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The History of Education, one of the courses offered at teacher education studies at the University of Szczecin, has been taught since the 1960’s. It was then when Teacher Education College in Szczecin was set up as a branch of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. In 1973 Teacher Education College was transformed into an independent unit – Pedagogy Academy. The establishment of the University of Szczecin in 1985 marked a new chapter in the process of the development of the history of education as a course offered at pedagogical studies. History of Education Department was set up in 1992 and professor Danuta Koźmian was chair of the department throughout its existence. Scientific and didactic work of professor Danuta Koźmian first at Teacher Education College, through Pedagogy Academy and the University of Szczecin has been crucial for the development of the history of education as a course taught at teacher education studies in Szczecin. In 2008 professor Danuta Koźmian retired and the Council of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Szczecin established the Chair for the History of Education appointing professor Wiesław Andrukowicz, Ph.D its head.
The starting point for article is the question: Is there something in that exchange between a single caring professor and motivated student that, while impossible to assess, measure or digitize, is at the very heart of what a university tries to be? The authors discuss the concept of Massively Open Online Classes in the context of Gartner Hype Cycle and explore MOOC ethical implications. The aim of this short article is, according to the authors, not to support or oppose the deployment of MOOCs but to clarify certain ethical presuppositions.
The purpose of this paper is to draw the attention of readers to culture, tradition and education in Nigeria. The author shares her own experience from a course on tropical medicine in Nigeria, held in the Institute of Tropical Medicine at the Madonna University in Elele. Initiation of systematic cooperation between schools of higher education in the European Union and those in third countries is recommended, as well as promotion of dialogue and strengthening of understanding between nations and cultures, which is one of the objectives of the Erasmus Mundus program adopted by the European Parliament. The cooperation with Madonna University may facilitate fulfilment of those priorities of the European Union in the scope of higher education, and initiate contacts that do not create frustration or mass migration, but develop intercultural dialogue.
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M-learning – Use of Mobile Technologies in Teaching

Littera Scripta
issue 3
Modern technologies are becoming an important part of education. Its broader application is however hindered not only by the fact that schools are insufficiently equipped with these technologies, but also by the fact that schools are increasingly struggling with its misuse. Examples of misuse include the unethical use of mobile telephones by pupils in classes, the release of manipulated teachers´ records onto the Internet, and the like. However, it is also important to note that schools do not yet offer many opportunities for the meaningful use of these up-to-date technologies. This research project deals with the design of a course on m-technologies for the further education of pedagogues. The output of this research project is an original course that provides a manual for the concrete application of mobile facilities in teaching and the opening of a creative space for teachers in individual schools to approach these problems.
The History of Education, one of the courses offered at teacher education studies at the University of Szczecin, has been taught since the 1960’s. It was then when Teacher Education College in Szczecin was set up as a branch of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. In 1973 Teacher Education College was transformed into an independent unit – Pedagogy Academy. The establishment of the University of Szczecin in 1985 marked a new chapter in the process of the development of the history of education as a course offered at pedagogical studies. History of Education Department was set up in 1992 and professor Danuta Koźmian was chair of the department throughout its existence. Scientific and didactic work of professor Danuta Koźmian first at Teacher Education College, through Pedagogy Academy and the University of Szczecin has been crucial for the development of the history of education as a course taught at teacher education studies in Szczecin. In 2008 professor Danuta Koźmian retired and the Council of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Szczecin established the Chair for the History of Education appointing professor Wiesław Andrukowicz,  Ph.D its head.
The article deals with the using of narrative methods in foreign educational practices as a part of personal-creative paradigm of future teacher’s training. Experience ofart narrative teaching in higher education institutions, particularly the author’s course «Art of storytelling» by German professor Christel Oehlmann are analysed. The structure of the course, which includes four functionally related components: «Story about yourself», «Free storytelling», «New stories», «Eternal Art of Storytelling» is described; stages of its implementationare characterized. The course of the narrative art isinteractive and includes a system of practical classes and trainings. According to its purpose the course covers a wide range of people: future teachers, educators, therapists, social workers, priests and parents, grandparents, all of those who communicate with children. The aim of the course is learning to create, to tell different stories, fairy tales, narratives, for all those who want to know themselves, to open sources of their own creativity, determine their creativite potentialin telling stories, learn about themselves something new. Five principles of the narrative skills are defined: the first principle –«External and internal freedom from assessment»; the second principle –«Rejection of hierarchy, rules and regulations»; the third principle –«Creating an atmosphere of confidence»; the fourth principle –«Recognition process as a goal»; the fifth principle – «Attribute of narrative learning is democratic».   Expected learning outcomes are formulated: 1. Development of the narrator’s confidence in himself: masteringa strategy which enables appearing of the story about his inner world, based on a sense of security and personal competence, courage to identify his feelings, create mental images and its expression in his own words. 2. The trust of the audience to the narrator, which is manifested in the ability to tell his own stories, to listen other stories etc. In this aspect design and application ofnarrative skill models and strategies issues require further study and development.
Profiling students in sport in the modern system of education can be the key to the formation of a harmonious personality with high level of development of physical qualities of students, the appropriate level of intelligence and patriotism. The current status of physical education in school does not fully prepare healthy and educated member of society, who could choose the future profession due to the profile direction during training in secondary schools. The approach to the introduction of special courses on sport in the educational process of students is proposed in the article. The aim of the sports of specialized education is the implementation education tasks, as well as providing opportunities for equal access of young people who are not involved in sports, to obtain the General education core and the initial pre-professional preparation in physical education. The profile sports classes must combine the implementation of General educational objectives with the objectives of directional and special education, that is education means chosen sport in the complex interactions: theoretical knowledge, the formation of skills in the chosen sport; development of physical qualities and health promotion; the formation of cognitive and creative abilities in sports industry; deliberate psychological education and improvement, the formation of civic and Patriotic feelings. The results of the study indicate that students of the core classes have interest on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of physical education and sport and the desire for constant improvement. The results of this study suggest the decline in the prestige of the teacher of physical culture and trainer, as well as a lack of legislative base in the field of physical education and sport in our state. Relevant in the modern secondary school is a specialisation of education through sport in the context of the European choice of the state and the implementation of the educational program of the school curriculum of courses. The next step of the national policy of education specialization in sport, in our opinion, is to develop new Provisions for specialized classes and model programs with theoretical and practical disciplines, which would take into account the current socio-economic condition of the state and tendencies of development of Olympic and professional sports.
The first objective of the research was to analyse employers' expectations with a focus on employers whose companies are related to the smart specialisations of the region of Silesia. The second objective of the research was to confirm the need for and development of the conceptual model of regional integration network (information network) of the system of education, higher education and companies, the region's authorities... in order to shape the supply of and demand for course-specific education; its priority would be to develop human resources for the regional industry in the perspective of economic changes. The hypothesis that "The creation of integration network of information for improving the effectiveness of development of major studies in higher education is desired by system of education, higher education, companies and public authorities" was confirmed on the basis of secondary and primary data.
Artykuł prezentuje charakterystykę systemów e-learningowych oraz ich podział ze względu na przyjęte kryteria funkcjonalności, obsługiwanych standardów i sposobów dystrybucji Jesteśmy świadkami jak technologia informacyjno-komunikacyjna przybiera coraz to szybszy rozwój. Mod-ne, a nawet wręcz nieuniknione jest dążenie do stworzenia społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Kom-putery oraz Internet wypierają tradycyjny dotąd model kształcenia. Rozwój techniki przyczynił się do szukania mobilnych form kształcenia, czyli e-learningu.
The paper presents the characterization of elearning tools and describes three areas: system ty-pology, elearning standards. We are witnessing how information technology-communication be-comes more and faster development. Fashion and even downright inevitable desire to create an information society. Computers and the Internet replacing the traditional model of education so far. The development of technology has contributed to the search of mobile forms of learning, or e-learning.
W ostatniej dekadzie nastąpił gwałtowny wzrost wykorzystania mikrokomputerów, co w połą-czeniu z upowszechnieniem się łączności on-line doprowadziło do wyłonienia się zupełnie nowej możliwości kształcenia – nauczania na odległość, czyli prowadzenia procesu dydaktycznego w warunkach, gdy osoby uczące się i nauczyciele nie znajdują się w tym samym miejscu, stosując do przekazywania informacji współczesne technologie komunikacyjne. Rozwój techniki przyczy-nił się do szukania mobilnych form kształcenia, czyli e-learningu. Tłumacząc na język polski, to nic innego jak: kształcenie na odległość, e-nauczanie czy nauczanie on-line. W artykule przedsta-wiona zostanie definicja platform edukacyjnych stosowanych na płaszczyźnie edukacyjnej, jako serwis internetowy o profilu dydaktycznym.
In the final decade there was a sudden increase of using microcomputers which connected with the popularization of an online contact led to emerge a completely new opportunity of education – teaching from a distance that is conducting a teaching process in conditions where students and tutors who are not at the same place, using contemporary communication technologies to pass on information. The development of technology has contributed to the search of mobile forms of learning, or e-earning. Translated into Polish language, is nothing like distance learning, e-learning or online learning. This section describes the definition of educational platforms will be used for educational level, as Internet service educational profile.
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Rozwój technologii e-learningu

Dzięki olbrzymiemu rozwojowi technologii informacyjnej powoli tradycyjna nauka w murach szkoły zostaje wypierana przez metody nowocześniejsze, do których można z powodzeniem zaliczyć e-nauczanie. Komputery oraz internet wypierają tradycyjny dotąd model kształcenia. Wzrasta znaczenie globalnej sieci jako źródła informacji, na podstawie której podejmuje się ważne decyzje. W edukacji efektem zmian jest nowy model nauczania/uczenia się dopasowany do nowych warunków i do nowych potrzeb. Jednym z podstawowych narzędzi edukacyjnych społeczeństwa informacyjnego staje się zdalne nauczanie.
With the tremendous growth of information technology is slowly learning in traditional school walls is displaced by more modern Computers and the Internet replacing the traditional model of education so far. The importance of the global network as an information source, which from important decisions are taken. In the education the latest model of the teaching and the learning, fitted to new conditions and to new needs is an effect of changes. A distance education is becoming one of essential educational tools of the information society.
From the moment the People’s Republic of Poland was created, the Communists regarded the Catholic Church, along with other religious denominations, as a major opponent. In 1962, Department IV was established to provide effective surveillance and to counteract any hostile activity from those quarters. To improve effectiveness at the Department, it was decided that special training should be provided to its officers and employees. The issue of professional training and development should be considered as one of the most important tasks in state security. In terms of professional development, personal growth in society had to go beyond intellectual improvement or the emotional and formative processes that conditioned it. To keep Department IV in good working order, their training included elements of law, psychology, tactics and operational technique. A good understanding of the rules and options of physical coercion was fundamental to implementing certain tasks. The professional predispositions of the officers were seen as key. This article describes the system for training operatives at Department IV in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, explains the selection process for officers and civilian employees, and provides an overview of the course of study at college level, its eligibility criteria, and training effectiveness.
Od początku istnienia Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej Kościół katolicki i inne związki wyznaniowe były uznawane przez komunistów za poważnego przeciwnika. W celu ich sprawnego inwigilowania i zwalczania wrogiej działalności utworzono w 1962 r. Departament IV. Aby zapewnić skuteczność działań departamentu, postanowiono przeszkolić funkcjonariuszy i pracowników. Zagadnienie kształcenia i doskonalenia zawodowego należy uznać za jedno z najbardziej istotnych w kontekście jakości bezpieczeństwa w państwie. Mając na względzie doskonalenie zawodowe funkcjonariuszy, nie można zapominać, że rozwój ich osobowości w społeczeństwie nie mógł ograniczać się wyłącznie do formowania intelektu oraz procesów emocjonalnych i wychowawczych warunkujących jego funkcjonowanie. W bezpośrednim związku z prawidłowym procesem pracy w Departamencie IV pozostawała nauka elementów prawa, psychologii, taktyki i techniki operacyjnej. Właściwe zrozumienie zasad i możliwości stosowania środków przymusu bezpośredniego było podstawą do realizacji określonych działań. Kluczowe były predyspozycje zawodowe funkcjonariusza. W niniejszym artykule zarysowano system szkoleniowy funkcjonariuszy Departamentu IV MSW. Przedstawiono, jak dobierano kandydatów do służby i pracy na stanowiskach cywilnych, jak wyglądały studia wyższe, kto mógł się o nie ubiegać, a także jaka była efektywność szkoleń.
Od kilku lat jesteśmy świadkami ogromnego wręcz rozwoju Internetu, zarówno pod względem liczebności uczestników, jak też liczby usług przez niego oferowanych. Jedną z takich usług stały się kursy przygotowane na platformie zdalnego nauczania, w których bezpośrednią komunikację typu: nauczyciel – uczeń zastępuje komunikacja elektroniczna. Artykuł definiuje kurs edukacyjny i zawartość takiego kursu, którego podstawowymi zadaniami są: gromadzenie materiałów dydak-tycznych, ich organizowanie i udostępnianie adresatom.
Since couple of years we've became witnesses of fast developing of the internet, including huge amount of participans and wide range of facilities. One of such services become prepared courses distance learning platform in which to communicate directly with the type: the teacher - student, replaces the electronic communication. Article defines an educational course and content of such a course, which is to collect the basic tasks of teaching materials, organize and share their addressees.
Mechanizm edukacji jest podstawowym procesem w życiu człowieka, który ma ogromny wpływ na jego rozwój. Dzięki olbrzymiemu rozwojowi technologii informacyjnej powoli trady-cyjna nauka w murach szkoły zostaje wypierana przez metody nowocześniejsze, do których można z powodzeniem zaliczyć e-nauczanie.
The mechanism of education is a fundamental process in the life of a man who has a huge in-fluence on his development. With the tremendous growth of information technology is slowly learning in traditional school walls is displaced by more modern methods that can successfully include e-learning.
The authors describe potential qualifications to be displayed by graduates of higher education institutions in Warsaw and Mazovia based on their statistical descriptions. The paper also contains an overall analysis of qualifications and changes to be expected in the near futurę, afterthe implementation of the National Oualifications Framework and the new law on higher education. A considerable percentage of students in Mazovia receive their qualifications from public universities of Warsaw, the country’s largest academic centre. Women prevail among students and graduates of higher education institutions in Warsaw and Mazovia. Also, women are more likely to get a degree in engineering in Mazovia than in other parts of the country. Most graduates of Mazovian schools obtained their qualifications from public universities (the same holds true for Poland as a whole but this percentage is lower for Mazovia) and in extramural programmes (with Mazovia having a higher percentage ofsuch graduates: by nearly 7 points versus with the restofthe country). Most graduates of Mazovian higher education institutions obtained qualifications which are reflected in their licencjat (Bachelor) diploma and which correspond with outcomes of education in economic, administrative and social fields of study and groups of education (mostly education-related studies). The share of doctoral students in Mazovia among total doctoral students is considerable. Even if just a half of them end up in the science and higher education sector, they will still represent a reservoir of futurę academic staff for Warsaw, Mazovia and the country as a whole. In comparison with the rest of the country, schools of higher education in Warsaw and Mazovia also have more students in post-graduate courses as well as MBA courses and programmes.
Autorki przedstawiają charakterystykę potencjalnych kwalifikacji absolwentow uczelni Warszawy i Mazowsza na podstawie ich obrazu statystycznego. Przeprowadzają też ogolną analizę kwalifikacji oraz zmian, jakie w najbliższej przyszłości przyniesie pod tym względem wprowadzenie Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji i nowa ustawa o szkolnictwie wyższym. Znaczny odsetek studentow Mazowsza zdobywa kwalifikacje w uniwersytetach publicznych największego ośrodka akademickiego w kraju, Warszawy. Wśrod studentow i absolwentow uczelni Warszawy i Mazowsza dominują kobiety. Także częściej na Mazowszu niż w kraju absolwentką studiow inżynierskich jest kobieta. Większość absolwentow uczelni Mazowsza uzyskała swoje kwalifikacje w uczelni publicznej (podobnie jak w kraju, ale na Mazowszu odsetek tych absolwentow jest niższy) i na studiach niestacjonarnych (ale na Mazowszu odsetek tych absolwentow jest wyższy niż w kraju o blisko 7 punktow procentowych). Większość absolwentow uczelni Mazowsza nabyła kwalifikacje potwierdzone dyplomem licencjata i były one adekwatne do efektow kształcenia w obszarze kierunkow studiow: ekonomicznych, administracyjnych i społecznych oraz grupy kształcenie (głownie kierunkow pedagogicznych). Udział doktorantow studiujących na Mazowszu wśrod doktorantow ogołem, jest znaczący. Nawet wowczas, gdy tylko połowa z nich trafi do sektora nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego, są to zasoby przyszłych kadr naukowych Warszawy, Mazowsza i kraju. Uczelnie Warszawy i Mazowsza mają także więcej niż inne ośrodki akademickie słuchaczy studiow podyplomowych, kursow, wykładow i programow MBA.
Artykuł dotyczy możliwości i wyzwań związanych z tłumaczeniem (a w określonych okolicznościach wręcz tłumaczeniem słowa żywego) autentycznych tekstów wybranych przez studentów w początkowej fazie uczenia się języka obcego. W studium przypadku dydaktyki języka niderlandzkiego jako obcego na Uniwersytecie Palackiego w Ołomuńcu zostały zaprezentowane możliwe sposoby implementacji wspomnianych wyżej aspektów do procesu uczenia. Dzięki złożonemu programowi innowacji finansowanemu w ramach projektu IFIT (www.ifit.upol.cz, 2012–2015) ze środków Unii Europejskiej możliwa była całkowita zmiana koncepcji nauczania tłumaczeń pisemnych i ustnych na Wydziale Humanistycznym Uniwersytetu Palackiego. Zaprezentowane podejście może potencjalnie służyć jako wzór dla przyszłych innowacji tego typu oraz jako punkt odniesienia dla różnych uniwersytetów Europy Środkowej. Ponadto autor artykułu opowiada się za wykorzystaniem kursów moodle oraz innych nowoczesnych technologii w dydaktyce języków obcych. Na koniec podkreśla zalety zrzeszania się nauczycieli tłumaczeń pisemnych i ustnych różnych języków oraz łączenia ich wiedzy i umiejętności na zasadzie współtworzenia.
This writing deals with the great opportunities and challenges of implementing translating (and under certain circumstances even interpreting) of authentic texts chosen by the students in the initial phase of learning a foreign language. The possible ways of implementing these aspects in teaching are being presented in the case study of teaching Dutch as a foreign language at the Palacký University Olomouc, the Czech Republic. Thanks to a complex innovation programme financed within the IFIT-project (www.ifit.upol.cz; 2012–2015) from the EU-funds it was possible to completely change the concept of teaching the translation and interpreting courses within the Faculty of Arts. Such an approach can potentially serve as a model for future innovations of this type and scale at various universities in Central-Europe. Moreover, it advocates the usage of moodle-courses and other modern technology for language teaching. Last but not least, it discusses the great advantages of bringing teachers of translation and interpreting courses in various languages together and combining their knowledge and skills on the principles of co-creation.
Deze bijdrage gaat over de grote kansen en uitdagingen van het vertalen (en onder bepaalde omstandigheden zelfs tolken) van authentieke teksten gekozen door de studenten in de beginfase van de verwerving van een vreemde taal. Mogelijke manieren om deze aspecten in het onderwijs te implementeren, worden gepresenteerd in de case study van het onderwijs Nederlands als Vreemde Taal aan de Palacký Universiteit Olomouc, Tsjechië. Dankzij een complex innovatieprogramma gefinancierd binnen het IFIT-project (www.ifit.upol.cz; 2012–2015) uit de EU-fondsen was het mogelijk om het concept van het doceren van de vertaal- en tolkcursussen binnen de Faculteit der Letteren volledig te veranderen. Een dergelijke aanpak kan mogelijk als model dienen voor toekomstige innovaties van dit type en schaal op verschillende universiteiten in Centraal-Europa. Bovendien pleit de bijdrage voor het gebruik van moodle-cursussen en andere moderne technologie voor taalonderwijs. Last but not least bespreekt zij de grote voordelen van het bijeenbrengen van docenten van vertaal- en tolkcursussen in verschillende talen en het combineren van hun kennis en vaardigheden met de principes van co-creatie.
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