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The article analyzes the reforms and centralization trends in Hungary and Poland in recent years. Its aim is to compare the scale of this phenomenon in both countries and to indicate its causes. The results of the analyses show a clearly different scale of recentralization in Poland and Hungary. The main reason for recentralization in Hungary was the inefficiency of the local government system, while in Poland the reason for centralization trends in recent years was the desire of the central authority to create better conditions for the implementation of centrally-made decisions and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services provision.
The aim of the study is to compare the institutional solutions and practical activities of the government and local government administration in two periods: the Second and the Third Republic of Poland. Because of the need to refer to the documents from the period of the Second Republic of Poland, it was necessary to refer to the historical method. The study is based on the comparison of two orders from different periods, therefore it was necessary to use the comparative method for the purpose of the analysis conducted. In the study also a system approach was applied to the analysis of institutional solutions. Decentralist and centralist concepts clashed both in the period of the Second Republic of Poland and during the political transformation. The beginnings of the political change were characterised by the predominance of naturalist tendencies, while in the further stages of the development of the Polish state there were growing tendencies to increase the omnipotence of the state.
This paper provides a polemic interpretation of recent Hungarian public-administration reforms compared to the opinions that can be found in international scientific literature. The divergence of the various interpretations stems from the different perspectives on the historic context of the development path of the Hungarian municipal administration during the pre- and post-regime change period. The differences in the interpretation of the achievements of the regime change determine whether one would suggest a minor correction or a total replacement - if given the possibility. After briefly describing the public-administration legacy of the communist past and of the post-communist decades, the article delves into the analysis of the financial unsustainability of the highly decentralized local-government system. The analysis builds on the findings of international financiers that operate as policy- transfer powerhouses, as well. Bursting financial tensions led to Hungary’s loan agreement with the IMF in 1996. Although the loan was paid back by 1998, internal systemic inefficiencies stemming from the uneasy compromises of the regime change still had their corroding effect, although vulnerable finances were veiled by occasional conjunctures in the domestic and international economy. In the year 2008, the country became virtually insolvent and again applied for an IMF loan. The IMF itself formulated certain measures to increase the efficiency of the overdecentralized local-government system. Unlike its predecessor, the government that stepped into power in 2010 had the political power to launch systemic corrections in the local-government system. The reforms contained a trade-off : the majority of local competences in exchange for fiscally consolidating local governments. This is labeled as a trade-off between efficiency and democracy by certain authors. It is a fact that the overdecentralized form of local public administration was inefficient and unsustainable. Now there is an opportunity to test whether an overcentralized public administration would be efficient.
One of the manifestations of the systemic crisis in Poland is progressive centralization in the management of local affairs. The causes of the phenomenon under analysis can be justifiably traced to three factors that are complementary to each other. First, in a constitutional model of the local government which assumes that the legislator has a decisive influence on the scope of tasks entrusted to local government units as well as on the degree of independence of their execution. A consequence of a crisis around the agencies of the third estate is also the weakening of the efficiency of judicial measures of protection of that independence. Secondly, a considerable influence upon the phenomenon under analysis is exerted by the strategy for fighting the pandemic adopted by the public authorities based upon the construction of a ‘hybrid’ state of emergency where the dominant role is played by the central public authorities. Thirdly, further politicization of the local government has become a particular feature of its operation in the times of the pandemic.
The article discusses the issue of centralization tendencies in Poland. It constitutes an attempt to present this process in the context of the functioning of public administration in our country. The main research question is whether centralization was constantly present during the 30 years of creating a new model of public administration in Poland, or whether it was strengthened after 2015. The financial independence of local government units is also a crucial aspect of the analysis. The article correspondingly focuses on the resistance of the government administration during the implementation of local government reforms. Importantly, what is factored in as well is the change in the perception of the position and the role of local governments in the political system after the 2015 parliamentary elections by the new government camp. Analysis of the past provided the precedent premises for strong centralization tendencies, in particular, the traditions of the strong state administration of the Second Polish Republic after the May coup in 1926 and during the People's Republic of Poland
In 2020, the local government of the Third Polish Republic is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary within the legal framework of the democratic political system. This is a celebration of not only the success of the 1989 Autumn of Nations but of the citizens participating in the co-creation and development of their own local homelands. In contrast, the activities of the central authorities which, frequently governed by the reason of the state, attempt to bind local self-governments more closely, often straining their constitutional value of autonomy.
The analysis provided in this article aims to explain and disclose the processes that have influenced the education system in Mexico since the Aztec Empire, until the presidency of Enrique Peña Nieto. One of the issues presented in this paper is relation established by political party PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) who rules Mexico for more than 70 years and institutions responsible for education, leading to centralization. The consequence of these processes is the attempt to introduce education reform by the government Enrique Peña Nieto. Without a doubt, the most important question asked in this article is „why education reform causes so many emotions among the teachers, especially members of the union and their associating organizations?”.
The aim of this paper is to identify and outline the characteristics that distinguish family businesses from non-family businesses in the construction industry of the Czech Republic. The paper presents the results of the research that was carried out in the construction market of the Czech Republic in the years 2007-2011 and that indicated some connections with the current knowledge from the eld of family business. Characteristics that distinguish family businesses from non-family businesses were de ned by means of literary sources - Orientation to maintaining the business; Tendency to centralization; Orientation to local markets, Customer Orientation, Applied Business Strategy and Number of employees. In accordance with the theoretical concept, it was found out that family businesses have on average a smaller number of separate establishments than non-family businesses. It was found out that the observed family businesses slightly better manage to adapt their offer to customer requirements and also that they pay more care to customers, which supports the hypothesis of higher orientation of family businesses to customers. Business strategies of family businesses are focused on the strategy of differentiation. The tendency to employ a lower number of employees was also confirmed at both family and non-family businesses. In contrast, quality of production was slightly lower in family businesses.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience of the European Union coun-tries and the development of recommendations for improving the centralized model of public procurement management in Ukraine. The article is focused on clarification of the basic provisions of normative acts, which are the basis for the functioning of a centralized procurement organization, the State Institution «Professional Procurement». This applies to the Law of Ukraine «On Public Procurement», the Reso-lution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On the Implementation of a Pilot Pro-ject on the Organization of the Activities of a Centralized Procurement Organization» and the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, ac-cording to which the functions of the Centralized Procurement Organization (herein-after referred to as the Central Depository) are entrusted to the State institution «Pro-fessional purchases». It has been established that centralized procurement is not necessarily carried out through a specialized organization. For these purposes, both, state limited liability companies and independent agencies (the structure of which is very similar to the structure of private companies) can be formed. Based on the experience gained, recommendations for the improvement of the Ukraini-an centralized procurement organization were developed by the State Institution «Pro-fessional Procurement». In particular, it is proposed to legislate this institution with certain powers to monitor the market, to finance the work to use the customer's payment of a fixed advance payment for each procurement procedure and to use open framework agreements when conducting procurement procedures.
The article analyzes the general state of higher humanitarian education in France in the middle of the twentieth century. The problems of higher humanitarian education in France during the study period were determinated: archaic educational and administrative systems in universities, too rigid centralization model of their functioning, the lack of clear planning of the workload, the inability to take a large number of students, the lack of real democracy, the resistance to innovation and conformity. The Universities of the mid-twentieth century also faced the problem of reforming of the forms and methods of teaching, with a purpose of determination of their compliance to the requirements of neocapitalist time requirement and needs of contemporary society. Considering the number of problems in the system of university education, the contemporary French government took some steps to improve the system of humanitarian education, held active reforming of higher education in general. It was indicated that in order to improve the training of students in the university humanitarian faculties, at the faculties of literature so-called propaedeutic course has been introduced. Among the main important features, which higher humanitarian French school gained while should be named it’s democratization, the complication of the structure and the increase in its composition of importance of research units, a significant increase in funding of the education system, which had a positive impact on improving the infrastructure of universities. In 1964 – 1967 a number of reforms in higher education in the system of higher education in general and particular humanitarian were adopted. The basic principles of these reforms were the reorganization of cycles of university education and the creation of separate diplomas on various stages of study. In addition, the reforms were aimed at social and technical diversity of study, increasing the number of training programs. In 1968 was adopted the Law about the orientation of higher education, which summed the new basis for the functioning of higher education by setting some rules and specifying educational features and research process in French universities. It was established that this base was quite liberal: pedagogical, educational and financial administrative autonomy, expressed in the presence of specific rights and organizations within the university was quite broad. At the same time a serious state control over the activities of universities remained, it was necessary for the normal functioning of higher education. The Law about the orientation fixed also the need and the obligation of various activities of universities, among which: ensuring the conditions for independent learning and research, openness of teachers’ activities.
This study observes the process whereby the Czech cultural scene was redefined during the first few months of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. In an attempt to protect Czech culture and to preserve the autonomy of Czech institutions as proclaimed by the German occupiers, society deliberately undertook centralization and self-regulatory measures. The National Partnership (Národní souručenství), which 97% of the male population joined during spring 1939, was initiated as a part of its internal policy by the Cultural Council, which had had programmatic continuity since November 1938. Under the „new conditions“ it was meant to become the autonomous, proactive working and advisory centre for the National Partnership´s cultural and educational work. Although it had taken part in the organization of such spontaneous demonstrations as the second burial of Karel Hynek Mácha, it was soon arranging a number of promotional events in an attempt to centralize, control and regulate the cultural scene. In its cultural and political discourse it highlighted the topoi of the good Czech book, which became a symbol of resistance and a means for preserving national identity. The most successful promotional event used by the Cultural Council to take control of the entire spectrum of artistic and cultural life whithin the Protectorate was the December Czech Book Month organized in towns and rural areas. The preparations were strictly centralized and controlled, and it was only possible to exhibit books previously listed by the Cultural Council. „A good Czech book“ became a cult object, on the basis of which Protectorate society was newly defined, legitimizing it in the face of overbearing German culture and bolstering its resistance. The event also resulted in economic assistance to the graphic and book industries, while redefining the Czech literary scene and the totalitarization of Czech society.
The article presents results of empirical research concerning the directions of changes in organizational structures of SME which have occurred during the last few years. The research was carried out in a group of 380 enterprises running their businesses in Poland. The organizational structure generally described in respect of parameters such as centralization, formalization, standardization and configuration. The main part of this article is dedicated to changes that have occurred in organizational structures of SME.
The paper’s aim is to explore the federal-regional model of relations as far asinternational activities of regions is concerned. A persistent centralization tendency, applied to the federal-regional model of relations and started under Vladimir Putin’s presidency, has created an unusual concept of centralist coordination concerning the international activity of regions. Despite the federal dominance over regions, the concept is far from being consolidated, since the Kremlin lacks the resources, mainly human, to fully control the political situation in the regions. Yet, this evolving centralist concept seems to be detrimental not only to regions’ interest, but also questions the strength of Putin’s model of an authoritarian regime in the long term.
Celem artykułu jest analiza federalno-regionalnego modelu stosunków w odniesieniu do międzynarodowej aktywności poszczególnych regionów. Uporczywy trend centralizacji modelu federalno-regionalnego, zapoczątkowany za prezydentury Władimira Putina, spowodował powstanie nietypowej koncepcji centralnej koordynacji międzynarodowymi działaniami regionów. Pomimo dominacji Federacji Rosyjskiej nad regionami, nie jest to koncepcja utrwalona, ponieważ Kreml nie dysponuje wystarczającymi zasobami, głównie personalnymi, aby w pełni kontrolować sytuację polityczną w regionach. Wyłaniająca się koncepcja centralizmu wydaje się nie tylko szkodzić interesom poszczególnych regionów, ale podważać także siłę putinowskiego reżimu autorytarnego w dalszej perspektywie.
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Granice decentralizacji

The concept of decentralization has fixed content and the scope of meaning. At present, defining decentralization only through the lack of hierarchical dependence would be incorrect. One can speak of the external and internal limits of decentralization. The internal limits of decentralization are political or legal determinants of decentralization. The external limits of decentralization are those which closely interact with centralization – as an opposite category, but complementary to decentralization. Outside of decentralization and centralization, there is a place for autonomy. Autonomy is in contradiction with the state’s unitarian character.
Centralizacja, odpolitycznienie i wzmocnienie uprawnień sędziów we francuskim systemie antyterrorystycznym jest skutecznym środkiem walki z terroryzmem, mimo, że budzi wiele kontrowersji. W artykule zostaną omówione uprawnienia głównych organów sądowych w zakresie walki z terroryzmem, ich zalety i wady. Artykuł akcentuje tezę o skuteczności systemu antyterrorystycznego we Francji, mimo, iż opiera on się na twardych zasadach.
The centralization, depoliticization and empowerment of judges in the French counter-terrorism system is an effective measure against terrorism, despite the fact, that it is controversial. The article will discuss the powers of the leading judicial bodies in the fight against terrorism, their advantages and disadvantages. The article emphasizes the thesis of the effectiveness of the anti-terrorism system in France, even though it is based on complex principles.
Decentralizacja stała się jednym ze strategicznych celów transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce po upadku reżimu komunistycznego w 1989 r. Proces przemian objął również decentralizację sektora kultury. Ten kierunek zmian został jednak obecnie zahamowany lub też odwrócony w wielu sferach. Celem artykułu jest analiza dyskursu w obszarze procesu centralizacji/decentralizacji polityki kulturalnej na podstawie zapisów deklaratywnych zawartych w programach partii politycznych Platformy Obywatelskiej ogłoszonych przed wyborami w 2007 i 2011 r. oraz Prawa i Sprawiedliwości przed wyborami w 2014 r. Głównymi osiami badania były zagadnienia związane z podejściem do zarządzania w kulturze oraz w zakresie wartości, jakie wspierać ma sankcjonowana przez państwo kultura.
Decentralization was one of the strategic mottos of system transformation in Poland after the fall of communism In 1989. These transformation processes encompassed also the sector of culture. Now, this strong trend towards decentralization has been mitigated or even reversed in various areas. The aim of the article is discourse analysis of centralization/ decentralization of cultural Policy based on declarations of election programs of the Civic Platform (before elections in 2007 and 2011) and Law and Justice before elections in 2014. The key research axis was the way of managing culture and the understanding of values, which state-based culture has to support.
It is more than two years since the „centralization law” entered into force. As a consequence, local governments had to integrate their VAT settlements with organizational units. To this day, local governments have problems with the correct settlement of tax. The following article discusses selected disputes, including the current case law of administrative courts.
Mijają ponad 2 lata od wejścia w życie ustawy z dnia 5 września 2016 r. o szczególnych zasadach rozliczeń podatku od towarów i usług oraz dokonywania zwrotu środków publicznych przeznaczonych na realizację projektów finansowanych z udziałem środków pochodzących z budżetu Unii Europejskiej lub od państw członkowskich Europejskiego Porozumienia o Wolnym Handlu przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego, czyli tzw. ustawy centralizacyjnej [1, dalej „ustawa z dnia 5 września 2016 r.”]. W konsekwencji samorządy musiały scalić swoje rozliczenia podatku VAT z rozliczeniami jednostek organizacyjnych. Do dziś mają problemy z poprawnym rozliczeniem tego podatku i gubią się w gąszczu sprzecznych interpretacji. W niniejszym artykule omówione zostały wybrane kwestie sporne z uwzględnieniem aktualnego orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych
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Dokąd zmierza Warszawa?

Polskie władze publiczne uznały na początku lat 90., że wszelkie planowanie jest przejawem systemu socjalistycznego i w ustroju gospodarki rynkowej staje się zbędne. Cechą polskiej przestrzeni na przełomie XX i XXI wieku stał się postępujący chaos zagospodarowania. Dotyczy to także Obszaru Metropolitalnego Warszawy, istniejącego jako obiektywny system powiązań funkcjonalnych, ale nieobecnego w procesach planistycznych i na mapach administracyjnych. Brak spójnej polityki przestrzennej skutkuje dziką urbanizacją terenów podmiejskich, ale także brakiem rozwoju Warszawy w jej administracyjnych granicach. Widoczna centralizacja władzy samorządowej doprowadziła tu do zatorów decyzyjnych i zahamowania inwestycji. Zjawiska te mogą prowadzić do marginalizacji Warszawy jako metropolii europejskiej.
In the early 90’s public authorities in Poland considered all kinds of planning as a remaining of the socialist economy, unnecessary under the free-market rules. As a consequence, the chaos became a dominant characteristics of the Polish space at the beginning of the XXI century. This applies also to the situation in Warsaw Metropolitan Area, that exists as a real system of functional relations, but not as an administrative or planning unit. In effect, we observe the “wild urbanization” of the suburbs, and lack of development in the central part of the city. Recent centralization of local government in Warsaw has made the situation even worse, by blocking the investment and planning decisions. All these processes may lead to further marginalization of Warsaw as an European metropolis.
Problem centralizacji i decentralizacji jest bardzo interesujący i zajmuje ważne miejsce w naukach o zarządzaniu, naukach politycznych, socjologii, ekonomii politycznej, mikroekonomii i naukach związanych z regionalistyką. Dyskusja dotycząca wyboru między centralizacją a decentralizacją jest ponadczasowa. Od dawna trwa spór w kwestii wyboru między standaryzacją a autonomią, efektywnością korporacji a efektywnością lokalną, a także między presją na koszty i zasoby a dostosowaniem do specyficznych lokalnych potrzeb. Korzyści każdego z modeli są w istocie słabościami drugiego modelu. Decyzje co do decentralizacji lub centralizacji muszą wynikać z rzetelnej analizy kosztów i korzyści. Debata nad centralizacją lub decentralizacją nie tyle dotyczy kwestii, która strategia jest bardziej efektywna, ile tego, w jakiej proporcji możliwe jest połączenie jednej z drugą.
The problem of centralization and decentralization is very interesting and important in management science, political science, sociology, political economy, economics and regional sciences. The discussion over the centralization versus decentralization is a never-ending one. It is an age-old battle of standardization versus autonomy, corporate efficiency versus local effectiveness and pressure on costs and resources versus accommodation of specific local needs. The advantages of each model are, in essence, the disadvantages of the other. Decisions to decentralize or centralize must be derived from a careful cost–benefit analysis. The debate over whether to centralize or decentralize is not so much over which type of strategy is more effective but the degree to which each strategy is used in combination with one another.
W artykule podjęto rozważania na temat centralizacji działalności. Jest ona jednocześnie czynnikiem przyczyniającym się do zmniejszenia jej regionalnego charakteru. Zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie centralizacji. Scharakteryzowano przesłanki centralizacji i decentralizacji, a także możliwe ich następstwa. Dało to podstawę do analizy centralizacji na przykładzie banków prowadzących działalność na terenie Polski oraz do wyciągnięcia wniosków.
The article undertake the problem of centralization of business. Centralisation is also a factor contributing to the reduction of its regional character. Conditions of centralization and decentralization, as well as their possible consequences were presented. This gave rise to the analysis of centralization of banks operating on the Polish market and to draw conclusions.
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