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Pomiędzy liczbą gospodarstw domowych a liczbą podmiotów gospodarczych zachodzi proporcja 5:1. Proporcję tę nazywamy „quantum satis”.
There is a 5:1 ratio between the number of households and business entities. This ratio is considered “quantum satis”.
The article analyzes three categories: co-existence, co-responsibility and interdependence in the context of contemporary discussions about the role of social pedagogy in building local communities. New possible approaches arise while using these concepts for addressing contemporary conditions of the communities which result in new tasks of education. There are analysed also the consequences of the transformation from the previous rather static (territorial) view of local communities, that had the aim to root people in existing social structures, towards more dynamic, open and diverse spaces. They are not considered only as physical places anymore but as new local relations that are being developed, based on not stable, however increasingly popular forms of sharing experiences. For these changes the studied concepts match the new realities and in consequence demand pedagogical considerations.
The article analyzes three categories: co-existence, co-responsibility and interdependence in the context of contemporary discussions about the role of social pedagogy in building local communities. New possible approaches arise while using these concepts for addressing contemporary conditions of the communities which result in new tasks of education. There are analysed also the consequences of the transformation from the previous rather static (territorial) view of local communities, that had the aim to root people in existing social structures, towards more dynamic, open and diverse spaces. They are not considered only as physical places anymore but as new local relations that are being developed, based on not stable, however increasingly popular forms of sharing experiences. For these changes the studied concepts match the new realities and in consequence demand pedagogical considerations.
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
vol. 60
issue 3
Mediation is proving to be an effective way to manage conflicts in a constructive way. But mediation not only helps to solve specific problems, because its potential encompasses aspects of greater complexity. Thus, mediation helps us to know ourselves better, to better understand others, and to use what we have learned to better manage future conflict situations. In a society where there is no culture of agreement and where there is no education in the field of emotions, mediation becomes an adequate and effective tool to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and constructive manner. On the other hand, mediation allows the parties to take responsibility for the resolution of their own conflict, to be active agents in the process. The greater the citizens’ participation in the different decision making processes, the more democratic a society will be. That is why, in the restoration of social peace, citizenship should play a role as an active agent, and mediation is a suitable instrument for this purpose because the individuals in conflict find the way to solve it without third party impositions.
The appearance of large-surface complexes has led to the creation of new trade, service and entertainment centers in cities; these complexes have an impact on their surroundings. Due to the large scale of the phenomenon, it is important to determine the zones and nature of this influence, discuss the problem of the relationship between a shopping center and a city, and the tendencies and perspectives of development of shopping centers. A shopping center competes with its home city for the attractive urban and suburban areas and the dominating role, especially in terms of a trade, service and public space. On the other hand, it coexists with the city by releasing/regaining lands that have been degraded and contributes to improvements in transport. The development of shopping centers throughout the world occurs on a quantitative level — with varying dynamics, but still their number increases, and, importantly, on a qualitative level — since their new forms with altered offers emerge. Changes observed should be noteworthy to all Polish policy-makers when making well-thought-out decisions regarding locations. Local authorities need to realize that the permits they issue influence more than the changes in the functional and spatial structure of a city or commune.
Pojawienie się wielkopowierzchniowych kompleksów doprowadziło do wykreowania w miastach nowych ośrodków handlowo-usługowo-rozrywkowych oddziałujących na otoczenie. W związku z dużą skalą zjawiska ważne jest zastanowienie się nad strefami i charakterem ich oddziaływania, nad problemem relacji centrum handlowego z miastem oraz nad tendencjami i perspektywami ich rozwoju. Centra handlowe z jednej strony rywalizują z miastem o atrakcyjne przestrzenie miejskie/podmiejskie, o dominującą rolę szczególnie w przestrzeni handlowo-usługowej i publicznej. Z drugiej strony koegzystują z miastem uwalniając/odzyskując dla niego zdegradowane obszary przyczyniając się również do zastosowania lepszych rozwiązań transportowych. Rozwój centrów handlowych zachodzi nadal w wymiarze ilościowym — na świecie z różną dynamiką, ale tego typu kompleksów przybywa oraz w wymiarze jakościowym — powstają nowe formuły o zmienionej ofercie. Obserwowane zmiany powinny być przesłanką dla decydentów w Polsce przy podejmowaniu bardziej przemyślanych decyzji lokalizacyjnych. Władze samorządowe muszą zdawać sobie sprawę, że wydawane przez nich pozwolenia mają wpływ na zmiany struktury funkcjonalno-przestrzennej miasta/gminy.
This artistic research was a one-year Master Performing Public Space program at Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts in Tilburg, Netherlands. Based on concepts of coexistence between nonhumans and humans, it creates new narratives with the models of utopia, symbiocene, empathy. The author, while observing a community of free-roaming cats, co-created a series of interspecies communication and utopian experiments with humans and cats. The work is inspired by the author’s close intertwining with nonhumans and continues her artistic practice based in anthrozoology. It exemplifies artistic co-creation with nonhumans, more-than-human public space geography and the potential of artistic research as a scientific discipline.
Jasmin HabibUniversity of WaterlooCanada Wall Art and the Presence of Absence Abstract: This photoessay takes the reader on a walking tour through Wadi Nisnas, Haifa, Israel, where art appears on walls and where walls become art. Using de Certeau, Jasmin Habib reflects on the way that these pieces represent the political and cultural histories of Palestinian displacement, a politics of belonging as well as their return.  The artists’ imaginary of coexistence is set in stark contrast to the nativism that marks the world outside of these walls. Keywords: Palestinians; wall art; photoessay; coexistence, de Certeau; Haifa
This contribution is dedicated to the insufficiently researched phenomenon of what are called “national keys”: principles the Yugoslav communists applied in their efforts at rigorously promoting a policy of brotherhood and unity. The goal of this text is to analyze the deepening contrast in the approaches to solving the league-wide crisis between the Bosnian communists. This group – even at in the twilight days of Tito’s Yugoslavia – were overseeing the policy of “brotherhood and unity” that had been in effect until that time, while representatives of the political parties that had newly formed in the 1990s were drawing on a nationalist principle based along ethnic-confessional lines. The essay analyzes both, across a backdrop of the culminating political and economic difficulties in the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina in the 1980s. This work focuses on analysis of the modifying central premises for the peaceful existence of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina; i.e., on the transformation in understanding and utilization of the national key and on the essential consensus in constitutional questions between the three Bosnian-Herzegovinian ethnic groups in the era of socialism and in the period after the end of the Bosnian war (the second half of the 1990s).
Maria Konopnicka’s novella Mendel Gdański was written in response to a request from the author’s friend Eliza Orzeszkowa. The work was a contribution to a publicity campaign in the part of Poland occupied by Russia at that time, conducted in order to make Polish society aware of the dangers of adopting cultural attitudes that were alien to it. Such attitudes were propagated by the tsarist bureaucracy, which, in the interests of the Russian empire, incited anti-Semitism in order to divide Polish society. The article emphasizes the need for a contextual reading of the novella. It shows how important it is to know the historical reality in which the work was written and its genesis. The author gives a characteristic of the perpetrators of the riots described by M. Konopnicka and the neighbors of the Jewish family, concluding that it is necessary to reinterpret the novella’s message, which is not so much a protest against anti-Semitism as a protest against instilling hostility towards others into Poles.
Nowela Marii Konopnickiej Mendel Gdański powstała w odpowiedzi na prośbę przyjaciółki autorki, Elizy Orzeszkowej. Utwór wpisywał się w ówczesną kampanię publicystyczną w zaborze rosyjskim prowadzoną po to, aby uświadomić społeczeństwu polskiemu zagrożenia płynące z zaimplementowania mu obcych kulturowo postaw. Carska biurokracja, podżegająca do antysemickich wystąpień, podejmowała te działania w interesie imperium po to, by rozbijać i dzielić społeczeństwo polskie. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na konieczność kontekstowego odczytania noweli. Ukazano, jak ważna jest znajomość realiów historycznych, w jakich powstał utwór, oraz znajomość genezy jego powstania. Autorka scharakteryzowała opisanych przez Konopnicką sprawców zamieszek oraz sąsiadów żydowskiej rodziny, dochodząc do wniosku, że niezbędne jest przesunięcie akcentów w odczytaniu przesłania utworu: nie tyle protestu przeciwko antysemityzmowi jako takiemu, co protestu przeciwko zaszczepianiu Polakom wrogości wobec innych.
The aim of the article is an attempt to outline the theory of the conference (scientific), taking into account its actual course, including the reported content, as the ontic basis of its real structure. At the heart of this concept is a myth whose stories form the basis for the emergence of cultural spectacles. In the case of a conference conceived as a spectacle, the founding form (myth) is skholé. The conference itself is shaped in two overlapping areas: firstly, it is subject to the process of ritualization, and secondly, it is subject to the coexistence of universal praxis. In view of the subject of the conference mentioned and analyzed here, this theory takes into account aesthetic and pedagogical interactions (principles), ignoring others (ethics, economy, politics, religion). The conference theory should contribute to the understanding of its coherent thinking and operation structure; the importance of its impact on its participants, the legitimacy of its organization and study; the possibility of consciously shaping its course, in the cognitive - methodological context (I omit the otherwise important socio-cultural aspects).
The article attempts to illustrate the essence of the influence of several key factors on the identity of place through the evocation of specific spaces. The most essential components evoked are time, ‑place, landscape, memory, sound: their mutual coexistence creates, in our understanding, an image that, despite our fixed idea, is constantly changing in situ. The reflections undertaken in the content of this article refer both to the notion of identity not linked to any given place and to a few selected places in south-eastern Poland.
Artykuł to próba zobrazowania istoty wpływu kilku najważniejszych czynników na tożsamość miejsca poprzez pryzmat przywołania konkretnych przestrzeni. Najistotniejsze przywołane składowe to czas, miejsce, krajobraz, pamięć, dźwięk – wzajemne ich współistnienie tworzy w naszym pojmowaniu obraz, który mimo naszego stałego wyobrażenia o nim nieustannie zmienia się in situ. Rozważania podjęte w treści artykułu odnoszą się zarówno do pojęcia tożsamości niezwiązanej z miejscem, jak również do kilku wybranych miejsc w Polsce południowo-wschodniej.
Polish Constitution has introduced the principle of direct application of the Constitution, which imposes on all the state organs, especially the courts, not only the right, but the obligation to refer to the norms set forth in the Constitution as a direct basis for a resolution. In this context, there is a problem of the right of every judge to refuse to apply a provision of the law which, in his opinion, is contrary to constitutional standards without directing a legal inquiry into the Constitutional Tribunal.
Konstytucja RP wprowadziła zasadę bezpośredniego jej stosowania, która nakłada na wszystkie organy państwa, zwłaszcza sądy, nie tylko prawa, ale i obowiązek odwoływania się do norm wyrażonych w konstytucji jako bezpośredniej podstawy rozstrzygnięcia. W tym kontekście pojawia się problem uprawnienia każdego sędziego do odmowy zastosowania przepisu ustawy, który w jego ocenie jest sprzeczny z normami konstytucyjnymi bez kierowania zapytania prawnego w tej sprawie do Trybunału Konstytucyjnego.
This article presents the points of view from which interreligious relations in the Ottoman world have been approached in academic historiography, the frames of interpretation and concepts that have been used, and the critical reassessments and revisions that are currently underway. Conceptions about the position of the non-Muslims and the nature and forms of interreligious relations in the Ottoman Empire have changed perceptively over the last half century. The mosaic world of subjugated nations and self-governed religious communities (millets) that lived parallel and distinct lives gave its place, in the last two decades of the twentieth century, to the plural society of extensive interreligious interaction at individual or communal level. In tandem came the shift from an emphasis on the oppression of the non-Muslims to that on toleration. We are now in a new phase of revision which focuses on the forms, extent and limits of toleration and intercommunal interaction, and pays close attention to change over time.
Th e genesis of the development of family and its members in built on family life. In Slovakia the emphasis was laid on the phenomenon of sociability, having common family events and on collective work. Th e data have confi rmed that in spite of accelerated tempo and work load, in spite of the assaults of modern day alienation, the common life has not completely disappeared from our families. Common moments are still one part of our family life.
Geneza rozwoju rodziny i jej członków w oparciu o życie rodzinne. Na Słowacji nacisk położony został na zjawisko wspólnoty towarzyskiej, wspólnie obchodzonych imprez rodzinnych i na pracy zbiorowej. Dane potwierdzają, że mimo wzrostu tempa życia i większego obciążenia pracą, mimo ataków współczesnej alienacji, wspólne życie nie zniknęło całkowicie z naszych rodzin. Wspólne chwile są nadal jedną z części naszego życia rodzinnego.
This paper examines the relation between the problem of human nature and political theory; it is claimed that every such theory is founded on some anthropological precon-ditions. The paper studies the political conceptions of four modern philosophers: Thom-as Hobbes, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Karl Marx, Pyotr Kropotkin. It reveals that two opposing tendencies form the imaginary of the modern era: the authoritative one that identifies an egoistic/ unsociable human nature that needs control, and the libertarian one that recognizes a human being capable of more advanced types of social fabric. It is also investigated how anthropological dualism can be transcended to permit the concep-tion of a new anthropological type as well as the type of society that will help the hu-man potentiality of consciousness and coexistence to unfold.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę wielokulturowości Hiszpanii w odniesieniu do mieszkającej tam społeczności imigrantów pakistańskich. Na tle liczby wyznawców islamu wywodzących się z regionu Maghrebu zbiorowość ta nie stanowi grupy najliczniejszej, jednak wyróżnia się ze względu na swoją odrębność i hermetyczność. Tekst zawiera analizę wyznaczników społeczno-ekonomicznych i kulturowych, określających sytuację tej społeczności na Półwyspie Iberyjskim. Egzemplifikację charakteryzowanych w artykule mechanizmów stanowi barcelońska dzielnica imigrancka Raval. Rozważania tu zawarte przybliżają determinanty sytuacji imigrantów z Pakistanu oraz wyzwania, które krystalizują się na płaszczyźnie interakcji tej zbiorowości ze społeczeństwem przyjmującym. Artykuł podejmuje refleksję nad problemem odrębności etnokulturowej tej grupy w wymiarze normatywnym oraz instytucjonalnym, a także nad jej skutkami.
This article uses the example of the Pakistani community to explore the phenomenon of multiculturalism in Spain. Although Muslims of Maghrebi origin constitute the most numerous immigrant group on the Iberian Peninsula, the Pakistanis are special in that they represent an exceptionally distinctive and hermetic community. The article analyses social, economic and cultural determinants of this community’s situation in Spain. The Raval immigrant neighbourhood in Barcelona exemplifies the mechanisms under study. The article focuses on determinants of Pakistani immigrants’ situation as well as the challenges that arise against the backdrop of interaction between this community and the host society. The author also reflects on the issue of the ethnocultural distinctiveness of this group in normative and institutional terms, and analyses the consequences of this distinctiveness.
In the world that seeks and promotes self-expression based on an exaggerated concept of freedom there is always the risk of a clash of interests. It happens in particular when a person formulates for himself something that he considers moral and true without reference to any objective truth. Leaning from some regrettable events in history, this article examines the relationship between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria amidst the rampant ethno-religious conflicts. It looks at some political, religious, economic factors influencing this menace. It also highlights the influence of modern culture of individualism and dissemination of information devoid of ethics. With the help of both ecclesiastical and secular documents this article offers suggestions that might lead to a sincere dialogue as means to peaceful coexistence. Responsible roles of individuals and institutions are indispensable if we want to restore human dignity that has been debased.
W świecie, który szuka i promuje wyrażanie siebie oparte na przesadnej koncepcji wolności, zawsze istnieje ryzyko zderzenia interesów. Dzieje się tak, kiedy człowiek tworzy dla siebie to, co uważa za moralne i prawdziwe, bez odniesienia do jakiejkolwiek obiektywnej prawdy. Opierając się na godnych pożałowania wydarzeniach w historii, artykuł analizuje relacje między muzułmanami a chrześcijanami w Nigerii pośród szerzących się konfliktów etno-religijnych. Zwraca uwagę na niektóre czynniki polityczne, religijne i ekonomiczne wpływające na to zagrożenie. Podkreśla także wpływ współczesnej kultury indywidualizmu i rozpowszechniania informacji pozbawionych etyki. Z pomocą zarówno dokumentów kościelnych, jak i świeckich artykuł ten przedstawia sugestie, które mogą prowadzić do szczerego dialogu jako środka do pokojowego współistnienia. Niezbędna jest odpowiedzialna rola jednostek i instytucji, jeśli musimy przywrócić godność ludzką, która doznała uszczerbku.
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