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Historic buildings subjected to post-1945 revalorization succumb to rapid damage. On the one hand, their state is the outcome of the impact of increased environmental pollution and on the other hand — of imperfect and insufficient conservation expertise in combining old and new technologies and material. Construction-conservation work dealing with historic objects erected with old techniques and traditional material (timber, differently baked bricks, natural and artificial stone, lime mortar, etc.) is conducted upon the basis of a new construction philosophy, resorting to novel techniques and material such as cement, reinforced concrete, paint,etc. In Poland, the progressing destruction of historic buildings conserved by means of new techniques and material has remained unexamined although long-term observations prove that such techniques do not always pass the test. In 1993-1995, a team established by the National Museum in Poznań and cooperating with the Poznań Polytechnic and Ateliers for Research and Conservation of Historical Monuments in Toruń prepared a complex programme for salvaging the Town Hall, based on interdisciplinary studies. The Programme assumes parallel conservation and implementation studies.
Rola rewaloryzacji poszczególnych elementów krajobrazu kulturowego jest dla procesu rewitalizacji tylko jednym z licznych zagadnień, jednak spektakularnym i znaczącym w dotychczasowych inwestycjach realizowanych w ramach LPR. Rozmaite programy, jak choćby wrocławski „100 kamienic”, stawiają za cel niezwykle ważny i naglący ratunek zabytkowej zabudowy charakteryzującej się wysokimi walorami historycznymi. Druga połowa XX w. i wiek XXI wprowadziły jednak w historycznie ukształtowaną i zniszczoną przestrzeń realizacje, które mają destruktywny wpływ na obraz zabytkowych dzielnic. Widok kontrastujących plomb z wielkiej płyty w pierzejach zabytkowych kamienic jest więc dziś jednym z elementów najbardziej degradujących krajobraz kulturowy śródmieść. Przy oczywistym założeniu braku możliwości całkowitej wymiany tych budynków pojawia się pytanie, jak łagodzić te negatywne kontrasty? Przedstawione przykłady są wynikiem analizy trendów obserwowanych w polskich, hiszpańskich i francuskich miastach. Często wprowadzanie analogicznych rozwiązań towarzyszyło mądrze prowadzonym remontom budynków lub przekształceniom ich funkcji. Pojawiają się zatem sięgające do odmiennych środków i rozpatrywane z punktu widzenia ich wad i zalet cztery propozycje do zastosowania na elewacjach obiektów dysharmonizujących: 1) wykorzystanie tynków kolorowych, 2) wprowadzenie stosunkowo neutralnych wizualnie murali, zakładające uruchomienie czynnika aktywności społecznej, 3) zastosowanie szklanej okładziny, 4) wprowadzenie zieleni. Sformułowane zostały również zalecenia, dzięki którym rozwiązania te uszanują zabytkowy śródmiejski kontekst architektoniczno-urbanistyczny. Dobór metody, jaką wykorzysta się do poprawienia warunków wizualnych architektury dysharmonizującej, zależy od wielu oczywistych czynników, poczynając od zagadnień natury ekonomicznej, przez uwarunkowania konstrukcyjne budynku, aż po koncepcję artystyczną. Ta ostatnia wydaje się kluczowa, gdyż każdy projekt opracowywać należy po wstępnej decyzji, czy docelowym efektem powinno być dopasowanie architektury do jej kontekstu, czy stworzenie elementu kontrastowego, ale odpowiadającego współczesnemu pojęciu estetyki.
The role of urban renewal of particular cultural landscape elements is only one of a number of issues in the revitalization process, although it has been a spectacular and significant issue in previous projects conducted under Local Revitalization Programmes. A number of Programmes, e.g. that of Wrocław, called "100 Tenement Houses," intend to preserve urgently the landmark buildings representing high historical values. However, the second half of the 20th century and the early 21st century introduced into the historically shaped and destroyed spaces the structures which damage the landmark image of city districts. The appearance of contrasting infill buildings made of large panels, within the streets composed of old tenement houses, is presently one of the elements that degrades the cultural cityscape of inner cities. With the obvious assumption of a lack of possibility to replace tenement houses completely, there appears the question of how to alleviate such negative contrasts? The examples presented in this study are the results of our analysis of the trends observed in Polish, Spanish and French cities. Implementation of analogous solutions often accompanied wisely conducted repairs of the buildings, or building function transformations. Therefore, four proposals appeared to be applied on the elevations of disharmonious buildings. Those proposals reach out to diverse means and are considered here from the viewpoints of their advantages and disadvantages: 1) use of coloured plaster, 2) implementation of visually neutral murals, assuming social activities in that respect, 3) application of glass lining, and 4) planting greenery. Also, specific recommendations were formulated for such solutions to observe the historical inner-city architectural and urbanistic contexts. The selection of the method to be applied to improve the visual qualities of disharmonious architecture depends on a number of obvious factors, from economic issues to the buildings' structural conditions to the artistic conceptions. The latter seem to be essential because each design should be produced after a preliminary decision on the target effect: should architecture match its context, or should we create a contrasting element that complies with present-day aesthetics?
In 1945, the liberating Red Army caused enormous devastations to the Old Town in Olsztyn. Damaged, burnt and destroyed buildings – that was the picture of the liberation of the city, but also an unusual challenge for those who started to settle Olsztyn already from February 1945. In further years, the city was gradually cleared of debris and a non-uniform reconstruction process was eventually started, referring both to historicist (neo-Baroque) forms and the broadly understood modernism. By the beginning of the 1960s the Old Town in Olsztyn was reconstructed to a large extent. Among people engaged in the reconstruction of the Old Town there were also artists from Olsztyn. Their task was to arrange colours of selected objects and to design and prepare decorative motifs. Most of the artists living in the city participated in the performance of the above works, including Andrzej Samulowski, Bolesław Wolski, Maria Szymańska, Eugeniusz Kochanowski, Henryk Oszczakiewicz, Roman Ilkiewicz, Ryszard Wachowski, Maria Wachowska and Hieronim Skurpski. Works of those artists can still be seen today on the Olsztyn Market Square, Staromiejska, Prosta and Staszica streets, and we can also encounter single items on streets going beyond the area of the old historic Olsztyn. The thematic scope of the Old Town works oscillates around the subject of human labour. It can be categorised into several groups: the first of them comprises activities connected with the Warmia region and shown in a folk fashion. The second group is related to motifs referring to the intended use of buildings, which illustrate their functions connected with work and daily activities. The third group comprises geometrical motifs that complement figural decorations or occur as independent decorations. Another group represents the free use of plant motifs. We can also distinguish single independent decorations that are not linked thematically to the above, but refer to the Warmia and Masuria region. This undoubtedly interesting collection of works from Olsztyn is worth special attention. Inspired presumably by the Warsaw Old Town, it has become an integral part of the reconstructed city. It is also a testimony to the involvement of artists in the aesthetic aspect of the reconstruction. The prevailing technique is sgraffito, which is the most suitable technique for works of this kind because of its durability; the latter is best reflected by the fact that after more than 50 years decorations are still lucid and retain their colour. Painting & sculpture works in Olsztyn that are of interest to us are not covered by conservation protection; the same goes for most of the buildings decorated by them. As objects not entered into the register of monuments, they are handled without restraint, deformed or even destroyed fragmentarily or entirely. However, it is impossible to ignore their artistic values or grounds for their protection.
The article discusses the relationship between the design of structural and architectural details in the design of façades of tall European buildings. It characterizes the influence of load-bearing structures on the possibility of hiding or exposing the load-bearing elements. Next, the design of structural and architectural details is discussed depending on whether the exterior load-bearing elements are in front of the façade, in the plane of the façade or whether they are hidden inside the building. The differences resulting from: structural materials (steel or reinforced concrete), climate and weather conditions, fire protection measures are also referenced. The article also takes into account the influence of the chosen structural joints on the design of details.
W artykule omówiono zależności pomiędzy kształtowaniem detali konstrukcyjnych oraz architektoniczno-budowlanych w projektowaniu elewacji europejskich budynkach wysokich. Scharakteryzowano wpływ ustrojów nośnych na możliwość ukrycia lub wyeksponowania elementów nośnych. Następnie omówiono kształtowanie detali konstrukcyjnych i architektoniczno- budowlanych w zależności od tego, czy najbardziej zewnętrzne elementy nośne w wieżowcu znajdują się przed płaszczyzną elewacji, w tej płaszczyźnie, czy też zostały ukryte we wnętrzu budynku. Odniesiono się do różnic wynikających z: przyjmowanych rozwiązań materiałowych (konstrukcja stalowa lub żelbetowa), uwarunkowań związanych z klimatem i warunkami atmosferycznymi oraz zabezpieczeniami przeciwpożarowymi. Uwzględniono również wpływ rodzaju węzłów konstrukcyjnych na możliwości kształtowania detalu.
In 2007, the urban layout of the city centre of Gdynia, shaped and built in the 1920s and 1930s, was entered into the register of monuments of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The area concerned covers about 91 hectares, i.e. more than 0.9 square km. The entire area is very densely built-up. There are about 450 different buildings, most of which are five- to six-storey tenement houses. The area includes 24 complexes and buildings entered into the register of monuments, on the basis of separate decisions. It is therefore an area of the greatest concentration of significant architectural works in Gdynia. Including the city centre layout in the register has inspired numerous activities related to this unique – still rather young and very extensive – historic area. The Gdynia Commune has taken up works on creating and implementing local development plans for the entire area. Conservation decisions and arrangements in development plans are prepared in cooperation with planners, monument conservators, residents and users, among others. Such plans include detailed and precise regulations concerning spatial issues, such as the height and type of new developments, as well as the protection of and possible changes to the existing buildings. The plans also contain a division of the preserved houses into groups of different historic value and the scope of protection is dependent on this value. In accordance with international trends, the protection also covers some valuable buildings from the 1960s and 1970s. The regulations of the development plans constitute the local law – they are enacted by the City Council and are accessible to all interested parties. By the end of 2011, around 95% of the historical area will be included in the local development plans. After including the layout of the city centre in the register of monuments, a funding system for conservation works has also been introduced for all the buildings in the area that were built before 1989. Every year, more than 1 million PLN is allocated for this purpose from the City of Gdynia’s budget. The funding may cover 30% to 75% of renovation costs, depending on the building’s historical value. In the last 3 years, owners of about 30 buildings, mainly private tenement houses, have taken advantage of the funding scheme. Public financial support for the works enables better control and provides a broader scope of possibilities of restoring historic solutions or using more complicated technologies. It also creates a good basis for communication and long-term cooperation with monument owners. The inclusion of the city centre of Gdynia in the register of historical monuments has also been a symbolic recognition and an official acknowledgement of the cultural value of this part of the city. Many people have found a new interest in modernism and the history of Gdynia, and the unique architecture of the 1930s has gained more enthusiasts. The City of Gdynia widely implements research and popularising works related to modernist architecture. In the scientific and conservation circles, academic conferences under the theme of “Modernism in Europe – Modernism in Gdynia” have become well-known. They were held in 2007 and 2009, and the next one will take place in September of 2012. Apart from events for specialists, open mass events dedicated to getting to know and visiting the city’s monuments have been taking place since 2010. Each of them has attracted hundreds of people. The tourist Trail of Modernism of Gdynia, where people can buy folders and souvenirs related to modernism, has been functioning for almost a year. Activities related to the protection and conservation of modernist Gdynia have aroused interest throughout the country and have provoked positive comments also among international specialists. In the German newspaper, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin columnist Thomas Flierl published an article on the history of Gdynia and discovering the city’s value in contemporary times, as well as the protection of the city centre. German monuments conservator, Professor Jörg Haspel, has suggested that Gdynia should apply for inclusion in the Heritage Label list that is being created by the Council of Europe.
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