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One possibility of reducing drug addiction among young people is development of educational and extracurricular activities of students during their studies in secondary schools. Organization of sporting events and competitions can be included among the effective means of primary prevention in the fight against drugs especially since one of the reasons of drug abuse is curiosity and free time among young people. The article deals with the use of sports activities as one of the means of primary prevention of drug addiction among high school students.
The contribution is presenting the results of research realized with a sample of 744 respondents from the Banska Bystrica region. It is possible to deduce from the obtained answers that cigarette smoking – even despite anti-smoking education – is still attractive and popular. This is proved for example by 38% of pupils aged 10–11 who have already tried smoking as well as 25% of pupils who repeatedly smoked. Out of the whole sample of respondents, up to 65% of them tried smoking and 56.5% smoked again. Concurrently with the raising age of pupils there increases also the number of those who repeated smoking, so that in the category of 17–18 years of age it reaches as many as 71.5%. The numbers of pupils smoking on a daily basis are alarming (13–14 years of age 69.8%, 17–18 years of age 63%), and they are higher than those reported by other authors. The most frequent reason for first cigarette smoking was curiosity, around 75%. Pupils in most cases judge that sports can be a proper tool against smoking. Only 15.4% of them answered negatively. A relatively low percentage of respondents think that a sportsman must not smoke (55.6%); we assumed that there would be a larger number of them.
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The article presents selected findings of research of drug careers focused on the social consequences, which is currently being completed in the author’s dissertation. The aim of the thesis research was to transcribe changes in the social environment of individual drug careers of those individuals whose process of addiction begins in adolescence and does not come from a socially marginalized environment. The particular aim was to extract relevant conclusions for the helping professions. The sample consists of eighteen informants, the sample design goal was to include cases of a comparable nature. The research uses a case study design and analytical procedures and the main and key data collection method is an in-depth interviews with a script. Interviews had elements of a narrative interview and retrospectively identified drug career. Selected findings focus on the climate associated with the use of non-alcohol drugs in a school class team, recognising the identification with the anti-hero of the addicted individual as a surprising motive for drug use, and analysing the moment of balance as an opportunity for intervention of helping professions. The author tries to put the findings into a broader sociocultural context and reflects on the contemporary context of identity formation in adolescence and the question of normality/deviance in relation to illicit drug use.
The study presents the interim results of research carried out on drug-dependent pregnant women and mothers. The aim of the study is to identify individual and social characteristics which, in combination, enable individuals to cope with life stress. The authors highlight several important risks and protective factors which are effective across multiple influence domains. Negative effects revealed by the study include dysfunctional key interpersonal relationships, unstable partnerships and family environment, housing problems and emotional disorders.
As a result of the development of designer drugs market and its negative consequences, the administration started fighting against their sale. The objective of the audit conducted by NIK was to examine how the responsible state bodies met their obligations in the area, and especially – whether their activities were effective. In relation to some of the issues identified as a result of the audit, we can talk about the expansion of the designer drugs market, since the conditions in which state bodies operate have been changing rapidly. This is especially related to administrative fines for placing designer drugs on the market, and the opportunity to subject activities related to the sale of these products to the law as it stands (de lege lata) criminal responsibility.
Combating drug addiction comprises such measures as prevention, support for those already addicted (treatment, rehabilitation, reduction of health damage and social reintegration), as well as reduction of demand. In the years 2012 2013, the Supreme Audit Office carried out a comprehensive audit of the drug addiction prevention system addressed to schoolchildren and young students. The audit comprised 61 units at the central level (National Office for Drug Addiction Prevention, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture), and at the local level (city offices, municipal Police headquarters and schools), as well as selected non-governmental organisations. The audit was conducted in eight regions of Poland and it was aimed at evaluating the regularity and effectiveness of drug addiction prevention in the country. The article presents detailed results of the audit.
Tekst przedstawia zestawienia liczbowe z lat 2000-2007, obrazujące skalę przestępczości narkotykowej i seksualnej podjętej przez najmłodszą grupę sprawców – nieletnich.
The text presents the latest figures from 2000-2007, illustrating the scale of drug and sexual offenses committed by the youngest group of perpetrators – minors.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań oceny zmian zachodzących w sferze egzystencjonalnej (poczucia sensu życia) osób uzależnionych od narkotyków i poddanych terapii. Badania przeprowadzono w Poradni Profilaktyki i Leczenia Uzależnień MONAR w Lublinie. Przebadano 25 pacjentów Ośrodka w wieku od 17 do 58 lat. Grupą porównawczą w pierwszej części badań, dotyczących poczucia sensu życia, były osoby nieuzależnione. W drugiej części badań, badając różnice w poziome uzależnienia i poczucia sensu życia u osób uzależnionych z różnych ośrodków terapeutyczno-resocjalizacyjnych, grupę porównawczą tworzyli pacjenci z Ośrodka MONAR z Głoskowa. Posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem Kwestionariusza testu przesiewowego uzależnienia od narkotyków opartego na kryteriach ICD-10 oraz Skali Sensu Życia (PIL). Na podstawie wyników badań określono poziom poczucia sensu życia osób uzależnionych od narkotyków. Przeprowadzona analiza wyników badań empirycznych wykazała, że osoby silnie uzależnione mają niższy poziom poczucia sensu życia.
The article presents results of studies concerning the assessment of changes taking place in the existential sphere (the sense of life meaningfulness) in persons addicted to drugs and subjected to therapy. The studies were conducted in MONAR – Addictions Prophylaxis and Treatment Center in Lublin. 25 patients of the Center, aged 17 to 58 years, were examined. In the first part, concerning the sense of life meaningfulness the control group consisted of persons without addictions. In the second part of the studies, in examining differences between levels of addiction and the sense of life meaningfulness in addicts from various therapeutic- rehabilitation centers, the control group consisted of patients from MONAR Center in Głoskowo. We used the method of diagnostic sounding with the application of Screening Test Questionnaire concerning drug addiction, based on ICD-10 criteria and Life Meaningfulness Scale (PIL). On the basis of study results the level of the sense of life meaningfulness in persons addicted to drugs was determined. The performed analysis of empirical study results revealed that the persons strongly addicted to drugs demonstrate a lower level of the sense of life meaningfulness.
In 2019, half a million people all over the world died as a result of drug abuse. This topic is a very sensitive issue in a number of countries, including the Arab Republic of Egypt, where the government informs its citizens every few months about steps to take to combat this problem. Creating a TV series to be aired during Ramaḍān, the most important part of year from the Islamic point of view and also because of the media industry, is one of the tools to create awareness of the danger of drug addiction. In the article, the results of the research conducted on a very popular Ramaḍān TV series from 2015 entitled Taḥt as-Sayṭara are presented. The research focused on the presentation of this problem, in particular whether or not the problem was presented in a realistic way, thus aiding in the fight with drug addiction. This series was special, as it was the first and the only which was devoted so directly to the problem of drug addiction; the sickness covered about 89‒90% of the plot.
The study is prepared at the Department of International Information of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. The paper describes the healthcare system in Ukraine. The basic legal documents that relate directly to this issue are considered. The main health threats for Ukrainian youth are defined. Some of the social programs and projects related to healthy lifestyle of Ukrainian youth are examined.
The article presents results of studies concerning the assessment of changes taking place in the existential sphere (the sense of life meaningfulness) in persons addicted to drugs and subjected to therapy. The studies were conducted in MONAR – Addictions Prophylaxis and Treatment Center in Lublin. 25 patients of the Center, aged 17 to 58 years, were examined. In the first part, concerning the sense of life meaningfulness the control group consisted of persons without addictions. In the second part of the studies, in examining differences between levels of addiction and the sense of life meaningfulness in addicts from various therapeutic- rehabilitation centers, the control group consisted of patients from MONAR Center in Głoskowo. We used the method of diagnostic sounding with the application of Screening Test Questionnaire concerning drug addiction, based on ICD-10 criteria and Life Meaningfulness Scale (PIL). On the basis of study results the level of the sense of life meaningfulness in persons addicted to drugs was determined. The performed analysis of empirical study results revealed that the persons strongly addicted to drugs demonstrate a lower level of the sense of life meaningfulness.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań oceny zmian zachodzących w sferze egzystencjonalnej (poczucia sensu życia) osób uzależnionych od narkotyków i poddanych terapii. Badania przeprowadzono w Poradni Profilaktyki i Leczenia Uzależnień MONAR w Lublinie. Przebadano 25 pacjentów Ośrodka w wieku od 17 do 58 lat. Grupą porównawczą w pierwszej części badań, dotyczących poczucia sensu życia, były osoby nieuzależnione. W drugiej części badań, badając różnice w poziome uzależnienia i poczucia sensu życia u osób uzależnionych z różnych ośrodków terapeutyczno-resocjalizacyjnych, grupę porównawczą tworzyli pacjenci z Ośrodka MONAR z Głoskowa. Posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem Kwestionariusza testu przesiewowego uzależnienia od narkotyków opartego na kryteriach ICD-10 oraz Skali Sensu Życia (PIL). Na podstawie wyników badań określono poziom poczucia sensu życia osób uzależnionych od narkotyków. Przeprowadzona analiza wyników badań empirycznych wykazała, że osoby silnie uzależnione mają niższy poziom poczucia sensu życia.
The contribution refers to the participation of environment for the emergence of drug addiction of children and youth. It expounds the origins of drug addiction emergence with special respect to environment’s impact. It also presents selected results of the research implemented at elementary schools of the Banska Bystrica district in the Slovak Republic. A part of the research was directed to determine personal experiences with drugs of pupils at the 2nd stage of elementary schools.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie roli układów przyjacielskich w procesie adaptacji społecznej jednostki. Powszechnie przyjęło się sądzić, iż odrzucenie przez grupę rówieśniczą oraz brak przyjaciół są zjawiskami tożsamymi. Okazuje się jednak, że osoby odrzucane uczestniczą w konstruktywnych przyjaźniach, które stanowią przeciwwagę dla negatywnych konsekwencji bycia odrzucanym. Ponadto wykazano, że posiadanie przyjaciół odgrywa odmienną rolę przystosowawczą niż akceptacja w grupie. Przyjaźń koreluje z rozwojem emocjonalnym jednostki, natomiast akceptacja jest korelatem wyższych kompetencji społecznych. Z tego względu, oddziaływania wychowawcze powinny koncentrować się na promowaniu układów przyjacielskich. Postulat ten jest szczególnie ważny w przypadku osób odrzucanych, dla których przyjaźń może stanowić ważny obszar chroniący, o czym świadczą badania nad odpornością i elastycznością psychiczną.
The purpose of this article is to present the role of friendship in the process of social adaptation. It is a common belief that the rejection by the peer group and the lack of friends are identical phenomena. However, it appears that rejected individuals participate in constructive friendships that counterbalance the negative consequences of being rejected. It has also been shown that having friends plays a different role than acceptance in the group. Friendship is correlated with emotional development of individual; however, acceptance is correlated with higher social competence. Therefore, the impact of pedagogical treatment should focus on the promotion of friendships. This recommendation is especially important for rejected children for whom friendship can be an important area of protection as evidenced by studies on resilience.
Zjawisko zjawiska przestępczości narkotykowej staje się coraz bardziej powszechne w środowisku lokalnym. Jego zasięg, różnorodność i konsekwencje powodują, że należy je traktować jako poważnie zagrożenie. Skala prezentowanej patologii społecznej jest bardzo szeroka. Przestępczość powiązana ze środkami psychoaktywnymi jest coraz większym zagrożeniem dla społeczeństwa nie tylko ze strony narkomanii, lecz także związanego z tym zjawiskiem łamania prawnych i społecznych norm. Artykuł poświęcony jest problemowi narkomanii w Polsce, głównie przedstawia kryminogenny charakter narkomanii (przestępczość narkotykową). Porusza zagadnienie przestępczość zorganizowanej, czyli narkobiznesu, jak również ukazuje skalę i dynamikę opisywanego zjawiska.
The presence of drug-related crime is becoming more and more common in the local environment. Its range, diversity and consequences make them a serious threat. The scale of the presented social pathology is very wide. The association of crime and psychoactive substances is becoming an increasing threat to society not only from the side of drug addiction but also from the phenomenon of breaking legal and social norms. The article is devoted to the problem of drug addiction in Poland, mainly presenting the criminogenic nature of drug addiction (drug-related crime). He raises the problem of organized crime, or drug business, as well as shows the scale and dynamics of the phenomenon described.
Depression and its impact on a human are usually identified in regard to some psychosomatic disorders. People with depressive personality disorder often admit to mental problems. With a growing number of the afflicted the society starts getting used to the fact that the problem is here to stay. The article is an attempt to discuss social problems the afflicted persons have to face, although the subject is too complex to be exhausted in a relatively short text. The author referred to the most urgent problems of the depressed, like merital ones (both in the aspect of relations and of sex), different sorts of addictions (alkohol, drugs, gambling, which may be the reason but also the result of depression), and the last but not least – to the problems the participants of liturgy might have (the participant’s disorder which is causing his/her unusual behaviour may be perceived negatively due to unawareness and lack of understanding). All the above indicate the complexity of the problem and the necessity to increase social awareness of it. Depression becomes also a challenge for pastoral work of the Church which should develop empathy, sympathy, mercy, individual approach to each and every person, more leniency towards one’s neighbour and giving up judgments.
The purpose of the article is to show the life situation of drug addicts before the start of the withdrawal treatment in an addiction treatment centre and after all stages of the treatment have been completed. It is important to show the difference in perception of a person’s life status before and after treatment. Despite similar potential problems, for example in the housing, professional, health and family situation, there is a fundamental change in the way they are assessed and how to solve them. The reason is the confrontation with the disease that occurs during the stay in the centre. Thanks to it, it is possible to think about what to change in the person’s life. The broadly understood change is possible thanks to appropriate support after leaving the centre. This support, provided, among others, by social workers, consists in accompanying such a person in the implementation of subsequent challenges and in solving emerging problems. It is associated with motivating, indicating resources and strengthening the sense of agency in life.
The tasks of the government and local authorities include developing and implementing strategies for solving social problems and preventing law violations related to the marketing, manufacture, conversion, processing and possession of substances the use of which can lead to drug addiction. Drug abuse is a worldwide problem. There are many causes of drug addiction and overcoming it is very difficult. It requires a lot of effort primarily from the addicted one, and support, patience and understanding from the family and people participating in the therapy. Many social welfare, non-government, health care institutions are involved in helping the addicts and their families, and in the development of drug abuse prevention programs. The aim of the present study is to present the phenomenon of drug addiction occurring in the Warmian – Masurian Voivodeship and the results of the implementation of drug prevention programs.
The paper presents the finding of a longitudinal study of two problems: the addicts’ prospects of quitting drugs, and  the psycho-social factors conducive to success in this respect. The first study (conducted in the years 1974–1976) concerned all patients aged 15–28 treated in that period for repeated taking of drugs, at the disaccustoming clinic for young persons and at district clinics for adults in the city of Łódź. The total of 107 patients were examined (23 per cent of girls and 77 per cent of young men). According to medical diagnosis, 21 per cent of them suffered from a social, 50 per cent – from a psychological, and 29 per cent – from a physical dependence. After about 10 years, a catamnesis was carried out which concerned 80 patients. The methods applied in both parts of the study were: detailed interviews with the patients and their families; medical examination; and  analysis of a variety of documents. For the estimation of the fates of the sample, the following issues were of the key importance: persistence in or abandonment of addiction; permanence of abstinence; and the extent of self-dependence achieved. This complexity of the examined persons’ situation taken into account, the following criteria of improvement have been adopted: a) medical (persistence in abstinence); b) psychological (psychological acceptance of abstinence and the resulting change of lifestyle); and c) social (active engagement in the appropriate social roles). Basing on the above criteria, the following categories were distinguished within the sample:1) persons who persisted in addiction; 2) deceased in consequence of addiction; 3) those who quit taking drugs but still had various problems resulting from their former addiction; and 4) those who quit and had no special problems. Against previous expectations, persons who kept taking drugs (26 per cent) did not constitute the mos tnumerous group. Their mean period of taking drugs was 13.6 years. Their interests and social contacts were narrowed to problems related to the taking and production or obtaining drugs. They were generally emaciated and had increasing withdrawal symptoms. Persons of this group went through several months’periods of abstinence due to treatment, imprisonment, or a favourable occurrence in their lives. All of them, however, relapsed into addiction quite promptly, particularly when faced with unavoidable difficulties. Family life or married persons in this group was unhappy, and most marriages broke up: only those between two addicts still lasted. Biographies similar to those discussed above were also found in the case of persons (9 per cent) who died during catamnesis in circumstances that pointed to their death’s relationship with the taking of drugs and with addiction, interpreted also as a certain lifestyle. All persons of this group had been taking drugs for a long time (over five years), and their death was due either to serious diseases combined with emaciation, or occurred in unexplained circumstances as a border-line case between accident, suicide, and homicide. 3.The largest group (46 per cent) consisted of persons who admittedly quit taking drugs but still had various health and social problems related to their previous addiction. Their main problems were as follows: in the sphere of physical health, chronic gastritis, entero-gastric disorders. diseases of liver, heart probiems, reduced physical endurance, disturbances of sleep, and in the sphere of mental health: anxiety, hypersensibility, difficulties in establishing relations with others, depression, low selfesteem, lack of self-confidence, high emotional instability, latent inward anxiety, etc. The most important and frequent social problems included leaving secondary school and the related subsequent lack of professional qualifications, a more difficult start into adult life, the need to relinquish certain professional aspirations and a more interesting job, and a lack of prospects of promotion. In most respondents, this caused a sense of instability and inevitably gave rise to frustrations, increasing their passiveness and apathy. This situation was particularly painful for persons whose intellligence had been rather high before they started taking drugs and who used to have various interests and aspirations. The coincidence of the ahove circumstances also negatively affected their family and marital situation. The fates of persons who quit after several years of taking drugs seem to indicate that those persons’ tolerance to stress and ability to overcome difficulties had been greatly impaired during the period of addiction: as a consequence, they were subsequently unable to cope even with everyday matters which they perceived as great problems. The last group consisted of persons (19 per cent) who had been taking drugs for a shorter period as a rule (not longer than five years in general), and who were not only able to persist in abstinence during catamnesis but also met the psychological and social criteria of improvement. A high proportion of girls in this group (over 50 per cent) seems characteristic. Moreover, nearly all those persons were married: their marriages, happy as a rule, were a great assistance to them. Therefore, the total of 65 per cent of the sample succeeded to quit addiction. What was crucial here was not exactly the form of dependence (social, psychological, physical) but rather the length of the period of taking drugs. If a person has been taking drugs for over five years, his prospects of improvement diminish greatly, and favourable results can only be obtained in the course of a prolonged rehabilitation. The reasons that made most persons in the sample abandon their addiction were seeked both in their personality traits and family environments. What is characteristic is that a considerable portion of respondents come from the intelligentsia, with an average or even high social status and good material situation (in which respect they differ greatly from e.g. juvenile delinquents or young alcoholics). There is in such families a rather small extent of pathology such as alcoholism, crime, or prostitution. In most cases, the parents’ attitude to their children’s taking of drugs should be estimated as proper. The parents played an effective role, fighting for their children to quit as a general rule. Aware of the dangers related to drugs, they took energetic steps which consisted among others in changing the child’s environment (e. g. moving with him to another town), inducing him to undergo treatment and organizing that treatment, supervising his leisure activities, etc. Parents’ improper attitudes such as scenes, turning the child out, etc., were most seldom. The analysis of the reasons which made about two-thirds of respondents quit addiction included their character and intellectual traits defined in the course of psychiatric examination. There was in the sample a rather large number of individuals with the so-called immature personality, who at the age of about 25 were still characterized by traits such as a passive attitude to life; inconsideration for their own future; a poorly developed critical attitude towards themselves and their situation; emotional immaturity; dependence on others (e.g. the mother or friends); inabitity to act effectively, to overcome obstacles and to achieve distant aims; easy discouragement when faced with difficulties, etc. It was only during catamnesis, at the age of about 25, that the respondents’ former, largely childish attitudes were transformed with delay into normal traits of young persons. This development and the crystallization of personality, connected with the parents’ activities and their proper attitude towards the children’s addiction, were conducive to abandonment of addiction by, a considerable portion of the sample. Other factors which played this favourable role in the respondents’ biographies were: a rather high intellectual level; the “psychological shock” caused e.g. by detoxification at a mental hospital or the death of a close friend due to overdose; and imprisonment and going through the withdrawal syndrome in such conditions, etc. To interpret the findings, the conception of American alcohologist J. Ewing has been used: it speaks of inducing and protecting factors in the development of alcoholism. According to Ewing, an individual who starts taking drugs regularly is influenced by a number of biological, psychological, and social factors, some of them conducive to the development of addiction and others protecting the individual against it. Despite the opinions of some researchers, “protecting” factors prove strong enough to hold back even an already addicted person and to contribute to his abandonment of drugs. With the prolongation of the period of taking drugs, the influence of protecting factors wanes, and that of the ones which induce the individual to continue the taking of drugs and thus foster a further development of addiction spreads. The following practical conclusions have been drawn from the study: – Intensified therapeutic and rehabilitative treatment, during the first years of taking drugs in particular. – Co-operation with the addicts’ parents who should be instructed (e.g. about the ways of soothing difficulties in adjustment); whose activity should be assisted, e.g. through the organization of parents’ self-help associations; whose contacts with specialist clinics should be made easier, etc. – Creation of possibilities of medical and rehabilitative treatment for various cotegories of young persons addicted to drugs (not all of them feel comfortable in the existing centres, e.g. of the MONAR movement). – Short-term hospital treatments are reasonable at the initial stage of addiction (several years of taking drugs), as in that period the addicted person’s power of resistance can be strengthened inherent both in his personality and the environment. Help and care should be provided for addicts who have already drugs but have life problems caused or aggravaquited by their previous addiction.
Głównym założeniem artykułu jest przedstawienie podstawowych wątpliwości związanych z wykładnią znamienia „posiadanie narkotyków” w ustawie o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii. Te wątpliwości są ciągle aktualne, mimo tego, że polski Sąd Najwyższy wydał liczne orzeczenia na ten temat. Zdaniem autora – w przeciwieństwie do opinii Sądu Najwyższego – to znamię winno być interpretowane w wąski sposób, zgodnie ze znaczeniem tego pojęcia w prawie cywilnym. Odmienna interpretacja może prowadzić do sprzeczności przy przeprowadzaniu wykładni innych pojęć z ustawy o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii.
The main theme of the article is the presentation of basic doubts connected with the interpretation of the concept "possession of drugs" as used in the anti-drugs laws. These doubts still exist, despite the fact that the Polish Supreme Court have made many pronouncements on the subject. In opinion of author – in contrast to that of the Supreme Court – this 'stigma' should be interpreted in a more narrow way, in accordance with its meaning in civil law. A different interpretation can lead to contradictions in the interpretation of the other terms in the anti-drug laws.
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