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The paper discusses the problems connected with effects of revitalization. The authors concentrate on the differences resulting from ways as well as used base to carry out process of revitalization. The aim of the paper is assessment of the revitalized place carried out without analysis based on historical function of that place. To this end the authors used one of Wroclaw district conducted the desk research and field research. The authors used the method of observation and case studies. As a result, it can be said that revitalization process should be carried out with maintaining the historical function and the needs of inhabitants of revitalized places. The authors also refer to another example of revitalization process and compare it in the context of used ways and effects. According to the conducted research it can be said that the process of revitalization result from both legal principles and form awareness of local authorities in the context of quality of live and inhabitant needs.
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The Quality of Urban Living

Objectives: This paper presets the different factors of living in an urban space, as well as their implications. Research Design & Methods: The mosaic of the different ways of living in a modern city is currently influenced by a new phenomenon (till now only partially recognised), namely the advancement of information technology. The article assumes the form of the overview of the history of the development of modern city. Findings: Comparing and estimating different results of urban innovations can serve as the best practice for urban planning. Implications / Recommendations: Eliminating the disadvantages and retaining the main advantage of a “flat with own garden” – now called smart sprawl – seems to be a permanent and long-lasting tendency. Contribution / Value Added: The paper is a contribution to the list of the contemporary problems such as urban sprawl, Transport-Oriented Development, telecommuting, and the role of the public space.
Temporary use as a subject of work should be understood as temporary development or use of land and facilities, in a way that allows the best use of spatial resources at a given time and place. The author takes up the topic of temporary use being an intentional element of strategy in the design and planning of space. Analysis of practical applications focuses on the depiction of models of design and planning processes, the element of which is the temporary use of space and overall transformation processes, as well as features and functions of temporary uses. The researched practices concern processes composed of various elements, eg mutual relations of temporary use with permanent development. The analysis of good practices indicates a significant strengthening of the potential for temporary use, if it is implemented through a network of broad connections and the integration of various activities and environments.
The article presents the axiological aspects of mobility management. On selected examples of space design, illustrated with pictures from Polish cities, it shows how choices in the area of organization of transport and space are connected with values, even if the authorities are unaware of the ethical aspects of their choices. The examples analyzed in the article were selected to demonstrate how values can differ in different space designs. At the same time they highlight the importance of ethical issues raised by planning mobility in cities. They aim of the article is providing the reader with pictures and accurate descriptions of model situations, in order to introduce these issues to a broader public and show the ethical dimension of city planning to readers not familiar with these issues.
Urban analysis covers the period from the construction of the first blast furnace in the Konecki estates – 1738/39 until 1967 when Stąporków gained the city rights. The industrial development of the village is connected with Jan Małachowski and Jan Tarnowski. The areas around the steelworks formed the core of the “old” Stąporków developing towards the village of Czarna and the health resort of Czarniecka Góra to the west. Shortly after the Second World War, the industry was reborn in the town. Settlements for the workers of individual factories began to be built. In the 1950s, the first buildings for their employees were erected by the Iron Foundry Stąporków and the Iron Ore Mine. The constructed housing estates became the axis of the “new” Stąporków focusing its spatial development around industrial plants located east of the original settlement. Between these parts, spaces of residential, functional and cultural functions appeared successively. This however, led to the lack of a clearly defined urban center of the location.
a2_The article explains how criticism of the housing schemes, the chief representative of which was urbanist Jiří Hrůza (1925-2012), had been growing stronger since as early as the mid-1960s. Influenced by works of US journalist and urbanistic activist Jane Jacobs (1916-2006), he presented a comprehensive critique of socialist modernism and questioned they very principle of urban planning as a tool of social transformation. The intellectual skepticism was soon thereafter reflected in urban planning practices in Prague; they abandoned the modernistic principle of zoning and acknowledged the value (first urbanistic, later architectural) of traditional quarters. In the end of the article, the author analyzes how the urbanistic turning point was confronted with building industry practices and political preferences demanding rapid construction of flats and apartments.
a2_Článek sleduje, jak již od poloviny šedesátých let sílila kritika sídlištní výstavby, na které se podílel především urbanista Jiří Hrůza (1925-2012). Pod dojmem prací americké novinářky a urbanistické aktivistky Jane Jacobsové (1916-2006) pak na počátku sedmdesátých let podal soustavnou kritiku socialistického modernismu a zpochybnil samotný princip urbanistického plánování jako prostředku společenské transformace. Tato intelektuální skepse se brzy přenesla i do praxe pražského městského plánování, které ustoupilo od modernistických principů zónování a přiznalo tradičním čtvrtím nejdříve urbanistickou a později i architektonickou hodnotu. Nakonec autor sleduje, jak se tento urbanistický obrat střetával s praxí stavební výroby a politickou preferencí rychlé bytové výstavby.
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Mit dziewiętnastowiecznego Paryża

The book review: Pierre Pinon. 2018. Le mythe Haussmann. Paris: Éditions B2.
Esej recenzyjny książki Pierre’a Pinona, Le mythe Haussmann, która zajmuje się zdekonstruowaniem mitu, powstałego wokół Georgesa-Eugène’a Haussmanna jako wykonawcy wielkiej przebudowy Paryża. Analiza argumentów autora odkrywa złożony charakter prowadzonych w XIX-wiecznym Paryżu prac budowlanych, których planowanie i wcielanie w życie było efektem negocjacji i współpracy, a nie arbitralnych decyzji. Ponadto pozwala na wyciągnięcie wniosków dotyczących przepracowywanego we francuskiej humanistyce przeformułowania historii II Cesarstwa, które jednocześnie rehabilituje reżim polityczny Napoleona III i jego urzędników oraz rozbija ich jednostkową ich sprawczość na rozproszone i trudniejsze do jednoznacznego zdefiniowania podmioty zbiorowe i luźniej powiązane sieci aktorów. Książka staje się więc otwarciem do przepisania historii wielkiej przebudowy, która zamiast skupiać się wyłącznie na postaci prefekta Haussmanna i jego Wspomnieniach, uwzględni szereg postaci i oddolnych działań, dzięki czemu przebudowętę będzie można wpisać w szersze nurty dziewiętnastowiecznych procesów modernizacyjnych, których tytułowa postać była tylko epifenomenem i eponimem, nie zaś sprawcą.
Between 1918 and 1989, Bratislava witnessed at least four major political upheavals, formed part of different states, and its entire social, political and economic order fundamentally changed several times, as well as the position of the city - from the centre of part of Czechoslovakia to the capital of the formally independent state. The main aim of this study is to analyse the development, planning and construction of Bratislava throughout this entire turbulent period, while pointing mainly to the continuities and connections that go beyond these political upheavals. The study focuses on a largely Slovak epistemic community of architects and urban planners inspired by modernism, who were active in Bratislava or influenced its development during the researched period. The first generational cohort of these urban experts was formed by people who, since the 1920s, had drawn inspiration mainly from the environment of the Prague Czech Technical University, where they had the opportunity to become acquainted with modernism in architecture. After the Second World War, some of these figures created an important expert and academic background, from which, in the local context, emerged another extremely influential generation of architects and designers, which had a fundamental influence over the development of the city in the 1960s and 1970s. While some of them remained active well into the 1990s, it is possible to observe as early as in the normalization period (and this is the focus of the final parts of this study) how the approach towards the urban environment they represented was being gradually challenged and was becoming less important. The author analyses the relationship between the urban experts of several generations, as well as between the urban experts and other important actors who influenced the development of Bratislava. He shows how these experts built their positions and secured the continuity of their own approaches to the construction, or more generally, to the development and operation of the city. He also outlines how the ways they exercised their influence changed over the course of several decades and what factors - on the political, institutional and discursive level - strengthened or weakened this expert community.
Mezi lety 1918 a 1989 prošla Bratislava přinejmenším čtyřmi velkými politickými zvraty, byla součástí různých státních útvarů, několikrát se zásadně změnilo celé společenské, politické a ekonomické uspořádání i pozice města - od pouhého centra části Československa až po hlavní město formálně samostatného státu. Hlavním záměrem této studie je analyzovat rozvoj, plánování a budování Bratislavy po celé toto neklidné období a poukázat přitom zejména na kontinuity a souvislosti překračující zmíněné politické zvraty. Ústředním aktérem studie je (nejen slovenská) epistemická komunita modernou inspirovaných architektů a urbanistů, kteří ve sledovaném období v Bratislavě působili nebo na její rozvoj měli vliv. První generační kohortu těchto urbánních expertů tvořili lidé čerpající podněty od dvacátých let minulého století zejména z prostředí pražského Českého vysokého učení technického, kde měli příležitost se seznámit s architektonickou modernou. Některé z těchto osobností pak po druhé světové válce v Bratislavě vytvořily výrazné expertní i akademické zázemí, z něhož vyrostla v tamním kontextu další mimořádně vlivná generace architektů a projektantů, jež měla zásadní vliv na rozvoj města v šedesátých a sedmdesátých letech. Ač někteří z nich působili hluboko do devadesátých let, je možné již během normalizační éry (a to je předmětem závěrečných pasáží této studie) sledovat postupné zpochybnění a vytrácení onoho přístupu k urbánnímu prostředí, který reprezentovali. Autor analyzuje vzájemné vazby mezi urbánními experty několika generací navzájem i mezi nimi a dalšími významnými aktéry ovlivňujícími rozvoj Bratislavy. Ukazuje přitom, jakým způsobem budovali svou pozici a zajišťovali kontinuitu jim vlastních přístupů k výstavbě, či obecněji k budování a fungování města, ale také nastiňuje, nakolik se způsoby uplatňování jejich vlivu v průběhu několika desetiletí proměňovaly a co tuto expertní komunitu - v rovině politické, institucionální i diskurzivní - posilovalo, nebo naopak oslabovalo.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z problematyką demograficznego kurczenia się miasta, w kontekście znaczenia, jakie w tym procesie odgrywa zagospodarowanie przestrzenne. Jednym z największych wyzwań dla Łodzi, miasta szczególnie silnie dotkniętego procesem depopulacji i starzenia się mieszkańców, jest poprawa stanu zagospodarowania przestrzeni miejskiej. Badania dowodzą, iż dobrze zaprojektowana i atrakcyjnie urządzona przestrzeń ma wyższą wartość niż przestrzeń pozbawiona tych cech, a to wskazuje, że właściwe kształtowanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego Łodzi może być ważnym narzędziem w podnoszeniu jej atrakcyjności lokalizacyjnej i kształtowaniu dalszego rozwoju miasta. Dwa szczególnie ważne problemy: wysoka degradacja tkanki miejskiej w śródmieściu oraz negatywne zmiany w strukturze i liczbie zamieszkującej miasto populacji pozostają ze sobą w ścisłym związku. Wydaje się jednak, że to nie działania mające wpływ na demografię (np. polityka prorodzinna), ale techniczno- -modernizacyjne i funkcjonalno-przestrzenne są kluczem do poprawienia kondycji miasta i budowania lepszych perspektyw jego rozwoju. Prezentowany tekst stanowi próbę rozwinięcia tej tezy i jest elementem szerszego projektu badawczego autora.
The article presents selected issues which are relevant to the demographic problems of a shrinking city in the context of the built environment and its role in this process. One of the biggest challenges for Lodz, a city particularly strongly affected by the process of depopulation and ageing, is to improve the shape of urban space. Research show that well-designed and attractive space is of higher valued than space deprived of these features. This indicates that the appropriate planning and shaping of the land development in Łódź could be an important tool in improving the attractiveness of the city and in modelling further development of the city. There are two particularly important issues related one to another in Lodz: strong degradation of urban fabric in the downtown as well as the negative changes in the structure and in number of urban population. It seems, however, that the technical modernization and spatial-functional changes are the keys to improve the condition of the city more than the pro-family policy or other activities affecting demographics. The present text includes an attempt to develop this hypothesis, remaining a part of a wider research project.
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