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Santa Nicholas church in Wiślica has been used as parish church, from the end of 11th or from the beginning of 12th to m id 13th century. It was i n t he center of s uburbium (ryc. 2). It consisted of church, burial chapel and cemetery. In the chapel and the cemetery there were uncovered 91 graves, including 13 with tombstones. Tombstones were made of gypsum and limestone (ryc. 1). Their fronts were smooth and without decoration. They were deposited directly on a top of pit graves an average of 120 cm above the burials. They were determined the level of utility of cemetery and chapel. Anthropological analyses proved that in graves with tombstones were buried people in infans II – maturus ages. A further aspect of the social interpretation of the dead buried in this kind of graves is difficult. We can only hypothesize that they had to characterize something „special” in the community in Wiślica. This „uniqueness we can consider in a multifaceted sense: „alien” and „different”, but also in a material, social, cultural and intellectual sense. These attributes should be associated with „selected” dweller of Wiślica, belonging to the environment of Sandomierz’s court princes, residing in the palace at Regia (ryc. 2). Among the graves with thombstones attention draws to a sarcophagus (39/59, ryc. 4). We can identify it with the burial of the founder of the church or priest performing a liturgy, but also with the person derived from the secular or ecclesiastical hierarchy. The location of this grave outside the temple is unusual. In funeral tradition sarcophags from 11th-13th century were deposited in center of temples. On the other hand, the burials with thombstones, as numerous as in Wiślica, are a rare phenomenon in the necropolises of churches of the early phase of the Christianization of the Polish lands. The cemetery in Wiślica is unique in this respect.
The architectonic investigations in Wiślica have proved that the line of buildings occupying the market - -square runs counter to the arrangement of historical cellars .preserved under some contemporary d welling - -houses. To observe these differences the following geodesic works have been performed: 1) the lines of the present buildings occupying the area of the market-place as well as of the structures in the region of the market-place escape streets have been marked out; 2) the lines the internal elements of historical cellars have been fixed in relation to the present line of the structures occupying the market-square area; 3) some possible turns of axes of the main historical cellars have been fixed; 4) geometric survey has also been done and the situational plan in a big scale has been mapped. The article gives the list of surveying equipment necessary to realize the task discussed above. It also describes how to install a traverse net and accessory points for measuring both: the four frontages of Wiślica market-place and the historical cellars themselves. It explains how to combine these measurements by means of linear — angular references through window-ohute openings. The article présents also the geometric survey of the paints characteristic of the market square done by referring It to the zero datum. It discusses various ways of checking angular and linear measurements as well as to finding mean mistakes which occur during measurement of angles and traverse sides. It gives formulas necessary to find increments of coordinates for the points in the cellars. At the end the calculation of a mean mistake in a single fixing of a line segment (the diagonal of the cellar as in the case discussed) is given.. The achieved results enable to draw a conclusion that exactness of fixing particular cellars’ guoins appointed by linear incision is enclosed within the bounds of +1,2 cm. As the effect of this work the situational plan of the Wiślica market-square has been laid; the historical cellars have also been marked on it. It has become basis for further scientific operations connected with the development of Wiślica throughout the ages.
Les vestiges préromans, notamment les fondements d ’une petite église et le font baptismal, mis à jour sous le pavé de la rue Batalionów Chłopskich à Wiślica p a r l’expédition archéologique des Recherches sur le Moyen Age Polonais, sont protégés par un pavillon construit au-dessus de ces vestiges. Les fondations du pavillon s ’appuient sur une roche gypseuse qui se trouve pas trop profondément sous une couche épaisse de 1.50 à 2 m. La construction technique du pavillon a pour but de maintenir le microclimat nécessaire pour la conservation de ces vestiges e t en même temps rendre possible leur ex position. En plus on a appliqué ici le principe de faire contraster la construction ultra-moderne du pavillon avec les anciens murs médiévaux des monuments architecturaux. Ainsi les murs du pavillon sont en béton armé, la voûte du to it a le poutrage préfabriqué en cable en acier et en béton et d ’autres ma tériaux modernes sont employés à cette construction pour isoler les murs et la voûte à l’inté rieur et le verre „Termop an ” appliqué au mur du côte nord et du côte sud, ainsi que la charpente en aluminium de ces murs. La construction de ce pavillon doit être en tiè re ment terminée en 1964.
Opracowanie jest II częścią większej liczby doniesień związanych z nasilającym się turystycznym ruchem pielgrzymkowym. Artykuł ukazuje dziedzictwo chrześcijańskiej kultury materialnej, jakie przetrwało w Wiślicy. Opracowanie opiera się o wiarygodne źródła, których zbiór zgromadzono w zamieszczonej na końcu pracy bibliografii. Artykuł skierowany jest do pielgrzymów i studentów turystyki.
The paper is the second part of bigger number of reports concerning increasing pilgrimage tourist movement. The article presents heritage of Christian material culture that survived in Wiślica. The narrative is based on reliable sources, which collection is presented in the end of the work, i.e. in bibliography. The paper is directed to pilgrims and students of tourism.
Artykuł pt. Zniszczenie Wiślicy w 1135 roku w świetle przekazów źródłowych i literatury historycznej (cz. I. Źródła) stanowi pierwszą część dwuetapowego cyklu poświęconego prezentacji przekazów źródłowych i badań historycznych związanych najazdem na miasto w 1135 roku. Autor poddaje analizie wiadomości z kronik i roczników oraz rejestruje wyniki poszukiwań archeologicznych prowadzonych na obszarze Wiślicy na przestrzeni kilkudziesięciu lat. Jeśli chodzi o źródła narracyjne, oryginalne opowiadanie o katastrofie grodu zawiera tylko Kronika polska Wincentego Kadłubka. Pozostałe kroniki (Dzierzwy, wielkopolska, Długosza) prezentują skrócone lub rozbudowane wersje pierwowzoru. Nie mają zatem walorów niezależnych przekazów. Podobnie prezentuje się sytuacja polskich annałów. Wartościowe treści, z historycznego punktu widzenia, zawierają tylko najstarsze roczniki, wywodzące się z tzw. Annales regni Polonorum deperditi – Rocznik kapituły krakowskiej i Rocznik krótki. Późne XIV-XV-wieczne roczniki dostarczają informacji będących tylko efektem domysłów autorów. Najprawdopodobniej zaginiony rocznik dawny był także podstawą opowiadania Wincentego Kadłubka. Kronikarz, znany z retorycznych popisów, rozbudował jednozdaniową wiadomość rocznika w obszerną (3 rozdziały trzeciej księgi kroniki) narrację o zniszczeniu Wiślicy przez ruskiego księcia Wołodarowica. Zdaniem autora artykułu, barwna opowieść o zemście, zdradzie, krwawej rzezi i karze za wiarołomstwo jest wytworem wyobraźni kronikarza. Fabularną kanwę relacji tworzyły motywy zaczerpnięte przede wszystkim z biografii Piotra Włostowica. W tej sytuacji relacja Kadłubka nie może być fundamentem do rekonstrukcji wydarzeń w Wiślicy w 1135 roku. Podstawą wiedzy o losach miasta pozostaną wzmianki najstarszych roczników, uzupełnione rezultatami eksploracji archeologicznych. Dotychczasowe wyniki poszukiwań, obfitujące w interesujące znaleziska, wymagają jednak gruntownego opracowania. Przekaz roczników znajdzie istotne wsparcie po uzgodnieniu m.in. chronologii reliktów odkrytych obiektów i artefaktów.
The article entitled ‘Destruction of Wiślica in 1135 in light of source records and historical literature (part 1. Sources)’ is the first part of a two-part cycle dedicated to the presentation of source records and historical research related to the invasion of the city in 1135. The author analyses messages from medieval chronicles and annals, and records the results of archaeological research conducted in the area of Wiślica over several decades. When it comes to narrative sources, the original story about the disaster is contained only in the Polish Chronicle by Wincenty Kadłubek. Other chronicles (Dzierzwa’s, Greater Poland’s, Długosz’s) present shortened or extended versions of the original. Therefore, they do not have the value of independent records. The situation of Polish annals looks similar. Content valuable from a historical point of view is contained only in the oldest annals, derived from the so-called Annales regni Polonorum deperditi – Annals of the Krakow Chapter – and the Short Annals. The late fourteenth-to-fifteenth-century annals provide information based on the authors’ conjectures. Most probably, the lost old annals were also the basis of the story by Wincenty Kadłubek. The chronicler, known for showing off rhetorically, extended the one-page message from the annals into an extensive (3 chapters of the third book of the chronicles) narrative about the destruction of Wiślica by the son of the Russian prince Volodar. According to the author of the article, the colourful tale of revenge, betrayal, bloody slaughter and punishment for infidelity is the product of the chronicler’s imagination. The plot of the account was based on themes drawn, above all, from the biography of Piotr Włostowic. In this situation, Kadłubek’s account cannot be the foundation for the reconstruction of events in Wiślica in 1135. The oldest annals, supplemented by the results of archaeological explorations, will remain the basis of our knowledge about the city’s fate. The results of the search so far, although abounding in interesting finds, require thorough study. A modest message from the annals can be significantly supported by a reconciliation with, among others, the chronology of relics of buildings and artefacts discovered in Wiślica and surrounding areas.
The Gothic collegiate church in Wiślica, founded by king Kazimir the Great in 1350, replaced older structure, What were preserved from that Romanesque church, was a twotower façade included to a new building and 13th century sculpture of Madonna. It seems that the point of this action was commemoration of the both distant and close past of the town, including the time when when citizens of Wiślica supported Władysław’s the Short struggleof power. Moreover, on the Romanesque façade a statue representing Kazimir himself was placed. Similar solutions were introduced also in other Kazimir’s foundations. Another significant point of reference is collegiate church in Vienna where at the same time older façade was preserved decorated with the founder’s statue. Yet in Wiślica such historical programme was connected with the arms of the lands ruled by Kazimir. All these elements make an image of reunited Kingdom ruled by the rightful dynasty.
The article presents the formal diversity of the Early Medieval vessels from Wiślica. The vessels were described by means of proportions of dimensions and stylistic features, treated as nominal variables, which became the basis for statistical analysis (cluster analysis and principal components analysis). The measurement scheme is presented in figure 2. Based on the obtained results, vessels have been divided into 8 types. The first four ones included pots with a S-shaped profile. Other types consist of vessels with one, more visible element, i.e.: there are vessels with a cylindrical neck in type V, vessels with a long, straight neck, with a strongly flaring rim in type VI, vessels with an angular connection between the neck and the body, marked with a fault are included in type VII, and double-conical vessels are in type VIII. What is more, an attempt has also been made to trace the relative chronology of pottery vessel types, based on stratigraphic relations observed at the sites, where they were excavated. In the case of vessels type VI-VIII, it allowed us to determine their most probable period of occurrence. Other vessels belong to long-lasting forms.
L ’au teu r rappelle que les recherches et les études archéologiques créent des problèmes de conservation et d ’exposition des vestiges de l’architecture mis à jour. Et inversement, les trav a u x de conservation présentent parfois de nouvelles découvertes qui nous fo rcent à de nouvelles études e t à modifier notre p ro gramme de conservation. Afin d ’obtenir une solution sa tisfaisante de ces problèmes d’études et de conservation, l’au teu r propose d’accepter dès le début un programme commun de coopération par l’in stitu t de recherches et le service de conservation. L ’auteur est a rriv é à cette conclusion après son expérience des recherches faites à Wiślica, (au Moyen Age un des centres les plus importants en Petite Pologne). En 1958—60 lors des fouilles on y découvrit dans une des rues les soubassements d’une petite église romane et d ’un baptistère provisoire encore plus ancien; les sondages dans l’église collégiale gothique découvrirent une partie d’une crypte romane et son pavement historié. Nous avons trouvé que ces découvertes sont d ’une telle valeur qu ’elles doivent être accessibles au public. Mais il devint impossible de continuer les fouilles à l’in té rieu r de l’église sans ébranler ses murs. Donc on y a Installé une légère construction en acier qui en éc artan t les murs de l’église p erm e tta it de mener des fouilles sans courir aucun risque. Ensuite cette construction servit de soutènement au pavement de l’église. Le sous-sol de la collégiale est aménagé en musée où les vestiges des deux édifices romans seront exposés in situ. Les vestiges de la petite l’église et ceux du baptistè re seront exposés dans un pavillon construit dans la rue qui est fermée actuellement. Le programme des trav au x de conservation et de recherche est élargi e t il comprend ma intenant les édifices gothiques suivants: l ’église collégiale du XlVe siècle et la maison des vicaires d u XVe siècle. On prépare un nouvel aménagement moderne de l’inté rieur de l’église collégiale adapté à son architecture gothique et aux peintures murales du XVe siècle qu ’on est en tra in de mettre à jour (l’ancien aménagement de l’église ava it été d é tru it pendant la première guerre mondiale). Les études de l’architecture de la maison des vicaires forment la base des traitem en ts pour re sta u re r et conserver cet édifice. Un projet de l’arrangement du te rra in autour de l’église est prépa ré en vue de démontrer plus clairement les résultats des fouilles. Des trav au x de conservation très importants sont en tra in d ’être réalisés. L ’auteur les divise en ceux qui sont réalisés en conséquence des découvertes archéologiques et en ceux qui avaient é té considérés indispensables depuis longtemps et dont les fouilles récentes ont facilité l’exécution. L’au teu r déc rit en détail les problèmes de la conservation des vestiges découverts, c’est à dire des fondations des édifices romans, dits „témoins archéologiques” et du pavement historié de la crypte romane, execute de plâ tre hydraulique e t de mastic noir. La réalisation de cette conservation n ’est possible que grâce à la collaboration de l’institution de re c h e rches et d’études avec le service de conservation. L ’échelle considérable sur laquelle ont été entrepris ces trav a u x est liée aux célébrations du millénaire de l ’Éta t Polonais. Le but de ces trav au x consiste en ce que cet ensemble de l’a rt médiéval, un des plus intéressants en Pologne, enrichi p ar ces nouvelles découvertes, puisse servir à rapprocher l’homme contemporain de la culture e t de l’histoire d u Moyen Age. Il en r é sulte un pro jet de transformer cette petite ville en un centre touristique important.
The author presents the results o f investigations conducted on the courtyard floorings which have recently been discovered by Dr. Z. Wartołowska within an early medieval group of relics in the „Castle” area at Wiślica. Two fragments of the courtyard flooring have been discovered; one of them having th e thickness of about 12 cm, composed of fiv e different layers, and the other having the thickness of 9 cm, consisting o f four layers. The microscopic examinations, and both chemical and chemical-and-physical investigations have shown that in the earlier discovered fragment its first, i.e. the bottom layer consists o f a lime-and-sand mixture, the second and the third of gypsum whereas the fourth of lime-and-gypsum mixture, and the fifth, the top one, of gypsum alone. As the fillers in mortars present in the second to fifth layers were used m ixtures of different proportions containing the crushed gypsum stone, quartz sand and the fine organogenic lime chippings. In addition, in those mortars were present 2 to 5 per cent admixtures of pottery fragments, feldspar grains and also the fine-grained coal. Layers in the second fragment basically correspond to those characteristic for the first one with this only exception that the lime and lime-and-gypsum layers are absent. One from among the samples taken exhibited high crushing strength (amounting to 171— 211 kG/cm2) and a relatively high abrasion resistance (0,46 cm) thus evidencing its perfect state of preservation after good many centuries that passed since their production. On the basis of results obtained the ancient recipes could be reconstituted enabling the preparation of new samples and providing the possibility to subject them to the crushing strength tests. The high values obtained as result o f the above investigations and tests point to the perfect mastering of technology used for preparing of anhydrous gypsum mortars possessed by their makers in the early medieval period.
There are already several detailed studies of historical books of the collegiate of Wiślica, the authors of which, if possible, tried to reconstruct its history and the fonds, beginning with the foundation of canon group equipped with handheld liturgical books and ending with the analysis of inventories from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries. In this context, the library of the Chapter of Wiślica appears to be an exception in comparison with the poorly processed and identified collegiate collections. The inventory and analysis of the historical remains of the library resulted in new discoveries, allowing to complement the knowledge of the library at the collegiate of Wiślica functioning in the Old Polish period. What is especially valuable is the discovery of two incunabula, not recorded in previous studies on the library of Wiślica. Another important thing is the survival of at least 18 manuscripts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. One more valuable source located in the parish archive is the inventory of the chapter library of 1682. Also in this case, we can identify some of the existing manuscripts which were included in the previously unknown inventory. It thus turns out that, despite the plundering of the collegiate church in 1656 and later (during which the most valuable books were regularly plundered), the remains of the former chapter and vicars’ libraries remained in their place.
Ochrona Zabytków
issue 2-3
73-84, 181, 183-184
s. 181
s. 183-184
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