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The need for leading an active life style, including amateur sport, which has a vital influence on our physical and intellectual fitness, should be obvious at present. Recent research of the Polish society indicates that generally the amount of exercise a person does, decreases with their age. It seems justified to ask the question about the roots of such a state of affairs. Is it a matter of bad habits? Or maybe our mentality? Or a lack of spatial conditions for doing sports at an older age? This paper concentrates on the last problem. It tries to answer this question on the basis of an analysis of the genesis of areas/facilities of physical activity for senior citizens and modern social and spatial conditions for the existence of such places. Further, the paper shows a description of noticeable trends of future development present in the environment of active seniors in the 21st century. In the summary, defines research directions which could positively influence the development of sport and recreation infrastructure in built environment friendly for older persons.
Potrzeba prowadzenia przez całe życie aktywnego trybu życia, w tym rekreacyjne uprawianie sportu, mające zasadniczy wpływ na naszą fizyczną i intelektualną sprawność powinna być w dzisiejszych czasach sprawą oczywistą. Najnowsze badania społeczeństwa polskiego wskazują jednak na bierność obywateli w tym temacie zgodnie z zasadą: im człowiek starszy, tym mniej ćwiczy. Zasadne wydaje się zatem pytanie, dlaczego tak się dzieje? Czy jest to kwestia złych nawyków? A może bardziej naszej mentalności? Czy może wreszcie braku warunków przestrzennych do uprawiania sportu w późniejszym wieku? W artykule skoncentrowano się na problematyce ujętej w ostatnim pytaniu. Poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na nie prowadzono w oparciu o analizę genezy terenów / obiektów aktywnego wypoczynku dla osób starszych oraz współczesnych społeczno – przestrzennych uwarunkowań dla istnienia tych miejsc. W dalszej części opracowania zaprezentowano opis zauważalnych tendencji ku przyszłości, występujących w środowisku aktywnych seniorów XXI wieku. W podsumowaniu określono kierunki badań, mogących pozytywnie wpłynąć na rozwój, przyjaznej osobom starszym infrastruktury sportowo – rekreacyjnej w środowisku zbudowanym.
Creation of the built environment and research in this field pose a particularly difficult challenge nowadays. The pace of social and technological change does not allow for evolutionary development of cities and the formation of their land use according to current conditions. Creating spatial solutions that are unmatched in their contexts is becoming not only possible, but very probable (see Alexander, 1964). The development of the built environment involves not only art, technology, history, economics and law, but also philosophy, culture, medicine, psychology, sociology and many other spheres in which human life is manifested. However, only a relatively small number of disciplines such as spatial planning, urban design, urban planning, etc. (ignoring at this point the differences in the meaning of the concepts) in their application layer are meant to create space and bear responsibility for it. Also society has certain requirements of practical nature towards them.This article attempts to outline the nature of research on space urbanised by people and to determine the four main fields of research aimed at the problems of man and the built environment. In the next part, particular attention is paid to issues related to the impact of the built environment on the life of its residents in order to highlight the particular role and complexity of this area of research. This study, acting as a kind of test of the research, cannot be considered representative. Nevertheless, the analysis prompts several reflections on the current and future role of the built environment in the development of our civilisation, as well as further challenges related to it.
We are living in a time when society, culture and science have become increasingly aware of the great importance of sport not only as a part of mass culture, but broadly understood, for individual and social health and well-being. Physical activity of people plays an increasingly more important role in scientific interest regarding way of life found in contemporary society; it is a crucial factor in the process of officiating the level of healthy and active lifestyles, quality of life, and health in general. An indispensable role of physical activity in the course of human life is also confirmed, both permanently and scientifically, in the context of obesity prevention.The development of a sedentary lifestyle is the result of a socialization process that is developed at youth and continued into adulthood, and leads to physical inactivity. At the present we face in our cultural settings an apparent trend: People are becoming more and more individualized, losing the beneficial impact of community activities, involved in passive way of life that lacks a proper level of physical activities and active sport. The phenomenon of physical activity has also been considered from the perspective of the Project EURO-PREVOB, highlighting built environmental aspects of ways of life.
The study presents the problem of an appropriate and comprehensive shaping of the living environment of senior citizens in institutional care, i.e. creation of a most accessible built environment for them. The currently prevailing conditions in Polish care institutions for senior citizens are continuously improving, however they do not completely fulfil modern requirements and European standards expected from such institutions. In order for such a facility to provide an appropriate living environment for senior citizens and function efficiently, they cannot be based only on precisely defined guidelines and design principles. They have to be based on knowledge concerning senior citizens, their problems, needs and expectations; they also have to take into account the results of qualitative research based on the principles of universal design and ergonomics.
Under the Act on local government of 8 March 1990 communes gained legal personality and financial autonomy. To be able to provide for the needs of local communities, communes obtained considerable property, mainly real estate. Municipal real property, which consists of land and buildings, is an important factor in the development of communes. In Szadek, communal land constitutes 5.7% of the town’s area, and municipal flats make up 8.75% of all flats. Municipal estate should be used primarily for public purposes and for providing for local housing need. Other uses include undertakings serving commune development and organized investment activity. In addition, municipal real property trading is an important source of local government income.
An integral part of a reasonable, creative, valuable, and positive way of life is also personal responsibility for individual physical and psychical shape and good health: a sound state of body and soul, freedom from disease, bodily conditions, and a wish for health and happiness. In this context we are increasingly aware of the great importance of sport not only as a part of mass culture, but broadly understood, for individual and social health and well-being. Physical activity of people plays an increasingly more important role in scientific interest regarding the way of life of contemporary society, and it is a very important factor in the process of officiating the level of a healthy and active lifestyle, quality of life, and health in general. The indispensable role of physical activity in the course of human life is permanently and scientifically confirmed in the context of the prevention of obesity.The development of a sedentary life style is the result of a socialization process towards physical inactivity developed in youth and continued into adulthood. At the present we face in our cultural settings an apparent tendency: people are more and more individualized, losing the beneficial impacts of community activities, involved in passive way of life, and lacking proper level of physical activities and active sport. The phenomenon of physical activity has also been considered from the perspective of the EURO-PRE-VOB project: accenting built environmental as an aspect of way of life. The Czech Republic is, on the level of mass sport, strongly influenced by the existence of new development of the city structure, including fitness centres, bicycling paths, roller-skating stadiums, beach volleyball playing fields, and golf courses. The national support of sport is, nowadays, divided into the support of top sports, performance sports, and new waves in sports (e.g. sports for everyone - for all), sports for school, which are then on the regional level (and by the various sport organizations) subsidized from other sources and, moreover, not coordinately.
Drzewo we współczesnej architekturze pełni funkcje użytkowe jako obiekt przyrodniczy pozytywnie oddziałujący na środowisko życia człowieka. Coraz częściej należy też do zestawu środków pomagających spełniać wymagania w zakresie polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Jako żywa roślina posiadająca wraz z bryłą korzeniową określone gabaryty i ciężar stanowi także konkretny problem techniczno-budowlany. Jednocześnie drzewo pozostaje figurą pełniącą w architekturze ważne funkcje symboliczne. Suma tych zagadnień powoduje, że drzewo może stanowić swego rodzaju badawczą próbkę pokazującą stan wielorakich związków środowiska zbudowanego ze środowiskiem przyrodniczym, i szerzej – określającą relacje między kulturą a naturą. Wiedzę tę istotnie wzbogaca dyskurs na ten temat prowadzony w obszarze socjologii i estetyki. Pomaga on architektom w zrozumieniu historycznych i współczesnych koncepcji przyrody, które są tworami społecznymi, w znacznym stopniu kształtowanym przez praktykę zamieszkiwania środowiska zbudowanego.
A tree fulfils utilitarian functions in contemporary architecture as a natural object that has a positive influence on the living environment. More and more frequently it also belongs to a set of measures that help meet requirements in terms of sustainable development policy. As a living plant of a specific size, which has specific requirements with regard to moisture and a considerable weight (both the tree and its root mass), it is also a concrete technical and constructional problem. At the same time, the tree is a figure fulfilling important symbolic functions in architecture. The sum of these issues can cause the tree to be a sort of a research sample indicating the status of multiple relations between the built environment and the natural environment, and in a broader sense – defining relations between culture and nature. This knowledge is considerably enriched by the discourse on the relationship between nature and culture in the field of sociology and aesthetics. It helps architects understand the historical and contemporary concepts of nature, which are social constructs shaped significantly by the practice of inhabiting the built environment.
W myśl założeń teorii składni przestrzeni, konfiguracja przestrzeni kształtuje przestrzenne wzorce ruchu pieszego. Wpływ konfiguracji (przestrzennych relacji) np. na decyzje o wyborze trasy przemieszczania się, rodzi dalsze konsekwencje takie jak obciążenie ciągów komunikacyjnych, możliwość nawiązywania relacji społecznych lub sposób użytkowania ziemi. Rozpoznanie konfiguracyjnych cech przestrzeni może zatem ogrywać istotną rolę w procesie planowania lub reorganizacji i odnowy struktur miejskich. Celem prezentowanych badań była weryfikacja zakładanych związków pomiędzy teoretycznymi miarami składni przestrzeni, a rzeczywistym ruchem pieszym. Wykazano, że wskaźniki teoretyczne pozostają w silnym związku z realnym natężeniem ruchu pieszego. Potwierdza to wartość metod składni przestrzeni w badaniach relacji pomiędzy społeczeństwem i środowiskiem zbudowanym.
In accordance with the assumptions of space syntax, spatial configuration shapes spatial patterns of pedestrian traffic. The influence of configuration (spatial relations) on, for instance, pedestrian route choice causes further consequences, making an impact on the land use pattern or providing opportunities to form social relations. The identification of the configurational features of space may, therefore, play a crucial role in the processes of urban planning and renewal. The goal of the study is to verify the assumed relations between the theoretical measures of space syntax and the actual pedestrian traffic. The study proves that theoretical indices are strongly connected to the real pedestrian traffic intensity. This fact confirms the value of space syntax methodology in the studies on the relations between the society and the built environment.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z problematyką demograficznego kurczenia się miasta, w kontekście znaczenia, jakie w tym procesie odgrywa zagospodarowanie przestrzenne. Jednym z największych wyzwań dla Łodzi, miasta szczególnie silnie dotkniętego procesem depopulacji i starzenia się mieszkańców, jest poprawa stanu zagospodarowania przestrzeni miejskiej. Badania dowodzą, iż dobrze zaprojektowana i atrakcyjnie urządzona przestrzeń ma wyższą wartość niż przestrzeń pozbawiona tych cech, a to wskazuje, że właściwe kształtowanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego Łodzi może być ważnym narzędziem w podnoszeniu jej atrakcyjności lokalizacyjnej i kształtowaniu dalszego rozwoju miasta. Dwa szczególnie ważne problemy: wysoka degradacja tkanki miejskiej w śródmieściu oraz negatywne zmiany w strukturze i liczbie zamieszkującej miasto populacji pozostają ze sobą w ścisłym związku. Wydaje się jednak, że to nie działania mające wpływ na demografię (np. polityka prorodzinna), ale techniczno- -modernizacyjne i funkcjonalno-przestrzenne są kluczem do poprawienia kondycji miasta i budowania lepszych perspektyw jego rozwoju. Prezentowany tekst stanowi próbę rozwinięcia tej tezy i jest elementem szerszego projektu badawczego autora.
The article presents selected issues which are relevant to the demographic problems of a shrinking city in the context of the built environment and its role in this process. One of the biggest challenges for Lodz, a city particularly strongly affected by the process of depopulation and ageing, is to improve the shape of urban space. Research show that well-designed and attractive space is of higher valued than space deprived of these features. This indicates that the appropriate planning and shaping of the land development in Łódź could be an important tool in improving the attractiveness of the city and in modelling further development of the city. There are two particularly important issues related one to another in Lodz: strong degradation of urban fabric in the downtown as well as the negative changes in the structure and in number of urban population. It seems, however, that the technical modernization and spatial-functional changes are the keys to improve the condition of the city more than the pro-family policy or other activities affecting demographics. The present text includes an attempt to develop this hypothesis, remaining a part of a wider research project.
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