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vol. 29
issue 4 (61)
W pochodzącym z Trok starym rękopisie zachowała się relacja o niezwykłym zjawisku astronomicznym, które zimą roku 1680 wzbudziło na świecie niepokój, ale też ciekawość.
This paper is a synthetic biography of Tadeusz Banachiewicz (1882–1954), which takes into account his most important scientific achievements. Its aim is to present the achievements of this Polish scientist to the foreign reader.
Niniejszy artykuł jest syntetyczną biografią Tadeusza Banachiewicza (1882–1954), uwzględniającą jego najważniejsze wyniki naukowe. Jego celem jest przedstawienie zagranicznemu Czytelnikowi osiągnięć tego polskiego naukowca.
Gottfried Kirch (1639–1710) was an astronomer born in Guben, the maker of calendars and the author of ephemerides. He owed his fame to the discovery of the Great Comet of 1680, and he gained prestige as the first astronomer of the Royal Prussian Society of Sciences. The article summarises the current state of knowledge about Gottfried Kirch and presents his astronomical and calednariographic activity at various stages of his life, via the lens of the stays in Langgrün, Lobbenstein, Leipzig, Coburg, Guben and Berlin (Dorotheenstadt).
Wiedza o kuli ziemskiej, miejsce Ziemi w kosmosie i zjawisku dnia i nocy nie jest zarezerwowana tylko dla dorosłych. Dzieci stykają się z nią w telewizji, programach multimedialnych, oglądając filmy przyrodnicze, także w wielu opowiadaniach, bajkach i legendach. Posługują się słowami: kula Ziemska, krótki dzień, spadająca gwiazda itd. Próbują także wyjaśniać proste zjawiska astronomiczne, np. przyczynę dnia i nocy. Świadczy to o tym, że budują w swoim umyśle reprezentację astronomiczną.
The knowledge of the globe, Earth’s place in the space and the phenomenon of day and night is not reserved only to the adults. Children come across it on television, multimedia programmes, watching documentaries, as well as in numerous stories, fairy tales and legends. This is why the children use the words: Earth, globe, short day, falling star, etc. They also try to explain simple astronomical phenomena, e.g. the cause of night and day. It proves that they build in their minds a representation of astronomy.
Rocznik Tomistyczny
vol. 2
issue 9
The article discusses various inspirations in the philosophy of Copernicus. According to the author of the text, scholastic views were of key importance in the reflections of the Polish astronomer. In addition, there are influences of the open Christian Aristotelism and also refrences to Platonism. Basically, the scholar belongs to the philosophy of the late Middle Ages as he referred to the thought of John Buridan, Wojciech Brudzewski and other Polish and Western scholastic authors. To sum up, the conducted research shows that in a general sense Nicolaus Copernicus may be classified as a well- educated scholastic master and medieval philosopher, an open thinker of the Late Middle Ages. More detailed study on various influences and inspirations adopted in his reflection results in the following approximate summary: Copernicus’ philosophy is medieval in its three quarters and Renaissanse in one quarter. Hence, three quarters are scholastic and traditional while one quarter is innovative. Innovation-novelty- was decisive for meaning and gradual success of the work of the Polish astronomer, however, it was tradition that enabled this novelty and paved the way to the new vision of the world. Physics of Copernicus is a modified Aristotelism and rules of the order and hierarchy are classified as Christian Platonism and Pythagoreism.
The activity of Christfried Kirch (1694–1740), son of Gottfried Kirch (1639–1710), the first astronomer of the Royal Prussian Society of Sciences, has not yet received much attention in historiography. Christfried Kirch’s astronomy education – beginning with the studies with his father, to the unfulfilled plans of visits to the observatories in England and France – culminated in his acceptance as an observer of the Royal Prussian Society of Sciences on October 8, 1716. The article aims to present the development of Christfried Kirch’s career and his efforts to achieve the position once held by his father in the Society of Sciences in Berlin.
Gottfried Kirch (1639–1710) developed the screw micrometer to observe the occultation of ο Tauri by Saturn on January 7/17, 1679. The news about the instrument was not published immediately. The device was popularised by his calendar for 1696. The article presents preliminary findings concerning the dissemination of knowledge about this invention and responds to the claim that it was the most widely used micrometer in the German-speaking lands in the first half of the 18th century.
The article consists of two parts, the first of which is devoted to the life of the Great Astronomer in the light of the most recent research, while the second part is devoted to his creative work. The bibliography of works about Copernicus for the period 1509-2001 contains 8246 bibliographical items, with the last ten years bringing further articles and books about the scholar from Toruń. Thus, it is not easy to write something new. In dealing with the life of Copernicus, the author concentrates on matters that have been controversial or barely documented in the literature hitherto. He is inclined to accept—on the basis of the new book by Jeremi Wasiutyński The Solar Mystery (Oslo 2003)—Ludwik Birkenmajer s thesis that after finishing the parish school in Toruń, Copernicus attended the cathedral school in Włocławek (Vladislavia/ Leslau). In agreement with Karol Górski, he explains the fact that Copernicus did not take holy orders because he did not have a vocation for pastoral work and treated the dignity of the clerical office with honesty. The author explains that the lack of letters from Copernicus written in Polish stems from the fact that Latin was the language of scholars at that time and was also used by the Astronomer. Copernicus died in 1543, the year in which Mikołaj Rej in his Krótka rozprawa [“A Short Treatise”] marked the beginning of the use of Polish in literature and in chanceleries. The argument over Copernicus’ nationality is, according to the author, gradually becoming anachronistic and today Copernicus unites rather than divides Poles and Germans. In analysing the scholar s works, the author highlights his wide-ranging interests. Similarly to Leonardo da Vinci, he made a long-lasting contribution not only to astronomy, but also to mathematics and physics. In economics, he was the author of a monetary reform. The law whereby bad money drives out good is called Copernicus-Gresham’s law. He was a lawyer by training, obtaining a doctorate in canon law in Ferrara in 1503. He was involved in cartography and was a respected medical doctor. Copernicus was fascinated by the work of the ancients, so characteristic for the humanists of the time. He even translated from Greek into Latin Simocattas Epistles (1509), published in Cracow. That was the only book which we know with certainty was published in his lifetime. His Opus Vitae or Opus Magnum was De revolutionibus (Nuremberg 1543), in which he refuted the geocentric theory of the planetary system, replacing it with the heliocentric theory. This discovery initiated a new era in the history of science, which is called the “Copernican Revolution”. He wrote that the profession of a scientist, in this case an astronomer, is “worthy of a free man”. He was truly a Renaissance Man.
Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. Część pierwsza to życiorys Wielkiego Astronoma w świetle najnowszych badań, natomiast część druga poświęcona jest jego działalności twórczej. Bibliografia prac o Koperniku za lata 1509-2001 obejmuje liczbę 8246 pozycji. Ostatnie 10 lat przyniosło kolejne artykuły i książki o toruńskim uczonym. Napisanie czegoś nowego jest więc sprawą niełatwą. Autor przy redagowaniu życiorysu Kopernika zwraca uwagę na kwestie w dotychczasowej literaturze kontrowersyjne lub mało udokumentowane. I tak skłonny jest przyjąć, na podstawie nowej książki Jeremiego Wasiutyńskiego The Solar Mystery (Oslo 2003), tezę Ludwika Birkenmajera, że Kopernik po ukończeniu szkoły parafialnej w Toruniu uczęszczał do szkoły katedralnej we Włocławku. Fakt nieprzyjęcia święceń wyższych przez Kopernika tłumaczy za Karolem Górskim brakiem powołania do pracy duszpasterskiej i jego uczciwym stosunkiem do godności duchownej. Wreszcie fakt braku listów Kopernika w języku polskim wyjaśnia, iż językiem uczonych była wówczas łacina, którą głównie posługiwał się Astronom. Kopernik zmarł w 1543 r., to jest w tym samym roku, kiedy Mikołaj Rej utworem Krótka rozprawa zapoczątkował używanie języka polskiego w literaturze i kancelariach. Spór o narodowość Kopernika — jak twierdzi autor — staje się anachroniczny; Kopernik dzisiaj bardziej łączy niż dzieli Polaków i Niemców. Charakteryzując twórczość Uczonego, autor wskazuje na wszechstronność jego zainteresowań. Podobnie jak Leonardo da Vinci Kopernik wniósł trwały wkład nie tylko do astronomii, ale także do matematyki i fizyki. W zakresie ekonomii był projektodawcą reformy monetarnej. Prawo o wypieraniu dobrego pieniądza przez zły pieniądz nosi nazwę prawa Kopernika-Greshama. Był wyuczonym prawnikiem, doktorat z prawa kanonicznego uzyskał w Ferrarze w r. 1503. Parał się kartografią, był uznanym lekarzem. Zafascynowany dorobkiem starożytnych, co charakterystyczne dla humanistów tamtych czasów, dokonał nawet tłumaczenia Listów Symokatty (1509) z języka greckiego na łacinę opublikowanego w Krakowie. Była to jedyna książka, która na pewno ukazała się za jego życia. Opus Vitae czy Opus Magnum Kopernika było De revolutionibus (Norymberga 1543), w którym obalił teorię geocentryczną układu planetarnego, zastępując ją teorią heliocentryczną. To odkrycie zapoczątkowało nową epokę w dziejach nauki zwaną „Rewolucją kopernikańską”. Kopernik pisał, że uprawianie nauki, w tym wypadku astronomii, jest „godne człowieka wolnego”. Był w pełni człowiekiem epoki Renesansu.
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, new lectures in natural philosophy based on direct and immediate demonstrations began to spread through Europe. Within this context, a chair of experimental philosophy was created at the University of Padua in 1738, and the new professor, Giovanni Poleni, established a Cabinet of Physics, which became very well known in eighteenth-century Europe. In the following two centuries, Poleni’s successors continued to acquire thousands of instruments used for teaching and research, which today are held at the Museum of the History of Physics of the University of Padua. The present paper describes the main peculiarities of the collection, comprising instruments from the Renaissance to the twentieth century. We also discuss the current acquisition policy of the museum, aimed at collecting material evidence of the research and teaching activities in physics that are carried out in Padua today. We will outline both the local peculiarities of the collection and its international dimension, based on the contacts that have been established throughout the centuries between Padua and the international scientific community. Some aspects of the circulation of scientific knowledge in Europe and beyond will thus also emerge.
Artykuł zawiera omówienia mitów antycznych oraz historii biblijnych przewijających się przez traktat astronomiczny Introductorium compendiosum in «Tractatum sphaerae materialis» Ioannis de Sacrobusto autorstwa Jana z Głogowa – znakomitego naukowca, pracownika Akademii Krakowskiej. Autor artykułu, przedstawiając treść tych opowieści, zwraca uwagę na ich związki z twórczością pisarzy antycznych i średniowiecznych. Celem artykułu jest także ukazanie, jak te fikcyjne legendy funkcjonowały w ramach uczonego traktatu o astronomii, jak dostosowane zostały do poetyki naukowego wywodu.
The article discusses ancient myths and biblical stories that can be found in the astronomical treatise Introductorium compendiosum in «Tractatum sphaerae materialis» Ioannis de Sacrobusto of Jan of Głogów – an outstanding scholar in the Cracow Academy. The article includes an explanation of the content of these legends with references to ancient and medieval authors. Another goal of the article is to show how these stories were incorporated and adapted to the scientific lecture on celestial spheres and stars.
Arranged by topics, the essay covers the early sixteenth – century "Introductorium compendiosum in Tractatum sphaerae materialis Ioannis de Sacrobusto" written in Latin by the Polish scholar Jan of Głogów. The essay explores diverse aspects of his deliberations about the eclipse of the sun which was said to happen during the time of Christ’s death. In Jan`s opinion which was based on astronomical knowledge and ancient writers` judgments, the blocking of the light of the sun when the moon was between it and the earth, was a miraculous event which did not follow the known physical laws of nature and was therefore thought to be caused by God.
The article contains an analysis of the rhetoric of selected texts from Polish popular press of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century (“Tygodnik Ilustrowany”, “Ogniwo”, “Niwa”, and “Ateneum”), mainly related to the visual aspect of astronomical phenomena. The interpretation of these texts has been carried out here in the context of modern philosophy (especially of the notion of the sublime from Kant’s "Critique of Judgement", as well as one of the last attempts to create metaphysical “myth” in "The Ages of the World" treatise by Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling) and contemporary interpretation of Plato’s philosophy created by Eric Voegelin and Paul de Man (interpretation of Kant’s transcendental aesthetics in the "Aesthetic Ideology"). Creating such a constellation of texts is used to answer the question: how the specific presentation of the findings of science (via the mathematical and the dynamical sublime forms) becomes a tool for promoting a modern worldview with its characteristic features: depersonalization of views on the cosmic order, depriving them of emotional components, as well as displacement of existential issues (related to the philosophical “myth of the soul”) in the private sphere, without the effects on the social dimension of morality and politics.
The "National Geographic" magazine, which has been published in the United States since the 19th century, appeared on the Polish market in 1999 due to the political transformation that had taken place and led to many changes, also in context of media system, in the country. This magazine, due to its characteristics, belongs to the segment of popular science journals. Its editors aim to spark readers' curiosity about various topics, including outer space. The article presents a formal and content analysis of the periodical as a potential source of information in this area of interest. In addition, it discusses the historical overview of the magazine on the Polish publishing market, statistical data on selected publications, their substantive, cognitive and aesthetic value.
Magazyn „National Geographic”, ukazujący się w Stanach Zjednoczonych od XIX wieku, pojawił się na polskim rynku w 1999 roku w efekcie zaistniałej transformacji ustrojowej, która doprowadziła do wielu zmian, również na rynku medialnym w kraju. Czasopismo to ze względu na zawartość przynależy do segmentu prasy popularnonaukowej. Jego redaktorzy za cel wyznaczają wzbudzanie w czytelnikach zainteresowania rozmaitymi zagadnieniami, w tym tymi, dotyczącymi Kosmosu. W artykule przedstawiono analizę formalno-treściową periodyku jako potencjalnego źródła informacji w tej sferze zainteresowania. Omówiono m.in. zarys historyczny tytułu na polskim rynku wydawniczym, przybliżono dane statystyczne dotyczące wybranych publikacji, ich wartość merytoryczną, poznawczą oraz estetyczną.
The article discusses and deconstructs the nature-culture dichotomy, examining how the image of nature in Romanticism was filtered through cultural matrices, especially in connection with the development of natural sciences, and the concept of cognition, which was most often perceived as based on the senses. Science, rooted in culture and society, and various cultural codes influenced a new poetics of nature. The analysis of the works by Mickiewicz and Słowacki demonstrates that old astronomical theories (attractive in terms of poetics and aesthetics, though widely rejected) co-existed in poetry alongside newer discoveries (Kepler), ultimately allowing poets to combine modern empiricism and materialism with spiritualism using the same method (inductive reasoning).
Artykuł prezentuje, dekonstruując dychotomię natura–kultura, jak w okresie romantyzmu obraz natury filtrowany był przez kulturowe matryce – zwłaszcza związane z rozwojem nauk ścisłych, a więc z poznaniem, które postrzegano najczęściej jako oparte na zmysłach, czysto materialne. Nauka, sama uwikłana w kulturę i społeczeństwo, dostarczała tworzywa do nowej poetyki natury wraz z repertuarem kodów kulturowych. Na przykładzie Mickiewicza i Słowackiego ukazane zostanie, jak mogła współistnieć stara astronomia (poetycko i estetycznie atrakcyjna, choć powszechnie już odrzucona) obok nowszych odkryć (Kepler), a wraz z nowożytnym empiryzmem i materializmem (Bacon) można było zespolić spirytualizm, korzystając z tej samej metody poznawczej (indukcja).
The article entitled: Astrology, Palmistry and Metoposcopy as a Complement to the Physiognomic Image of the Soul in the Philosophy of Marin Cureau de La Chambre aims to present the views of a little-known French doctor and philosopher in Poland. Living and creating in seventeenth century, de La Chambre is a representative of post-Cartesian philosophy. His studies concern the physiognomic image of the human psyche. The article briefly presents the content of the main works of this author, which include Les Characteres des passions, vols. 1–4, Paris1662 and L'art de connoistre les hommes, Amsterdam 1660. It is in these books that the scholar presents the principles of getting to know people, resulting from the combination of medical knowledge and the analysis of emotions in a person. In the second part, the article presents the content of two letters that de La Chambre attached to L'art de connoistre les hommes. These are: Discours sur les principes de la chiromance (Dissertation on the principles of palmistry) and Discours sur les principes de la metoposcopie (Dissertation on the principles of metoposcopy). The scientist studies the utility of these pseudo-sciences for the purposes of medicine so that, together with physiognomy, they can replenish the necessary knowledge not only about the behavior of people, but about the traits of their character, as well as the fate with reference to the incidence of various diseases. The article presents a less popular and familiar part of the knowledge in the field of the development of post-Cartesian medical philosophy in France in the seventeenth century. 
Artykuł zatytułowany Astrologia, chiromancja i metoposkopia jako uzupełnienie fizjonomicznego obrazu duszy w filozofii Marin Cureau de La Chambre’a, ma na celu zaprezentowanie poglądów mało znanego w Polsce lekarza i filozofa francuskiego. Żyjący i tworzący w wieku siedemnastym de La Chambre jest przedstawicielem filozofii  pokartezjańskiej. Jego opracowania dotyczą fizjonomicznego obrazu psychiki ludzkiej. Artykuł ukazuje skrótowo treść głównych dzieł tego autora, do których zalicza się Les Characteres des passions, t. 1–4, Paris 1662 oraz L'art de connoistre les hommes, Amsterdam 1660. To w tych książkach uczony prezentuje zasady poznania ludzi, wynikłe z połączenia wiedzy lekarskiej oraz analizy emocji w człowieku. W drugiej części artykuł przybliża treść dwóch utworów o charakterze listów, które de La Chambre dołączył do L'art de connoistre les hommes. Są nimi: Discours sur les principes de la chiromance (Rozprawa o zasadach chiromancji oraz Discours sur les principes de la metoposcopie (Rozprawa o zasadach metoposkopii). Uczony bada przydatność tych pseudo-nauk dla celów medycyny tak, aby wraz z fizjonomiką, mogły zasilić niezbędną wiedzę nie tylko o zachowaniu ludzi, ale o cechach ich charakteru, jak również przeznaczeniu w odniesieniu do zapadalności na różne choroby. Artykuł przedstawia mniej popularną i mniej znaną część wiedzy z zakresu rozwoju pokartezjańskiej filozofii medycznej we Francji wieku siedemnastego.
Between the year 1925 and the outbreak of World War II, the Diocese of Częstochowa had 473 priests. Apart from their pastoral duties, some priests engaged in writing. They were educated for that purpose, and some of them had had previous authorship experiences in other Dioceses. The most prolific were priests coming from the Diocese of Włocławek. Essays and papers by the Częstochowa Diocese priests were published by university and Diocese publishing houses. Clerical publishing was strongly supported by the Diocese leaders, such as Bishop Teodor Kubina, who emphasized the importance of these activities. The publications in question concerned a variety of issues and domains. Most works concerned theology. Some of these were strictly scientific papers, others were of more popular character, yet others were targeted at a wider public. The publications were in Polish and Latin. Apart from theology, some priests wrote texts in the field of humanities: literature, documentaries and journalism. Altogether, in the years 1925-1939, at least 57 priests were active writers, which equalled 12% of the total of the clergy in the Diocese.
Between the year 1925 and the outbreak of World War II, the Diocese of Częstochowa had 473 priests. Apart from their pastoral duties, some priests engaged in writing. They were educated for that purpose, and some of them had had previous authorship experiences in other Dioceses. The most prolific were priests coming from the Diocese of Włocławek. Essays and papers by the Częstochowa Diocese priests were published by university and Diocese publishing houses. Clerical publishing was strongly supported by the Diocese leaders, such as Bishop Teodor Kubina, who emphasized the importance of these activities. The publications in question concerned a variety of issues and domains. Most works concerned theology. Some of these were strictly scientific papers, others were of more popular character, yet others were targeted at a wider public. The publications were in Polish and Latin. Apart from theology, some priests wrote texts in the field of humanities: literature, documentaries and journalism. Altogether, in the years 1925-1939, at least 57 priests were active writers, which equalled 12% of the total of the clergy in the Diocese.
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