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There are main criteria and components of education quality, the system of control of the quality of providing educational services on different levels: student – teacher – university represented in the article. The main provisions of carrying out quality assurance due to the nowadays dimensions by higher educational institutions are revealed.
The article focuses on the role of the school pedagogue, in particular on social assistance provided by him or her. In Poland, social workers are not employed in the educational institutions so their job is performed by the school pedagogues. This text describes the teachers’ activity in the area of social assistance, as well as the proposal of decoupling educational from the social help aspects.
Celem artykułu była diagnoza rozwiązań instytucjonalnych w polskim systemie edukacji pod kątem ich znaczenia dla nierówności szans edukacyjnych. Rozważania rozpoczęły się od wskazania poziomu nierówności edukacyjnych na poziomie szkół średnich oraz uczelni wyższych w stosunku do państw OECD. Z porównań tych wynika, że największe zaniedbania w zakresie egalitaryzmu szans edukacyjnych występują w zakresie kształcenia wyższego, podczas gdy nierówności szans na poziomie szkół średnich oraz gimnazjów są relatywnie niskie. Dalszą część pracy oparto na przeglądzie literatury z zakresu instytucjonalnych uwarunkowań nierówności szans edukacyjnych. Wskazano na zalety i wady oparcia prac w tym obszarze o międzynarodowe badania kompetencji i umiejętności takich jak PISA i TIMSS. W kolejnej części zidentyfikowano i omówiono następujące czynniki nierówności szans: powszechność edukacji przedszkolnej, sposób organizacji różnicowania ścieżek kształcenia oraz sposoby finansowania edukacji na poziomie szkoły obowiązkowej i edukacji akademickiej. Omawiając polskie rozwiązania instytucjonalne w tym zakresie wskazano, że relacja między pochodzeniem a szansami zdobycia wysokiej jakości wykształcenia w Polsce pogłębiana jest poprzez niską skolaryzację przedszkolną, proces silnego różnicowania się gimnazjów w miastach, a także sposób finansowania edukacji akademickiej. Jednocześnie wskazano, że relatywnie późny podział ścieżki kształcenia oraz system finansowania edukacji na poziomie szkół podstawowych i średnich są czynnikami sprzyjającymi równości szans edukacyjnych.
The aim of the article was to diagnose institutional solutions in the Polish education system in terms of their importance for inequalities of educational opportunities. Considerations began with an indication of the level of educational inequalities in Poland in relation to the OECD countries. These comparisons show that the greatest inattention for equal opportunities in the Polish educational system can be found in higher education, while the inequalities in secondary and lower secondary schools are relatively low. The next part of the paper is based on a review of the literature on the institutional determinants of inequalities of educational opportunities. Hence, the following factors have been identified and discussed: pre-school education, tracking systems, and the system of compulsory and academic education funding. It was pointed out that the relationship between socioeconomic status and chances of obtaining a high-quality education in Poland is deepened by low pre-school enrollment, the process of strong differentiation of lower secondary schools in big cities, as well as the way of financing academic education. At the same time, it was pointed out that the relatively late tracking and the system of financing education at primary and secondary levels were factors conducive to equal educational opportunities.
This study was done in order to determine the leadership roles displayed by physical education teachers working in primary and secondary education institutions in Turkey. The sample group of the study included 170 physical education teachers working in these educational institutions. So as to determine the ideas of the sample group, the scale form developed by Beycioğlu (2009) in order to determine the teachers’ perceptions and expectations related to teacher leadership was used. At the end of the study, a statistically significant relation was found in the ideas of the teachers in terms of school type variance in the “Institutional Development” dimension and age variance in the “Collaboration with Colleagues” and “Professional Development” dimensions. In all the dimensions, for gender, educational status and professional service period variances, no statistical significant relation could be found. As a result, it is determined that in order to increase leadership behaviors of the physical education teachers, measures should be taken by managers and studies about improving leadership behaviors with education supervisors’ counseling applications and in-service training for physical education teachers should be increased.
Sponsorship in this paper is the formal relationship between an authorized Catholic organization and a recognized apostolic undertaking to promote and sustain Christ’s ministry to people in need. Sponsorship is not a static reality. Radical changes which have occurred in charitable works, largely due to the decline in religious vocations and the aging of members of institutes, led sponsoring leaders to seek for and find new approaches to sponsorship whereby their ministry could continue without compromising their identity. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to certain perspectives of the evolving understanding of sponsorship which is regularly in the process of being transformed and reshaped. It faces many challenges regarding the continuing Catholic identity of the sponsored works and the recognition of numerous new opportunities for future forms of sponsorship. This study explores certain canonical and practical perspectives for the development of the sponsorship of various forms of Catholic ministerial organizations, with particular reference to health care.
The legislator considers the term “educational system” as one of the basic education laws. The legal term (included in the Education Law Act) “the educational system covers” lists its elements. They include, for example, various types of schools, kindergartens, alternative forms of preschool education, children’s holiday homes, centers of education. This system realizes recognized values, principles, as well as certain postulates and guidelines contained in the law. In essence, it is a collection of organizational units, whose activity is regulated by the Education Law Act. The majority of these activities are addressed to pupils. Some elements are also addressed to teachers and serve to develop them. Colleges of Social Service Workers do not fit in with the rest of the educational system.
The article investigates Jewish community’s edification activities in the Kyiv educational district in the early 20th century through the lens of documents of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine (Kyiv). The current status of historiography presents an opportunity to deepen the study on Jews’ cultural life on the Ukrainian lands by analyzing and introduction into the scientific activities of new factual information materials. Complex research of Jewish population’s teaching opens new avenues for further exploration of cultural interaction and the role of ethnic communities in public life of Dnieper Ukraine in the early 20th century. Currently, the relevance of Ethnic Research is strengthened by its public and political significance in the context of finding mechanisms to solve concrete problems of increasing inter-ethnic and inter-state confrontation, xenophobic attitudes, interreligious tensions or conflicts, levelling the principles of tolerance and fundamental issues of the rule of law. In the early 20th century the nature of Jews’ cultural life in the Kyiv educational district has been defined by peculiarities of their legal status, relations with government authorities of the Russian Empire, but also and primarily by the State policy curtailing civil and political rights, the development of migration and communication, spatial distribution, education opportunities and professional self-fulfilment, the preservation of Jewish spiritual identity and traditional culture. With the spiralling process of assimilation, the growing problems of cultural development, self-identification and social integration of Jews the importance of education as a tool for the transfer of knowledge, skills and experiences to younger generations has increased. Promoting learning for all generations has encouraged the preservation of Jewish spiritual values and traditions on the one hand and socio-demographic, economic integration of Jews in the Russian Empire on the other.
Sponsorship in this paper is the formal relationship between an authorized Catholic organization and a recognized apostolic undertaking to promote and sustain Christ’s ministry to people in need. Sponsorship is not a static reality. Radical changes which have occurred in charitable works, largely due to the decline in religious vocations and the aging of members of institutes, led sponsoring leaders to seek for and find new approaches to sponsorship whereby their ministry could continue without compromising their identity. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to certain perspectives of the evolving understanding of sponsorship which is regularly in the process of being transformed and reshaped. It faces many challenges regarding the continuing Catholic identity of the sponsored works and the recognition of numerous new opportunities for future forms of sponsorship. This study explores certain canonical and practical perspectives for the development of the sponsorship of various forms of Catholic ministerial organizations, with particular reference to health care.
This paper shows that it is possible to note a number of points in the development of the educational system in Israel from the establishment of the State: the framework of uniform education from the end of 1948 until the conclusions of the Fromkin Committee in 1950 and the integration from 1968. The changes of policy reflect the historical changes that occurred in the social economic discourse and that shaped the development of the state of Israel. The system began its path as controlled by the center and as supporting social equality. After failed attempts to correct the difference that reigned between groups of students, reforms in the system, such as the implementation of the integration program, led to the presentation of a new policy, such as affirmative action. Following another failure, reforms were presented, and an attempt was made to return to the idea of equality through the presentation of analysis and evaluation related to the quality outputs of the system. Israel faces many challenges to improve its educational system, and it has the duty to persevere with the reforms it has initiated in the subject of education. Education is one of the most important investments that the State can make to improve its future.
Wstęp. Działania wychowawcze podejmowane w rodzinie wpływają w istotny sposób na dalsze życie i funkcjonowanie dziecka. Rodzice nie muszą sami dźwigać odpowiedzialności za wychowanie dzieci, powinni być wspomagani przez osoby i grupy społeczne, zaangażowane w działania edukacyjne. W przypadku kiedy dziecko przebywa w placówce opiekuńczo-wychowawczej, to wychowawcy pełnią te same role co rodzice biologiczni dziecka. Materiał i metody. Badania dla potrzeb niniejszej publikacji realizowano w Placówkach Opiekuńczo- Wychowawczych na terenie powiatu bialskiego. Celem badań było ustalenie czy placówki opiekuńczo-wychowawcze współpracują z instytucjami edukacyjnymi, tj. szkoła, poradnia psychologiczno- pedagogiczna, terapeuci, logopedzi i inni specjaliści, na czym ta współpraca polega, jakie przybiera formy. Wyniki. Wśród form współpracy wymienia się różnego rodzaju kontakty z nauczycielami, tj.: wywiadówki, kontakt indywidualny, kontakt telefoniczny, mailowy, kontakt przez dziennik elektroniczny. Ponadto dyrektorzy szkół, wychowawcy klasowi i pedagodzy szkolni uczestniczą w posiedzeniach zespołu ds. okresowej oceny sytuacji dziecka, odbywających się na terenie placówki przynajmniej dwa razy w roku. Wnioski. O współpracy pomiędzy placówką opiekuńczo-wychowawczą a placówkami oświatowymi decydują głównie: wiek podopiecznych, zachowanie podopiecznych i problemy przez nich wskazywane oraz usytuowanie placówki przez nich zamieszkiwanej.
Introduction. Child upbringing and parenting activities significantly affect the child’s further existence and functioning. Parents do not have to bear the responsibility for raising children themselves, they should be supported by individuals and social groups involved in educational activities. In the case where the child is in a care and education centre, the educators perform the same roles as biological parents of the child. Material and method. The research for the purposes of this publication was carried out in the Nursing and Education Centres in Bialski district. The purpose of the research was to determine whether the care and educational institutions cooperate with educational institutions, i.e. school, psychological and pedagogical clinic, therapists, speech therapists and other specialists, as well as what kind of co-operation is involved. Results. There are different types of communication with teachers recognised as forms of cooperation, i.e. parent-teacher meetings, individual contact, contact via phone, e-mail, electronic school reports. Moreover, school headmasters, tutors and pedagogues participate in the meetings of the group for the interim assessment of children’s situation held at the care and education institution at least two times a year. Conclusions. The decisive factors for cooperation between a care and education institution and an educational institution include: the age of pupils, their behaviour and the problems they point to as well as the location of the institution where they live.
Przemiany cywilizacyjne, dokonujące się w XXI-wiecznej gospodarce opartej na wiedzy, spowodowały wzrost zainteresowania badaczy problematyką zaangażowania organizacyjnego pracowników. Wysoki poziom tego zaangażowania obniża koszty operacyjne organizacji, poprawia wskaźnik retencji pracowników oraz przyczynia się do wzrostu ich wydajności i wyników pracy. Nie inaczej jest w instytucjach edukacyjnych. Podstawą ich funkcjonowania jest zaangażowanie pracowników wiedzy – ekspertów w swoich dziedzinach i fundamentów swoich organizacji – zajmujących się tworzeniem, dystrybucją oraz wykorzystaniem swojej wiedzy i idei. Celem artykułu jest próba zidentyfikowania wymiarów zaangażowania organizacyjnego pracowników wiedzy w instytucjach edukacyjnych. Artykuł ma charakter koncepcyjny. Wskazuje się w nim na wagę zaangażowania organizacyjnego pracowników wiedzy we wszystkich wymiarach działalności instytucji edukacyjnych. Na podstawie badań literaturowych określono konteksty zaangażowania organizacyjnego oraz przedstawiono wybrane modele jego wymiarów, co pozwoliło na ich identyfikację w instytucjach edukacyjnych.
Civilization changes taking place in the 21st century knowledge-based economy caused the researchers to become more interested in the issue of organizational commitment of workers. A high level of organizational commitment improves the retention rate of workers, reduces the operating costs of the organization and contributes to the increase of productivity and work performance. There is no difference in educational institutions. The basis of their functioning is the commitment of knowledge workers- experts in their fields, involved in the creation, distribution and usage of their knowledge and ideas, who are the foundation of their organizations. The aim of the article is to attempt to identify the dimensions of the organizational commitment of knowledge workers in educational institutions. The article is a conceptual one, aimed at indicating the importance of organizational knowledge workers' commitment in all dimensions of the activities of educational institutions to achieve the goals of these organizations. On the basis of literature research, the contexts of organizational commitment were defined and selected models of dimensions of organizational involvement were presented, which allowed to identify the dimensions of organizational commitment in educational institutions.
This paper analyzes the issue of gender problems, the process of genderization of the personality, the gender socialization. Despite the transformational trends, contemporaryUkrainian society is characterized by gender stereotypes. The different points of scholars’ views about the lack of harmonious relations among school age children are analyzed. The necessity of using gender component in the educational process is defined. It is pointed out that in the process of gender socialization, which provides a person’s awareness of their sexual independence and behavior throughout life according to it, the most effective are the mechanisms of imitation and identification. Starting with coping the behavior of their parents (girls trying to be more like the mother, the boys – like father), the child moves on, choosing new examples of gender behavior both real and unreal (the book characters, the heroes of fairy tales and so on). The suggestion of gender norms is often used by society as a means to influence individuals. So, in a society often evoke gender stereotypes and standards of conduct, that are not based on logic and not explaining the reasons for their imitation. It is noted that modern society is undergoing fundamental changes, providing the need for further development of the gender approach in pedagogy, as well as providing targeted development of youth gender culture. Among these changes are: converting egalitarism in one of the priority directions of the state policy of the majority of countries in the world, forcing a rethinking of the role and place of women in society; changing cultural stereotypes of masculinity and femininity, loss of polarity; scrapping the traditional system of gender stratification, easing stiffness in the definition of male and female social roles, the elimination of normativityin the traditional gender division of labour; changes in gender characteristics of marriage and family relations:acquisition of new high-quality properties: activation of marriage and family egalitarization; mutual contribution of men and women in their wellbeing; the spread of consensual, business forms of marriage and serial monogamy; objective changes in marriage and family status of modern women: reduction the role of the family as the traditional value for her, the growing importance of the values beyond the family (education, career, prestige, financial income and so on), focus on the one child or even on childlessness; objective changes in marriage and family status of the modern man: the loss of the traditional «breadwinner», the reduction of socializing role of fatherhood;deepening of the general tendency of family relations on the change of value orientations, in the centre of which is the family group and the individual;reorientation of the process of formation of the child’s personality with traditional, clearly fixed gender behaviors in mixed or inversive model that has significant negative consequences for society.
The article presents the results of the research on the image of institutional education occurring in contemporary Polish children’s songs. The lyrics of the songs were subjected to a qualitative analysis in order to reveal the features constituting the image of the kindergarten and primary school contained in them. The research has revealed a tendency to show these educational institutions as places focused on shaping the so-called ‘organization children’, fully subordinated to institutions (Moss Kanter 1972). In the analysed songs the discourse of a child defined as a ‘pre-human being’ is clearly present (Męczkowska-Christiansen 2010): the children are thought to require strict control and constant intervention from adults. Among the tools useful in disciplining the pupils, the authors of the songs mention, among others: pre-school routine, rigid rules in institutions, the assessment process (especially the school marks), and other attributes of teachers’ authority (including: class register, school bell). The analysis and interpretation of the songs led the author to the conclusion that they not only reflect the traditional educational model that is very popular in Poland, but also consolidate it in the linguistic image of the world.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad obrazem edukacji instytucjonalnej obecnym we współczesnych polskich piosenkach dziecięcych. Utwory te zostały poddane analizie jakościowej w celu ujawnienia elementów konstytuujących zawarty w nich wizerunek przedszkola i szkoły podstawowej. Badania ujawniły tendencję do ukazywania tych placówek edukacyjnych jako miejsc ukierunkowanych na kształtowanie tzw. „dzieci organizacji” – w pełni podporządkowanych instytucji (Moss Kanter 1972). W badanych piosenkach wyraźnie obecny jest dyskurs dziecka – „istoty przedludzkiej” (Męczkowska-Christiansen 2010), które wymaga ścisłej kontroli i nieustannej interwencji ze strony kompetentnych dorosłych. Wśród narzędzi dyscyplinujących wychowanków autorzy piosenek wymieniają m.in.: przedszkolną rutynę, sztywne zasady panujące w instytucjach, proces oceniania, a zwłaszcza stopnie szkolne, i inne atrybuty władzy nauczycielskiej (np. dziennik zajęć lekcyjnych, dzwonek). Analiza i interpretacja piosenek doprowadziły autorkę do wniosku, iż nie tylko odzwierciedlają one rozpowszechniony w Polsce tradycyjny model edukacyjny, ale także utrwalają go w językowym obrazie świata.
Presented paper concerns the participation of education institutions in civic budgets. According to the primary idea, civic budget should realize the interest of nonformal groups of residents. However, we can observe significant activities of formal groups and institutions – especially educational ones. The first part of the paper concerns legal aspects of participation of educational institutions in civic budgets. In the following parts, the author presents case studies of Łódź and Płock. In those cities, the activities of educational institutions in civic budgets are especially noticeable. The main purpose of the article is to present the pros and cons of activities of educational institutions in civic budgets. The main research method used in the article was content analysis. The results of the analysis showed that participation of education institutions in participatory budgeting may cause undesirable situations. Moreover, their involvement may hinder the participation of other groups.
Prezentowany artykuł dotyczy udziału placówek oświatowych w budżetach obywatelskich. Pierwotnie idea budżetu obywatelskiego miała służyć realizacji interesu nieformalnym grupom mieszkańców. W wielu miastach można jednak zaobserwować aktywność zorganizowanych podmiotów i instytucji, spośród których wyjątkowo aktywne wydają się placówki oświatowe. W pierwszej części artykułu omówiony zostanie aspekt legalność ich udziału w budżecie obywatelskim. W kolejnych częściach przedstawione zostaną przypadki budżetu obywatelskiego Płocka i Łodzi, gdzie aktywność placówek oświaty jest wyjątkowo widoczna. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie argumentów za i przeciw uczestnictwu placówek oświaty w budżetach obywatelskich.
The dilemma over public and non-public kindergartens is still discussed in various groups and fora. Young teachers do not know which of these institutions to tie their future with. The authors of this article present the basic and, at the same time, important differences in the functioning of these educational institutions, in order to extend knowledge in the field of this subject. Practice shows that many teachers confuse the principles of non-public and public kindergartens, which results in many misunderstandings.
Dylemat związany z zagadnieniem przedszkola publiczne a niepubliczne ciągle widoczny jest na różnych grupach i forach. Młodzi nauczyciele nie wiedzą, z którą z tych placówek związać swoją przyszłość. Autorzy tegoż artykułu przybliżają podstawowe, a zarazem ważne różnice w funkcjonowaniu tych placówek oświatowych co do możliwości poszerzenia wiedzy z zakresu tej tematyki. Z praktyki wynika, że wielu nauczycieli myli zasady funkcjonowania przedszkoli niepublicznych i publicznych, co staje się powodem wielu nieporozumień.
The paper analyzes the innovative principles of training of graduate students in higher education institutions of Ukraine, in particular: focus on the independence of the student and the foresight phases of his professional growth, systematic improvement of educational repertoire, formation of artistic and creative thinking, concert, competition, executive versatility, artistry which have become part of the national educational practice, but did not receive appropriate evaluation by trainers and researchers. Technology of gaining vocal mastery of the second half of the twentieth century, far exceed the development of methodological framework of mid-twentieth century, when the foundation was laid to the transformation processes in the field of art education. Modern curricula singers and methods of their preparation are examples of new technologies that are based on the principles of deepening methodological knowledge, introduction of leading teaching positions in the theory and practice of music education, formation of aesthetic culture of the artists, comprehensive development of the individual in the process of obtaining professional competence, taking into account creative motivation of the subject of the educational process, subordination to the appropriate direction of the musical practice, introduction to educational process of the corresponding block of theoretical courses, awareness of national musical traditions, determining educational component as an integral component of professional competence of the singer. Innovations in the organization of music education deepen the content of vocal learning in complex pedagogical and creative activities, contribute to the development of polyphonic thinking of students, theoretical awareness of the music being performed, knowledge of musical styles and genres, understanding the historical and ethnological content of musical activity, modern social and cultural technologies with a view to their use in the future professional activity. The conducted research on students’ vocal training in higher pedagogical institutions of Ukraine does not exhaust all its aspects. Further studies are required related to the development of interpretations’ ability of the singers at all levels of music education, research of methodological heritage of foreign colleagues in the development of professional competence with the aim of extracting the best pedagogical experience and its implementation in the national practice of preparation of future singers.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie realizacji konstytucyjnego przepisu o oddzieleniu Kościoła (związków wyznaniowych) na Ukrainie od państwa oraz szkoły od Kościoła poprzez analizę ustawodawstwa, praktyki stosowania prawa oraz danych statystycznych. Zdaniem autorów obowiązujące w tym zakresie normy konstytucyjne nie są w pełni przestrzegane, a realizowana w szkołach edukacja religijna pozostaje w dużym stopniu zależna od związków wyznaniowych. Intensywność i głębokość wpływu związków wyznaniowych na instytucje edukacyjne różni się jednak w zależności od poziomu edukacji i rodzaju placówki. Na poziomie edukacji przedszkolnej i ogólnokształcącej, ze względu na obowiązującą standaryzację i kontrolę państwową, sfera autonomii związków wyznaniowych w świadczeniu usług edukacyjnych jest dość wąska. Na poziomie szkolnictwa wyższego, w instytucjach założonych przez związki wyznaniowe, o procesie kształcenia decydują same związki wyznaniowe, natomiast w instytucjach państwowych i samorządowych, które kształcą specjalistów w zakresie teologii, proces ten jest realizowany pod nadzorem Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki. De facto wyższe wykształcenie teologiczne (zarówno uzyskiwane w instytucjach prywatnych, jak i w instytucjach państwowych lub samorządowych) nie jest oddzielone od organizacji religijnych, chociaż tak stanowi Konstytucja Ukrainy. Wyznaniowy charakter teologii przejawia się w treści wykładanych przedmiotów oraz w organizacji procesu nauczania. Jednak w praktyce współpraca kościołów z instytucjami edukacyjnymi opiera się na potrzebie, aby te pierwsze decydowały lub przynajmniej miały wpływ na treść kształcenia przyszłych duchownych i pracowników instytucji kościelnych, natomiast dla instytucji oferujących kształcenie współpraca ta stanowi gwarancję zatrudnienia absolwentów oferowanych programów edukacyjnych, co bezpośrednio wpływa na liczbę kandydatów.
This article, via an analysis of legislation, law-application practice, and individual elements of statistical information, reveals the implementation of the constitutional provision on the separation in Ukraine of the church (religious organizations) from the state and the school from the church. The authors state that the requirements of the constitutional legislation are not fully observed, and religious education at schools depends on religious organizations to a significant extent. The intensity and depth of the influence of religious organizations on educational institutions differs however at various levels of education and in different institutions. At the level of pre-school and general secondary education, due to state standardization and control, the sphere of autonomy of religious organizations in providing educational services is sufficiently narrow. At the level of higher education, in institutions founded by religious organizations, the educational process is carried out under the control of the religious organization itself, and the state and communal institutions (which train specialists majoring in theology) are under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and Science. Higher religious education (both that obtained in private institutions and that obtained in state or communal institutions) is de facto not separated from religious organizations, although the Constitution of Ukraine declares this. The confessional nature of theology is manifested in the content of academic courses and the organization of the educational process. In practice, however, the cooperation of churches with educational institutions is based on the need for the former to determine or at least influence the content of the training of their future ministers; for educational institutions, cooperation is a powerful tool for ensuring the employment of graduates of educational programs, and, respectively, directly affects the number of applicants.
Wieki Stare i Nowe
vol. 18
issue 23
The article focuses on covering the functioning of German schools in the interwar Galicia, which developed in less favorable conditions than those in other Polish territories. This was due to the fact that the Polish authorities pursued different national, linguistic, and educational policies towards Germans in various areas inhabited by this minority. As a result, the German population of Galicia underwent assimilation, while German-language schools of the land were partially converted to utraquist schools by the government. Attempting to resist such policy, German public, political, and religious activists focused their activities on the development of private German-language educational establishments of various kinds, having achieved about 60 % of German children in the areas receiving primary education in their native language.
Artykuł poświęcony został rozwojowi szkolnictwa niemieckiego w Galicji w latach 1919-1939. Z prowadzonych rozważań wynika, że działania polskich władz, mające na celu reorganizację niemieckich placówek oświatowych, skomplikowały nauczanie dzieci narodowości niemieckiej w ich języku ojczystym i doprowadziły do rozwoju utrakwistycznych szkół publicznych. Pragnienie przedstawicieli mniejszości niemieckiej w Galicji, by uczyć swoje dzieci w języku ojczystym, zachęciło ich do rozwijania prywatnych szkół podstawowych i średnich. W rezultacie około 60 procent dzieci narodowości niemieckiej w regionie uczęszczało do szkół z ich macierzystym językiem nauczania.
W niniejszym artykule na podstawie analizy aktów prawnych i przeglądu literatury przedstawiono rozwiązania legislacyjne w zakresie tworzenia i prowadzenia placówek oświatowych przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce. W dalszej części publikacji omówiono funkcjonowanie systemu finansowania zadań oświatowych, akcentując rolę części oświatowej subwencji ogólnej i prezentując mechanizm jej podziału w świetle aktualnych regulacji prawnych. Opracowanie zamyka podsumowanie.
This article discusses the legislative solutions regarding the setting up and running of educational institutions by local government units in Poland, based on the analysis of legal acts and available literature. The further part of the publication concerns the operation of the system of financing educational tasks, with the emphasis on the role of the educational part of the general subsidy, as well as presents the mechanism of the subsidy’s division in the light of current legal regulations. The publication concludes with the summary of key points.
The Salesian Society undertook educational activity on Polish land in 1898, which was still during the time of the partitions. The first institution was in Oświęcim situated in the territory annexed by Austria. After Poland regained independence in 1918, Salesians joined actively in the reconstruction of the destroyed country. Their efforts above all focused on the area of school and educational work. During the years 1918-1939, outside of typical institutions such as schools, they also conducted activity in other areas of youth work. This article presents a number of educational institutions run by the Salesian Society in the interwar period.
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