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En la tradición del canto polaco, hay varios cantos, himnos y canciones dedicadas a San Judas Tadeo. El análisis de siete textos seleccionados sobre San Judas Tadeo permitió esbozar la figura de este Apóstol en la conciencia de la comunidad católica polaca a principios del siglo XX y XXI. Judas Tadeo es un apóstol de corazón tierno y ferviente. Jesucristo lo eligió como su mensajero, confió en él y le encargó predicar la palabra Dios con poder y milagros. Judas Tadeo proclamaba celosamente a Jesús el Señor, Su Evangelio y sanaba a los enfermos. San Judas Tadeo es adorado en la Iglesia junto con Simón el Zelote. Juntos, convertían valientemente al pueblo a Dios, sellaron el testimonio con su muerte, y ahora disfrutan de la recompensa eterna en el cielo y reciben la gloria de toda la Iglesia. Judas Tadeo es un santo mártir que participa en los sufrimientos y la gloria de Cristo. Judas Tadeo es un pariente de Jesús y un defensor eficaz ante el santo trono de Jesús. No desprecia las súplicas. Gracias a sus méritos, Judas Tadeo es un santo patrón de las causas imposibles, desesperadas y finales, incluidos los problemas morales y sociales contemporáneos. Judas Tadeo proporciona apoyo espiritual en la lucha final por la salvación eterna, también en la hora de la muerte y en el juicio de Dios; protege a muchos del infierno. Judas Tadeo es invocado por los pecadores, como patrón de la conversión y ayudante en la expiación del mal cometido. Su intercesión contribuye a obtener indulgencias y a recibir el perdón de las penas y deudas. En la fe de los adoradores, Judas Tadeo fue amado por la Madre de Dios.
Much has been sought and searched for the true roots of our nationality. This theme presented itself more comprehensively in the first decades of the twentieth century, leading our intellectuals to reflect on what we are and what we are not; between recognizing a national originality or accepting foreign theories. In an attempt to understand Brazilian culture, deeply contrasting images and reflections were produced among themselves. This research resumes this discussion, having as line of argument the place that art and immigrant artists in São Paulo occupied, in the long and contradictory process of formation of Brazilian society. Transiting through the symbolic universe from which emerge forms and artistic representations, relations and meanings, this study starts from the assumption that art promotes man’s encounter with himself and with his culture, and that the aesthetic manifestations of a society, when in tune with the historical moment, are able to reveal its essence, in what it has of material and immaterial.
Muito se procurou e se procura as autênticas raízes da nossa nacionalidade. Esse tema se apresentou de forma mais abrangente nas primeiras décadas do século XX, levando a nossa intelectualidade a refletir sobre o que somos e o que não somos; entre reconhecer uma originalidade nacional ou aceitar as teorias estrangeiras. Na tentativa de compreender a cultura brasileira, produziram-se imagens e reflexões profundamente contrastantes entre si. Esta pesquisa retoma essa discussão, tendo como linha de argumentação o lugar que a arte e os artistas imigrantes em São Paulo ocuparam, no longo e contraditório processo de formação da sociedade brasileira. Transitando pelo universo simbólico do qual emergem as formas e as representações artísticas, as relações e as significações, este estudo parte do pressuposto de que a arte promove o encontro do homem consigo mesmo e com a sua cultura, e que as manifestações estéticas de uma sociedade, quando em sintonia com o momento histórico, são capazes de revelar a sua essência, no que ela tem de material e imaterial.
El nivel de desarrollo de un territorio depende de instituciones promotoras de inclusividad, las capacidades individuales de sus habitantes y las ventajas comparativas creadas. Las capacida-des determinan las acciones que los individuos pueden llevar adelante, acciones que, por su parte, dependen de las instituciones locales, que encuadran estas capacidades. Si las institucio-nes y las capacidades cuentan con las condiciones para desarrollarse, podrán establecerse las condiciones para la creación de procesos de valor basados en ventajas comparativas creadas. En este contexto, las industrias culturales presentan condiciones especiales para la promoción del desarrollo territorial al contar con dinámicas intensivas para la creación de valor simbólico y económico, asimismo al favorecer el desarrollo de capacidades y la distribución del ingreso. Tomando en cuenta esto, se exponen tres ejes para la construcción y consolidación de proce-sos de desarrollo territorial: 1) las instituciones políticas y económicas inclusivas, 2) la crea-ción de capacidades y enfoques de la justicia y 3) las ventajas comparativas creadas en el ám-bito de las industrias culturales. El objetivo es aportar teóricamente a la elaboración de políti-cas públicas territoriales vinculadas a la regulación de las actividades productivas y a las ac-ciones que promuevan la creatividad, la generación de capacidades y la promoción de institu-ciones inclusivas.
The level of development of a territory depends on the institutions that promote inclusive con-ditions, the individual capacities of its inhabitants and the comparative advan¬tages created. Ca-pabilities determine the actions that individuals can effectively carry out. These actions will depend on the local institutions that determine their capabilities. Finally, if the institutions and capacities have the conditions to develop, the conditions can be established for the creation of value processes based on comparative advantages created. In this context, the cultural indus-tries present special conditions for the promotion of territorial development by having inten-sive dynamics in the creation of symbolic and economic value, as well as by fostering capacity development and income distribution.
At a time when China is assuming an increasingly influential role in world geostrategy, especially through economic and diplomatic power, there is still some ignorance about Chinese culture (Jullien, 2010). The aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding of the values of Chinese culture by reviewing the concepts of culture and communication in Chinese society based on the cultural dimensions advocated by Hofstede and on Miike’s “Asiacentric” perspectives. Based on the interpretation of these concepts, the present study argues that the development of communicative and intercultural competences is crucial not only to approach Chinese culture without generalizations or stereotyped insights but also for the benefit of dialogue between cultures and nations, so imperative these days.
Numa época em que a China assume um papel cada vez mais influente na geoestratégia mundial, sobretudo através do poderio económico e diplomático, persiste ainda algum desconhecimento sobre a cultura chinesa (Jullien, 2010). O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir para a compreensão dos valores da cultura chinesa analisando os conceitos de cultura e de comunicação na sociedade chinesa à luz das dimensões culturais preconizadas por Hofstede e das perspectivas “asiacêntricas” defendidas por Miike. Com base na interpertação destes conceitos, o presente estudo defende que o desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas e interculturais se apresenta como um meio indispensável não só para conhecer a cultura chinesa sem uma abordagem apriorística ou estereotipada mas também para o sucesso do diálogo entre culturas e povos, tão premente nos dias que correm.
La cultura musical polaca forma parte de la tradición de canto de la Iglesia universal, en la que el mensaje ha ido cambiando a lo largo de los siglos. En las historias cantadas contemporáneas, la imagen de Santiago se va alejando gradualmente del contenido legendario para asumir una temática más evangélica y más relacionada con el culto que se tributa al apóstol en Santiago de Compostela. Los textos populares presentan historias sobre la ayuda concreta de este santo patrón único. Muchas características del Apóstol Santiago que están presentes en los cantos tradicionales católicos, especialmente entre los peregrinos, siguen siendo actuales e inspiradores para la oración. Los textos de cantos y canciones presentan una figura noble del discípulo llamado por Cristo que los católicos contemporáneos pueden imitar. Entre las virtudes de Santiago el Mayor se enumeran: fe sincera, gran fervor en el seguimiento del Maestro, compromiso misionero, amor heroico por Jesucristo confirmado por el martirio, ayuda para aquellos que necesitan protección frente a quienes les hacen daño.
The Polish-language musical culture is a part of the singers’ trend characteristic for the universal Church, in which the message has changed over the centuries. For the contemporary image of St James, in various songs to be sung, one can see a gradual process of moving away from legendary contents to the themes of the Gospel and related to the cult in the Spanish sanctuary of St. James in Santiago de Compostela. In folk texts, stories tell about the effective help and operation of this unique saint patron. Many features of St. James the Apostle, whom Catholics sing about, especially pilgrims, is timely and inspiring in prayer. From the texts of songs and songs, a noble figure of the evangelized disciple of Christ emerges, which contemporary Catholics can imitate. Among the virtues and assets of St James the Greater are mentioned: sincere faith, great zeal in following the Master, missionary commitment, heroic love for Jesus Christ confirmed by a martyr's death, caring help for those in need of care and defence.
The aim of this paper is to confront the opinions of Ezequiel Martínez Estrada and Jorge Luis Borges, the two most significant Argentinian essayists of the 20th century, concerning American reception of the European cultural tradition. Both the convergences and the divergences between them are underlined. Although Martínez Estrada and Borges converge in criticism of their writings, fictional and non-fictional, a narrow nationalistic view of culture and literature — defending a more cosmopolitan stance — at the same time they diverge strongly about the more specific role that literature should play in modern Argentina and Latin-American societies. The comparison between these two writers also teaches us about some of the ways in which intellectual life has been conducted in the Latin-American cultural context over the years.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 20
issue 2(43)
Le università sono un supporto intellettuale delle società, un importante elemento della loro continuità ed un luogo dove viene creata cultura. Questo implica loro doveri, responsabilità, e ciò è per loro fonte di autorità. Oggigiorno, comunque, le università devono affrontare nuove sfide. Una di queste è l’economizzarsi dei valori nel mondo, un fenomeno che affligge anche le università: esse cessano di interpretare il ruolo di essere luogo dove plasmare standard morali, risolvendo conflitti sociali. Peraltro, un’università la cui missione è limitata ad insegnamento e ricerca non è sufficiente. Le università cattoliche non possono funzionare come le cosiddette “università‑azienda” – si suppone che l’università lavori al servizio della prosperità della società e per adempiere alle sue funzioni storiche, scientifiche e di creazione della cultura. Le università cattoliche hanno aspirato, fin dal principio, a svolgere questi compiti, sia in ambito sociale che internazionale. Nel realizzarsi di questa missione bisogna anche tener ferma la nostra identità dando testimonianza dei valori cristiani. In questo caso, una solida cognizione del contenuto della cristianità sembra ovvia. I progressi della civilizzazione contemporanea non portano comprensione, felicità o liberazione dai desideri inappagati. La loro realizzazione passa esclusivamente dal riconoscimento di tutte le dimensioni dell’umanità e sostenendo uno sviluppo armonioso dello spirito umano.
Universities are an intellectual support of the society, an important element of its continuity and a space where the culture is created. This implies their duties, responsibilities and this is the source of their authority. Nowadays, however, universities face new challenges. One of them is economization of the world’s values, a phenomenon which afflicts universities as well: they cease to play their role of being a place of shaping moral standards, solving social conflicts. However, a mission of university limited to teaching and conducting research is not sufficient enough. Catholic universities cannot function as so called “enterprising universities – university is supposed to work for the prosperity of society and fulfill its historical, scientific and culture‑creating functions. Catholic universities, from the very beginning, pretended to fulfill these tasks, in both social and international dimensions. While realizing this mission we must also care for keeping our own identity and bearing witness to christian values. In this case, solid cognition of the content of Christianity seems obvious. Achievements of contemporary civilization do not bring understanding, happiness or liberation from unfulfilled desires. They can be achieved only by recognizing all dimensions of humanity and by supporting harmonious development of human spirit.
Lo scopo dell’articolo è mostrare l’influenza della cultura sulla legislazione ecclesiastica e indicare le possibili minacce legate a questo fenomeno. L’articolo illustra esempi di cambiamenti nella legge ecclesiastica che sono influenzati dalla cultura. Le conclusioni sono le seguenti: il diritto canonico soccombe alla cultura e quindi c’è una reale minaccia che perda il suo carattere ecclesiale e salvifico. Il legislatore dovrebbe essere consapevole di questo fenomeno e cercare di mantenere le caratteristiche specifiche del diritto canonico, in particolare lo scopo del diritto canonico.
L’ambition de cet article est de montrer l’influence de la culture sur la législation de l’Église et d’indiquer les menaces possibles liées à ce phénomène. L’article examine, à titre d’illustrations, des exemples de changements dans la loi de l’Église; il s’agit de changements influencés par la culture. Les conclusions sont les suivantes : le droit canonique succombe à la culture et il existe donc une menace réelle qu’il perde de son caractère ecclésial et rédempteur. Le législateur doit être conscient de ce phénomène et essayer de maintenir les spécificités du droit canonique, en particulier l’objectif du droit canonique.
The aim of this article is to show how culture influences church legislation and to identify possible dangers associated with it. The article illustrates examples of changes in Church law that take place under the influence of culture. The conclusions are as follows: canon law submits to culture and it is a possible threat because it loses its ecclesiastical and salvific character. The legislator should be aware of such a phenomenon and try to preserve specific features, especially the purpose of canon law.
Facta Simonidis
vol. 16
issue 1
L’autore presenta un rappresentante della pedagogia riformista (o movimento pedagogico riformista) e della pedagogia umanitaria (pedagogia speciale – nel caso di Nohl, si tratta anche di pedagogia speciale incentrata sul sostegno ai giovani e alla riabilitazione sociale di essi). Nohl si occupò di fare della pedagogia una scienza a parte creando così la pedagogia sociale. Venne licenziato nel 1937, ma riprese la propria funzione nel 1945. Occupò la cattedra di pedagogia all’Università di Göttingen, fu condirettore del Die Bildung nonchè fondatore ed editore del Die Sammlung. Scrisse diverse opere d’estetica, di antropologia pedagogica e di pedagogia in generale facendosi tuttavia conoscere come l’artefice del movimento Pedagogico tedesco e della teoria di esso.
The author presents arepresentative of reform pedagogy (the reformist pedagogical movement) and humanitarian pedagogy (special pedagogy – in Nohl’s case, it also refers to special pedagogy focused on supporting young people and their social rehabilitation). Nohl worked on establishing pedagogy as an independent science and developing social pedagogy. He was dismissed from the position in 1937, but resumed his duties in 1945. Nohl was a professor of education at the University of Göttingen, co-editor of “Die Bildung”, also the founder and publisher of “Die Sammlung”. He wrote several works on aesthetics, pedagogical anthropology and pedagogy. His main pedagogical work is the Pedagogical Movement in Germany and its Theory.
Autor prezentuje przedstawiciela pedagogiki reformy (reformatorski ruch pedagogiczny) i pedagogiki humanitarnej (pedagogiki specjalnej – w przypadku Nohla chodzi także o pedagogikę specjalną ukierunkowaną na wsparcie młodzieży oraz jej resocjalizację). Nohl pracował nad wprowadzeniem pedagogiki jako niezależnej nauki oraz ustanowieniem pedagogiki społecznej. Został zwolniony ze służby w 1937 roku, ale wznowił swoje obowiązki w 1945 roku. Nohl był profesorem pedagogiki na Uniwersytecie w Getyndze, współredaktorem „Die Bildung” oraz założycielem i wydawcą „Die Sammlung”. Napisał kilka prac z zakresu estetyki, antropologii pedagogicznej i pedagogiki, a jego głównym dziełem pedagogicznym jest Ruch pedagogiczny w Niemczech i jego teoria.
Ecumeny and Law
vol. 9
issue 1
L’Europa sta attraversando una crisi a causa della migrazione, soprattutto di persone provenienti dall’Africa e dal Medio Oriente. Questo non è solo un problema economico, ma un problema profondamente culturale, sociale e religioso. Pertanto, il giusto approccio per risolvere la questione della migrazione non può ignorare l’elemento della religiosità e della spiritualità ampiamente comprese. L’Europa, radicata nell’esperienza cristiana, non deve quindi ignorare il messaggio essenziale della Parola di Dio e l’insegnamento della Chiesa riguardo alla migrazione e alle sue diverse dimensioni. Pertanto, soprattutto i cattolici e gli altri cristiani si trovano ad affrontare il compito di curare la propria spiritualità, creare una cultura dell’incontro che porti alla pace, l’apertura al dialogo ecumenico e interreligioso legato allo scambio dei doni spirituali. Uno spazio speciale per la cooperazione è l’assistenza nella custodia della famiglia e nello sviluppo integrale della vita umana. Ciò richiede una formazione adeguata e l’apertura all’aiuto di Dio.
L’Europe connaît une crise due aux migrations, notamment des personnes d’origine d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient. Ce n’est pas seulement un problème économique, mais un problème profondément culturel, social et religieux. Par conséquent, une juste approche pour résoudre la question de la migration ne peut pas ignorer l’élément de religiosité et de spiritualité largement comprises. L’Europe, enracinée dans l’expérience chrétienne, ne doit donc pas ignorer le message essentiel de la Parole de Dieu et de l’enseignement de l’Église concernant la migration et ses différentes dimensions. C’est pourquoi en particulier les catholiques et les autres chrétiens sont confrontés à la tâche de prendre soin de leur propre spiritualité, de créer une culture de rencontre conduisant à la paix, à l’ouverture au dialogue oecuménique et interreligieux lié à l’échange de dons spirituels. Un espace spécial de coopération est l’aide à la protection de la famille et au développement intégral de la vie humaine. Cela demande une formation appropriée et une ouverture à l’aide de Dieu.
Europe has been experiencing crisis caused by migrations, especially from Africa and the Middle East. This is not only an economic problem, but a cultural, social, and religious issue as well. Therefore, a proper approach to migration cannot overlook the broadly understood religiousness and spirituality. Rooted in the Christian experience, Europe cannot ignore the significant message of the Word of God and the teaching of the Church on migration and its various dimensions. Thus, Catholics and other Christians are required to care for their own spirituality, create the culture of coming together that leads to peace, and stay open to ecumenical and interreligious dialogue which fosters exchange of spiritual gifts. Protection of family and support to integral development of human life are special areas where people can join forces and work together. This requires proper formation and being open toGod’s help.
Words of Arabic origin make up quite a large group in Spanish. Due to historical and cultural conditions, these words entered the Spanish language in a natural way as a result of several hundred years of symbiosis between the Arab and Spanish nations in Andalusia. Along with the Arabs, a language other than the Romance languages appeared: Arabic, with various written and oral manifestations, which became an official language and also the language of culture. The language acted as a superstratum of Andalusian romance and astrato because it influenced it through sharing the geographical area with Spanish. With many mastering both forms of the language, Al-Andalus was a bilingual society until at least the 11th or 12th centuries. The echoes of this bilingualism are still present in Spanish in the form of words of Arabic origin.
Las palabras de origen árabe (los arabismos) constituyen un grupo bastante numeroso en español. Por condiciones históricas y culturales, estas palabras ingresaron al idioma español de forma natural como resultado de varios cientos de años de simbiosis entre las naciones árabe y española en Andalucía. Junto a los árabes apareció una lengua distinta a las lenguas románicas: el árabe, con diversas manifestaciones escritas y orales, que se convirtió en lengua oficial y lengua de cultura. La lengua actuó como un superestrato del romance y astrato andaluz porque influyó en ella al compartir el área geográfica con el español. Con muchos dominando ambas formas de lenguaje, Al-Andalus fue una sociedad bilingüe hasta al menos el siglo XI o XII. Los ecos de este bilingüismo siguen presentes en el español en forma de los arabismos.
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