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Handwriting is made up of countless habitual patterns. An individual’s handwriting is made up of a complexity of habitual patterns that are repeated within a typical range of vari­ation around the model patterns. The muscle coordination of these and perceptions of how an individual sense form helps each one to develop one’s own Master Pattern of writing. A total number of 540 (60 samples from each age group — 30 samples each from males & females), has been collected from 9 different age groups. Three handwriting samples — two in present handwriting (with a gap of 5–10 minutes between the two handwritings) and one old or past handwriting sample collected from each individual (gap ranged from 2–33 years between present and old handwritings).With the due effect of the findings gathered from the present investigation the cases lacking in contemporary handwritings can be undertaken with ease by taking into account the letters — ‘f, y, r and i’ which have a major effect of natural variations on them which in turn makes them unreliable and should be avoided in the process of comparison as well as while forming an opinion.
In this article the author presents the management regulations and regulatory advertising standards. It is characterized by the development of new technologies in advertising and draws attention to the ethical aspect.
The term ‘hybrid warfare’ proved to be very popular among academics, military thinkers and professionals leading to a variety of definitions and approaches. It was linked with the new generation concept popularised by Russian military thought. The essence of the hybridity is not new, as using a combination of military and non-military instruments is as old as mankind and is recognised but interpreted differently. The paper examines both the concept and its implementation based on case studies and theoretical considerations. It debates possible ways of using it to confront targeted nations by a combination of a variety of tools and approaches.
Artykuł wprowadza w problematykę tożsamości osobowej podkreślając szczególnie rolę poszukiwania początku i punktu odniesienia. Analizy prac artystek działających na przełomie XX i XXI wieku (Louise Bourgeois, Kary Walker, Eleanor Antin, Marty Deskur i Joan Jonas) ukazują, jak sztuka przedstawia powracanie do własnego dziedzictwa biologicznego i kulturowego („archiwów”) oraz wyraża napięcie między reinterpretacją i reprojektowaniem w odniesieniu do tożsamości konstruowanej w oparciu o takie powracanie. Ostatecznie poetyckość reinterpretacji okazuje się podpowiedzią metafizycznego punktu odniesienia.
The article introduces the problem of personal identity studying in particular the role of searching the beginning and the reference point. An examination of the artists working at the turn of the century (Louise Bourgeois, Kara Walker, Eleanor Antin, Marty Deskur and Joan Jonas) presents how art shows return to personal biological and cultural heritage (“archive”) and expresses the tension between reinterpretation and re-projecting in the identity constructed on the basis of such return. Finally, poetic reinterpretation appears to suggest a metaphysical point of reference.
In this paper, I analyse a thought-provoking 1986 novella concerning falconry from a contemporary perspective. Breaking an Eagle depicts a process during which a recalcitrant and adamantine wild falcon is tamed into an acquiescent hunting tool through a series of manoeuvres that annihilate its willpower. I propound this is analogous to a phenomenon dubbed ‘PUA’ that is permeating every section of contemporary Chinese society. As a cultural import from the US, the terminology PUA (Pick-up Artist) in the Chinese context preserves its original meaning regarding heterosexual courtships and entanglements, yet more significantly, it constructs novel connotations pertaining to emotional coercion and exploitation in the workplace. Parallel to the mentally manipulated and physically abused falcon depicted in the novella, the confidence and assertiveness of victims of interpersonal and workplace PUA are extirpated, bombarded with perpetual censure and nefarious carrot-and-stick approaches.
Civilizational threats considered from ecological, economic and social aspects are the rudimentary reference point for theoretical studies on sustainable development. Manifold concepts and interpretations of the risk issue were converted into proposals for solutions that are primarily reflected in strategic documents on sustainable development and programs related to security. Mutual interactions, or even interpenetration of some threats on other may affect the efficiency of implementing preventive and corrective programs. Consequently, scientists point to the need of adopting more systemic solutions whose implementation requires a specific policy and properly selected tools of its realization. The key initiator and promoter of sustainable development is the United Nations. The objectives and directions of activities indicated by that organization and including prevention of such threats as poverty, hunger and environmental degradation, were proposed in the United Nations Millennium Declaration. The 15 years of implementing the document’s resolutions concluded in the preparation of a report summarizing the project, i.e. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015. The present paper outlines the issue of threats in the context of international striving for security and reduction of global, primarily social, problems. It provides an evaluation of the ways in which the UN policy is conducted as well as practical realization of this policy, at the example of the Millennium Declaration. The conducted analysis allowed to define the future prospects for the implementation of this policy, especially with respect to preventing social threats.
Artykuł został poświęcony analizie specyfiki zjawiska rytuałów i ich społecznego oddziaływania. Działania rytualne mogą być zróżnicowane, a ich cechy charakterystyczne tylko dla określonych grup społecznych. Sfera okołosportowa jest niezwykle bogata w zastosowanie rytuałów, a zainteresowanie tym fenomenem potęgować może fakt, iż sport jest relatywnie słabo przebadanym obszarem pod kątem społecznym. Przy analizie aspektów związanych z omawianymi praktykami, konieczne było odniesienie do mechanizmów psychologicznych, perspektywy antropologicznej oraz kluczowego – ujęcia socjologicznego takich teoretyków jak: Randall Collins, Erving Goffman, czy Émile Durkheim. W dalszej części artykułu pod ogląd zostały wzięte przede wszystkim sporty widowiskowe i wysoce medialne. Dyscypliny te zostały wybrane, ponieważ zawodnicy je uprawiający charakteryzują się wysokim stopniem zastosowania rytuałów oraz są to aktywności, które pozwalają na łatwiejsze zaobserwowanie wielu atrybutów związanych omawianymi praktykami. Priorytetowa w kontekście niniejszego artykuły była analiza badania własnego, przeprowadzonego na profesjonalnych tenisistach stołowych. Kluczową metodą zbierania danych została ankieta internetowa, której wyniki wzbogaciła obserwacja uczestnicząca. Celem badania było poznanie specyfiki rytuałów tenisistów stołowych. Poświęcenie uwagi płaszczyźnie związanej z tenisem stołowym było istotne, ze względu na brak naukowych informacji na temat tej grupy społecznej oraz z uwagi na powszechne stosowanie rytuałów przez badanych zawodników. W efekcie, problematyka rytuałów sportowców, została wzbogacona o informacje dotyczące nawyków zawodników kolejnej, niezwykle interesującej dyscypliny sportowej, jaką jest tenis stołowy.
The article was devoted to analysing the specifics of the phenomenon of rituals and their social impact. Ritual activities can be diverse, and their characteristics are likely to be specific only to certain social groups. The peri-sport sphere is exceptionally saturated with ritual practices, and the interest in this phenomenon may be compounded by the fact that sports are a relatively under-researched area from a social perspective. In analysing aspects related to the practices in question, it was necessary to refer to psychological mechanisms, an anthropological perspective and a key one – the sociological approach of such theorists as Randall Collins, Erving Goffman, and Émile Durkheim. In the remainder of the article, spectator and highly media-oriented sports were primarily scrutinised. These disciplines were chosen because the players practising them are characterised by a high degree of use of rituals, and they are activities that allow for more straightforward observation of many of the attributes associated with the practices in question. Prioritised in the context of this article was the analysis of a self-reported survey conducted on professional table tennis players. The fundamental data collection method was an online survey, the results augmented by participant observation. The purpose of the study was to find out the specifics of table tennis players’ rituals. Devoting attention to the plane associated with table tennis was essential due to the lack of scientific information on this social group and the widespread use of rituals by the players surveyed. As a result, the issue of athletes’ rituals was enriched with information on players’ habits of another exciting sport – table tennis.
The analysis of numerous studies of modern education clearly shows that it falls short of the expectations of the society as well as the demands of students, parents and teachers. Researchers are searching for ways to reform the school so that it will be suitable for contemporary times and prepare students for personal and professional development. The article discusses the most interesting ideas which aim at modernizing contemporary education. It focuses on a selection of solutions which can be adopted in general and Polish language education.
Analiza licznych badań poświęconych dzisiejszej edukacji wyraźnie pokazuje, iż nie spełnia ona oczekiwań społecznych, wymagań uczniów, rodziców oraz samych nauczycieli. Badacze poszukają dróg zreformowania szkoły tak, by odpowiadała ona współczesności, by przygotowywała uczniów do funkcjonowania w świecie zawodowym i osobistym. W artykule omówiono najciekawsze pomysły, których celem jest modernizacja współczesnej edukacji. Skupiono się na wybranych rozwiązaniach, mających zastosowanie w zarówno w kształceniu ogólnym, jak i polonistycznym.
Recently, in the circle of archaeologists, we observe discussions on the issues related to the contemporary archeology. This topic is also the subject of disputes between the opponents and the supporters of an innovative look at archeology. Studying this issue, it is worth pointing that the places and events connected with the contemporary history are increasingly becoming a subject of interest to archaeologists. It overlaps with another issue – devastation and destruction of archaeological sites along with many places of battlefields in our country. It is increasingly evident that the field of action of archaeologists touches the dark period of operation in our country by the German occupation authorities and the post-war communist authorities. We should keep in mind  that even the dark part of our history must be protected. It is also our heritage, which should be a subject of protection enshrined in the Constitution of the Polish Republic with its tangible and intangible elements and without any restrictions. It would be advisable that the archaeologists, conservation authorities and all stakeholders should explain all the emerging doubts while working out on the common position in this matter. We should realize that the contemporary archeology is not only traces of the past events that surround us, but it is also the material evidence of our existence that will remain after us. It seems that the contemporary archeology is nothing but a continuation of the archeology, which evolves and follows the mankind, along with our sometimes complicated existence. It is still archeology, which is called the contemporary archeology in order to precisely define the period of its interest. We should keep in mind that the contemporary archeology is also an important element shaping the cultural awareness which further increases its value.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba dokonania analizy, na ile instytucje publiczne realizują zobowiązania państwa związane z zapewnieniem obywatelom bezpieczeństwa, które pozwoli im na projektowanie prywatnej sfery swojego życia w zakresie potrzeb współczesnych społeczeństw według standardów bezpieczeństwa indywidualnego. W związku z powyższym poddano analizie wybrane rozważania teoretyczne, które odnoszą się do definiowania percepcji bezpieczeństwa. Analizie poddano także wyniki badań społecznych poruszających problemy związane z bezpieczeństwem przez współczesne społeczeństwo polskie. Uwzględnione badania zostały przeprowadzone na reprezentatywnej próbie dorosłych mieszkańców Polski oraz przedstawicieli wybranej grupy zawodowej. Dokonane wnioskowanie wzbogacone krytyczną analizą literatury przedmiotu pozwoliło określić parametry postrzegania bezpieczeństwa oraz pozycji w hierarchii wartości współczesnego Polaka.
This paper presents an effort of the public institutions analysis that fulfil the state obligations in terms of civic security and safety. The latter is expected to provide citizens an opportunity to construct their private lives spheres according to the individual safety standards. Therefore selected theoretical concepts concerning safety perception have been analysed. Also there are some results of the social research concerning the safety problems presented in the paper. The research was conducted on the representative sample of the adult inhabitants of Poland as well as representatives of the selected professional cohort. Conclusion along with the literature critique allowed to define the parameters of the safety and security perception as well as the place of safety in a value hierarchy of a member of the contemporary Polish society
The author of this article is diagnosing the crisis of the contemporary humanistic education delivered in primary schools. The crisis consists of consciously ignoring any political, social and cultural issues, the world has to measure up to currently. Thinking about those issues has been replaced by a catalogue of specialist educational content, including knowledge and skills, but is not accompanied by any concept of how to functionally use those in the process of independent cognition of reality. A solution to this uneasy situation, according to the author, would be restoring critical thinking to its due rank in education. Critical thinking fulfils the meaning of learning and teaching, which has been reminded by many educators, not only the Polish language specific, but also such scientific figures as Feynman, Komeński or Firmhofer.
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Filozofia a nauka

Отношения философии и науки стали предметом изучения только в период расцвета современной (экспериментальной) науки. Философия считается особенной сферой культуры, особой формой духовной деятельности; наука же является одной из ее потенциальных пред-метов изучения, так как право, искусство, язык, история. Философия может рассматривать философские основы науки, развитие науки, разграничение науки и ее языка. Эта статья сосредотачивается на том, как это отношение было рассмотрено в работах двух ключевых чешских философов 20-го столетия – Т.Г. Масарика и Я. Паточки.
The relationship between philosophy and science came into focus only with the rise of modern (experimental) science. Philosophy is considered as a special sphere of culture, a particular form of spiritual activity; science, then, is one of its potential objects of study, like law, art, language, history. Philosophy can treat the philosophical foundations of science, the development of science, the demarcation of science and its language. This paper focuses on the way that the relationship was treated in the works of two key Czech philosophers of the 20th century – Tomáš G. Masaryk and Jan Patočka.
Статията е фокусирана върху полските литературни творби, преведени на български език през 2014 година. В нея са маркирани най‑важните тенденции, определящи спецификата на българските преводи на полски писатели, и вероятните причини, поради които са избрани. Посочени са имената на най‑значимите творби, предизвикали широк интерес у българския читател, най‑активните съвременни преводачи, както и най‑ярките представители на новото преводаческо поколение в българската литература.
The article focuses on the Polish literary works translated into Bulgarian in 2014. We will point to the most important trends defining the main characteristics of Bulgarian translations of Polish writers and the possible reasons why they have been chosen. Next, the titles of the translated works that were warmly received by the Bulgarian audience will be presented. We will also pay attention to the most active modern translators and the brightest representatives of the new translators’ generation in Bulgarian literature.
Forum Pedagogiczne
vol. 11
issue 1
The aim of the article is to show the school in the context of the changing reality and requirements of the labor market. This article presents the modern dimensions of the school and examples of Model Training School projects. The issues of the development of the digital economy and the related competences of the future as well as the role of the teacher in a changing school are also discussed. The text is a compilation of reflections relating, on the one hand, to theoretical analyses and, on the other hand, to educational practice reflected in the author's professional experience.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie sytuacji szkoły w kontekście zmieniającej się rzeczywistości i wymagań rynku pracy. Zaprezentowano nowoczesne wymiary szkoły oraz przykłady projektów Modelu Szkoły Ćwiczeń. Podjęto kwestie rozwoju gospodarki cyfrowej oraz związanych z nią kompetencji przyszłości, a także roli nauczyciela w zmieniającej się szkole. Artykuł stanowi kompilację refleksji odnoszącej się z jednej strony do analiz teoretycznych, a z drugiej strony do praktyki edukacyjnej odzwierciedlonej w doświadczeniach zawodowych Autorki.
Since most pressing today on a global scale is to be able to unite religion, philosophy, and science into parts of a coherent civilizational whole, and since the ability to unite a multitude into parts of a coherent whole essentially requires understanding the natures of the things and the way they can or cannot be essentially related, this paper chiefly considers precisely why the modern world has been unable to effect this union. In so doing, it argues that the chief cause of this inability to unite these cultural natures has been because the contemporary world, and the West especially, has lost its understanding of philosophy and science and has intentionally divorced from essential connection to wisdom. Finally, it proposes a common sense way properly to understand these natures, reunite them to wisdom, and revive Western and global civilization.
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