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The aim of this article is to provide advanced techniques of graphical analysis of epidemiological data provided by different public and private institutions. The authors present the project of the management dashboard including the integration of data from multiple sources as one of the conditions necessary for obtaining knowledge makers and show the use of various forms of data presentation to ensure the fullest possible data visualization of shared data and sophisticated information.
In the article an attempt was made to present the assumptions of Polish legislative solutions concerning e-health in the context of one of the basic principles of European philosophical and legal thought – the principle of subsidiarity. The principle of subsidiarity, the essence of which is to leave it to the political communities to carry out tasks for which they can take responsibility, has been incorporated into the legislation of nation states and the European Union, determiningthe identity of European civilisation. Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland are an example of the translation of the subsidiarity principle into legal norms. Attention has been paid to the possibility of decentralising and delegating competences to lower levels of public authority in the field of health, using or amending the e-health legislation accordingly. Appropriate division of tasks and competences in the area of health care, taking into account the subsidiarity principle, can be observed at both national and EU level. European Union law recognises the autonomy of the Member States to define national health regulations. On the basis of selected national and EU regulations, a definition of e-health has been proposed, understood as a set of provisions within the health care system regulating the collection, processing of data and provision of health care services in order to identify and optimise the satisfaction of individual and collective health needs as well as to pursue an effective health policy by public authorities. The basic assumptions of key national and EU legal acts are also indicated. On the basis of the solutions adopted in the Act on Health Care Services Financed from Public Funds, the formal possibility of delegating and effective performance of tasks has been demonstrated in the field of health protection by local government units. New information and communication technologies provide the basis for a more complete implementation of the subsidiarity principle in health protection, as they enable the necessary knowledge on the collective and individual health needs at European, national and any other expected level – regional, population, age to be gathered and transferred. They are a tool, previously unavailable, for the precise identification of the needs of separated communities. On the other hand, new technologies can be a tool for communities to meet these needs to the extent that they are able to provide organisational and financial security. The combination of new information and communication technologies with the application of a systematic concept of tasks implementation based on the principle of subsidiarity will allow for a change in the model of health care in Poland.
For over twenty years psychologists have been using information and communication technology to design solutions aimed at improving mental health and quality of life of their clients or patients. One of those solutions are internet interventions. Although these interventions are commonly used in other countries, knowledge about them in Poland is limited. The aim of the article is to introduce to the topic of psychological internet interventions by describing the basic functionalities of internet interventions, the context of their use, their classification, areas where they can be applied and challenges related to their future development and wider implementation.
The article shows an important role of mobile medical applications as tools that improve the quality and availability of health care. It indicates that these are stabilizing solutions and that they affect positively the effectiveness of the health care system. The motivation for discussing the software is to find the reason for rare usage of the applications during treatment of the beneficiaries. The aim of the analysis was to examine patients’ knowledge of medical applications, arguing that lack of knowledge about health software among medical care recipients may be a key factor in the low interest of the providers. Moreover, it could cause the lack of motivation to take any action. The obtained results allowed us to determine the percentage of people using or not using the application. The analysis has identified the most important barriers and biases toward medical software. In addition, the data provided information on the types of applications most frequently used by the examined and indicated features that could be motivators for potential users to install them.
W artykule prezentowane są zmiany, jakie dokonują się w relacjach lekarz – pacjent pod wpływem rozwoju nowych technologii komunikowania, a zwłaszcza Internetu. Autor przedstawia wybrane modele, których tendencją jest odchodzenie od paternalizmu tradycji Hipokratesowej i rezygnacja z władzy lekarza na rzecz poszerzenia autonomii, podmiotowości i odpowiedzialności pacjenta. W realnych sytuacjach na kształt relacji lekarz – pacjent mają wpływ uwarunkowania polityczne, gospodarcze, społeczne. Powstanie telemedycyny i wykorzystanie Internetu w opiece zdrowotnej zmienia tradycyjny układ zależności oparty na władzy-wiedzy. Pojawiają się pojęcia charakteryzujące nowe sytuacje komunikacyjne, np. e-pacjent, e-zdrowie, e-lekarz, które zmieniają kontekst relacji lekarz – pacjent. Internet popularyzuje wiedzę medyczną, pozbawiając ją „aury tajemniczości”, staje się przestrzenią nowych relacji i form komunikacji o zdrowiu, chorobie i medycynie
The article presents changes taking place in the relationship between a physician and a patient after the advent of new communication technologies, particularly the Internet. The author presents selected models, which tend to move away from paternalistic tradition of Hippocrates and resign from power of physician towards more patient’s autonomy, subjectivity and responsibility. In real life situations, the relationship between physician and patient is shaped by political, economic and social conditions. The advent of telemedicine and use of the Internet in the health care system change the traditional system of dependencies based on power-knowledge. New notions that characterize new communication situations emerge, e.g. e-patient, e-health, e-doctor, which change the context of relationship between a physician and a patient. The Internet popularizes medical knowledge depriving it of “aura of mystery”. It becomes the space of new relations and forms of communication about health, disease and medicine.
Th e old age stops being a synonym of weakness and a source of shame – it is pervasive and entrenched in our society, the media, and science. Dynamic growth of the number of the elderly, observed globally, has alarmed demographers, economists, and politicians. Th e scientists have engaged in advance studies of the ageing process to deepen our understanding of its nature and gain further insights into its hallmarks. Th e entrepreneurs have revised their attitudes toward senior-customers, and they have created totally fresh off er for goods and services targeted at the „50+” group. Th e employees of health and welfare sectors have met an urgent need to bring about a sustained realignment of the whole system of benefi ts for the elderly, as currently the welfare eligibility and benefi ts remain far beyond the institutional capacity to cope. Although the traditional view of old age has been questioned, still the elderly themselves must start to value it; without their empowering the old age and learning the active ageing, the shift to positive ageing will never be achieved. Th e paper discusses the results of the empirical studies of the notion of subjectivity of Polish senior citizens conducted independently between 2001 and 2003 as well as 2008 and 2010. Th e gathered data prove the decrease of the self-author personality. Th is result corresponds with unfavorable position of the elderly who face many obstacles and inequities in public space, in particular in the health and social welfare. Simultaneously, the society and the culture manifest certain favorable changes within the fi eld of lifelong learning; they enable the elderly to undertake empowering activities (e.g. voluntary work; learning at third age university) that stimulate their personal growth, subjectivity and self-development. And although some anticipate a positive outcome from the implementation of the subjectifi cation of the old age, the need to conduct further studies is obvious.
Teledentistry is a form of providing dental services with the application of ICT technologies. Teledentisry is of special significance when a primary care physician or any other primary dental service provider need support from a specialist. It uses similar tools and interaction scenarios to the ones used in other areas of telemedicine and e-health such as the contact in synchronic or store-and-forward modes. The use of modern technologies in oral cavity healthcare can have a great significance for remote populations, groups isolated from bigger urban centers or groups that are at risk of poverty or other deprivations. The results of the current research show that teledentistry can be used in various areas of dental medicine, including orthodoncy, endodency or even for major dental surgery planning. However, the effectiveness of teledentistry solutions depends mainly on the care system that is available in a country or region.
Telestomatologia jest formą świadczenia usług stomatologicznych przy wykorzystaniu technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych. Ma ona szczególnie duże znaczenie wtedy gdy lekarz pierwszego kontaktu albo inny pracownik zapewniający podstawową opiekę stomatologiczną potrzebuje wsparcia ze strony specjalisty. W telestomatologii korzysta się z podobnych narzędzi i scenariuszy interakcji jak w innych obszarach telemedycyny i e zdrowia, m.in. z kontaktów w trybie synchronicznym albo w trybie „zachowaj i prześlij”. Wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii dla zapewnienia zdrowia jamy ustnej może mieć szczególnie duże znacznie w przypadku populacji mieszkających na terenach peryferyjnych lub izolowanych od większych ośrodków miejskich oraz w przypadku grup narażonych na ubóstwo lub inne formy deprywacji. Wyniki dotychczasowych badań pokazują, że telestomatologia może mieć zastosowanie w różnych obszarach medycyny stomatologicznej, m.in. w ortodoncji, endodoncji czy też w chirurgii stomatologicznej przy planowaniu poważniejszych zabiegów. Efektywność rozwiązań telestomatologicznych zależy natomiast w znaczącym stopniu od modelu opieki dostępnym w danym kraju czy regionie.
Artykuł jest poświęcony zagadnieniu wpływu narzędzi z obszaru e-zdrowia na poprawę dostępu do usług medycznych w regionie. W oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu oraz aktualne akty prawne w ogólnym zarysie przedstawiono koncepcję e-zdrowia i korzyści, jakie dają tego typu rozwiązania. Przedstawiono najnowsze trendy w zakresie wprowadzania rozwiązań e-zdrowia. Bazując na danych statystycznych przedstawiono zróżnicowanie regionalne uwarunkowań infrastrukturalnych wdrażania technologii ITC w ochronie zdrowia. W drugiej części artykułu zaprezentowano krótki przegląd wybranych przykładów regionalnych dobrych praktyk w zakresie rozwiązań e-zdrowia. Podsumowanie rozważań i kierunki dalszych badań kończą niniejszy tekst.
The article aims to the issue of the impact of e-health tools to improve access to medical services in the region. Based on the literature and current legislation the concept of e-health and the benefits of this type solution are explained. The newest trends in the implementation of e-health tools are presented. Regional variation of infrastructure conditions of ICT implementation in health care are shown based on the statistical data. In the second part of the article a brief overview of selected examples of regional good practices in the field of e-health solutions is presented. Summary of considerations and directions for further research ends this text.
Zeszyty Prawnicze
vol. 18
issue 1
Summary This article discusses a specific problem that may arise when an attempt is made to bring in telemedicine in Poland. First, since there is no definition of the concept of telemedicine in the eyes of the law, I present the diverse proposals offered by legal experts, international organisations and NGOs, and show which features they all have in common. Next I discuss the constitutional right to health care, as provided for in the Polish Constitution, in particular in the context of the requirement for equal opportunities in access to medical care. Third, I present a forecast for the demand for health services in Poland, on the basis of relevant data from the Polish Central Statistical Office. Fourth, I discuss digital exclusion and why it occurs, its scale and the basic criterion for the phenomenon. I conclude by presenting my own opinion and suggestions for new provisions to be considered by the Polish legislator.
Artykuł stanowi omówienie konkretnego problemu jaki może powstać w trakcie próby wdrożenia rozwiązań telemedycznych w Polsce. Po pierwsze, ze względu na brak definicji legalnej telemedycyny zostaną przytoczone propozycje znaczenia tego pojęcia wysuwane przez doktrynę przedmiotu oraz organizacje międzynarodowe i pozarządowe, wraz ze wspólnym mianownikiem przedmiotowych definicji. Po drugie, zostanie omówione konstytucyjne prawo do opieki zdrowotnej, które zostało przewidziane w polskiej ustawie zasadniczej w kontekście wymogu równości w dostępie do opieki medycznej. Po trzecie, zostanie przedstawiona prognoza zapotrzebowania na świadczenia zdrowotne w Polsce, bazująca na odpowiednich dokumentach Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Po czwarte, zostanie omówione zjawisko tzw. wykluczenia cyfrowego wraz z podaniem jego powodów, skali oraz podstawowego kryterium. Artykuł zakończą konkluzje w przedmiocie rozważań, które zawierają autorskie stanowisko oraz postulaty de lege ferenda dla polskiego ustawodawcy.
Zeszyty Prawnicze
vol. 17
issue 1
Summary This article considers the legality and regime of telecommunication and data transmission in medicine. It is divided into five sections. The first is an introduction which attempts to define the concept of telemedicine and show the practical significance of this phenomenon. The second is devoted to relevant amendments to Polish law adopted in 2015. The third section presents the principles determining the compatibility of the practice of telemedicine with Polish law. The fourth section lists the provisions of EU law most relevant for a person who intends to provide telemedicine services in a Member State other than the Member State in which his business is registered. The last part is a summary and evaluation of the current legal status.
Streszczenie Artykuł poświęcony jest problemowi legalności oraz reżimu wykorzystywania w medycynie środków porozumiewania się i przesyłu danych na odległość. Praca podzielona została na pięć punktów. Pierwszy punkt zawiera uwagi wprowadzające. Podjęto w nim próbę zdefiniowania pojęcia telemedycyny oraz przedstawiono praktyczną doniosłość tego zjawiska. Drugi punkt poświęcony został zmianom polskiego prawa dokonanym w 2015 r., relewantnym dla przedmiotowej materii. W trzecim punkcie przedstawiono zasady zgodnego z prawem stosowania telemedycyny w prawie polskim. W czwartym punkcie wskazano przepisy prawa Unii Europejskiej najważniejsze dla podmiotu zamierzającego świadczyć usługi telemedyczne w innym państwie członkowskim niż państwo jego przedsiębiorstwa. W ostatnim punkcie autor dokonuje podsumowania i oceny obecnego stanu prawnego w kontekście wybranej materii.
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