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This article presents problematics related to social policy and the system supporting the vocational activity of persons with intellectual disabilities in Poland. Analyses aimed at finding an answer to the question posed in the title are based on the results of a research project entitled Employment and disability. An analysis of the vocational experience of people with intellectual disabilities in Poland, which aimed at an exploration of the policy of the employment of persons with disabilities, practices in the area of employment services, and a reconstruction of the experience of subjects involved in the work situation: job coaches, persons with intellectual disabilities, and coordinators of employment projects. The methodological framework of the project was provided by the grounded theory set in social constructivism as presented in Charmaz’s works. The research material was collected in 25 workplaces employing persons with disabilities in various parts of Poland, mainly by means of in-depth interviews, observation, and field notes. The paper presents only a small  fragment of the research results. The analyses focus on the presentation of the assumptions, goals, and trends of the employment policy, ways of functioning of the system of support of the vocational activity of persons with intellectual disabilities, and the confrontation of these systemic assumptions with the experience of persons involved in the implementation of this employment policy in the Polish reality. The article is therefore a critical analysis of the current policy of the employment of persons with intellectual disabilities, unmasking the existing paradoxes and apparent actions in the system of vocational support and the labour market
While implementing economic policy, the State concentrates on four main goals related to economic stabilization referring to economic growth: a stable price level, a balance in the economic relationships with other states and the implementation of a full employment policy. Employment policy and labor market policy are crucial aspects of these actions. In the current study, attention has been paid to the very differentiation between the notions of employment policy and labor market policy, special emphasis has been placed on the latter as it directly influences the level and structure of unemployment in the national and regional economy. Another important part of the study presents particular aspects of the policy implementation against the phenomenon of unemployment in the studied regions in the period 2011–2016. The wielkopolskie voivodship and the warmińsko-mazurskie voivodship have been chosen as the study subjects. These regions significantly differ regarding their level of unemployment, but also in terms of their labor market policy implementation.
The process of creating the basic assumptions of the social policy of the Second Republic was extremely complicated and a coherent vision of the state's involvement in solving social issues was developed only in the thirties. At that time there was a clear definition of the Polish social policy framework. The final design included the issue of employment, social security, welfare, immigration and health care. An important factor in the development of social policy objectives was their dependence on economic conditions and the related development of methods for solving the ever changing social issues. With time, the modernization efforts were more and more important, due to them the Polish social policy was supposed to become more modern and focused on the removal of not only the effects but also the causes of the problems in society.
The objective of the paper is showing connections between using financial funds from European Social Fund and unemployment rate in świętokrzyskie voivodeship. Detailed analysis concerns funds allocated for combating unemployment within the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development for years 2004 - 2006. Moreover it gives basic information about structural funds in Poland, describes situation on labour market in świętokrzyskie voivodeship, EU's employment policy and labour market processes in świętokrzyskie region.
Celem autorki jest pokazanie związków zachodzących pomiędzy wykorzystaniem środków finansowych pochodzących z Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego a poziomem stopy bezrobocia w województwie świętokrzyskim. Szczegółowa analiza dotyczy środków przeznaczonych na walkę z bezrobociem w ramach Sektorowego Programu Operacyjnego - Rozwój Zasobów Ludzkich w latach 2004-2006. Ponadto przedstawiono podstawowe informacje o funduszach strukturalnych w Polsce, sytuację na rynku pracy w województwie świętokrzyskim, politykę zatrudnienia UE oraz podejmowane w regionie świętokrzyskim działania w zakresie rynku pracy.
Artykuł jest próbą odniesienia się do koncepcji flexicurity, propagowanej przez Komisję Europejską jako wskazany model polityki zatrudnienia w Unii Europejskiej. Chociaż flexicurity nie jest koncepcją nową, wymaga precyzyjnego rozpoznania i zaprezentowania jej podstawowych założeń, jak również adekwatnego komentarza i analizy pod względem skuteczności i trafności. Dlatego w tekście opisane zostały przyczyny pojawienia się flexicurity, następnie podstawowe założenia modelu, a podsumowanie stanowi odniesienie się do wymiaru ewaluacyjnego związanego z tą polityką (gdzie zaprezentowano i omówiono zaproponowane przez Komisję wskaźniki, wraz z ich wartościami i krótką analizą). Dodatkowo sformułowane zostały autorskie wnioski i oceny, które towarzyszą wszystkim głównym częściom tekstu.
This article is an attempt at an analysis of the concept of flexicurity promoted by the European Commission as an expedient employment policy model in the European Union. Flexicurity is not a novel idea, still its basic assumptions should be identified and discussed with a special focus on its effectiveness and relevance. Accordingly, the text describes the root causes that have led to the emergence of flexicurity and the basic assumptions behind the model. The summary emphasizes the evaluation aspect of this model (and contains an overview and a short analysis of the indicators proposed by the Commission as well as their values). Additionally, every major portion of the text contains author's own conclusions and evaluation.
The contemporary labour market is undergoing many transformations, both in the context of management, work organization or building relationships and satisfaction with performed tasks. The need to adapt the requirements to expectations and choose the right motivating measures is a great challenge nowadays. Professional success has become a goal to be achieved by many undertaking professional activity. This article presents a theoretical analysis of the concepts related to human and professional work as well as professional success and the model of a successful man.
Współczesny rynek pracy przechodzi wiele przeobrażeń, w kontekście zarówno zarządzania, jak i organizacji pracy czy budowania więzi oraz satysfakcji z wykonywanych zadań. Potrzeba dostosowania wymagań do oczekiwań, dobrania odpowiednich środków motywujących jest wielkim wyzwaniem dzisiejszych czasów. Sukces zawodowy stał się celem do osiągnięcia przez wielu podejmujących aktywność zawodową. W niniejszym artykule dokonano analizy teoretycznej dotyczącej pojęć związanych pracą ludzką i pracą zawodową oraz sukcesem zawodowym i wzorem człowieka sukcesu.
Artykuł dotyczy oceny programu „Gwarancje dla Młodzieży”, czyli instrumentu wsparcia osób młodych na rynku pracy. Ta grupa osób od początku kryzysu finansowego 2008 r. napotyka na znacz-ne trudności na rynku pracy, co ma szereg konsekwencji. Oceny dokonali młodzi przedstawiciele eu-ropejskich związków zawodowych. Program GdM funkcjonuje formalnie od 2013 roku, jednak procesy wdrożeniowe w poszczególnych państwach trwają do dziś. Związki zawodowe jako podmioty szczególnie zaintere-sowane warunkami panującymi na rynku pracy śledziły proces tworzenia programu „Gwarancje dla młodzieży”, dlatego też ich ocena dotycząca pierwszych kilkunastu miesięcy działania programu wy-daje się szczególnie interesująca. Na podstawie badania ankietowego, które obejmowało młodych przedstawicieli związków zawodowych z różnych krajów Unii Europejskiej, dokonano wstępnej oce-ny „Gwarancji”. Na ankiety odpowiedziało 16 osób z różnych krajów i różnych związków zawodo-wych. Ogólna ocena programu nie wypada pozytywnie. W szczególności zauważa się nadużywanie przez pracodawców praktyk i staży, prekaryzację zatrudnienia, brak dostatecznej informacji i słabość publicznych służb zatrudnienia. Z drugiej strony, wśród elementów pozytywnych zauważono możli-wość wypróbowania nowych narzędzi aktywizacji zawodowej, poprawę jakości usług na rzecz mło-dych ludzi i poprawę dostępu do edukacji. Podkreśla się także aspekt polityczny, czyli fakt że problem bezrobocia młodych stał się przedmiotem debaty publicznej.
The article concerns the evaluation of “Youth Guarantee”, which is an instrument to support young people in the labour market, who from the beginning of the financial crisis of 2008 have been facing considerable difficulties in the labour market. The present situation of young people has numerous consequences. The assessment was made by young representatives of European trade unions. Officially the program has been in operation since 2013, but the implementation process in indi-vidual countries is still underway. Trade unions, as entities particularly interested in the conditions prevailing in the labour market, have been following the process of creating “Youth Guarantee”, and thus their assessment of the first few months of the program seems to be of particular interest. The initial evaluation of the “Guarantee” was carried out on the basis of the data obtained by means of the survey which included young representatives of trade unions from different countries of the European Union. The overall assessment of the program is not positive. In particular, it indicates the abuse of internships, precarization of employment, lack of sufficient information and the weakness of public employment services. On the other hand, among the positive elements, it noted the opportunity to try out new tools of professional activation, improving the quality of services for young people and im-proving their access to education. It also stresses the political aspect, namely the fact that the problem of youth unemployment has become a subject of public debate.
Objectives. The goal was to find out whether pu-blic policy attitudes to the preference of policy instruments in solving long-term unemployment are explained through a big-five factor model of personality or through political orientation. Participants and settings. Authors administered a questionnaire survey among 8,554 university students in the Czech Republic.Hypothesis. Public policy attitudes to individual policy instruments are most influenced by poli-tical orientation and the related personality traits of openness and conscientiousness. Authors as-sume that the personality traits of openness and conscientiousness correlate most significantly with the ideological predisposition, however, the political orientation directly influences pre-ferences for policy instruments.Statistical analysis. Correlation analysis, multi-ple linear regression, structural models.Results. Public policy attitudes to policy instru-ments were most influenced by political orien-tation and the related personality traits of ope-nness and conscientiousness. However, on the basis of structural models, not only the direct in-fluence of political orientation on preferences to policy instruments has been demonstrated; from the personality traits, it is again an openness of mind and conscientiousness.Study limitation. The use of a short version of BFI-10; the lack of theoretical and empirical studies dealing with the influence of personality traits on public policy making.
Cíle. Cílem je zjistit, zda může být preference opatření sloužících k řešení problému dlouhodo-bé nezaměstnanosti vysvětlena prostřednictvím pětifaktorového modelu osobnosti či prostřed-nictvím politické orientace.Participanti a procedura. Dotazníkové šetření mezi 8 554 studenty vysokých škol v České re-publice.Hypotéza. Základní hypotéza vychází z předpo-kladu, že veřejně politické postoje k jednotlivým opatřením nejvíce ovlivňuje politická orientace a s tím související osobnostní rys otevřenost a svědomitost. Předpokládáme, že osobnostní rysy otevřenost a svědomitost nejvýznamněji korelují s ideologickou predispozicí, nicméně přímý vliv na postoj k jednotlivým opatřením má právě politická orientace.Statistická analýza. Korelační analýza, mnoho-násobná lineární regrese, strukturní modely.Výsledky. Veřejně politické postoje k jednotli-vým opatřením nejvíce ovlivňuje politická ori-entace a s tím související osobnostní rysy ote-vřenost a svědomitost. Na základě strukturních modelů se však neprokázal pouze přímý vliv politické orientace na postoje k jednotlivým opatřením, ale také vliv dvou osobnostních rysů (otevřenost mysli a svědomitost).Omezení studie. Použití krátké verze BFI-10, nedostatek teoretických a empirických studií zabývajících se vlivem osobnosti na tvorbu veřejné politiky.
Celem opracowania jest scharakteryzowanie, prezentacja i próba oceny polityki społecznej Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej wobec kolejnych faz cyklu życia. Badania oparte zostały na kwerendzie źródeł archiwalnych, drukowanych oraz specjalistycznej prasy i opracowań. W kolejnych częściach opracowania zaprezentowano działania podejmowane względem poszczególnych faz życia (dzieciństwo i młodość, dorosłość oraz starość), przedstawiono też syntetyczną ich ocenę połączoną z próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o skuteczność podejmowanych wysiłków.
The aim of this article is the identification, presentation and evaluation of the social policy of The Second Polish Republic to the subsequent phases of the life cycle. Presented research is based on the query of archival sources, specialized press and publications. This paper presents the actions taken in Poland with respect to the subsequent phases of life (childhood and youth, adulthood and old age). The article also presents a synthetic evaluation of these actions and the answer to the question about the effectiveness of efforts in the social policy of the Second Polish Republic in relation to the life cycle.
Economic and political changes which took place in Poland at the beginning of 90s had a considerable influences on the Polish labour market. The unemployment was one of the many negative results. This phenomenon was a new and unfamiliar situation for majority of Polish society. The socialist society was free from the problem of unemployment. The situation changed dramatically at the beginning of 1990s, when the unemployment was increasing very fast. There are many types of unemployment, the worst of which is a long-term unemployment with its negative consequences for a given family. The consequences of unemployment are not only economic, but also social. It affects the realization of the basic functions of families. The lack of work influences the life of families, disturbing their functioning. As a result, there is a growing number of poor families and even chronic poverty. Therefore, the unemployment is defined as a present social matter, witch requires some solutions. The fundamental aim of this article is to discuss the social structure of Polish unemployment as well as the influence of the unemployment on the situation of Polish families. The issue was presented from the perspective of political and economic transformations occurring in Poland after 1989 and their influence on the shape of the labour market in Poland. The first part of the article deals with the problem – of the causes and the level the unemployment. The second part presents the social structure of Polish unemployment. The next part of the article discusses the implications of the unemployment for families, whereas in the last part there will be presented the governmental forms of supporting families and activating the unemployed.
This article presents the provisions of the Polish Constitution on employment policy and the potential that these provisions have in preventing crime. It discusses the role played by constitutional provisions in crime prevention concerning: a) conducting an antiunemployment policy; b) the right to minimum remuneration for work; c) work being protected by the state; d) social security of persons unable to work; e) right to information about the work of public officials. The analysis of the regulations of the Polish Constitution mentioned above was made not only from the standpoint of prevention of crime for the first time, but also in terms of combating recidivism.
This paper explores how remote work is perceived by young employees. On the basis of literature review, pilot study was undertaken (sample Olson, 1983, DeSanctis, 1984, Bailey, and Kurland, 2002; Madsen, 2011; Grant, Wallace, and Spurgeon, 2013). The results of the pilot study undertaken in Poland confirmed literature findings. It turned out that the most important for young remote workers are: flexible working hours and saving time on commuting to work. The main disadvantages of remote work include: difficulty in separating home affairs from the professional ones, social isolation and greater organizational requirements. The results of pilot study proved that other benefits and drawbacks are irrelevant. An interesting phenomenon is that in the age of social networking and extensive communication tools the second disadvantage of remote working for young remote workers is the risk of social isolation.
This paper provides analysis of local labour market of Tarnów during the period of economic transformation in 1990-1996. Domestic market has been taken as a point of reference and comparisons. This survey analyses the degrees of economic stimulation of the population; it shows changes applied to a group of people employed on the basis of a contract of employment in the branches of national economy. Besides, it shows the movement of full-time employees (hiring and firing), and the level of registered unemployment. While assessing the latter phenomenon, change tendencies (Beveridge's curve), and dividing of unemployed according to their job seniority, the duration of being unemployed, age and education have been taken into consideration. Surveys, which have been carried out, point to two evident stages of situation being formed on a labour market: in 1990-1993 - negative tendency (employment decrease and unemployment increase) and in 1994-1996 - positive tendency (employment increase and unemployment decrease). In the final part of the paper, some issues of active employment policy have been discussed, the same as prevention and combating of unemployment.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane kwestie przemian lokalnych rynków pracy w okresie transformacji gospodarki w latach 1990-1996 na przykładzie województwa (regionu) tarnowskiego na tle rynku pracy w Polsce. W analizie rynku pracy uwzględniono m.in.: stan aktywności ekonomicznej ludności, zasoby pracy, poziom zatrudnienia i bezrobocia, skutki bezrobocia, przeciwdziałanie i sposoby jego zwalczania, racjonalizację zatrudnienia i stwarzanie warunków do powstania nowych miejsc pracy.
Current economic circumstances have been dominated by changeability and turbulence. In consequence, the crisis phenomena – being the result of the market’s unpredictability – move between certain countries with an increasing intensity and, as the most explicit and fastest, the crisis’ first signals appear on labour markets. The effects of world’s economy breakdown in 2008-2009 were the reason of the necessity for most European countries to confront the alarming growth of essential market indicators. This occurrence influenced the increase of interest related to the issue of creating a more flexible labour market and, in connection to that, a comprehensive political strategy, which would enable to challenge the crisis’ impact on employment and social life. The purpose of this article is an attempt to present and compare the values of the most important indicators concerning the situation on the Polish and European Union’s labour market during the post-crisis time (2009-2011). On the basis of that, the directions of activities taken in this period to prevent the effects of world crisis and favour mitigating dangerous tendencies were being discussed.
vol. 7(43)
issue 1-2
W RFN po II wojnie światowej istniały poważne niedociągnięcia w zakresie edukacji, natomiast struktura zatrudnienia była zgodna z ogólną tendencją. Sytuacja na rynku pracy podczas recesji należała do najkorzystniejszych. Niskiej stopie bezrobocia towarzyszył stosunkowo wysoki poziom zasiłków dla bezrobotnych, co wraz z niską stopą inflacji stawiało bezrobotnych w korzystnej sytuacji bytowej. Wysoko kwalifikowani pracownicy w połączeniu z nowoczesnymi środkami pracy pozwalały na osiągnięcie dużego przyrostu dochodu narodowego. Wydajność pracy w RFN odgrywała wówczas nadrzędną rolę wśród czynników wzrostu gospodarczego. Stosowanie wydajności pracy jako głównego czynnika tworzącego dochód narodowy charakteryzowało intensywną strategię wzrostu gospodarczego. Nacisk ze strony nowoczesnych technologii i chęć kontynuowania wysokiego tempa wzrostu gospodarczego w przyszłości zmusiło rządy krajów kapitalistycznych do nadrobienia zaległości w zakresie rozwoju systemu oświaty. Większości krajów kapitalistycznych udało się to uczynić w stosunkowo krótkim czasie podczas, gdy RFN zainteresowała się tym problemem stosunkowo późno, bo dopiero na przełomie lat sześćdziesiątych i siedemdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku.
In the Federal Republic of Germany of the post-war period the educational system had major deficiencies while the employment structure was in line with the general trend. The labour market under recession was among the best. Given a low unemployment rate, relatively high unemployment benefits combined with a low inflation rate all provided the jobless with a decent living standard. Highly qualified workers and modern work methods allowed the country to grow its GDP quickly. Work efficiency in West Germany played a superior role among other economic factors. The reliance on work efficiency as a vehicle for increased national income was the mainstay of the strategy of economic growth. The increasing importance of modern technologies and a desire to maintain a high growth rate in the future forced the governments of capitalist countries to make up for educational deficiencies of previous years. Most of the capitalist countries managed to achieve that in a relatively short period of time while West Germany dealt with this issue quite late, i.e. only in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
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