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The article includes a discussion of two models which describe contemporary communication processes in journalism: agenda-setting and news value, indicating the need to expand their research tools to include qualitative methods, and merging the analyses of the reception and the message. It also includes indications as to the possibility, or even the social relevance, of the methods for applying those research perspectives to analysing journalism popularising science. Later, I present the results of an analysis of the content of a sample of 500 most read popular science texts available on the New Scientist website. I demonstrate which thematic areas were valued by the readers, and what values are most commonly applied. Further, upon applying a filter in the form of surveys regarding reader preferences, I discuss the main linguistic devices utilised for controlling readers’ attention. The shaping of the hierarchy of importance of items of news is the result of a dynamic interaction between (1) the thematic priorities and discursive strategies of imposing elite representations of science within media agenda, and (2) the means of negotiating order and values of specific content, which are correlated with readers’ preferences, both in terms of the content and the form of providing popular scientific information.
Two aspects of the psychology of agenda-setting are discussed, the social psychology of academic research and contemporary research extending our theoretical knowledge about the psychology of the agenda-setting process. To counter academic conservatism regarding new applications of agenda-setting theory, distinctions are made between concepts, domains and settings. A major trend in contemporary research on the psychology of agenda-setting is the explication of the theory’s basic concepts. Th is research includes the impact of incidental learning and the visual content in TV news on fi rst-level and second-level agenda-setting effects, respectively, an expanded set of measures for the concept of need for orientation, and the consequences of agenda-setting eff ects for the formation of opinions and both priming and attribute priming of the aff ective dimension of opinions.
The aim of this paper is to present the results of an automated research conducted on the most popular Polish Internet news portals in the week of the 2009 European Parliament election as well as during four weeks prior to this event. Detailed analysis of the exposure levels of main political parties is included and compared with the election results. This paper describes the quantitative analysis of the data gathered. The main similarities and differences in covering the election between portals are also discussed. Moreover, this article aims at introducing basic concepts of research tools, which allow to automate the procedure of gathering data from the Internet and processing it.
The purpose of the study was to gauge the flow of information from university lecturers to students. The fundamental hypothetical basis used for the study was that of agenda-setting theory – the idea that the mass media have a strong influence on the public agenda. The role of the university lecturer as a source of information and the influence of that information upon students and their agenda was the object of the study. The empirical study featured a panel of 248 Spanish university students and the results highlight the importance of the role of the university lecturer in channelling information to students even though findings demonstrate that the issues which are important for students (their agenda) may be less relevant for lecturers.
A framework for applying agenda-setting theory in an international news context is proposed. First-level agenda-setting would suggest that the more news coverage a nation receives, the more that nation will be viewed as being critically important to readers. Second-level agenda-setting meanwhile would suggest that the nature of the coverage, both attributes linked to a country and the tone of the coverage, would impact whether readers view the nation positively or negatively. The framework is employed through a content analysis of international news coverage in two Slovakian newspapers. The analysis shows the usefulness of the approach.
The most important issue of this paper is contained mostly, though vaguely, in the title. What is agenda-setting and how it is related with freedom of speech domain? In further part I will try to present those, theoretically distant problems. I will also try to present how political and business organizations can affect on daily agenda, so in fact how thy can create access to free speech. There are some situations in mass media world, when those practices can be considered as internal or external censorship. In this paper I specific cases, all selected from American political and media systems. I think that US system is full of contradictions, from law confl icts (state vs federal law, First Amendment), owners of mass media competition (corporations, FCC) and finally state controlled media on the contrary to free speech (censorship).
This study investigates Pope Benedict’s visit to Turkey as a global media event. The presentation includes the interaction between the global and the local in mass communication studies. The argument is that this visit makes visible some contradictions such as: East/West, EU/Turkey, Christian/Muslim, Catholic/Orthodox. Before this trip, it was presupposed that these contradictions and stereotypes reinforced by the media were to set the agenda; however, it did not happen to be the case. Instead, the existing frames had been replaced by the new ones, which was called a frame shift in news reporting. The discourse method is used to prove this hypothesis. Data were collected during the trip and the visual materials helped in building our theoretical perspective. The aim is to observe the handling of this media event by Western press. Within this perspective, our sample had been formed by pioneering newspapers: Le Monde, Le Figaro, La Libération, The Guardian, The New York Times, Financial Times, Der Spiegel, BBC on-line and Time (magazine).
Artykuł analizuje teksty historyczne pojawiające się na łamach czasopisma„Nadodrze” w 1967 r. Pismo to, skierowane głównie do lubuskiej elity kulturalnej, naukowej i politycznej, tworzyło dominującą narrację na temat historii regionalnej. Poprzez podkreślanie jednych wydarzeń (oraz marginalizację innych), a także ich przedstawianie w odpowiednim świetle, dwutygodnik kształtował pamięć zbiorową swoich czytelników i całego regionu.
The article analyses historical text published in the „Nadodrze” magazine in 1967. As a magazine for local political, academic and cultural elite, it was creating the dominant narration on the regional history. By underlining certain events from the past (and marginalizing others), as well as by presenting them in a certain light, the magazine aimed at shaping the collective memory of its readers and the entire region.
The paper presents the most important methodological findings and proposals devoted to the relationship between media, public and policy agendas, prepared on the basis of the agenda-setting theory. The first part investigates the methodology of media-public agendas interrelationship research. In the analysis of the second part, concerning the media-policy agendas correlations, the hitherto established research models are taken into account as well as original conceptualization and operationalization of the research problem are proposed.
Opracowanie jest próbą przedstawienia najważniejszych ustaleń i  propozycji metodologicznych związanych z  badaniem relacji pomiędzy agendą medialną, publiczną oraz polityczną na gruncie teorii agenda-setting. W  pierwszej części opracowania zostanie przedstawiona metodologia stosowana dotychczas w  badaniu relacji pomiędzy agendą medialną a  publiczną. W  drugiej części analizie zostaną poddane metody wykorzystywane do ustalania zależności pomiędzy agendą medialną a  polityczną. W  obrębie tego zagadnienia zaproponowano modele badawcze bazujące na dotychczasowych doświadczeniach badaczy tego przedmiotu oraz własnej konceptualizacji i  operacjonalizacji problemu.
In the proposed study consideration is given to the problem of the interdependency and distinction of priorities of public opinion, news media and public policies on the local level. The theoretical and methodological basis of the paper consists of the agenda-setting and political responsiveness approaches. The empirical data is divided into three agendas: public, media and policy, which were analysed using comparative statistical analysis. The conclusions pointed at the substantial distinction of the priorities formulat-ed by public opinion and the policies implemented by local government and, to a certain extent, at the interdependency between the news media and local public policy agenda.
The aim of this study is to describe the agenda-setting studies in Turkey. The first study, which is a master dissertation and uses “agenda-setting” in its title, was completed in 1990. Later on there were written 11 master dissertations and 6 doctoral ones. The first scientific article, which was published in an academic journal, goes back to 1991, and later on there were two more published research articles. The total number of the papers, which were presented in academic meetings, is seven, and most of them were published in the books of International Symposium Communication in the Millennium. There are also four books on agenda-setting in Turkey.
Intermedia agenda-setting is a stream of research within the agenda-setting studies which is quite new and relatively hard to find. This phenomenon is described as the transfer of salience of issues between two different media agendas (e.g. between press and TV news media agendas). The goal of the study is, firstly, to examine the press and the TV news media agendas (when the local election campaign is taking place), and their consistency, based on the agenda-setting theory and methodology. Secondly, the aim of the study is to confront the hierarchy of news in the intermedia agenda and the hierarchy of real world factors (which create the ‘real’ agenda, especially statistical data concerning the current public and economic importance of issues reported in the news media). The comparative analysis applied in the study is designed to determine the (in)adequacy of the salience of news (media issues), when compared to the importance of real world factors (reflecting the same problems as media issues). Consequently, the result of the research is an attempt to answer the question about the degree to which real world factors are reflected in the news media in Poland.
Ustanawianie agendy intermedialnej (intermedia agenda-setting), to nowy i rzadko spotykany nurt badań w ramach teorii agenda-setting. Zjawisko to polega na transferze ważności kwestii z jednego rodzaju agendy medialnej do agendy innego rodzaju (np. z agendy prasowej do telewizyjnej). Celem opracowania jest oparta na teorii i metodologii ustanawiania agendy obserwacja agendy prasowej i telewizyjnej w wybranym okresie (kampania przed wyborami do samorządu lokalnego w Polsce w 2014 r.), jak również konfrontacja hierarchii newsów tworzonych przez różne rodzaje mediów oraz wskaźników świata rzeczywistego, które tworzą tzw. agendę „rzeczywistą” (m.in. dane statystyczne dotyczące aktualnego społeczno-gospodarczego znaczenia kwestii relacjonowanych w mediach informacyjnych). Analiza materiału porównawczego pozwoli na przybliżone określenie adekwatności ważności kwestii medialnych w stosunku do nasilenia czynników świata rzeczywistego (w analizowanym okresie: 19 września–15 października 2014 r.). Efektem analizy ma być próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o zakres odzwierciedlenia złożoności świata rzeczywistego w wybranych przekazach medialnych.
The article discusses the results of a study carried out within a broader research project on the crisis of communication in the EU. The aim of the project was to confirm or falsify a thesis on crisis of communication in the EU. The range of communication activities undertaken by the organisation’s structure was determined, communication strategy of the EU was studied, the use information channels, and the content of communications Polish media was analysed. The subject of this article is the image of the EU emerging in 2013 from “Newsweek Polska”, “Polityka” and “Wprost” and the convergence of their media content with the objectives of the EU information policy. Quantitative and qualitative content analyses were used as well as framing analysis, identifying the interpretation schemes used by journalists. Based on the agenda-setting theory the media agenda was set and juxtaposed with a timeline of events in the EU in year 2013.
The report presents theoretical framework of relationships between terrorist organisations and media, and it describes them as an interactive modelling of a message. It introduces the concept of mediatisation of terrorism, and it offers a definition of this process. Moreover, the report develops it with six theoretical hypotheses related to: influence of media on selection of terrorists’ targets, adaptation of an act of terror to the ‘logic of media communication’, personalisation of terrorism and celebritisation of terrorists, creation of biased and oversimplified stereotypes, transformation of terrorist objectives into catch-phrases, as well as a role of political violence in agenda-setting of main news broadcasts. The presented concept will be verified in the ongoing comprehensive, quantitative-and-qualitative study on mediatisation of terrorism in American television, that will investigate the process between September 11, 2001 and the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013.
The article discusses the results of a study carried out within a broader research project on the crisis of communication in the EU. The aim of the project was to confirm or falsify a thesis on crisis of communication in the EU. The range of communication activities undertaken by the organisation's structure was determined, communication strategy of the EU was studied, the use information channels, and the content of communications Polish media was analysed. The subject of this article is the image of the EU emerging in 2013 from “Newsweek Polska”, “Polityka” and “Wprost” and the convergence of their media content with the objectives of the EU information policy. Quantitative and qualitative content analyses were used as well as framing analysis, identifying the interpretation schemes used by journalists. Based on the agenda-setting theory the media agenda was set and juxtaposed with a timeline of events in the EU in year 2013.
Artykuł omawia wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w ramach modułu dotyczącego kryzysu komunikacji w projekcie o kryzysach w UE. Jego przedmiotem jest wizerunek UE wyłaniający się w roku 2013 z czasopism: „Newsweek” Polska”, „Polityka” i „Wprost” i zgodność zawartych tam treści medialnych z celami polityki informacyjnej UE. Wykorzystano ilościową i jakościową analizę zawartości oraz analizę ramową, identyfikującą zastosowane przez dziennikarzy schematy interpretacyjne. W oparciu o teorię agenda-setting ustalono agendę medialną zestawiając ją z kroniką wydarzeń w UE w roku 2013.
Jednym ze wskaźników kondycji państwa demokratycznego jest jego stosunek do mniejszości narodowych. Istotny jest nie tylko wymiar formalny tych relacji, ale także funkcjonowanie sfery publicznej. Kluczowa będzie zatem zdolność do efektywnego negocjowania i deliberacji nad kwestiami ważnymi dla społeczności i budzącymi duże emocje. Naturalną przestrzeń dla takiej debaty stwarzają media, które ukazują przedmiot sporu i stanowiska stron. Będąc również uczestnikiem debaty, media pozycjonują strony i wpływają na postawy społeczne wobec dyskutowanych kwestii. Celem badań, których wyniki są prezentowane w niniejszym artykule była analiza medialnego pozycjonowania mniejszości niemieckiej (MN) w ramach sporu o powiększenie Opola. Na Opolszczyźnie zamieszkuje większość polskich Niemców - najliczniejszej mniejszości narodowej w Polsce. Powiększenie miasta Opola o część terenów należących do sąsiednich gmin, w których znaczącą część społeczności stanowiła MN, wzbudziło silne protesty mieszkańców tych gmin i obawy samej MN, że zmiany te niekorzystnie wpłyną na jej pozycję. W badaniach uwzględniono artykuły prasowe, które ukazały się w regionalnych dziennikach wydawanych na Opolszczyźnie. Stosowano narzędzia analizy ilościowej i jakościowej, wykorzystując m.in. metodę ram interpretacyjnych (framing).
One of the indicators of the condition of the democratic state is its attitude towards national minorities. Not only the institutional dimension of these relations is important, but also the functioning of the public sphere. Public sphere provides space to negotiate and deliberate over issues that are important to the community. Media, which are an essential part of public sphere act as a facilitator and influence social attitudes towards discussed issues. Following paper presents results of an original research on framing German minority in regional press in Poland. Context of the research is the political conflict over the the enlargement of Opole City. The majority of Germans - the most numerous national minority in Poland - live in the Opole region. The enlargement of the city of Opole changes administrative structure in the region by incorporating to the city parts of the neighboring communities often governed by German minority. The incorporation process induced strong protests of the residents of these communities and fears of the German minority itself that these changes would adversely affect its position. The study covers press articles that appeared in regional dailies published in the Opole region. Quantitative and qualitative analysis tools were used, includuing framing analysis.
The purpose of this article is to trace the process of shaping journalistic ethics in Poland. The author also drew attention to the three-level self-control of the media: at the level of the individual, editorial staff and the entire professional environment. In autumn 2019, parliamentary elections took place in our country. The period of the election campaign, especially in times of media politics and mediatization of politics, carries various temptations, journalists may try to influence the results of voting. Then the theory (written principles, codes or ethical regulations) is tested in practice. In this article, the last part is devoted to this issue. To this end, selected legal acts were reviewed within the framework of the subject matter.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prześledzenie procesu kształtowania się etyki dziennikarskiej w Polsce. Autor zwrócił również uwagę na trzystopniową samokontrolę mediów: na poziomie jednostki, redakcji oraz całego środowiska zawodowego. Jesienią 2019 roku miały miejsce wybory parlamentarne w naszym państwie. Okres kampanii wyborczej, zwłaszcza w czasach polityzacji mediów i mediatyzacji polityki, niesie różne pokusy, dziennikarze mogą próbować wpływać na wyniki głosowań. Wtedy to teoria (spisane zasady, kodeksy czy regulaminy etyczne) jest sprawdzana w praktyce. W niniejszym artykule ostatnia część poświęcona jest temu zagadnieniu. W tym celu dokonano przeglądu wybranych aktów prawnych w ramach podjętej tematyki.
Although an election campaign is a crucial part of political communication that encompasses much more than just development of media strategies or their implementation during elections, yet most solutions of modern election methods are based on the specifics of mass media. The end recipient of information is misled, if instead of disseminating information about a candidate and his intentions, media outlets provide a distorted image of an election campaign. The image which is created, when politicians seek to attract media attention by using their election methods (such as pseudo-events). Using literary and source analysis, the paper examines the viewpoints of political scientists, sociologists, media and communication theory experts about the process of public information and its particularities during elections. Legal framework regulating political advertising during the elections in Lithuania is presented and the data of the empirical research – the content of the regional press during the 2016 elections to the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania – is summarised focusing on the behaviour of the regional press. When analysing regional periodicals published during the election campaign, it was intended to ascertain what roles the regional press chose – that of an observer or a watchdog, a provider of information or an analyst, an evaluator. Content analysis of regional press publications published during the election campaign and a sociological survey of media employees helps to determine what roles the media adopted.
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