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The author's task is to reflect on research rarely undertaken in pedagogy from the theoretical and research perspective: How to support for the timid child in the perception of pre-school education teachers? The article analyzes the image of a shy preschool child and the scope of help provided by a kindergarten teacher. like bibliotherapy.
This article deals with the issue of achieving the goals of ecological education in the context of the fable The Wolf Called Ambaras by Tomasz Samojlik and its influence on shaping pro-ecological attitudes of children and adolescents towards wolves. The fable The Wolf Called Ambaras by Tomasz Samojlik is part of the literature trend promoting pro-ecological attitudes within the framework of ecological education. The main educational goal included in the story of the fable treating the adventures of the young wolf is to provide young readers and their parents the knowledge about the wolves’ life as well as public awareness of the need to protect the wolf by shaping positive attitudes of people towards this predator. Helpful in this assumption is taking up the problem of overthrowing negative stereotypes about wolves, on which the form of answers as well as attemption of demythologizing them are individual scenes of the fable. The plot of the analyzed fable attempts to answer the three main allegations of people towards wolves, which often appear in social, political and ecological discourse: the issue of wolves attacks on people, the impact of wolves hunting on forest game population and the public perception of a wolf as a bad animal, one unnecessary in the ecosystem. In addition, the bibliotherapeutic character of the fable was indicated. Through identificaiton with the character of the fable, readers can overcome their own fears related to their weaknesses and complexes based on the desensitization.
Personality development of man involves permanent education and development of all spheres of development units in all its development stages. A particular importance of early childhood and preschool should be noted. It seems that the child's contact with the book determines especially the development of the intellectual sphere. In fact, however, it is different because the book not only develops, the intellect of a child, but such areas as:development: emotions and feelings, the sphere of social, aesthetic, moral, religious and spiritual. As a result, all the spheres determine the overall personal development of a child, making it easier to reach an adult psychological maturity. Children's literature, as well as bibliotherapy are a key factor in the personal development of both healthy children and children with disabilities
In the article I am taking reflection about the therapeutic value of art. I propose to juxtapose Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale The Girl with matches and Eric Emmanuel Schmitt’s book Oskar and Mrs. Rose with artistic expression and therapy through drama. I am paying attention to the subject raised by writers of the death being comforting and freeing. Understanding of this message, thanks to the participation in therapeutic classes, helps to discover the meaning of the life and at the same time allows you to overcome the fear of death and become familiar with its inevitability.
The subject of this article is developmental bibliotherapy as a tool of work with young people. On the basis of their own experience (open test), it will shed light on the personality-forming function of contact with literature. Belles-lettres has undeniable impact on people, especially at the beginning of their journey through life. It indicates priorities, sets the azimuth for life goals and searches. Thanks to it people gain essential knowledge about the world and other people around them, not to mention a ready-made punchline. The role of literature in development of 8human personality is unquestionable and cannot be overestimated. Is it, however, appreciated enough by young people today? Has the present civilization, based on complex, lapidary, image-based communication, moved contacts with books into the background? If so, are there any tools making it possible to reverse that process?The author of the article will try to answer those questions basing the answers on the practical activities of bibliotherapeutic nature, executed as a part of classes with third-year students of Pedagogy at the State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław oriented at shaping positive attitude towards belles-lettres as a tool of self-realization and deepening one’s knowledge about the world.
This study is about the importance of African authors in literature and the creation of an adult education course on African novels. It begins with my acknowledgement of a historian named David Olusoga and a novelist named Ben Okri. The first, Olusoga, produced a TV programme that gave me confidence that my idea for a course entitled African Novels could be successful. The second, Okri, wrote about how African Literature was the future. I will explain how I picked up their ideas and used them as a rationale for the course. The Workers’ Educational Association, for whom I produced the course, has a long history of student involvement. I have a great interest in both student autonomy and students taking part in their own learning. In my tutor role, I wanted African Novels to begin with a general idea about African authors and move to more specific books as the course proceeded. To this end, I began the course with an overview of the subject and a statement from the African novelist Chinua Achebe – to the effect that when you begin to identify with someone of a different colour and who even eats different food from you, then literature is really performing its wonders. I hoped that the students would carry out this identification. The paper will use auto/biographical methods, as defined in Merrill and West (2009, p. 5), to tell the story of how this course was created during a teaching space when my adult education centre was closed by the pandemic. The course could only be delivered once tutors and students could meet again face to face, and I give an example of this. The paper will be supported by reference to my own extensive research on bibliotherapy and by an account of how I used autoethnography as a research method. Both of these ideas enabled the course to develop and grow through reading, research, practice and reflection, as I will show.
The world of the social experience and expectations of children with mild intellectual disabilities is very diverse. Such children do not always know how to cope with social expectations. In such situations they tend to withdraw or, conversely, behave improperly, in this way trying to mark their presence. Th e paper presents a pedagogical experiment, during which puppets were used in bibliotherapy classes. The method has already proven effective when working with children with mild intellectual disabilities. The main aim of the project was to develop adaptive behaviours in children with mild intellectual disabilities to include creative actions and the skills of social interaction in their upbringing and school environment and among their peers and to encourage them to seek effective ways to deal with their own difficulties.
This paper presents teaching reading and bibliotherapy as useful methods for educating and rehabilitating children and youth with mental disability. The theoretical framework is connected with different examples of applying the methods and their real effectiveness. Particularly significant achievements of teaching reading may be observed in the rehabilitation of children with Down syndrome (DS). Teaching reading is very often matched with bibliotherapy programmes as a complex and coherent way for developing children’s speech, language, memory, imagination, creative thinking, and emotional maturity.
This article sets out to present possible application of bibliotherapy in the social therapeutic process. Bibliotherapy and social therapy share such elements as: education, correction of behavioural disorders, personality enhancement, and the prevention of social maladjustment. While analysing the goals of the aforementioned methods, a thesis has been proposed that they may be common for both. Bibliotherapy may serve as reinforcement of the social therapeutic process by enriching it and making it more enjoyable. Its goal is to build up the participants’ personal resources, supporting them in difficult situations, and providing a therapeutic impact. The article points out the key role that a literary text plays in the bibliotherapeutic process, and constitutes a starting point for bibliotherapeutic interactions. The article emphasises the potential of literature as a tool for the therapeutic and educational process, social rehabilitation and health improvement. Thus, social therapy may approach bibliotherapy as a way to enrich its educational and therapeutic offer.
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Being reborn into the new family

Every child brought up outside the biological family suffered a loss, some of them were lucky to be “born again" for another family who accepted them with love. The experiences of children in this situation often remain secretive and emotions suppressed. In this case, literature can become a way of therapy, both for the author and the reader who perceive through the novel their emotions that were not previously named. After many years, two Finnish writers Anu Mylläri and Riitta Jalonen decided to reveal their stories. Anu Mylläri, born in Bangladesh, was adopted by a family of Finnish farmers, while Riitta Jalonen included in her novel autobiographical plots related to the admission of a new child to her family. I will present the image of the “second birth” and the associated emotions from the perspective of the child on the basis of the autobiography of Anu Mylläri Adoptoitu (Adopted, 2006) and the autobiographical novel Kuka sinut omistaa (Who Owns You, 2013) by Riitta Jalonen. The aim of the article is thus to present these perspectives with relation to the bibliotherapeutic values of the mentioned literary works.
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Biblioterapia integralna

The main objective of my dissertation is to introduce the assumptions of the Jungian depth psychology to the bibliotherapeutic process. Bibliotherapy as an interdisciplinary method using psychology and literary studies enriched with the theory of integral psychology formulates a new theoretical perspective and constitutes a proposal of a holistic view of bibliotherapy. The extension of the theoretical basis of bibliotherapy will help to augment the therapeutic effect, activate unawareness (the sphere neglected in school education), and strengthen psyche. Integral bibliotherapy will create conditions to expand the dialogue between the rational side and unaware one, and it will contribute to a positive stimulation of the integration processes. Providing archetypal patterns reflecting the rules of life in culture, and drawing attention to the regulatory role of literary works, will enrich both the intellectual and spiritual side of the development of the participant of the bibliotherapeutic process. Archetypal content present in literary texts studied by the participant according to the bibliotherapeutic procedure will achieve an integral orientation focused on the humanistic dimension of existence.
Artykuł został poświęcony biblioterapii jako metodzie wspierającej rozwój umiejętności komunikacyjnych i społecznych u uczniów z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu. Całość składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza z nich to wprowadzenie teoretyczne, w którym zdefiniowano podstawowe dla treści artykułu pojęcia, jak: autyzm, arteterapia, biblioterapia. Druga część – empiryczna – stanowi omówienie pracy biblioterapeutycznej na przykładzie analizy indywidualnego przypadku wybranej grupy uczniów z ASD w klasach wczesnoszkolnych szkolnictwa specjalnego. W rozważaniach uwzględniono metodologiczne wytyczne realizacji analizy oraz praktyczne działania w postaci zajęć czytelniczych o charakterze relaksacyjnym, teatrzyku kamishibai, czytania wrażeniowego, które pozwoliły na sformułowanie podstawowych wniosków badawczych.
This article is devoted to bibliotherapy as a method supporting the development of communication and social skills in students with autism spectrum disorders. The article consists of two parts. The first part provides a theoretical introduction where the key terms such as autism, art therapy, bibliotherapy are defined. The second part – empirical – provides a discussion of a bibliotherapeutic work based on the individual case analysis of the chosen group of young learners with ASD in primary school in special education. The discussion incorporates the methodological guidelines for conducting analysis as well as practical measures in the form of relaxing reading classes, kamishibai theatre, sensory reading, what allowed to formulate basic research conclusions.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest refleksja nad wydanymi 85 numerami kwartalnika „Biblioterapeuta”. Autorka opisała okoliczności powstania pisma, problemy personalne, techniczne i finansowe związane z redagowaniem. Dokonała analizy zawartości periodyku i kręgu jego odbiorców. Wskazała, że działalność Polskiego Towarzystwa Biblioterapeutycznego i „Biblioterapeuty” stała się przedmiotem refleksji naukowej, inspiracją dla innych pism, dla szkolenia i kształcenia biblioterapeutów w szkołach wyższych. Pozytywnie oceniła dorobek pisma i nakreśliła zadania do realizacji w przyszłości.
This article is a reflection of all 85 issues of the “Biblioterapeuta” quarterly. It includes a report on its creation, its organizational, and financial problems. It analyzes its profile and readership. The author notes that the Society’s and Quarterly’s work has become subject of scholarly research, an inspiration for other publications and for bibliotherapy training and education. The author positively assesses the Quarterly’s output and indicates goals for the future.
Tekst ma na celu zaprezentowanie czasopisma „Przegląd Biblioterapeutyczny”. Autorka opisuje historię periodyku w latach 2011-2018. Przedstawia również wysiłek Redakcji i Rady Naukowej czasopisma, których celem jest rozwój naukowy biblioterapii w Polsce, stworzenie Polskiej Szkoły Biblioterapii, popularyzacja jej na świecie i współpraca międzynarodowa w celu dalszego rozwoju dziedziny.
The text aims to present the journal „Bibliotherapy Review”. The autor describes the history of the publication periodical from 2011-2018. It also presents the effort of the editorial office and the scientific council of the journal, whose intention is the scientific development of bibliotherapy in Poland, the creation of the Polish School of Bibliotherapy, popularization in the world, and international cooperation in order to further develop the field.
Koncentrując się na aspekcie podmiotowości dziecka z zaburzeniami rozwojowymi, autorka proponuje refleksję nad jego potrzebami i możliwością ich realizacji. Podążając za tezą Janusza Korczaka: „Dziecko chce być dobre. Jeśli nie umie – naucz. Jeśli nie wie – wytłumacz. Jeśli nie może – pomóż”, autorka pokazuje, że dużą rolę może tu odegrać książka. Dziecko ma ogromną łatwość utożsamiania się z bohaterem literackim, a to często pomaga mu nabrać dystansu do samego siebie i własnych problemów. Autorka na przykładzie scenariusza zajęć biblioterapeutycznych pokazuje, jak można wykorzystać potencjał dobra, który zgodnie z teorią psychologii humanistycznej tkwi w każdym człowieku, a szczególnie w dziecku. Książka, wiersz może być pretekstem zmiany, inspiracją, autorka celowo odwołała się do metafory i symboliki „zaczarowanego ziarenka”.
By focusing on the aspect of subjectivity of children with developmental disorders, the author encourages us to reflect on their needs and the possibilities of their implementation. Quoting the motto coined by Janusz Korczak: ‘Children want to be good. If they can’t – teach them. If they don’t know how – explain it to them. If they are unable to – help them’. The author claims that books can play a major role in the aforementioned processes. Children can easily identify with literary characters, who often help them distance themselves from their problems. As an example, the author provides a scenario of a bibliotherapy class, which shows how you can take advantage of the potential for being good, which, according to the theory of humanistic psychology, is present in every human being, especially in children. A book or a poem can become a pretext or an inspiration for implementing changes. That is why the author has deliberately made a reference to the symbolic metaphor of ‘the enchanted grain’.
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The Companionship of Books

This paper sets out my acquaintance with the work of ESREA since 2016, my reading about autobiographical research and the development of my ideas for a study of The Companionship of Books or what is now known as bibliotherapy. I have defined this as how reading books can help to make us feel better. The paper looks at what kind of books this might be and suggests that most may be found in the area of literature, although not exclusively so, and other types such as autobiography or natural history books are suggested. Theories underpinning bibliotherapy are put forward both by literary specialists and by psychotherapists. The views of my own literature students are also set out and examined as are my own views. I refer to my own early experiences of the restorative power found in literature, particularly poetry, and this is referred to as part of a longer autoethnographic enquiry into the subject which this paper is the preface to. A number of personal stories relating to reading books for assistance in difficult times are referred to, again poetry featuring significantly, but also the value of libraries in supporting and enabling individuals to survive life’s rigors. Finally, a parliamentary report is mentioned, referring to the role of the arts in general as a source of improving our mental wellbeing and the contribution to played by two of its proponents in furthering this aim. In my conclusion the importance of adult education is stressed in ensuring that The Companionship of books can help us to progress in a post-pandemic world.
Autorzy opisują i analizują działania uznane za biblioterapeutyczne, które zachodzą we Wspólnocie L’Arche. Działania te przyjmują różne formy: od biblioterapii wychowawczej, przez biblioterapię tekstami religijnymi po ekspresyjną autobiblioterapię mieszkańców wspólnot z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Elementy terapii czytelniczej dzieją się w L’Arche naturalnie i można uznać je za wpisane w działalność terapeutyczną i wsparcie zapewniane przez opisywaną wspólnotę.
Authors are giving a description and analysis of the activities considered as bibliotherapeutic that occur in the Community of L’Arche. These activities take different forms: from educational bibliotherapy through bibliotherapy of religious texts, to the expressive autobibliotherapy of community residents with intellectual disabilities. Elements of reading therapy are naturally present in L’Arche and can be considered as included in the therapeutic activities and support provided by the described community.
vol. 33
issue 1
The article analyzes maladic stories about children and for children by Katarzyna Ryrych: Siedem sowich piór, Pepa w raju, Lato na Rodos and Wyspa mojej siostry. The aim of the analysis is to answer the question of how to tell the youngest audience about the liminal experience of a chronic, incurable and fatal disease. The child recipient treated subjectively and with respect for the right to know the truth about the world and its threats, should be prepared to talk about difficult topics. The possibility of overcoming the irreversible experience of a (fatal) disease will be discussed by talking about it directly, and sometimes by metaphorizing it. Children’s disease becomes a transformed form of life, enriched with important experiences.
W artykule zostały zanalizowane opowieści maladyczne poświęcone dzieciom i dla dzieci autorstwa Katarzyny Ryrych: Siedem sowich piór, Pepa w raju, Lato na Rodos i Wyspa mojej siostry. Celem analizy jest odpowiedź na pytanie, w jaki sposób opowiadać najmłodszemu odbiorcy o sytuacji granicznej, jaką jest przewlekła, nieuleczalna i śmiertelna choroba. Odbiorca dziecięcy traktowany podmiotowo i z poszanowaniem prawa do poznania prawdy o świecie i jego zagrożeniach powinien być przygotowany do rozmowy na trudne tematy. Refleksji poddana zostanie możliwość pokonania, a raczej przezwyciężenia nieodwracalnego doświadczenia choroby (śmiertelnej) poprzez mówienie o niej wprost, a czasem poprzez jej metaforyzację. Choroba dzieci staje się przeobrażoną, wzbogaconą o ważne doświadczenia, formą życia.
Baśnie stanowią nieprzebrane bogactwo treści dotyczących głównie prawidłowości ludzkiego życia. Przekazywane z pokolenia na pokolenie, zmieniły swój formalny kształt lub wiodącego adresata, lecz zachowały unikatową i prostą w odbiorze istotę ludzkich zachowań, myśli i uczuć. Wykorzystywane w ramach oddziaływań biblioterapeutycznych wspomagają proces przekazywania ważnych z rozwojowego punktu widzenia wartości międzyludzkich. Z kolei realizowana w Sali Doświadczania Świata idea Snoezelen ukazuje pełnię akceptacji dla podejmowania różnych przedsięwzięć w imię podążania za najbardziej aktualnymi oraz najważniejszymi potrzebami i preferencjami odbiorców. Szeroka oferta bodźców sensorycznych umożliwia nadawanie większego znaczenia treściom prezentowanym w wybranych utworach baśniowych. Artykuł stanowi przegląd wybranych zagadnień dotyczących oddziaływania baśni na dziecko oraz podejmuje próbę autorskiej analizy możliwości połączenia dwóch form oddziaływań: baśni oraz Snoezelen. Ponadto podejmuje wątek cech wspólnych wspomnianych metod oddziaływań. W ramach ukazania praktycznego zastosowania baśni i Snoezelen, zwieńczeniem artykułu jest autorska propozycja wykorzystania baśni w Sali Doświadczania Świata. Na przykładzie wybranej, powszechnie znanej baśni ukazany został pomysł aranżacji przestrzeni i dostosowania bodźców zmysłowych adekwatnych do treści ukazanych w baśni.
Fairy tales are a vast wealth of content regarding mainly the accuracy of human life. Passed down from generation to generation have changed it’s formal shape or a leading recipient but preserved a unique and simple in essence of human behavior, thoughts and feelings. Used under the impact of bibliotherapy support the process of transferring important development point of view, human values. In turn, practised in Snoezelen Room, the idea of Snoezelen shows full acceptance for making various projects in the name of following the most up-to-date and the most important needs and preferences of customers. A wide range of sensory stimuli allows to give greater meaning to the content presented in selected works of fairytale. The article provides an overview of selected issues from the scope of the fairy tale and attempts to author’s analysis of the ability of the two forms of interactions: fairy tales and Snoezelen. In addition, takes the thread common features of these methods. Within the framework of the publication of the practical application of fairy tales and Snoezelen, the culmination of the article is the author’s proposal for the use of fairy tales in Snoezelen Room. For example, selected, well-known fairy tales was shown the idea of interior space and adaptation of sensory stimuli relevant to the content depicted in fairy tales.
The paper presents the results of research on children’s metaphorical predispositions, i.e. the ability to understand, recognize and create metaphors. The research was carried out among children aged 6–9 during reading workshops as part of the 5 Coupons of Culture of the Małopolska Region, acquired by the author. The material is an attempt to indicate the value of literary metaphors in the education, therapy and upbringing of children. The literary metaphors used during the research have created planes that enable individual reading of the meaning of the text. In understanding the meanings of metaphors, the context of their use also played an important role. “Load-bearing” provided the texts with simple and legible metaphors, while at the same time appealing to young audiences. Thanks to metaphors, the world created in reading became universal, but young readers related it to personal experiences, discovering the convergence between their own lives and the creation of a work. It is worthwhile extracting and using the didactic and therapeutic dimension of metaphors in working with children and treat it as an important factor supporting the teaching process.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dziecięcych predyspozycji metaforyzacyjnych, czyli zdolności rozumienia, rozpoznawania i tworzenia metafor. Badania zostały przeprowadzone wśród dzieci w wieku 6–9 lat podczas realizacji warsztatów czytelniczych w ramach pozyskanych przez autorkę pięciu Bonów Kultury Województwa Małopolskiego. Materiał stanowi próbę wskazania wartości metafor literackich w edukacji, terapii i wychowaniu dzieci. Zastosowane podczas badań metafory literackie stworzyły warunki umożliwiające indywidualne odczytywanie sensu tekstu. W rozumieniu znaczeń metafor dużą rolę odegrał także kontekst ich użycia. „Nośność” zapewniły tekstom metafory proste i czytelne, a jednocześnie trafiające w zainteresowania młodych odbiorców. Dzięki metaforom świat wykreowany w lekturze stawał się uniwersalny, ale młodzi czytelnicy odnosili go do osobistych doświadczeń, odkrywali zbieżność między własnym życiem a kreacją utworu. Warto wydobywać i wykorzystywać w pracy z dziećmi dydaktyczny i terapeutyczny wymiar metafor, a także traktować go jako ważny czynnik wspomagający proces nauczania.
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