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Laconicity of written sources and scarcity of iconography prevent a complete reconstruction of the history of the Cracvian bishops’ castle in Muszyna, the reconstruction of its architectural shape and the possible restructuring. In such a case, archaeology becomes very helpful. The campaigns so far (1963, 1973–1974, 1991, 1996–1998, 2007–2008) have partly clarified the outline of the foundations and made it possible to sketch out the plan, which will certainly be verified by the future (planned) excavation works. During the works, rich archaeological material was obtained, dated between the 15th and the 18th century, whichprovides informations about the level and style of life of the inhabitants. Currently the position of the defence walls can be reconstructed on the plan of an approximate rectangle measuring about 30 m by 59 m, with a four-sided gate tower in the south-east corner and a deep risalit along the greater part of the south wall. The interior was divided in two by a wall. In the western part there was a – probably – two-storey, one-suitehouse, perhaps a residential building (which is suggested by the character of the archaeological discoveries). Also the rooms in the risalit were assigned for accommodation. On the opposite side, in the north-east corner, kitchens were situated, perhaps with an internal well. The castle was separated from the remaining part of the hill by a natural moat, over which a wooden bridge was built, its last section being a drawbridge. It is traditionally maintained that the stone castle was built on the initiative of Casimir the Great (earlier in Muszyna there was a small fortified settlement near the castle; its earth walls partly survived). In the first half of the 15th century it became the property of the bishops of Cracow. The 15th century is the most violent period of its history. It was besieged a numberof times and destroyed too a various degree (which is confirmed by the character of layers). At the turn of the 16th century it was rebuilt in the renaissance style, retaining the defencewalls. After being destroyed at the end of the 16th century, it was abandoned by its inhabitants and, despite occasional repairs, has been falling into ruin since then. Until our times, only thelower parts of the tower and short fragments of the defence walls have survived.
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Dwór w Skotnikach nad Pilicą

Skotniki is loca ted on the river Pilica a lon g the historical borderland b e tw e en Little Poland and Great Poland. T he spatial planning o f this small and unpro sp e rou s v illage recalls a small tow n , w ith a rectangular market square and streets leading to and from it. Th e village has tw o ex tan t six te en th - century buildings: a w o o d e n church and a ston e manor h ou se , both foun d ed by Mikołaj Wspinek, k n ow also as Spinek, ow n e r o f several nearby villages. T he manor hou se was erec ted in the first half o f the six te en th century ou t o f local ston e . Th e cellars and g round flo o r we r e co v e r ed with barrel vaults. Th e building was r edesigned twice: a north w in g w as added in the se v en te enth century, fo llow ed by a south w in g , w ith o u t cellars. T h e w in d ow and d o o r op en in g s preserve ston e frames: the sim ple, o ld e st exam ple sh ow s traces o f grates and the later com e from the first stage in the e x p an sion o f the manor house. All the w o o d en e lem en ts o f the building: the roof, c e ilin g s and w o o dw o rk we r e damaged in 1 9 1 5 , during the first w o r ld war. Repair initiated in 1 9 7 9 was halted several years later by the n ew ow n e r — the local parish which is unable to m e e t the co sts o f con se rv a tion .
In 1986, during excavations at Podebłocie (a locality near Vistula c. 100 km south of Warsaw) 3 clay tablets dated between IX–XI centuries A. D. were found. Professor T. Wasilewski (1987) interpreted the inscription as placed on them as I X C H which represents the Byzantine Christogram: IC/XC – NI/KA = IHCOYC XPICTOCNIKA. This Christogramm occurs often in different inscriptions in KievanRus’, namely in 3 stones of duce Borys in Dvina near Połock, 1128, in Cross on stone of duce Rogvolod near of town Druck as well as in of Kievanencolpions. In the territory of Poland were discovered over 50 encolpions. One of them fund in excavation Horodyszcze in Trepcza near Sanok (XII–XIII c.) has Christogram IC / XC N (K ), whereas X P was engravedon the bronze encolpion in Ostrów Lednicki near Gniezno (first half of XI c.). As it seems, also tablets from Podebłocie are of Church Russian origin. Its author might be captive Orthodox believer taken during Kiev expedition of Bolesław the Brave in 1018 and then settled in Podebłocie, where he engraved inscription in the tablets.
The article presents a report from architectonic-archaeological reserch and construction work conducted in the palace at the turn o f 1993. Two groups o f studies and work are described: the construction of new foundations under the wall next to the main staircase and the reinforcement of the foundations and protection o f the columns o f the portico. N ew foundations and wall supports next to the main staircase were built owning to their shallow foundation on weak soil, without combined footing, which led to a considerable settlement and deformation o f the walls and ceilings o f the upper storeys. The reinforcement o f the walls was carried out by means o f steel beams placed in grooves above floor level. The new foundation under the walls was made o f steel grade, in concrete and based on existing combined footing and four additionally made wells. The reinforcement o f the portico foundations and the protection o f the portico columns was performed by a partial rebuilding of the brick foundation with injections of epoxide resins and the reinforcement o f the basis with injections o f mortar on a cement base. The work was carried out under archaeological-architectonic supervision. On the site discoveries were made of brick-stone constructions and remnants o f foundations from the eighteenth-century expansion o f the palace. The 1 9 8 9— 1991 studies of the whole object were supplemented. The investigation results point to the fifteenth-century origin of the object and make it possible to follow the consecutive phases o f its expansion.
The expectations associated with the archaeological supervision initiated in September 1999 in the eastern row of houses in the Old Town of Nidzica concerned relics connected with old settlements and town development. Already the exploration of the first metres unearthed strata dating from the Hallstatt D/La Tene A period, associated with the settlement of the western Balt barrow culture and the Przeworsk culture. The significance of this discovery made it possible to change the very nature of the excavation from supervision to archaeological research. The five basic stratigraphic layers distinguished in the course of the investigations include: I level – contemporary and nineteenth-century surfaces, II level – late mediaeval and modern layers, III level – late mediaeval traces of half-timber buildings in the southern row of houses in the market square, IV level – mediaeval strata containing relics of pottery, V level – ancient. The most interesting element registered in the course of the excavations was the longitudinal insulation of the mediaeval buildings made of pots fashioned on a potter’s wheel. A stone pavement on a sand bed, certainly comprising the cellar floor, was found at a depth not exceeding 2 metres. A layer of vessels was discovered after the removal of the pavement. Compactly arranged and turned upside down, the empty pots, covered with clay, provided excellent insulation against dampness and, at the same time, created a stable sleeper for the whole building, as evidenced by the remnants of partition walls built directly on the “pot” insulation. The excavations registered more than 200 whole “insulation” vessels and almost the same number of their fragments. The dendrochronological examination of the wooden construction on the pavement above the insulation was performed by M. Krąpiec, who established the time span of the construction as 1372-1407. In view of the fact that the town’s locatio took place in 1381, we may narrow down the origin of the construction to the post-1381 and pre-1408 period. The described insulation remains unique on a Polish and European scale. The exposition of the findings posed a different problem. Thanks to an agreement between the Voivodeship Conservator of Historical Monuments for Varmia and Mazuria and the museum at Nidzica Castle as well as the assistance of the staff of the Voivodeship Office for the Protection of Historical Monuments in Olsztyn it was possible to recreate a small fragment of this example of mediaeval technology.
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For more than ten years now we are witnessing a steady decline of social interest in the outcome of archaeological excavations. The reason for this situation seems to lie in an excessive demand for research, a far-going commercialisation of science, an administrative approach to archaeology, insufficient time for reflections on work methods, and the absence of an adaptation of research methods to rapidly progressing computer techniques. The nostalgic- Romantic dimension of archeology is becoming increasingly distant from dynamically developing reality. Another equally important error committed by the archaeologists is the reduced rate of publishing the results of their work and an almost total lack of popular publications. The large number of excavation proposals restrains enthusiasm for scholarly investigations, while the scientific vocabulary of written studies reduces the range of potential readers. Insufficient time and a constant quest for new tasks separate researchers from those members of the public who are interested in the outcome of archaeological studies. This small part of society continues to decrease owing to the mistakes made by the archaeologists themselves. Once it becomes reduced to a bare minimum, we shall be able to establish yet another Society of Polish Archaeologists and exchange our knowledge in the manner of stamp collectors.
Artykuł omawia zawarte w obecnie obowiązującej ustawie z 2003 r. o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami definicje zabytku archeologicznego i badań archeologicznych oraz wynikające z ich stosowania problemy w praktycznej działalności konserwatorskiej. Wskazuje również na sprzeczności i niekonsekwencje zapisów dotyczących zabytków archeologicznych, badań archeologicznych i poszukiwań zabytków zawartych zarówno w tej ustawie i rozporządzeniach wykonawczych do niej, jak i w innych przepisach oraz na brak jednoznacznych uregulowań prawnych dotyczących m.in. prac archeologicznych prowadzonych na cmentarzach, statusu prawnego szczątków ludzkich oraz własności zabytków.
The article discusses the definitions of an archaeological find and archaeological research contained in the current Act of 2003 on the Protection and Guardianship of Monuments, as well as the problems resulting from their application in practical monument protection activities. It also points out the contradictions and inconsistencies of the provisions concerning archaeological finds, archaeological research and search for artefacts contained both in this act and its executive regulations, as well as in other regulations and the lack of clear legal regulations concerning i.a. archaeological works carried out at cemeteries, the legal status of human remains and ownership of finds.
Karakorum - the former capital of the Mongol state - and Erdene Zuu - the oldest Mongolian lamaic monastery - constitute the most important historical monuments of this country. The Ministry of Culture of Mongolia has requested a group of specialists from various countries to prepare a report which would define the premises for the conservation of this historical ensemble. These experts included the author of this article, in which he presents his extensive remarks on the subject. The examination of the ruins of Karakorum revealed the existence of ca 75 permanent edifices. Their construction (clay and timber) is the reason why archeological work must be connected with simultaneous conservation. The extant monument of the Erdene Zuu monastery calls for permanent and complex protection - the removal of vegatation around the objects and reconstruction. Due to their unsatisfactory technical condition, some of the monuments such as the town gates and the walls around the monastery call for immediate conservation-construction undertakings. A particularly significant task is the protection of unique murals in pavilions belonging to the Gurvam Zuu temples. The reconstruction of the devastated monastery should be executed upon the basis of a photogrammetric analysis of the existing archival photographs. An archeological and landscape protection zone should be delineated around both Erdene Zuu and Karakorum.
Sprawozdanie z badań archeologicznych przeprowadzonych w pałacu w Zatorze.
A report from the archaeological research conducted at the palace in Zator.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
vol. 33
issue 3
Despite numerous legal and ethical doubts legal status of human corpse has still not been clearly defined. Such a legal gap creates a state of uncertainty for many professions. Among them are undoubtedly archaeologists. For them, improper handling of cadavers can give rise to legal consequences under the grounds of the Criminal Code, the Law on cemeteries and the burying the dead, the Law on the protection and care of historical monuments, and even the Civil Code. Thus, what needs to be discussed is how to deal with human remains discovered during archaeological investigations. It shall be consider how to deal with corpses in various stages of decomposition, as well as determining the convergence in the subject of exhumation and archaeological research, and consequently, whether the rules for handling human remains applicable to the subject of exhumation can or should be also applied by archaeologists.
Pomimo licznych wątpliwości natury prawnej i etycznej status prawny zwłok ludzkich wciąż nie został jednoznacznie określony. Ta luka prawna stwarza stan niepewności dla wielu zawodów. Wśród nich niewątpliwie znajdują się archeologowie. W przypadku tego zawodu niewłaściwe postępowanie ze zwłokami może rodzić konsekwencje prawne na gruncie kodeksu karnego, ustawy o cmentarzach i chowaniu zmarłych oraz wydanych do niej rozporządzeń, ustawy o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami, a nawet kodeksu cywilnego. Tym samym omówienia wymaga sposób postępowania ze zwłokami ludzkimi odkrytymi podczas prowadzenia badań archeologicznych. Rozważenia wymaga również określenie sposobu postępowania ze zwłokami w różnym stadium rozkładu, jak również ustalenie konwergencji w przedmiocie ekshumacji oraz badań archeologicznych, a co z tego wynika, rozważenia, czy zasady postępowania ze zwłokami ludzkimi obowiązujące podmiot przeprowadzający ekshumację mogą lub powinny być stosowane również przez archeologów i na odwrót.
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Wójtowa Góra w Sieciechowie

The history of Sieciechów and located monuments on its area for over 140 years are the subject of intensive research by historians, architectural historians and archaeologists. Particular attention is drawn primarily researchers station called Mountain village mayors – a small (now almost totally destroyed) hill situated west of the center of today’s settlement, considered by some researchers for the location of the well-known from written sources castrum Sieciech. This article discusses how far unpublished materials relating to this position, which is a collection of 399 pieces of pottery derived from within two archaeological sites located in the southern part Wójtowa Mountains. Analysis of these artifakts has allowed the protrusion of a new and different about the current interpretation of the functional position. Now, as a result of the analysis of these materials, and correlating the information obtained in this way with the data on the stratigraphy of the hill, the view of past defensive been denied a Wójtowa Mountains. In the light of the development of this material in position to function only of an open settlement, and the chronology based on the analysis of the ceramic material, can be determined by the age XIII, XIV or early age. Presumably, discussed the settlement was destroyed by the Tartar invasion.
W 2018 roku przy kościele parafialnym pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP w Lutomiersku prowadzone były sondażowe badania archeologiczne. W ich wyniku w jednym z grobów natrafiono na brązową lub mosiężną ikonkę podróżną powstałą w wytwórni w Guślicach (Rosja) w XIX lub na początku XX w. Lutomierski egzemplarz ikony jest tryptykiem, składającym się na podobieństwo ołtarza. We wnętrzu umieszczona jest postać Matki Boskiej Iwerskiej, której pierwowzór związany jest z monastyrem Iwiron na Górze Athos w Grecji. Przedmiot dodatkowo znajdował się w woreczku jedwabnym. Znalezisko to poświadcza, że na lutomierskim cmentarzu przykościelnym być może chowano także wyznawców prawosławia.
During archaeological works carried out at the cemetery of the parish church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lutomiersk, a bronze or brass traveller’s icon was found in one of the graves. It was made in Guślice (Russia) in the 19th or early 20th century. The icon has the form of triptych, folding like an altar. Inside is the figure of the Holy Virgin, whose prototype is connected with the Iwiron monastery on Mount Athos in Greece. The icon was inside a silk pouch. This find indicates that members of the Orthodox Church were buried at Lutomiersk church cemetery.
Most archaeological sites, which were considered remains of medieval knight`s manor have readable (separated) terrain form. Most frequently they were situated on artificial mounds, placed in boggy areas, often in valleys of small rivers. As can be seen from the query in all kinds of archaeological publications, on the territory of medieval Polish state (conventionally within the reign of Casimir the Great) about 200 mansions that are relics of knight’s abodes ware investigated in varying degrees. The degree of their knowledge is very different. Only about 46% sites being excavated were elaborated and the results were published with different accuracy. Their scientific level is unfortunately very diverse. While the form of the seats are usually described in a very detailed way, the artifacts found during excavations are mostly only mentioned. Most often we do not know from which part of the site they come from. Although they are sometimes discussed in the framework of the excavation, but it is hard to know if they were in the building or in the courtyard, and perhaps in the moat? Paradoxically, most numerous finds – potsherds – are the least described. They are only enumerated, without even trying to identify forms (vase, pot, jag…). Also, in the case of metal objects, they description very often ends up on the development of an accurate list of the every, even the slightest, iron nuggets. Unfortunately, there are too many lists of objects referred to as „undefined”. With the greatest care archaeologists treat all and any findings in the field of armament, but this is the category of monuments which sometimes introduces a lot of confusion in trying the dating of the settlement. The armament usually is considered to be the so-called „a good dating device” and of course, it is true, provided that it date back itself. Sometimes the total opposition raises in a situation where, for example, dating of one found spur, is considered to be more important than dating established on the basis of hundreds found fragments of vessels and stove tiles. Therefore the necessity to use written and iconographic sources in order to reconstruct the whole material culture is widely appreciated. Here it is necessary to work with medievalist and art historians. It is not a simple matter because dealing with material culture is not very popular among the historians. In the final part of the article the development of a model of conical settlement excavations in Siedlątków published by Janina Kamińska in 1968 is discussed. 
Projekt „Śląska Fabryka Fajek ze Zborowskiego” był realizowany w ramach działalności naukowej Muzeum „Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie”. Głównym założeniem projektu była jak najwierniejsza rekonstrukcja budynku dawnej fabryki fajek. Bardzo ważnym punktem badań była analiza dendrochronologiczna, która wykazała, że drewno, z którego wybudowano obiekt zostało ścięte w 1838 lub 1839, co zaprzeczyło tezie, jakoby ten budynek miał być reliktem fabryki, która została zamknięta około 1840 roku. Fabryka w Zborowskiem została założona w 1753 roku przez Andreasa von Garniera, Rapparda, Karla von Unfriedta i Samuela Grulicha. Król Prus Fryderyk II nadał udziałowcom przywilej, który gwarantował im monopol na produkcję fajek glinianych na Śląsku.
The project “Silesian Clay-pipes Factory from Zborowskie” is being realized within the frameworks of the research activity of the Museum “Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park in Chorzów”. The main goal of the project was to build a faithful replica of the former clay-pipes factory. The dendrochronological analysis, which was a very important stage of the researches, has proved that the wood used for the construction of the building came from trees cut down in 1838 or 1839, which denied the original thesis considering the building a relic of the factory that was closed down in 1840. The factory was founded in 1753 by Andreas von Garnier, Rappard, Karl von Unfriedt and Samuel Grulich. The Prussian King Frederick II granted them with the privilege by the force of which they had exclusive rights to manufacture clay pipes in the region of Silesia. The article gathers the results of the excavations on the clay-pipes factory. Both all recognized structures and the most important archaeological finds are presented.
Artykuł przedstawia nieco inne spojrzenie na trzy dzisiejsze dzielnice Zabrza (a dawniej średniowieczne wsie) – Rokitnicę, Biskupice oraz Mikulczyce. Podejmuje się próby wskazania, z punktu widzenia archeologa, na jeszcze dziś czytelne pozostałości pierwotnej struktury tych wsi oraz ich elementy składowe o późnośredniowiecznej metryce. Po przedstawieniu najważniejszych źródeł historycznych, dotyczących początków i historii tych miejscowości w okresie średniowiecza, autor skupia się na lokalizacji pierwotnego nawsia i niwy siedliskowej oraz szczegółowo omawia istniejące dawniej w granicach tych osad późnośredniowieczne siedziby rycerskie – tzw. gródki stożkowate. Zestawienie wyników badań archeologicznych ze skanami terenu (LIDAR) uaktualnia spojrzenie na formę i rozmiary tych założeń. Opracowanie może stanowić punkt wyjścia do bardziej szczegółowych i interdyscyplinarnych badań nad wsią górnośląską w późnym średniowieczu.
The article presents a somewhat different view on three districts of modern city of Zabrze(former medieval villages) – Rokitnica, Biskupice and Mikulczyce. It attempts to identify the still visible remains of the original structure of these villages and their components originating from the late medieval period from the archeological point of view. After the presentation of the most important historical sources concerning the origins and history of these villages in the Middle Ages, the author focuses on the location of the original village greens and settlement areas and discusses in detail the formerly existing within these settlements latemedieval knights seats. Comparison of the results of the archaeological research with the conducted site scans (LIDAR) updates the view on the form and size of these assumptions. Thus the following study can be a starting point for more detailed interdisciplinary research on villages of Upper Silesia in the late Middle Ages.
Tekst jest prezentacją refleksji dotyczących monografii zbiorowej: Wieś zaginiona. Stan i potrzeby badań, pod redakcją Przemysława Nocunia, Agnieszki Przybyły-Dumin i Krzysztofa Fokta, wydanej przez Muzeum „Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie” w 2016 roku. Jest to książka bardzo ważna i od lat wyczekiwana przez rodzime środowisko ruralistyki historycznej. Publikacja ma charakter interdyscyplinarny, prezentujący złożony (historycznie, administracyjnie, gospodarczo i społecznie) proces powstania, funkcjonowania i schyłku wiejskich form osadniczych, wieloaspektowo i z wykorzystaniem aparatu badawczego i metodologicznego wypracowanego przez badaczy różnych dyscyplin i subdyscyplin naukowych. Znajdziemy tu artykuły archeologiczne, historyczne, geograficzne, etnograficzne i antropologiczne, a sygnalizowany interdyscyplinarny charakter całego tomu, widoczny jest również - oczywiście w różnej skali - we wszystkich znajdujących się w książce artykułach.
The following text presents reflections on the collective monograph entitled: The Lost Village. The Current Status and Prospects for Researches, edited by Przemysław Nocuń, Agnieszka Przybyła-Dumin and Krzysztof Fokt, and published by the Museum “Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park in Chorzów” in 2016. This is a very important book, which has been fervently awaited by the researchers of rural history for years. The publication is interdisciplinary, presenting the complicated (historically, administratively, economically, and socially) process of founding, functioning and declining of rural settlement forms in a multi-aspect way with the use of research and methodological means elaborated by researchers of various scientific disciplines and sub-disciplines. The monograph includes archaeological, historical, geographic, ethnographic and anthropological articles. The signalized above interdisciplinary character of the whole volume is visible, naturally in a varied degree, in all articles published in the book.
This article presents the initial results of archaeological excavations and research conducted in 2021 on site No. 36 in Spycimierz. An outline of the history of the town and of archaeological works carried out in its part, as well as analysis of topographic transformations in this location are presented in an article A historical outline of topographic changes in area adjacent to the church in Spycimierz published in Volume 10 of ”Biuletyn Uniejowski”. This is why this article is focused on description of the field works carried out and presentation of their results.
W artykule przedstawiono wstępne wyniki wykopaliskowych badań archeologicznych, przeprowadzonych w 2021 r. na obszarze stanowiska nr 36 w Spycimierzu. Rys historyczny miejscowości, historia badań oraz analiza przemian topograficznych interesującej nas części Spycimierza omówione zostały w artykule pt. Zarys historii przemian topograficznych przykościelnej części Spycimierza (gmina Uniejów), opublikowanym w 10 tomie „Biuletynu Uniejowskiego”. Z tego względu skupię się na opisaniu podjętych czynności terenowych oraz przybliżeniu ich rezultatów.
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