiązań. W artykule omówiono najważniejsze wyzwania, przed jakimi stoją obecnie państwa dobrobytu i zaprezentowano koncepcję dochodu gwarantowanego (Basic Income Guarantee – BIG) jako propozycję ideologicznej oraz systemowej zmiany społeczno-ekonomicznej.
Welfare state is a concept according to which the state is involved not only in the matter of care and social assistance of its citizens, but also in a wide range of issues concerning their well-being. The welfare state is an important and valuable element of the european countries, but due to the accelerating rate of socio-economic changes, the new questions have arisen – first one about the validity of assumptions from the midtwentieth century and the second – about the effectiveness of the welfare state. The article discusses the main challenges facing the welfare state and presents the concept of a guaranteed income (Basic Income Guarantee – BIG), a proposal which can change its ideology.
The intention of this paper is to trace links between welfare economics and the concept of welfare state. We show that welfare of man, according to Vilfredo Pareto and Arthur Cecil Pigou, was a much wider notion than just economic one. It seems that, however, economists had chosen to follow the Pareto optimum principle in their research. It was also not welfare economics that triggered the construction of welfare states, but ideas and political motives. Yet nowadays the pursuit of efficacy and innovations changes the way that welfare policies are perceived. The approach becomes more instrumental instead of humane. It follows the Pareto improvement principle leaving distributional aspects to inconsequential considerations. It stands thus with clear relation to the concepts of welfare economics, but gradually detaches from the idea of human welfare.
Kres istnienia państwa opiekuńczego w bardzo ostry sposób ujawnił skrywaną całą głębię problemów społecznych. Dotąd wypracowany w państwie system opieki okazał się niezdolny do rozwiązywania trudnych sytuacji życiowych poszczególnych jednostek i grup. Zasadniczy zwrot w tej kwestii nastąpił po 1989 roku, kiedy zaczęły powstawać organizacje pozarządowe wypełniając lukę w obszarach, gdzie sektor państwowy nie był w stanie prowadzić odpowiedniej działalności. Ważną funkcję w tej materii spełnia wolontariat, którego członkowie wykonują bezinteresowną, nieodpłatną i niezawodną działalność dla dobra sąsiedztwa, wspólnoty lub ogółu społeczeństwa. Udzielając pomocy potrzebującym, charakteryzować się powinni odpowiednią osobowością i cechami gwarantującymi prawidłowe wykonywanie swego posłannictwa. Na wielorakość etycznego aspektu ich działań zwracają również uwagę autorzy zajmujący się tym zagadnieniem. Wśród licznych opracowań wyróżnić można zredagowany przez ks. biskupa Jana Chrapka „Kodeks etyczny i przykazania wolontariatu”, dyktowany motywacjami chrześcijańskimi, który nosi znamiona uniwersalności.
The end of the welfare state revealed the heretofore hidden social problems to their full extent. The public welfare system, as it had been functioning up to then, proved in many instances incapable of providing effective assistance to individuals or groups that found themselves in predicaments of various sorts. The year 1989 marked a turningpoint, when the first nongovernmental organizations were established to take over, where the public sector had failed. A crucial factor within this system is the Voluntary service, where honorary welfare workers commit their time and efforts to the benefit of their neighborhood, their local community or the public, working in an honorary capacity. Everybody who desire to meet the challenge of rendering assistance to the socially disadvantaged, should possess, however, of an appropriate disposition so that they may successfully attend to their selfassumed duties. The authors of this paper focus on the manifold ethical issues of the volunteers’ range of activities. An outstanding work among the multitude of publications on this topic is without doubt “The Ethical Codex and Precepts of the Voluntary Service” edited by Bishop Jan Chrapek. This work, inspir ed by the motive force and the spirit of Christianity, bears the mark of true universality.
Welfare states are today being made responsible for the poor prosperity of Western economies. High taxes, negative incentives for entrepreneurship or rigidity of labor market regulations create meager conditions for innovations and competitiveness and thus imply low growth rates. The rolling back of welfare state programs is therefore supposed to bring back good performance of the economies in mind. In reality evidence for such scenario is insufficient and welfare states are too embedded into modern econ¬omies to be removed with no consequences - both social and economic ones.
Redystrybucja dochodów prowadzona jest za pomocą transferów socjalnych i podatków. Redystrybucja podatkowa opiera się głównie na opodatkowaniu dochodów osobistych i uzupełniana jest podatkiem od wartości dodanej. W artykule opisana została redystrybucja podatkowa w Danii i Szwecji, wzorcowych państwach opiekuńczych. Na ich tle dokonano analizy redystrybucji podatkowej w Polsce i na Węgrzech. Kraje te często są ze sobą porównywane, ze względu na sposób i efekty budowy gospodarki rynkowej oraz nowoczesnego społeczeństwa.
The redistribution of income is realized through social transfers and taxes. Redistribution of income through taxes is based mainly on personal income tax (PIT) and is complemented by the value added tax (VAT). The article described the redistribution by taxation in Denmark and Sweden, the standard welfare states. Then, for comparison, examined the same type of redistribution of income in Hungary and Poland. These countries also often compared with each other because of the way and the effects of building a market economy and modern society.
The paper aims to highlight the microeconomic aspects of the Swedish model. Although one may easily find many characteristic examples of behavior or structures on micro level, we claim that there were three crucial cases. First, it was the widespread expectation for paternalistic behavior of the government that originated long before the model was implemented. Second, the emergence and successes of particular interest groups (especially the trade unions). And third, the system relied heavily on large enterprises which were expected to achieve high growth and to be the middleman for executing egalitarian policies. It is hard to expect that the Swedish model would be such a success if it weren't for these microeconomic features.
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