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The article presents politicians’ views – often referring to scientific findings – on the reason of a relatively high infant mortality rate in Germany just before the First World War; it also outlines the remedies for that phenomenon. The analysis has been carried out on the basis of the published stenographic records of the meetings at the Reichstag building. The narrative is based on an objective comparative method, according to which a direct assessment of facts, events and processes is forbidden. The juxtaposed contents highlight a strong polarisation of political views, on the one hand represented by social democrats, and on the other by the rest of the members of Parliament and people connected with the Government, which allows insight into the theoretical and practical premises of the actions undertaken.
This study focuses on the figure of Zdenek Fafl (1881–1961), deputy of the Prague Chamber of Commerce who visited in 1910 and 1911 states in South America. The topic is addressed from a wide perspective of relations between Austria-Hungary and the respective countries. It is based on the material from the personal collection of Zdenek Fafl stored in the archive of the National Technical Museum in Prague as well as contemporary and present scientific literature. The main goal of this contribution is to introduce the personality of Zdenek Fafl and analyse his writings that offer us invaluable information about the South American countries and their relation with Austria-Hungary in the years prior to the World War I. Without any doubt Fafl’s diary presents the broadest material of its time about countries like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay or Chile and is also significant for future studies regarding Czechs and South America.
Author of this text deals with history of evangelical school system in Nădlac in 1910 – 1913. Main attention is focused on journalistic discussion about Nădlac schools in 1913. Dispute over Nădlac schools had followed from evaluation of church representation decision to let close schools because of state financial claims (or teacher’s demands). The reason is that they had right to receive regular quinquennial addition to to their salary on the basis of Law No. 26/1893. On the ground of teachers‘ written waiver of that money, Nădlac Church had not paid it. Paying of sum owed after issuing of Law No. 27/1907 or more precisely after its coming into force in 1910 had become a necessity. Nădlac Church thus decided that schools would be closed. Although it had not happened, the main motive of discussion in the press in 1913 was evaluation of this decision. Result of analysed dis-cussion is that there was a fundamental contradiction between that part of church repre-sentatives who were not willing to agree with decision to close school and the other one who would admit it. The whole debate was characterized by emotional and strict manners. Author had put the case of Nădlac into historical context, pointing to analogical, similar examples of other Slovak church societies. Thus he had analysed the whole situation in the context of history of Slovak evangelical attitude towards state school politics during that period.
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Zárodky filmovej cenzúry na začiatku 20. storočia

In 1895, the Lumière brothers surprised the world with their first picture show. Thereby, legal orders of the European countries faced quandary how to deal with a new technical development and at the same time, how to optimally regulate this field by legal regulations with an emphasis placed on prospective promoting of films. This contribution will point at the legal aspects of cinematic censorship in the first decades of the 20th century. Based in the comparative method, the contribution step by step analyses the mechanism of the censorship in more states of then Europe and the USA. Through consideration of cinematic censorship the article will also touch upon the legal substance of the film itself and the basic theoretical questions adherent to it in that time.
V roku 1895 prekvapili svet bratia Lumièrovci svojím prvým filmovým predstavením. Tým boli právne poriadky európskych štátov postavené pred dilemu ako sa vyrovnať s novým technickým vývojom a zároveň akou právnou reguláciou optimálne upraviť túto oblasť s dôrazom na eventuálne predvádzanie filmov na verejnosti. Príspevok poukáže na právne aspekty filmovej cenzúry v prvých desaťročiach 20. storočia. Na základe komparatívnej metódy postupne analyzuje jej mechanizmus vo viacerých štátoch vtedajšej Európy a USA. Prostredníctvom úvah o filmovej cenzúre sa článok dotkne aj samotnej právnej podstaty filmu a základných teoretických otázok, ktoré s ním boli v tejto dobe späté.
The aim of this article is to show the playground of children from landowning families during the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth century. An attempt was made to present the playgrounds of wealthy children, their characteristics, space, and also to determine the place and role of play in the lives of children of landowners. The types of games for children, both boys and girls have been presented. Also children’s toys were made the subject of research. The conclusions presented have been based entirely on the analyses of diaries, memoirs and biographies of the representatives of landowning class.
Games of landowning children in the in the second half of XIXth and at the beginning of XXth century in the light of the memories. The aim of this article is to show the playground of children from landowning families during the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth century. An attempt was made to present the playgrounds of wealthy children, their characteristics, space, and also to determine the place and role of play in the lives of children of landowners. The types of games for children, both boys and girls have been presented. Also children’s toys were made the subject of research. The conclusions presented have been based entirely on the analyses of diaries, memoirs and biographies of the representatives of landowning class. 
The article presents the causes and spatial differences of infant mortality in eastern Prussia densely populated by the Polish, and the changes that phenomenon was subject to. The research has been carried out mainly on the numeric data juxtaposed and published by Dr Behr-Pinnow, on official statistical material (Preußische Statistik, Statistikdes Deutschen Reichs, Veröffentlichungen des Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamts) and on unpublished archival material, first of all reports of Regierungsbezirk presidents. Infant mortality has been analysed at three levels of data aggregation: provinces, Regierungsbezirke, counties (Kreise). In the research the following devices have been used: coefficients, averaging of several years, (dis)similarity rates of structures (the reference standard – Regierungsbezirk Aurich), weighted linear regression, cartograms (grouping based on median absolute deviation). The article depicts the tendency for infant mortality in the ‘Polish’ Regierungsbezirke of Prussia, which deteriorated at the beginning of the 20th century, and a significant spatial diversification of the phenomenon in question, which was related to the way of farming (especially in the region of Żuławy Wiślane and the Vistula valley); however, the research has not provided any conclusive evidence of a link between a high infant mortality rate in the area in question and the socio-professional structure, the level of affluence or the infrastructure. On the other hand, thanks to linear regression models it has been proved that the intensity of infant mortality in counties depended on the ethnic composition to a significant degree (the faith did notplay any role). Parallel to an increase of the Polish- and Kashubian-speaking populations (those populations – it is worth mentioning – usually enjoyed lower socio-economic status compared to their German-speaking neighbours) the infant mortality rate was generally decreasing. It was at the lowest level in Greater Poland, in the counties of Kościan, Gostyn and Śmigiel (where the dominant population was Polish, Catholic and rural). All in all, it is justified to say that the Polish- and Kashubian-speaking populations that were less advanced in demographic transformation compared to their German-speaking neighbours, even before institutionalising social welfare, provided better care for babies and guaranteed a lower infant mortality rate, first of all thanks to the general and longer breastfeeding.
Parafia farna w Rzeszowie na początku XX w. obejmowała Rzeszów i pięć podrzeszowskich wsi: Staroniwę, Wilkowyję, Pobitno, Załęże i Zwieńczycę. Przedmiotem badań była popularność imion nadawanych na chrzcie w latach 1910–1912. Na tej podstawie można wnioskować o społeczności parafii, jej aspiracjach i obyczajach. W latach 1910–1912 w parafii odnotowano 2050 chrztów, z czego w Rzeszowie 1352 i we wsiach parafii 698. Na wsi rodzice przeważnie nadawali dziecku jedno imię, w mieście przeważały imiona podwójne. Zasób imion dla dziewczynek był większy niż dla chłopców i bogatszy w mieście. Najpopularniejsze imiona męskie to Stanisław, Józef, Jan i Władysław, żeńskie natomiast to Zofia, Helena, Maria w mieście i Marianna na wsi. W rankingu najpopularniejszych imion męskich i żeńskich na pierwszych miejscach nie zaobserwowano większych różnic między miastem a wsią, pojawiały się one na dalszych. Związek między imieniem wybranym na chrzcie, wspomnieniem liturgicznym świętego i czasem urodzenia lub chrztu daje się zauważyć, ale nie jest bezwzględnie stosowaną regułą. Odsetek urodzeń pozamałżeńskich w mieście (12%) był znacznie wyższy niż na wsi (5%), ale dzieci ze związków pozamałżeńskich nie były piętnowane imieniem rzadko występującym w danej społeczności.
The church parish in Rzeszów at the beginning of the 20th century included Rzeszów and five villages around Rzeszów: Staroniwa, Wilkowyje, Pobitno, Załęże and Zwieńczyca. The research dealt with the popularity of Christian names children were baptised in the years 1910–1912. On that basis it may be concluded what the parish community was like and what their aspirations and customs were. In the years 1910–1912 there were 2050 baptisms in the parish, including 1352 in Rzeszów and 698 in the villages. The parents in the villages usually gave one Christian name to their children, in the town the majority of names were double. The list of girls’ names was longer than the boys’ one, and more diversified in the town. The most popular boys’ names were Stanisław, Józef, Jan and Władysław, and the girls’ names – Zofia, Helena, Maria in the town and Marianna in the country. The first positions of the ranking of the most popular names in the town did not differ significantly from the ones in the country, the differences appeared in the other positions. The relation between the name the child was baptised, a liturgical reference to the saint and the time of birth or baptism is visible, but is not obligatory. The percentage of extramarital births in the town (12%) was much higher than in the country (5%), but the children born out of wedlock were not stigmatised with a rare name.
Przedmiotem podjętych analiz są wskazówki i instrukcje na temat samodzielnego wykonywania zabawek z papieru dla dzieci na początku XX wieku. Podstawowym źródłem badań uczyniono czasopismo „Moje Pisemko. Tygodnik Obrazkowy dla Dzieci”, ukazujące się w Warszawie w latach 1902–1936. Celem badań jest problemowa systematyka oraz odtworzenie porad związanych z samodzielnym wykonywaniem zabawek przez dzieci, proponowanych i popularyzowanych na łamach czasopisma. Analizie poddano 13 roczników z lat 1902–1915. Jak wynika z dokonanych ustaleń, prasa dla dzieci stanowi doskonałe, choć jeszcze niewyzyskane poznawczo źródło do dziejów zabawek dziecięcych. Na łamach „Mojego Pisemka” publikowano szereg wskazówek do samodzielnego wykonywania zabawek z różnych, tanich i łatwo dostępnych materiałów – drewna, tkanin, włóczki, gliny, miękiszu chleba, owoców, warzyw, liści, wydmuszek jajek itp. Jednak wśród instrukcji dominowały zabawki z papieru, z którego można było zrobić niemal wszystko - lalki, sprzęty i akcesoria do lalczynego gospodarstwa, meble, układanki i łamigłówki, teatrzyki, ozdoby choinkowe, a nawet zabawek pływające i latające.
The object of the undertaken analyses is the tips and instructions on how to make DIY paper toys at the beginning of the 20th century. The magazine “Moje Pisemko. Tygodnik Obrazkowy dla Dzieci” [“My Little Magazine. A Picture Weekly for Children”], published in Warsaw in the years 1902-1936, was the source basis of the findings made. The purpose of the research was the problematic systematization and reconstruction of the advice related to the making of toys by children on their own, given and popularized in the magazine. The analysis covered 13 annual volumes of the weekly from the years 1902-1915. Children’s and youth magazines constitute source material for the study of children’s toys in the past, which is an interesting, yet unexploited topic. They contain a lot of information on the specific features of toys, their appearance, and ways of using them while playing. It is in children’s magazines where we can find information about the most popular toys in a given historical period, provided in written texts such as stories, tales, literary pictures, poems, comedies, as well as iconographic materials illustrating these texts, such as graphics, lithographs, and photographs. Numerous instructions on how to make DIY toys addressed to little readers, published in the children’s magazines from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, are also a combination of text and graphics.
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