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The aim of the paper is to show how auditory sensations are metaphorically construed in the Polish language. In the empirical part three Polish sound lexemes have been analysed based on the Polish National Corpus: dźwięk, odgłos and hałas. According to the corpus data three main metaphors could be determined depending on figurative verbs with which the lexemes cooccur: SOUND AS A MOVING ENTITY, SOUND AS AN ENEMY, SOUND AS AN INITIATOR OF A PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTION. In the theoretical part an account of the nature of the audi­tory perception as well as semantic considerations are provided which should be viewed as a discus­sion with a slight alternative approach to auditory perception in Polish proposed by Piotr Kładoczny.
Exogenous and endogenous response priming were investigated by comparing performance on stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) and response-effect compatibility (REC) tasks using a respeated measures design. In the SRC task, participants made finger taps at high or low locations in response to centrally presented visual stimuli paired with high- or low-pitched tones. In the REC task, the tones were triggered by responses instead of being presented with the visual stimuli, and hence effects of REC on response times reflect the anticipation of forthcoming tones. Results indicated that response times were shorter with compatible mappings between tones and responses than with incompatible mappings in both tasks. Although these SRC and REC effects did not differ reliably in magnitude, they were uncorrelated across participants. Thus, although exogenous and endogenous response priming may be functionally equivalent at the level of the group, it is unclear whether this is the case at the level of the individual.
The purpose of this paper is to describe some current deletion trends in modern spoken German. The study is based on orthographic transcriptions of academic talks made by German native speakers. The analysis has been conducted in order to show the most common phonetic reductions of the formal Standard German variety as used today in official situations in Germany. The linguistic data are taken from the GeWiss corpus, which is a comparative corpus of audio recordings and transcriptions of spoken academic languages (German, Polish, English). The research organizations involved were the Herder Institute at the University of Leipzig, Wrocław University and Aston University in Birmingham.
The study critically analyzes Husserl’s interpretations of spatiality in his lectures from 1907, titled “Ding und Raum”. It seeks reasons why these lectures concentrate almost exclusively on visual perception and do not consider the constituting of space by means of auditory perception. He finds these reasons both in the ambivalent interpretation of location (i.e., the insufficiently considered relationship between localization and position) and in the not fully reflected upon conviction that sight is more important for a person in relation to the surrounding environment than is hearing. The study points out the possibility of applying Husserl’s formulated “method of layers” in the course of phenomenological research to sonic environments (assuming the rejection of the primacy of visuality in the interpretation of human experience).
Studie kriticky analyzuje Husserlovy výklady prostorovosti v přednáškách Ding und Raum (1907). Hledá důvody, proč se tyto přednášky soustředí téměř výhradně na vnímání zrakem a není zohledněna konstituce prostoru pomocí sluchového vnímání. Tyto důvody spatřuje jednak v ambivalentním výkladu umístění (tj. nedostatečně promyšleném vztahu mezi lokalizací a polohou) a jednak v ne zcela reflektovaném přesvědčení, že zrak je pro člověka ve vztahu k okolnímu prostředí důležitější než sluch. Studie upozorňuje na možnost aplikace Husserlem formulované „metody vrstev“ při fenomenologickém výzkumu zvukových prostředí (za předpokladu odmítnutí primátu vizuality při výkladu lidské zkušenosti).
In this essay, I present and analyze differences in the perception of the world by two people who are representatives of two different cultures and societies. The first one is the anthro- pologist Fernando Santos-Granero and the second is a man from the Amazonian Yanesha group named Matar. Focusing on the description of a specific event that happened during the ethnographic fieldwork, I deal with the differences in its interpretation. Referring to the interactionist theory of reasoning proposed by Dan Sperber and Hugo Mercier and on Anil Seth’s research on perception, I assume that these differences are the result of each person’s individually shaped perceptions and ways of reasoning. In this paper I seek to explain how perception and reasoning influence the formation of representations that arise in the human mind in relation to cultural as well as environmental phenomena.
vol. 48
issue 2
W etiologii jąkania wskazuje się na nieprawidłowości w zakresie odbioru dźwięków mowy, dlatego też w diagnozie powinna być uwzględniona percepcja słuchowa. W praktyce logopedycznej ważne staje się opracowanie technik badawczych pozwalających wskazać na audiogenne uwarunkowanie jąkania. Istotne jest również określenie sposobów modyfikowania percepcji słuchowej w terapii osób jąkających się, ponieważ oddziaływania na odbiór mowy, w szczególności na autokontrolę słuchową, występują w większości metod. W artykule podjęta zostanie próba wskazania optymalnych strategii w tym zakresie.
In the etiology of stuttering, abnormalities are pointed out in speech sounds perception, which is why diagnosis should take auditory perception into consideration. In logopedic practice it is important to develop research techniques that allow indicating the audiogenic determinants of stuttering. It is also important to define the ways of modifying auditory perception in the treatment of stutterers because impacting on speech perception, particularly on auditory self-control, is found in the majority of methods. The article will seek to show the optimum strategies in this field.
Names of sounds are a base for forming new words. Among the derivatives created from names of sounds there are names of sources of sound, names of carriers of features connected with sounds, names of places and metaphorical expressions. These derivatives have three types of word-formation motivation: associative motivation attributing inessential, but perceptible features (typical for names of animals), proper motivation depicting sound as an essential semantic element of a referent (frequent in names of objects and appliances) and metaphorical motivation presenting a resemblance to persons or objects with regard to connection with sounds (characteristic for names of people and names of speech). Some typical roots denoting sounds have been used for the formation of new sounds, such as like klep- (tap-) depicting sounds of hits during handiwork, szczek- (bark-) which describes dog sounds, pisk- (squeal-) which names treble and long sounds and also głuch- (deaf-) applying to a lack of sound.
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Neural correlates of rhythmic expectancy

Temporal expectancy is thought to play a fundamental role in the perception of rhythm. This review summarizes recent studies that investigated rhythmic expectancy by recording neuro-electric activity with high temporal resolution during the presentation of rhythmic patterns. Prior event-related brain potential (ERP) studies have uncovered auditory evoked responses that reflect detection of onsets, offsets, sustains, and abrupt changes in acoustic properties such as frequency, intensity, and spectrum, in addition to indexing higher-order processes such as auditory sensory memory and the violation of expectancy. In our studies of rhythmic expectancy, we measured emitted responses - a type of ERP that occurs when an expected event is omitted from a regular series of stimulus events - in simple rhythms with temporal structures typical of music. Our observations suggest that middle-latency gamma band (20-60 Hz) activity (GBA) plays an essential role in auditory rhythm processing. Evoked (phase-locked) GBA occurs in the presence of physically presented auditory events and reflects the degree of accent. Induced (non-phase-locked) GBA reflects temporally precise expectancies for strongly and weakly accented events in sound patterns. Thus far, these findings support theories of rhythm perception that posit temporal expectancies generated by active neural processes.
vol. 51
issue 2
Modern cognitive research is increasingly engrossed in the role our senses play in learning about world and language. Although from speech therapy perspective, the sense of hearing is the key to enter the world of language – mastering language, communication and cultural competence, both biological fitness, guaranteeing perception of sounds i.e. hearing and the intellectual one i.e. listening, allow to develop knowledge of language structures, world, and to be a part of cultural message.
Udział zmysłów w poznawaniu świata i języka coraz częściej staje się przedmiotem badań kognitywnych. Z perspektywy logopedii wiemy, że kluczem umożliwiającym wejście do świata języka – opanowania kompetencji językowej i komunikacyjnej oraz kulturowej – jest zmysł słuchu. Sprawność biologiczna gwarantująca odbiór dźwięków – słyszenie i sprawność intelektualna – słuchanie umożliwia budowanie struktur wiedzy o języku i świecie, uczestniczenie w przekazie kulturowym. Autorka, wykorzystując zabawę zagadkami w terapii studentów niesłyszących, pokazuje, jakie problemy w identyfikowaniu przedmiotów ukrytych w tekstach mają młodzi ludzie z uszkodzonym słuchem. Także analiza sposobów rozwiązywania zagadek przez osoby słyszące (studentów i uczniów) wskazuje na ich trudności i ograniczenia w rozumieniu takich tekstów. Wykorzystywanie zagadek w pracy nad rozwijaniem sprawności językowej wskazuje na konieczność uwzględniania w terapii logopedycznej treningu w językowym ujmowaniu znaczeń wyrazów i „manipulowania” formą i treścią znaków językowych.
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W artykule podjęto próbę omówienia wybranych zagadnień związanych z uwarunkowaniami wspólnych cech muzyki i słuchu fonematycznego w aspekcie powiązań mechanizmów ich percepcji. Kształtowanie się słuchu fonematycznego odpowiada etapom rozwoju percepcji mowy. Kilka refleksji poświęcono analogii zachodzącej między muzyką a językiem jako formami komunikatu posługującego się fonemem lub dźwiękiem. Wiele sekwencji tych elementów powiązanych jest ścisłymi regułami, mającymi swoją semantykę oraz cechy akustyczne (wysokość, dynamikę, barwę, czas trwania). Podobieństwa polegają na percepcji, która wyprzedza wykonanie oraz używa tego samego kanału słuchowo-głosowego. Formy, zarówno muzyczne, jak i językowe, uwarunkowane są uczestnictwem w określonej kulturze.
This article attempts to discuss selected issues related to the determinants of common features of music and phonemic hearing in terms of ties between mechanisms of their perception. Development of phonemic hearing corresponds with the developmental stages of speech perception. Some reflections presented within the article focus on the analogy that occurs between music and language considered forms of message using a phoneme or sound. Many sequences of these elements are bonded with strict rules, which have their semantics and acoustic characteristics (height, dynamics, timbre, duration). The similarities occur in the perception that precedes execution and uses the same auditory – voice channel. Both music and language forms are conditioned by participation in a particular culture.
Der Artikel enthält das Abstract ausschließlich in englischer Sprache.
In my article I interpret the short story “Among the Forest” by Adam Asnyk. I discuss the issue of the relationship between auditory perception and melancholic experiences. To this end, while analyzing the text, I refer to concepts regarding the nature of melancholia and adopt the methodological apparatus of sound studies. As it turns out, the listener's attitude is crucial for overcoming melancholia. According to the poet, attentive listening to the surroundings and the words of other people allows to reach the meaning of life inscribed in nature and as a consequence may help find a cure for melancholia.
L'article contient uniquement le résumé en anglais.
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