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Today there is more of a dialectical approach to the meanings of leisure. In earlier times there was more of a consensus or similar understanding of one's free time. The purpose of this paper is to explain today's various meanings of leisure. We discuss the meaning of time and space and its relation to leisure. In addition we have focused on a discussion of free time, work and not work, as well as one's lifestyle. In particular we will introduce the ideas of Dumazedier. In summary we concur with other authors, especially Dumazedier, that leisure is more than free time: it is best understand as a way of life, as a lifestyle.
The article deals with the theoretical foundations of teacher training for adult students in the UK. It has been found out that the system of adult education is based on the andragogical approach that reveals patterns, psychological and pedagogical factors of effective learning. In applying the andragogical approach to adult education the following factors contribute to the learning process improvement: considering the motivation of adult learning, defining educational interests and needs of each adult student, the choice made by andragogue of the learning strategies and techniques designed to increase the professional level of adult education, practical implementation of knowledge and experience acquired by adult students in training process, taking into account the individual characteristics of each participant in the learning process, the desire to cooperate with the teacherandragogue. The theoretical basis of this process is the science of andragogics. It has been revealed that when working with an adult student, the following approaches are used: traditional didactic, problem-search, facilitating that are focused on the content and the learning process. Author determined specific approaches used in the UK for teaching adults, namely active, institutional, competence, synergy and others.
Background Entrepreneurship continues to gain momentum as a significant and relevant field of research. Policy makers in the rush to stimulate entrepreneurship in various countries, often rely on the success stories and prescriptions documented in the entrepreneurship literature in which most studies are set in the United States. Research aims The article present exploratory study addresses the subject of cross-cultural differences in attitudes towards entrepreneurship by focusing attention on two particular types of cultures of entrepreneurship British and Polish. Method The quantitative research (survey) was conducted in May 2014 among 153 Polish and 94 British graduate and postgraduate management students. Key findings The findings have some distinctive implications for government, policy makers and educators through determining the attitudes towards entrepreneurship among students.
Purpose: The increasing role of digitalization in the operation of enterprises actualizes the implementation of the basic methods of proper digitalization processes. The selection of an appropriate method to introduce digitalization is crucial, as it affects the optimization level of the business processes. Methodology: Specific multicriteria selection method includes five steps to identify these approaches, considering the relative error for each approach, as it affects the outcome with the performance indicator of business process digitalization. The strongest criterion value is used to identify the optimal approach. The evaluation of the methods showed that the performance of the logistic, administrative, and innovative methods is not worse than the Pareto principle. Findings: Introducing digitalization in the administrative method has the biggest impact. The chosen method showed that Human Resources processes require modification to reduce costs. A mechanism to digitalize the personnel management processes using artificial intelligence was developed. Implications: The results of multivariate multicriteria analysis show that the implementation of artificial intelligence minimizes human factors and optimizes time and costs. Originality: The main contribution is the development of the method for the selection of an appropriate digitalization approach, which encompasses an implementation mechanism that can be adapted to enterprises’ needs.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems, contradictions and prospects of contemporary dance education in American school. The origins of dance perception as a cultural phenomenon in the history of human culture at various stages of its development are found. It is proved that dance is an important element of the culture of different regions of the world from ancient times to the present. The authors determined and characterized various conceptual approaches to teaching dance in modern American schools, particularly for dance education as part of art education or as part of physical education. It was found out that within any of these approaches dance did not traditionally occupied a worthy place in the curricula of primary and secondary school. The contradictions and prospects of finding “real” identity of dance in education were determined. The historical origin of dance education in the United States and the role of Denishawn School in American tradition of teaching dance are outlined. Research results on the role of dance education in the personality development (theory of multiple intelligence, theories of learning motivation, theories of creative skills development etc.) are systematized. The overview of educational and non-educational factors influencing the legitimization of dance education curriculum K12 is made: the presence of supporters and enthusiasts of dance education among teachers, school administrators’ efforts, support of parental community. The authors outlined objectives and content of the US standards of dance education K-12 ARTS, and their impact on innovative development of dance education in American schools. It was proved that the legitimization of dance in school education through the adoption of national standards K-12 ARTS made a positive impact on its innovative development.
Стаття присвячена вивченню та аналізу методик розвитку культури професійного мовлення майбутнього учителя. Визначено, що всі вони орієнтовані на пошук раціональних методів навчання студентів. Розроблено методику навчання спецкурсу «Професійно-мовленнєва культура спілкування», а також обґрунтовано ефективні підходи до формування професійно-мовленнєвої культури спілкування студентів факультету фізичного виховання.
This article is devoted to the study and analysis of the techniques of the future teacher’s professional speech culture . It has been found that all of them are focused on the search for efficient methods of teaching students. The training technique of the course “Professional-speech culture of communication” has been developed. Effective approaches to creating professional-speech culture of communication of students of physical education department have been selected.
The scientific approaches to the study of children’s issues and child development have been revealed in this paper. They are anthropological-humanistic, system-integrated, synergetic, personality-activity, culturological, axiological. According to anthropological-humanistic approach, childhood is considered to be a unique period of personality formation and a child is considered to be the highest priority in life; it allows to study the development of humanistic views on children and childhood, to investigate social, cultural, educational and other problems through the prism of human. According to system-integrated approach, a child is considered to be an integrated body-soul-spiritual personality (it means interconnection of person’s physical body, psyche and consciousness). Besides, this approach helps to study childhood issues holistically (the purposes of childhood; external factors of influence -social, cultural, educational); their connection with internal (physiological) factors and dependence on economic, moral-legal and living conditions which were at a certain stage of social development; processes which took place during childhood – the process of development and the process of socialization). Synergetic approach reveals the synergetic image of a child (child’s development is in a state of constant change and always has different variants of its way), allows to understand child’s nature better and to identify the possibilities for child’s comprehensive development and self-organization (it may occur due to synergetic interaction of child’s internal forces and influence of environment). Personality-activity approach determined the priority of development of child’s individual abilities, interests, value orientations, subjective experience and abilities to realize child’s ambitions in different activities in childhood; according to it a child is considered to be a subject of different activities (cognitive, artistic, sporting, etc.) and activity is considered to be a basis of child’s development. Culturological approach allows to study the phenomenon of childhood in line with interference of pedagogy and culture, to investigate social and educational phenomena and processes as cultural phenomena and to study childhood and children within the context of their cultural existence. According to axiological approach, a child is considered to be absolute value; it also allows to study childhood issues from the standpoint of values which are dominant in a certain historical period.
Concepts of personality development emphasize the fact that a subject can act as both the author of his career and its object. Given that there are different criteria for classifying careers, there are also different strategies for building them. At the same time, the criteria for the success of a career model can be viewed both from the perspective of a person’s subjectivity and from the perspective of his/her professional environment. In this regard, the evaluation criterion includes the perception and self-evaluation of achievements and recognition in the professional environment through promotion, salary increase, etc. A person, acquiring new knowledge, skills, and abilities, may feel welcomed by the professional environment only after obtaining a higher skill category or a raise. Objective criteria are related to promotion, obtaining a certain social status, number of job changes and types of jobs. Subjective criteria are related to the subject’s (actor’s) ideas about the values regarding their career and desires for how it should be developed in the future. Career strategy is a specific system of activities aimed at the adaptation or development of the career and the person in it and the transformation of the person and others; these activities change the conditions and content of professional activity in order to achieve career goals. Analyzing the presented principles of career development, the following approaches were identified: systemic, personality, project, competence, the principle of interaction between individual, personality and career development, and the principles of socioeconomic adaptation and career mobility. Taking into account the basic principles of career psychology in the conditions of current socio-economic transformations, career development should provide for motivation and success in action and the formation of a stable competitive position, have an appropriate level of professional competence, in particular personal responsibility for the choice of their own career paths.
Koncepcje rozwoju osobowości podkreślają fakt, że podmiot może występować zarówno jako autor swojej kariery, jak i jej przedmiot. Biorąc pod uwagę, że istnieją różne kryteria klasyfikacji karier, istnieją również różne strategie ich budowania. Jednocześnie na kryteria sukcesu modelu kariery można patrzeć zarówno przez pryzmat podmiotowości człowieka, jak i przez pryzmat jego środowiska zawodowego. W tym zakresie kryterium oceny obejmuje percepcję i samoocenę dokonań oraz uznanie w środowisku zawodowym poprzez awans, wzrost wynagrodzeń itp. Osoba, nabywając nową wiedzę, umiejętności i zdolności, może czuć się mile widziana przez środowisko zawodowe dopiero po uzyskaniu wyższej kategorii umiejętności lub podwyżki. Kryteria obiektywne dotyczą awansu, uzyskania określonego statusu społecznego, liczby zmian miejsc pracy i rodzajów pracy. Kryteria subiektywne są związane z wyobrażeniami podmiotu (aktora) o wartościach dotyczących jego kariery i pragnieniach, jak powinna być rozwijana w przyszłości. Strategia kariery to specyficzny system działań mających na celu przystosowanie lub rozwój kariery i osoby w niej oraz przemianę osoby i innych; działania te zmieniają warunki i treść aktywności zawodowej w celu osiągnięcia celów zawodowych. Analizując przedstawione zasady rozwoju kariery zawodowej, zidentyfikowano następujące podejścia: systemowe, osobowościowe, projektowe, kompetencyjne, zasadę interakcji między rozwojem indywidualnym, osobowościowym i zawodowym oraz zasady adaptacji społeczno- ekonomicznej i mobilności zawodowej. Biorąc pod uwagę podstawowe zasady psychologii kariery w warunkach obecnych przemian społeczno-ekonomicznych, rozwój kariery powinien przewidywać motywację i sukces w działaniu oraz kształtowanie stabilnej pozycji konkurencyjnej, posiadać odpowiedni poziom kompetencji zawodowych, w szczególności osobistą odpowiedzialność za wybór własnych ścieżek rozwoju kariery.
The relevance of the student youth’s civic education is emphasized in the article, the essence and expediency of forming of the future teachers’ civic position is considered, the necessity of improving this process and preparing the educators for its organization in the pedagogical education institution is proved. The scientific approaches to the process modeling are substantiated, the main components of the model are considered, its graphic form is depicted, organizational and pedagogical conditions are determined, and practical mechanisms (stages, methods, forms) of the organization of the forming process of the future teachers’ civic position are revealed. This model is based on the study and generalization of theoretical issues, as well as the experience of educational work in general and extra-curricular in particular in a pedagogical education institution. The isolated components of the model are interdependent and interconnected, and the sequence of their essence is mutually justified. Three components in the structure of the future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities, namely: motivational-value, knowledge-information, activity-behavioral are identified in the study. Non-educational activities in educational establishments are organized in accordance with the plan of educational work and corresponding normative documents of the educational process organization. The creation of an environment conducive to the formation of the future teachers’ civic position is positively promoted by non-educational activities: a roadmap for the formation of this quality in the future specialists; elective for students; a special course for teachers, employees, class leaders and students of self-government. It should be noted that pedagogical conditions for the formation of the future teachers’ civic position are a set of circumstances that are present in the social environment and arise under the influence of various factors, and in pedagogy it is a set of factors, requirements, circumstances and influences that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. The search of technologies for formation of readiness of the teachers, tutors and the members of the student's self-government of the pedagogical college to form their active civic position and to develop the appropriate organizational and pedagogical support for the specified process are of great importance for the further research.
Diablo III to trzecia część słynnego tytułu RPG akcji wydanego przez Blizzard Entertainment. Gra została w pełni zlokalizowana na język polski, wraz z podkładem głosowym, i stanowi przykład wysokiej jakości tłumaczenia. Kategoria mechaniki gry obejmuje różne teksty z wnętrza gry odnoszące się do rozgrywki w przeciwieństwie do świata gry i jej interfejsu. W domenie gier RPG są to teksty takie jak statystyki postaci, klasy, umiejętności, cechy przedmiotów, osiągnięcia oraz wskazówki i samouczki. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę przestudiowania wyzwań związanych z tymi tekstami poprzez zbadanie strategii, podejść i technik zastosowanych w ich tłumaczeniu.
Diablo III is the third installment of a renowned action RPG title developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The game has been fully localized into Polish, including the voice-over, and displays high-quality translation. The category of game mechanics covers a variety of in-game texts related to the gameplay as opposed to the game world or the game interface. In the domain of RPG games, these are texts such as character statistics, character classes, character skills, item properties, achievements as well as hints and tutorials. The present study seeks to investigate the challenges posed by these texts through an examination of strategies, approaches, and techniques that have been employed in their translation.
In first part of the article, the authors discuss the problems with defining languages used for specific purposes as well as with defining the field that deals with researching and teaching these variations of language. The authors also present the current approaches to research and pedagogy which are being discussed in the literature of foreign language learning and teaching, among them, the rapprochement between the research on languages for specific purposes and discourse and interaction analysis, as well genre and intercultural studies. This broader study perspective should cause changes in foreign language teaching practice: teaching languages for specific purposes should be planned in a way that would enable language users to participate in the discourse community by developing, during language classes, effective discourse behaviours. In the second part of the article, the authors discuss the content of the 23rd volume of this periodical, entitled: Specialist variations of the language – 1. Research concepts and foreign language teaching practice.
W części I artykułu przedstawiono sposoby definiowania specjalistycznych odmian języków oraz dziedziny zajmującej się ich nauczaniem. Opisano również najnowsze kierunki badań i podejścia pedagogiczne, jakie zarysowały się w ostatnich latach w literaturze glottodydaktycznej. Do najważniejszych tendencji należy zbliżenie się refleksji nad kształceniem języków specjalistycznych do analizy dyskursu i interakcji oraz studiów genologicznych i interkulturowych. To znaczące poszerzenie perspektywy powinno wywołać również określone zmiany w praktyce pedagogicznej w kierunku kształcenia określonych zachowań dyskursywnych, które pozwolą użytkownikom języka właściwie funkcjonować w określonej wspólnocie dyskursywnej. W części II artykułu autorki omawiają treść 23. tomu niniejszego czasopisma zatytułowanego Specjalistyczne odmiany języka – 1. Koncepcje badawcze i praktyka glottodydaktyczna, zwracając uwagę na zawarte w publikowanych pracach kluczowe tezy i koncepcje.
Исследованы методологические подходы к оценке знаний в современном информационном пространстве, определены наукометрические базы как основные инструменты реализации экономики знаний, проанализированы главные наукометрические базы и индексы
Informatization of world science predetermined the emergence of new tools for measurement and evaluation of the work of a scientist in quantitative aspect and the creation of scientometric databases, respectively. The existence of different approaches to the assessment of knowledge with the use of the global scientometric databases confirms the relevance of this research. The aim of the research is the systematization of methodological approaches to the assessment of the knowledge accumulated in scientometric databases, and determining prospects for the development of the assessment of knowledge of Ukrainian authors in the world system of scientometric evaluation. We applied general scientific and special research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparative characteristics, theoretical generalization, system approach. In the work a scientometric database is defined as the platform that deposits (accumulates) in electronic format scientific works of scientists of different branches of knowledge and processes lists of cited literature, calculates certain quantitative indicators, based on which it is possible to analyze the influence/credibility of the activity of one or another publication, organization, scientist etc. It is stressed that the main indicator, with the help of which the assessment of knowledge is given, is the knowledge economy index. We carried out a historical review and found that the first and one of the most respected scientometric knowledge databases of the world is Web of Science, part of the platform of the Web of Knowledge. The most widely used quantitative measure that is calculated in this database is the index of efficiency. Another most famous database is Scopus, which Elsevier publishing corporation positions as the largest universal abstract database that allows tracking scientific citation of publications. In accordance with the declared policy of the corporation, this database must become the most complete and exhaustive resource for the search of literature. It was found that the projects concerning the use of the scientometric database Scopus for assessment of the scientific potential of Ukraine in general and individual subjects of scientific activities of the state at the level of the authorities of state governance began to emerge in 2009. It is stressed that only a small proportion of professional publications of Ukraine is integrated into Scopus and the Web of Science, and to analyze objectively the status of science development in the country with their help is impossible. We concluded that despite the inclusion of new publications into these databases, joining them is a complex and lengthy process. Out of several thousand of journals, the Web of Science selects about 10–12, Scopus ~ 50%. The review procedure lasts for almost a year and in case of rejection the renewed request for registration can be submitted only in 2 years. The assumption was adopted about the development of the assessment of knowledge by means of the most famous global scientometric databases in Ukraine: much time is yet to pass until most of the periodicals from the post–Soviet territory will be included into scientific repositories–leaders and a possibility will come to provide objective assessment with their assistance. The scientific novelty of the article is in the systematization of methodological approaches to the analysis and evaluation of knowledge in the world system of scientometric evaluation and in determining the prospects for the development of this sphere in Ukraine.  The practical significance of the obtained results is the use by domestic scientists of the materials of the paper to determine scientometric databases and indexes that are the most appropriate for submitting publications and collaboration with the leading periodicals of the world by the fields of knowledge. At present, in the world practice they use 4 indexes of scientific citation as the main tool for the quantitative measurement of the efficiency of the work of a scientist. The use of such indexes is the prospect of further research in the development of the knowledge economy.
Інформатизація світової науки обумовила появу нових можливостей вимірювання і оцінювання праці вченого в кількісному виразі та створення наукометричних баз знань відповідно. Наявність різних підходів до оцінки знань із застосуванням світових наукометричних баз підтверджує актуальність цього дослідження. Мета дослідження – систематизація методологічних підходів до оцінки знань, акумульованих у наукометричних базах, та визначення перспектив розвитку оцінки знань українських авторів у світовій системі наукометричного оцінювання. Застосовано загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи досліджень: аналіз, синтез, порівняльних характеристик, теоретичного узагальнення, системний підхід. У роботі наукометричну базу визначено як платформу, що депонує (акумулює) в електронному вигляді наукові праці вчених різних галузей знань і обробляє списки процитованої літератури, обчислює певні кількісні показники, на основі яких можливо проаналізувати впливовість/авторитетність діяльності того чи іншого видання, організації, науковця і т.д. Наголошено, що основний показник, за допомогою якого надається оцінка знань, – індекс економіки знань. Зроблено історичний огляд і виявлено, що першою та однією з найавторитетніших наукометричних баз знань світу є Web of Science – частина платформи Web of Knowledge. Найпоширеніший кількісний показник, що розраховують у цій базі, – індекс оперативності. Інша найвідоміша база – Scopus, яку видавнича корпорація «Elsevier» позиціонує як найбільшу універсальну реферативну базу даних, що дозволяє відстежувати наукову цитованість публікацій. Згідно з оголошеною стратегією корпорації ця база даних повинна стати найбільш повним і вичерпним ресурсом для пошуку літератури. З’ясовано, що проекти стосовно використання наукометричної бази даних Scopus для оцінки наукового потенціалу України в цілому та окремих суб’єктів наукової діяльності держави  на рівні вищих органів державної влади почали з’являтися у 2009 р. Наголошено, що оскільки лише невелика частка фахових видань України інтегрована в Scopus та Web of Science, об’єктивно проаналізувати стан розвитку науки всередині країни з їх допомогою неможливо. Зроблено висновок, що, незважаючи на поповнення цих баз новими виданнями, приєднання до них – процес складний і тривалий. Із кількох тисяч журналів Web of Science обирає близько 10–12, Scopus ~ 50%. Процедура рецензування триває майже рік і в разі відхилення повторний запит на реєстрацію можна надсилати лише через 2 роки. Зроблено припущення щодо розвитку оцінки знань за допомогою найвідоміших наукометричних баз світу в Україні: мине ще чимало часу, поки більшість видань пострадянського простору буде занесено до наукових репозиторіїв-лідерів і з’явиться можливість об’єктивної оцінки з їх допомогою. Наукова новизна статті полягає у систематизації методичних підходів до аналізу і оцінки знань у світовій системі наукометричного оцінювання та визначенні перспектив розвитку цієї сфери в Україні. Практичне значення одержаних результатів – використання вітчизняними вченими матеріалів статі для визначення наукометричних баз та індексів, які є найбільш прийнятні для розміщення публікацій і співробітництва з провідними журналами світу за галузями знань. На теперішній час у світовій практиці як основний інструмент кількісного виміру ефективності праці вченого застосовують 4 індекси наукового цитування. Застосування таких індексів – подальша перспектива досліджень у розвитку економіки знань. Бібл. 11.
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