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The article reveals the development of the legal status of participants of the pedagogical process in the higher school on the territory of Ukraine at the beginning of the XX century. A number of duties of the teacher of higher school, relevant for the teaching staff of the Russian and Austrian empires are distinguished, in particular: to have the corresponding scientific degree and professional qualification; to realize the high social mission of the scientist, to be the leader of the national (state) policy in the field of higher education, to take an active part in the life of the higher education institution and to be involved in the development of a strategy for the development of higher education; to provide the appropriate scientific and methodological level of teaching, to prepare articles, monographs, reviews, to conduct the guidance of dissertations of the applicants of scientific degrees; to care about professional self-improvement (foreign internships, conferences, work in scientific societies); to carry out an educational function among the population. The complex of rights, inherent for teachers of education institutions on the territory of Ukraine, is generalized, namely: academic (in the sense of the implementation of the freedom of teaching and scientific creativity), corporate (participation in meetings of collegial and advisory bodies), civil and political (freedom of speech and conscience, protection of own honor and dignity, the right to choose and be elected to bodies of state power and local government), the right of social protection (for decent wages, pension provision and sufficient life level).   It is proved that the stabilization of the legal personality of the teachers of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XX century was not made possible by the strict censorship of teaching aids, the verification of “political trustworthiness” of the content of training courses and dissertations, vigilant police surveillance, etc. The list of duties and opportunities for students to realize academic, corporate, civil and political rights, social protection rights, peculiarities of emancipation processes in the student environment, successes and failures of youth in overcoming social, national, gender discrimination in the conditions of the Russian and Austrian empires are found out. The significance of positive and negative motivation for strengthening the legal status of student youth and ensuring versatile personality development are revealed.
The Act on Higher Education and Science of 2018 considerably restricts the internal autonomy of universities. Management is vested in rectors and university boards while neglecting the role of faculties, which, if established in the first place, have been reduced to entities of no significance. The rector, as the exclusive managerial body of an institution, and the university board, representing mainly external stakeholders, as a body supervising its economy, have been vested with such an ex-tensive authority that this may result in hindering the development of multiple academic disciplines, especially those in the area of the humanities, but also in the field of social studies in many cases.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono strukturę organizacyjną wydziałów politologii uczelni polskich, które posiadają uprawnienia do nadawania stopni naukowych w zakresie nauk o polityce: liczbę pracowników i katedr oraz podział zakresów zainteresowań między katedrami.
The paper presents the organizational structure of departments of political science in Polish universities that have the power to award PhD degree in political science: the number of employees and cathedrals (chairs), and the distribution of interests (fields) between the cathedrals.
The article presents the analysis of scientific and technological activities of higher education pedagogical institutions of Ukraine at the end of 2014 according to the staffing situation, the functioning of postgraduate and doctoral studies and the availability of the valid specialized academic councils on thesis defense, according to students’ research works aiming at young scientists’ training. The criteria of evaluation of scientific work results of the university faculty and the ways to encourage young teachers to do the research work through postgraduate and doctoral studies and the defense of the thesis as the final result. We raised a problem of training young scientists int higher education pedagogical institutions of Ukraine as a powerful intellectual force, which determines the scientific future of the country. The main directions of scientific and technical activities of the universities aimed at foreign cooperation within the country and the world were defined as well. Modern guidelines for forming the international image of universities in foreign experience (the USA and European countries) have been outlined.
The Act on Higher Education and Science of 2018 considerably restricts the internal autonomy of universities. Management is vested in rectors and university boards while neglecting the role of fac-ulties, which, if established in the first place, have been reduced to entities of no significance. The rector, as the exclusive managerial body of an institution, and the university board, representing mainly external stakeholders, as a body supervising its economy, have been vested with such an ex-tensive authority that this may result in hindering the development of multiple academic disciplines, especially those in the area of the humanities, but also in the field of social studies in many cases.
Ustawa o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce z 2018 r. w poważnym stopniu ogranicza autonomię wewnętrzną w uczelni. Zarządzanie oddaje w ręce rektora i rady uczelni a pomija wydziały, które, o ile w ogóle będą powołane, zostały sprowadzone do roli podmiotów bez istotnego znaczenia. Rektor jako wyłączny kierowniczy organ uczelni i rada uczelni, reprezentująca przede wszystkim interesariuszy zewnętrznych, jako organ nadzoru nad jej gospodarką, uzyskali tak szerokie kompetencje, że w konsekwencji może to wpływać negatywnie na rozwój wielu dyscyplin naukowych, zwłaszcza z dziedziny nauk humanistycznych oraz w wielu przypadkach także społecznych.
100 years of Canon Law at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin gives a picture of an invaluable research, didactic and organisational effort. Canon law that organises the life of the community of the Church requires scientific discourse and following the fast rhythm of life. The principle of ius sequitur vitam also applies to canon law. The changing requirements of life necessitate introducing new legal regulations. Hence, in those 100 years, two Codes of 1917 and 1983, their canons, became the basis for scientific reflection, which generated scientific commentaries. The professors of the Faculty of Canon Law were actively involved in their preparation. They are authors of countless entries in encyclopaedias and lexicons. Papers delivered at congresses and conferences attest to the professors’ active participation in scientific life. They also constitute an important contribution to the promotion of the University. The faculty employees educated priests and lay people from many countries, such as Ukraine, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Belarus, and Lithuania. The involvement of our professors in the preparation of various church and state legal acts attests to the recognised expertise of the canonists from KUL. Today, when we thank God for the gift of 100 years of the University and the Faculty, we want to express our gratitude for their intellectual efforts. Finding in them the best models to follow, we want to remember their scientific endeavours and, according to our skills, continue to serve Deo et Patriae.
100 lat Prawa Kanonicznego na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim Jana Pawła II daje obraz bezcennego wysiłku badawczego, dydaktycznego i organizacyjnego. Prawo kanoniczne porządkujące życie społeczności Kościoła wymaga naukowego dyskursu i podążania za szybkim rytmem życia. Zasada ius sequitur vitam dotyczy też prawa kanonicznego. Zmieniające się wymogi życia wywołują u ustawodawcy konieczność regulacji prawnych. Stąd w tych 100 latach dwa Kodeksy z 1917 r. i z 1983 r., ich kanony stały się podstawą refleksji naukowej, która zaowocowała naukowymi komentarzami. W ich przygotowaniu brali czynny udział profesorowie Wydziału Prawa Kanonicznego. Autorstwa profesorów Wydziału są niezliczone hasła w encyklopediach i leksykonach. Wygłoszone na kongresach i konferencjach referaty są świadectwem aktywnego uczestnictwa profesorów w życiu naukowym. Stanowią też istotny wkład w promocję Uniwersytetu. Pracownicy wydziału kształcili kapłanów i osoby świeckie z wielu krajów, Ukrainy, Słowacji, Czech, Białorusi, Litwy. Zaangażowanie naszych profesorów w przygotowanie różnych aktów prawnych kościelnych i państwowych dowodzi uznanego autorytetu środowiska kanonistów KUL. Dziś, gdy dziękujemy Bogu za dar 100 lat Uniwersytetu i Wydziału chcemy wyrazić wdzięczność za ich intelektualny trud. Czerpiąc najlepsze wzorce, chcemy nie zapomnieć o ich naukowym wysiłku i stosownie do umiejętności, kontynuować służbę Deo et Patriae.
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