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The experimental study of the vitality of the vocabulary of the Polish language is based on the example of the collection of names and definitions of men and women, which are used in the works of the outstanding Polish writer - Stefan Żeromski (1864 – 1925). These words (a total of 864 words) were set against their vitality in the idiolect of the author of the article (born in the year 1932). Thereafter they were compared with the condition of the national vocabulary documented in two lexicons of the Polish language edited by W. Doroszewski (based on the canon of texts of the XIX century and the first half of the XX century) and edited by S. Dubisz (incorporating the modern language). The experiment was based on the verification of the continuity of the life of words in the idiolect of the direct witness and participant in the long-term period of the life of the vocabulary. The conclusions, which were drawn up on the basis of this study, are as follows: the permanent vitality of words (lexical and semantic) is maintained during a longer period in the live public communication, as compared to the lexicons. 56,7% of the collection of words used in Żeromski’s letters were preserved in the author’s idiolect. Besides, during a period of more than 150 years, several caesuras (turning points) in the life of specified groups of the analyzed vocabulary were observed. The most expressive caesura occurred at the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century; during this period, the life of many words -- including the live language of communication -- which had been used before, discontinued. The external reasons are mainly the systemic changes, which took place after the second World War, and most recently – the civilization and cultural changes.
In the article the current working conditions of Academic Andragogic Society have been analysed. The challenges of the association were pointed out and there was an attempt to indicate the present role of the Academic Andragogy Association in the world of permanent change. A balance between continuity and change was considered to be the foundation of the organisation’s activity.
W artykule dokonano analizy aktualnych warunków funkcjonowania Akademickiego Towarzystwa Andragogicznego. Wskazano wyzwania, przed jakimi stoi towarzystwo, oraz podjęto próbę wskazania współczesnej roli Akademickiego Towarzystwa Andragogicznego w świecie permanentnej zmiany. Za fundament działalności organizacji uznano balans pomiędzy ciągłością i zmianą.
The Lublin school of special education, celebrating its 50th anniversary, was established by Professor Zofia Sękowska, a distinguished employee of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. The distinctive features of this modern and creative concept of special psychopedagogy are interdisciplinarity, deep humanism and anthropocentrism. These features are reflected both in the methodology of scientific research, solving complex research and diagnostic problems, developing concepts, and methods of influencing special education in the area of education, therapy, rehabilitation, and social rehabilitation. Scientific research carried out at the Department of Special Psychopedagogy and Special Sociopedagogy of UMCS is a continuation and creative development of the living and current traditions of the Lublin school of special education, emphasizing the inextricable relationship and the key importance of psychological, pedagogical, and sociological problems in the theory and practice of special education.
Obchodząca jubileusz 50-lecia istnienia lubelska szkoła pedagogiki specjalnej została stworzona przez Profesor Zofię Sękowską, zasłużonego pracownika UMCS w Lublinie. Charakterystycznymi cechami tej nowoczesnej i twórczej koncepcji psychopedagogiki specjalnej są interdyscyplinarność, głęboki humanizm i antropocentryzm. Te cechy mają swój wyraz zarówno w metodologii badań naukowych, rozwiązywaniu złożonych problemów badawczych i diagnostycznych, opracowywaniu koncepcji, oraz metod oddziaływania pedagogiki specjalnej w płaszczyźnie edukacji, terapii, rehabilitacji i resocjalizacji. Badania naukowe realizowane w Katedrze Psychopedagogiki Specjalnej i Socjopedagogiki Specjalnej UMCS stanowią kontynuację i twórcze rozwinięcie żywych i aktualnych tradycji lubelskiej szkoły pedagogiki specjalnej, akcentującej nierozerwalny związek i kluczowe znaczenie psychologicznych, pedagogicznych i socjologicznych problemów w teorii i praktyce pedagogiki specjalnej.
Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi ciągłości między okresem starobiałoruskim a okresem nowego białoruskiego języka literackiego. Szeroko rozpowszechniony pogląd o istnieniu przerwy w tradycji pisemnej w rozwoju białoruskiego języka literackiego nie był jedyny wcześniej, a teraz jest poddawany analizie krytycznej. Artykuł omawia związek między ciągłością białoruskiego języka literackiego a problemem jego periodyzacji, koncepcją historii języka białoruskiego i historii literatury białoruskiej. Podjęto próbę obalenia stereotypowej opinii o niewielkiej liczbie zabytków literatury białoruskiej XVIII wieku przez odwołanie do mało znanych i niedawno odnalezionych tekstów napisanych alfabetem łacińskim. Sformułowano wnioski na temat przyczyn i celów stosowania w języku białoruskim w XVIII wieku łacińskiego systemu graficznego, zwrócono również uwagę na potrzeby eksploracji ówczesnych tekstów białoruskich w takich obszarach, jak pamiętnikarstwo, piśmiennictwo religijne i urzędowe.
The article is devoted to the problem of continuity between the old Belarusian period and the period of the new Belarusian literary language, as well as to Latin graphic texts of the 18th century. The most widespread opinion about the existence of a break in the written tradition of the Belarusian literary language was not the only one before, but now it is being critically analyzed. The article considers the linkages between the continuity of the Belarusian literary language and the problem of its periodization, the concept of Belarusian language history and the history of Belarusian literature. An attempt has been made to refute the stereotypical opinion about the small number of texts of the 18th century Belarusian literature by addressing the little known and recently discovered Latin graphic texts. Conclusions have been made concerning the reasons and aims of using the Latin graphic system for writing in the Belarusian language in the 18th century. An opinion concerning such research directions of the Belarusian texts of that time as memoirs, confessional and official writings has been given as well.
Артыкул прысвечаны праблеме пераемнасці паміж старабеларускай і новай беларускай літаратурнай мовай, а таксама лацінаграфічным тэкстам XVIII ст. Пашыранае меркаванне аб існаванні перарыву пісьмовай традыцыі ў развіцці беларускай літаратурнай мовы не было адзіным і раней, а ў сучаснасці падлягае крытычнаму аналізу. У артыкуле разглядаецца сувязь праблемы пераемнасці беларускай літаратурнай мовы з праблемай яе перыядызацыі, канцэпцыі гісторыі беларускай мовы і гісторыі беларускай літаратуры. Робіцца спроба абвергнуць стэрэатыпнае меркаванне пра ма-лалікасць помнікаў беларускага пісьменства XVIII ст. праз апеляцыю да малавядомых і нядаўна адшуканых лацінаграфічных тэкстаў. Прыводзяцца высновы аб прычынах і мэтах выкарыстання ў XVIII ст. лацінскай графічнай сістэмы для пісьма па-беларуску, а таксама выказваюцца меркаванні адносна такіх напрамкаў для пошуку тагачасных беларускамоўных тэкстаў, як мемуарыстыка, канфесійнае і афіцыйна-справавое пісьменства.
Donald Trump to zapewne najbardziej kontrowersyjny prezydent Stanów Zjednoczonych od końca zimnej wojny. Do tej pory wszelkie próby publicystycznej analizy jego polityki zagranicznej wpadają w pułapkę ideologicznego i emocjonalnego subiektywizmu. Celem artykułu jest uniknięcie (na tyle, na ile jest to możliwe) tej pułapki i skoncentrowanie się na istocie polityki zagranicznej Trumpa wobec państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Artykuł oparty jest na jakościowej i porównawczej analizie polityki administracji Baracka Obamy i Donalda Trumpa wobec tego regionu w poszukiwaniu elementów zmiany i kontynuacji między tymi dwoma administracjami. W oparciu o wyniki badań autor dochodzi do wniosku, że za czasów administracji Trumpa region odgrywa ważniejszą rolę w amerykańskiej polityce zagranicznej.
Donald Trump is probably the most controversial American president after the end of the Cold War. Until now, any journalist attempt for analysis of his foreign policy falls in the immediate trap of ideological and emotional bias. The aim of this paper is to avoid (as much as it is possible) this trap and to focus on the nature and essence of Trump’s administration foreign policy towards the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The paper conducts qualitative and comparative analysis of the Barack Obama and Donald Trump administrations towards the region in pursuit of the elements of change and continuity between the two administrations. Based on the research findings the author argues that during the Trump administration the region plays more important role in the American Foreign Policy.
Norwid’s deliberations about strategy were not a very well known but important and inventive current in his thought and literary work. In his concise essay La philosophie de la guerre, in the rhapsody Fulminant and in numerous poems, poetical digressions, remarks, notes and memorials the writer defined strategy as a domain of knowledge, a kind of art and a practical skill, necessary to reach long-range historical aims, and especially – in the particular situation of the partitions of Poland and in the face of the lost uprisings – to conduct an efficient struggle for independence, ending in a success. Opposing the long-term planning and strategic actions to a war, a battle, a skirmish and short-term plots – or in one word: to “bloody episodes, “convulsive straining”, futile martyrdom and fatalities, Norwid advocated a peaceful struggle carried on incessantly and consistently, a struggle that aimed at realizing positive human values, and not selfish goals. He thought that this kind of “struggle is a normal task of Humanity” and a universal law of history; whereas bloody war – is a license and an exception, acceptable only in the situation of a “just war”, in defense of universal values that were vio¬lated. According to this conception the writer contrasted the “soldier’s” attitude capable of he-roism first of all in everyday life and everyday work, with the “marauding soldier’s” one, taking one’s anger out on other people in aggression, violence; one greedy for blood and revenge. Hence in Norwid’s understanding it was the ability to predict and forestall events and to take precautionary measures in time that was the essence of strategy. He also connected successful strategy with working out and keeping to “a perfectly well conceived plan” that, owing to earlier preparations, concentrating the means in the right place and time, as well as to well thought out maneuvers, eliminated or reduced to a necessary minimum the use of physical force and violence towards the opponent. The basis of strategy was then formed by a long-range intellectual conception, and also by the ability to carry on struggle with various means, including also struggle “on the field of the idea” and “on the field of the word”.
Norwid’s deliberations about strategy were not a very well known but important and inventive current in his thought and literary work. In his concise essay La philosophie de la guerre, in the rhapsody Fulminant and in numerous poems, poetical digressions, remarks, notes and memorials the writer defined strategy as a domain of knowledge, a kind of art and a practical skill, necessary to reach long-range historical aims, and especially – in the particular situation of the partitions of Poland and in the face of the lost uprisings – to conduct an efficient struggle for independence, ending in a success. Opposing the long-term planning and strategic actions to a war, a battle, a skirmish and short-term plots – or in one word: to “bloody episodes, “convulsive straining”, futile martyrdom and fatalities, Norwid advocated a peaceful struggle carried on incessantly and consistently, a struggle that aimed at realizing positive human values, and not selfish goals. He thought that this kind of “struggle is a normal task of Humanity” and a universal law of history; whereas bloody war – is a license and an exception, acceptable only in the situation of a “just war”, in defense of universal values that were violated.  According to this conception the writer contrasted the “soldier’s” attitude capable of he-roism first of all in everyday life and everyday work, with the “marauding soldier’s” one, taking one’s anger out on other people in aggression, violence; one greedy for blood and revenge. Hence in Norwid’s understanding it was the ability to predict and forestall events and to take precautionary measures in time that was the essence of strategy. He also connected successful strategy with working out and keeping to “a perfectly well conceived plan” that, owing to earlier preparations, concentrating the means in the right place and time, as well as to well thought out maneuvers, eliminated or reduced to a necessary minimum the use of physical force and violence towards the opponent. The basis of strategy was then formed by a long-range intellectual conception, and also by the ability to carry on struggle with various means, including also struggle “on the field of the idea” and “on the field of the word”.
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