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The paper is an attempt to analyze the selected features and legal regulations related to foundation’s institutions, as defined in Polish law, as the specific institution of the civil society. As Authors, we are trying to follow the path of one of the most important problems regarding the theory on the civil society, taking the form of the question about locating the civil society somewhere between the public and private spheres. These issues can be especially clearly illustrated with an example or foundation’s institutions, as listing socially or economically useful goals by the lawmakers determine some scope of essential problems seen (not listed here) that could be expressed in the form of the two questions. Firstly, can a foundation be considered a social organization at all? Secondly, can a foundation perform only business activities, as the lawmakers used the conjunction typical for the non- exclusive disjunction? We think there is no simple answer for questions formed in such a way. The considerations included in this paper are included in the scope of social sciences, with particular attention paid to legal sciences and political and administrative science. This text should be qualified as interdisciplinary, though also oriented mostly to analyze legal, economic and social conditions of the essence of a foundation, as the specific formula within which tasks typical for civil society organizations can be executed.
Most of articles on patronage in Greater Poland from the 16th to the 18th century concerns a direct dependence between the patron and the client. Thus, the present work concentrates on a specific kind of patronage – scholarship foundations, which are only briefly mentioned in historiography. Some of them are not known. “Fundatio orzelkoviana” serves as an example here to show the need for detailed relevant case studies to supplement the available data. Founded by Marcin Orzeł in 1566, the foundation existed for many years and helped young people to achieve academic education. Ius patronatus and control of the foundation was assigned to the Catedral Chapter of Poznań. Admittedly, this Chapter was interested in keeping the foundation in good condition, e. g. by being aware of economic and financial factors influencing the foundation and by carrying out the recovery in debts, be it rents or fees. The source material for the present discussion comes from the Main Archive for Poznań Archdiocese (mainly the acts of the Cathedral Chapter of Poznań, Consistory Court and the canonical visitation of Bishop Tholibowski).
Artykuł składa się z trzech części: pierwsza, poprzedzona wstępem, przedstawia zwięźle sytuacje fundacji autonomicznych w diecezjach hiszpańskich i Konferencji Episkopatu Hiszpanii; w części drugiej ukazano sposób postępowania wobec fundacji publicznych i prywatnych powoływanych do życia w diecezjach hiszpańskich i przez Konferencję Episkopatu Hiszpanii, gdzie w konsekwencji zauważamy brak jasnych kryteriów w odróżnianiu fundacji publicznej od prywatnej przez władze kościelne, w momencie uregulowania prawnego o fundacjach autonomicznych. W części trzeciej zostały przedstawione niektóre propozycje umożliwiające integrację przepisów partykularnych w odniesieniu do fundacji autonomicznych.
The article is divided into three parts: the first one, preceded by an introduction, succinctly presents ethe position of autonomous foundations in Spanish dioceses and the Episcopal Conference in Spain; the second part shows the procedurę used for public and private foundations created in Spanish dioceses and by the Episcopal Conference in Spain, wher as a consequence we can see the lack of clear criteria in differentiating public and private foundautions by the Church autoritier, in the moment of legal regulating of the autonomous foundations. The third part contains presentations of some of the solutions enabling integration of particular rules concernind autonomous foundations.
El trabajo consta de tres partes: en la primera, tras una introducción, se intentará exponer brevemente la situación de las fundaciones autónomas en las diócesis españolas y en la Conferencia Espicopal española; en la segunda, se expondrán desde la práctica situaciones sobre el régimen jurídico de fundaciones autónomas públicas y privadas, que se están constituyendo en las diócesis españolas y en la Conferencia Espicopal, en las que se observa, por parte de las autoridades eclesiásticas, una falta de criterio e la hora de distinguir entre fundaciones públicas y privadas, al. Tiempo que se presenta como inevitable la necesidad de un desarrollo de la normativa particular sobre fundaciones autónomas. En la tercera parte, finalmente se esbozarán algunas propuestas que podrían integrar esta normativa particular sobre las fundaciones autónomas.
The bill provides for the introduction into the Polish legal order of a new private law institution, i.e. the family foundation, the aim of which is to accumulate family wealth allowing capital to be retained in the country for many generations and increasing the potential for domestic investment. The beneficiaries of the foundation can be natural persons (including the founder) and non-governmental organisations carrying out public benefit activities, specified in the statutes by the founder. The bill also sets out mechanisms for the termination of a family foundation and its liquidation, which are similar to the solutions known in commercial companies’ law.
In the opinion of the author, Deputies have the right to exercise their powers of control over government and local government administration bodies pursuant to the provisions of the Act on the Exercise of the Member’s and Senator’s Mandate. The author points herein to companies with the State Treasury’s shareholding, state and local government establishments and enterprises as well as social organisations and non-state economy units. The analysed regulations do not explicitly name foundations among these entities. On the other hand, the subjective scope of Deputy’s control covers State Treasury foundations established on the basis of statutes, and the scope of control of State Treasury foundations is determined by the contents of binding statutory rules and internal statutes of such foundations.
The author has analyzed the image of the “Work of the New Millennium” Foundation in nationwide weekly magazines “Gość Niedzielny”, “Newsweek Polska”, “W Sieci” and on the websites http://gosc.pl, http://www.newsweek.pl and https://www.wsieciprawdy.pl. An attempt was made to determine to what extent the editorial line of the above-mentioned press titles and websites affects the presentation of ecclesiastical institutions. The analysis covered paper editions and websites of Polish opinion-forming weeklies, which are among the most influential and, at the same time, representing a different profile: Catholic and secular (left liberal and right-wing). The author used the method of press content analysis. Press studies confirmed the catholic profile of the “Gość Niedzielny”, while in the case of secular press titles, there was no reference to the topic of the foundation, which prompted the author to try to explain such a research result based on media studies.
The obligation to keep sales records using cash registers applies to all taxpayers of the VAT performing sale to natural persons who do not run a business and flat-rate farmers. If a non-profit organization (association, foundation) sells to these entities – despite the lack of commercial nature of the activity (sale) or including economic activity into the statute – it is obliged to keep sales records using cash registers, unless it takes benefit from an exemption resulting from the relevant executory provisions.
This article discusses the issue of business activity in foundation law. The first part of the article presents various fields on which the business activity is present in everyday fuctioning of foundation. Business activity is one of the main sources of foundation's income, this is also a way to fullfill statutory goals of foundation. The activity that is economically useful can be a statutory goal of foundation and finnally foundation as a law person can be considered as a form of carring out business activity. From that perspective the rules regarding business activity of foundations in Poland had been examinated. The author proposes liberalisation of this regulation by permitting to carry out business activity without any limitations. It has been proven, that this will not influence the legal construction of foundations, as non – profit activity has actually never, even historically been the essence element of foundtion. On the contrary, first foundations were created with the for – profit intentions, that is to preserve and protect private and church fortunes. Inevitable part of this considerations has been dedicated to the regulations of business activity that is carried out by foundations with public benefit organization status. Finally the tax benefits for the organizations that carry out public benefit activity had been presented. As far as present tax regulations are concerned the indication of precise and short term of factually dedicate profit to public benefit activities in order to keep tax exemption has been introduced.
Th e business name of an entrepreneur who is a natural person may be composed of its sole name and surname. Th e business name of an entrepreneur, who is the foundation, is the name of the foundation. Th is can sometimes lead to confusion as it is not always possible to determine whether the name and surname is a business name of an entrepreneur who is a physical or the name and surname refer to that entrepreneur in circumstances not related to her business activities. Similarly, there might be doubts whether the name of the foundation is its business name as an entrepreneur or is it her name in circumstances not related to its business activities. Author approves and proposes other solutions to prevent such threats.
In his new city Constantinople, Constantine the Great established an imperial cult with pagan elements prevailing over Christian ones. This can be seen from a number of monuments and buildings, such as the Forum of Constantine with the emperor’s statue on a column, the Capitol, the emperor’s mausoleum, the Mesomphalon, and the temple of the city goddess Tyche.
The deconstruction is present in the field of Mathematics, from Arithmetic to Geometry. Naturally arises as a method and as a foundation. The deconstruction; affects the whole Mathematics as science of abstract quantity. One of the fundamentals of formal mathematics can reside in deconstruction.
The Polish statutory regulations concerning the liquidation of Foundations are contained in Article 15 of the Act of 6 April 1984 concerning Foundations, hereinafter referred to as the “Act on Foundations”. The provisions of this Article constitute the only legal basis applicable to the entire complicated process of eliminating the legal existence of a Foundation as part of its liquidation. The Act on Foundations does not establish the course of liquidation proceedings, in this respect it refers to the provisions of the Statutes. Generality and imprecisiness of the applicable legal provisions regarding the liquidation of Foundations has been the subject of universal criticism in the legal literature; the current regulation is considered inappropriate and insufficient. De lege lata indicates a clear need to apply legal solutions contained in other legal acts governing the liquidation of other legal entities to the liquidation of Foundations. Although it has been variously postulated that Foundations should be liquidated according to the laws governing the liquidation of cooperatives, Associations, or according to the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies, it is generally acknowledged that the application of the law governing cooperatives is most closely related to the liquidation of Foundations. It is worth underscoring that the proceedings for liquidating a legal cooperative are regulated rather thoroughly and appropriately and as a result they are often used.
At the beginning of February 2018, in connection with the ongoing investment in the Basilica of Bernardine church in Rzeszów (the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rzeszów) comprehensive archaeological works were conducted. They were performed by the Foundation for Archaeological centre in Rzeszów. The excavations were carried out due to the fact that during the renovation of the church and the replacement of the floor, human remains and two crypts were found. It is worth noting that within the Bernardine church no archaeological research had been previously conducted, even in the form of keeping a watching brief. Two archaeological sondages (A and B) were established during the exploration of the porch. In the course of exploration of the first trial trench burial pits with human remains were discovered. At the 50–70 cm level, the only well-preserved skeleton in an anatomical order, oriented along the north-south line (grave 12) was registered. With reference to one of the burials deposited at 90–110 cm (grave 22), a coin was found. It was located under the skull of the deceased, adjacent to the jaw and leaving a characteristic greenish discoloration on the bone. The last level at which human burials were registered was the level of 110–130 cm. The graves revealed traces of destruction by other burials or reburials with a mixed context of human remains. The second trial trench, 1.5x0.5 m, in the form of a small test pit was studied at the southern, primary entrance to the church (sondage B). During the exploration, human bones were uncovered in a mixed context that did not form any clear clusters. By conservator’s decision, the boundaries of excavations were gradually expanded to reveal as much foundation as possible and, at the same time, confirm or refute the legend about the burial of the church founder under the threshold in the porch. According to historical sources, it was Mikołaj Spytek Ligęza, who wished (in his will written on August 7, 1637) to be buried under the threshold of the church porch. The results of the research did not confirm this legend. The movable material remains chronologically correspond to the 15th to 18th centuries. With regard to uncovered ceramic forms, pots dominated among pottery vessels. A fragment of a bowl and a plate were also noted. Similar forms of vessels were known from Rzeszów. Another group of artefacts were metals, including iron nails and coffin closing staples, as well as corroded lumps, wires and wheels difficult to identify, probably associated with the equipment and construction of coffins. In addition, a fragment of the iron horseshoe protector and two coins were discovered. To sum up, it is worth noting that archaeological research carried out within the Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Rzeszów created a unique opportunity for conducting archaeological intervention research. It brought a number of new and valuable information about the history of the city. In the course of excavations, archaeologists discovered the remains of a church cemetery, which undoubtedly surrounded the former wooden church existing on the site of the present building.
Glosowana uchwała zawiera odpowiedź na pytanie prawne Sądu Okręgowego: „Czy sytuacja, w której osoba prawna ma tzw. zarząd kadłubowy, jest objęta hipotezą art. 42 § 1 k.c., a zatem sąd ustanawia dla niej kuratora?” Sąd Najwyższy odpowiedział na to pytanie twierdząco. W kontekście art. 42 k.c. uchwała Sądu Najwyższego jest trafna, natomiast w świetle stanu faktycznego, który był podstawą pytania sformułowanego przez Sąd Okręgowy, budzi pewne wątpliwości. W uzasadnieniu uchwały brak bowiem informacji na temat kompetencji organów fundacji. Nie ma więc możliwości ustalenia, czy fundacja może działać za pośrednictwem zarządu kadłubowego. W świetle art. 42 k.c. sąd powinien ustanowić dla fundacji kuratora tylko wtedy, gdy jej zarząd nie może skutecznie podejmować decyzji ze względu na brak odpowiedniej liczby członków, fundacja zaś nie ma organu uprawnionego do wykreowania nowego zarządu. Dalsze działanie fundacji w takich warunkach jest niemożliwe, ustanowiony przez sąd kurator powinien więc doprowadzić do jej likwidacji.
The resolution of the High Court positively answers the question whether the guardian, mentioned in paragraph 42 of the Polish Civil Code, should also be appointed in a situation, when the management board has unfilled posts. Due to paragraph 42 the resolution is right but it gives no practical solution in the case which was decided by the Court. The guardian should be appointed only to liquidate the foundation, when the foundation’s organs cannot effectively make decisions.
W 1649 roku zmarł Stanisław Lubomirski h. Drużyna lub Śreniawa bez Krzyża, fundator klasztoru Karmelitów bosych w Nowym Wiśniczu. Był synem Sebastiana, kasztelana małogoskiego i Anny z Ruszczy Branickiej, urodził się w 1583 roku. Uczył się w kolegium jezuickim w Monachium, studia uniwersyteckie odbył w Padwie (1600), odbył też podróże po Francji i Niderlandach. W 1613 roku poślubił księżną Zofię Ostrogską (zm. 1622), z którą miał trzech synów oraz dwie córki. Zwycięstwo chocimskie w 1621 roku zapewniło mu wielkie uznanie i sławę. Otrzymał godności i urzędy: w 1620 roku podczaszego koronnego i zastępcy hetmana wielkiego litewskiego Jana Karola Chodkiewicza, w 1628 roku – wojewody ruskiego, w 1638 roku – wojewody krakowskiego. Król nadał mu 7 starostw. Był wybitnym przedstawicielem współczesnego sobie pokolenia a zarazem nowego rodzaju działaczy sceny politycznej. „Jego dom wzniósł się świeżo między najpierwsze w Rzplitej – na regalizmie, na usługach wojennych, ale zwłaszcza na soli i skrzętnej gospodarce”, do tego stopnia, iż w zupełności uniezależnił się od króla. Pomimo że „posiadał gwałtowne usposobienie, ogromną ambicję i niemal bezgraniczną pychę”, wykazywał się troską o ojczyznę, jak też o innych ludzi szczególnie bliżej z nim związanych, dla których potrafił być życzliwy i dobry. Dochodziło w ten sposób do wiązania się uboższej szlachty, zwłaszcza uciekającej przed deklasacją, z Lubomirskimi, co z kolei oddziaływało na dalsze znaczenie tego rodu. Śreniawita ten otoczył zatem swym patronatem sporą grupę uciekającej pod jego opiekę klienteli. Nie należy zapominać także, iż nie tylko stworzył wspaniały dwór – najpotężniejszą w kraju twierdzę, ale przede wszystkim środowisko, gdzie urzekał wschodnim przepychem i wielkopańską ekstrawagancją i był zasłużonym i hojnym mecenasem. Biorąc to wszystko pod uwagę, możemy uznać Lubomirskiego nie tylko za wybitną postać w historii Polski pierwszej połowy XVII wieku, ale i za wzór osobowy polskiego parlamentarzysty i senatora. Nowy Wiśnicz zaś, ze swoim klasztorem dziś nieistniejącym, to nie tylko prowincjonalne miasteczko, ale także miejscowość, gdzie wielka historia Polski znalazła swoje miejsce i upamiętnienie. Jest ono więc wymownym przykładem związków „małej ojczyzny” z „ojczyzną większą”, małej miejscowości z życiem całego państwa i narodu, tak w dniach jego chwały, jak i niewyobrażalnego cierpienia.
Stanisław Lubomirski of the coat of arms of Fellowship or Śreniawa without a cross died in 1649. He was the founder of the Discalced (Barefoot) Carmelite Monastery in Nowy Wiśnicz. Lubomirski was the son of Sebastian, the castellan of Małogoszcz and Anna Branicka from Ruszcza. He was born in 1583, later studied at Jesuit College in Munich and at the University of Padua (1600), then travelled widely over France and the Netherlands. In 1613 he married princess Zofia Ostrogska (died in 1622) who gave birth to his 5 children, three sons and 2 daughters. The victory at the battle of Chocim brought him a significant recognition and fame. He received honours and state functions: the royal cup bearer and a deputy of the grand hetman of Lithuania Jan Karol Chodkiewicz in 1620; a Ruthenian voivode in 1628 and then a voivode of Kraków in 1638. The king gave him 7 starosties (royal lands). Lubomirski was an outstanding representative of the contemporary generation as well as of a new breed of political activists. Thanks to his connections with the court, warfare and business skills, he became one of the most important and influential figures in Poland of that time – so important that he became independent of the king. Although he was hot tempered, highly ambitious and utterly arrogant, Lubomirski showed a lot of care for his country as well as other people, especially those who were close to him. He could be really kind and benevolent to them. Such attitude bound the poorer nobility who were escaping from declassing with the Lubomirski’s family, increasing its future significance. Thus this Śreniawa took under his wings a considerable number of noblemen seeking his care. It mustn’t be forgotten that not only did he create a splendid court and the mightiest stronghold in the country as well as the milieu, where he charmed with eastern splendour and lordly extravagance, but above all he was a distinguished and generous patron. Taking it all into consideration, Lubomirski can be regarded not only as an outstanding figure in the history of Poland of the first half of the 17th century but also as a role model of a Polish parliamentarian and senator. Nowy Wiśnicz, accordingly, with its presently non-existent monastery, is nowe not only a provincial town but also a place where a piece of great Polish history found its place and commemoration. The town is therefore a meaningful example of links between ‘a small homeland’ and a ‘bigger homeland’, the links of a small town with the life of the whole country and a nation at the times of its glory and inconceivable suffering.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 18
issue 1
Allen Texten, die im Neuen Testament die Fundamentsymbolik enthalten, ist gemein die Idee der Kirche. Das Bild vom Fundament ist ziemlich häufig im Neuen Testament; man bezeichnet mit diesem Symbol so Jesus wie auch die Zwölf, und zwischen den letzten im Besonderen Petrus. Es scheint; dass als Grundlage der Benutzung der Fundamentsymbolik in den ekklesialen Texten des Neuen Testaments die Idee des neuen Bundes, den Christus im Namen des neuen Gottesvolkes geschlossen hat, liegt. Deshalb ist er das erste und wichtigste Fundament der ganzen Struktur der Kirche. In Jesu Person begann die Idee des neuen Bundes sich zu verwirklichen; auch nach seiner Aufersteheung hörte er nicht auf die erste Person in der Kirche zu sein. Die Situation ist aber dann um soviel geändert, das gemäss seiner Bestätigungen, die Funktion der Vermittelung zwischen Gott und dem Gottesvolk des neuen Bundes nun von den Aposteln selbständig ausgerichtet wurde. Von Jesu gesandt, so wie er vom Vater gesandt worden war, haben sie in den einzelnen Gemeinden die Funktion des Fundaments der Kirche übergenommen. Ausgezeichnet in dieser Mission war Petrus, dessen Vorrechte nicht nur das evangelizierende Gottesvolk betrafen, sondern auch das Kollegium der Zwölf, die Pflichten für die Apostel und die Gläubigen; für die Apostel ist es die Treue den staments ist also ein Gottesvolk am strengsten so mit Christus wie auch mit den Aposteln, den Mittlern in der Realisation des neuen Bundes, vereinigt. Die ehrenvolle Vereinigung mit Christus - dem unersetzbaren Fundament - bestimmt auch die Pflichtne für die Apostel und die Gläubigen; für die Apostel ist es die Treue den Aufträgen Christi zu bewahren und nur seine Botschaft zu verkündigen. Von den Gläubigen, die auf dem Fundament der Apostel-Propheten aufgebaut sind, verlangt es eine unaufhörliche gemeinschaftliche Sorgfalt um das Wachstum der Kirche, die Dank der gemeinsam en Bemühung aller Gläubigen zu einem heiligen Tempel im Herrn wächst.
The aim of the paper is to indicate the general princi-ples of tax liability of foundation management board members. Among the issues to be considered in detail are those related to the temporal scope of liability of foundation management board members, the manner of declaring resignation from the position of a board mem-ber, resulting in effective withdrawal from the board, and the impact of sharing competences between indi-vidual foundation management board members on the scope of their liability for tax obligations. The analysis was conducted primarily on the basis of the provisions of the Tax Ordinance.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie ogólnych zasad ponoszenia odpowiedzialności podatkowej przez członków zarządu fundacji. Wśród kwestii będących przedmiotem szczegółowych rozważań są zagadnienia związane z czasowym zakresem odpowiedzialności członków zarządu fundacji, ze sposobem złożenia rezygnacji z pełnienia funkcji członka zarządu, prowadzącym do skutecznego wystąpienie z zarządu, oraz z wpływem podziału kompetencji między poszczególnych członków zarządu fundacji na zakres ich odpowiedzialności za zobowiązania podatkowe. Analizę przeprowadzono przede wszystkim na podstawie przepisów Ordynacji podatkowej.
We know astonishingly little about life of Alfred Jurzykowski, one of the richest Polish businessmen, and also the founder of the largest of the Polish foundations, as well as the Alfred Jurzykowski Award program, commonly called “the Polish Nobel prize”. There are only two short bios both of them omit almost completely the New York period of life and activity of the Polish businessman. Zenon Rogoziński, author of one of those concise biographies mentions only that after the September 1939 war against Nazi Germany, Jurzykowski arrived in New York City, where he founded, together with Mr. Alfred Schenker, known to him from the pre-war Poland, a chocolate factory, “Delicia” Chocolate and Candy Manufacturing Co. Facts, established after my research at the New York archives deny that. There are names of different persons on a letter of incorporation of December 1940. They were somehow connected with Poland, as well as engaged with the confectionary business. However, there is no name of Jurzykowski nor Schenker. Name of the latter, one may find only on the next official document from 1954 when a fusion between “Delicia” with another business took place. Closer examination of documents available makes one to believe that Jurzykowski was in fact among the founders of that factory, but as a foreigner just recently arrived in the US he preferred that others – American citizens well known from their busi-nesslike activity, stepped forward. This supposition is additionally confirmed by Alfred Jurzykowski’s letter to the President of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences with which the Polish businessman showed himself for the first time as a philanthropist and supporter of Polish culture. He declared his willingness to a generous finance of a scholarly work – a publication about the contribution of the Polish forces in Allied army to the victory in the WWII. He signed this letter of December 1948 as the President of the Board and it seems improbable that in eight years he could have made such a career even in a relatively small business as “Delicia” was: from “nobody,” to the President of the company. The paper makes only a small contribution to Alfred Jurzykowski’s biography. It is important though, since it was Jurzykowski’s constant search for less expensive sources of production – cocoa and coffee – that has made him go farther and farther from New York City to Central America until he got to Brasil. And it was there where he found out that in that enormous country there was an opportunity for a much larger business – automobile industry which became source of his huge fortune.
Zaskakująco niewiele wiemy o życiu jednego z najbogatszych polskich przedsiębiorców, Alfredzie Jurzykowskim i jednocześnie twórcy największej swego czasu fundacji polskiej oraz programu nagród zwanych „polskim Noblem‖. Istnieją tylko dwa krótkie jego życiorysy, w których niemal całkowicie pomija się okres nowojorski życia biznesmena. W jednej z tych zwięzłych biografii, pióra Zenona Rogozińskiego, wspomina się jedynie, iż po klęsce wrześniowej w 1939 r. Alfred Jurzykowski przybył do Nowego Jorku, gdzie wraz ze swym znajomym jeszcze sprzed wojny, Alfredem Schenkerem, założył fabrykę wyrobów czekoladowych – Delicia Chocolate and Candy Manufacturing Co. Poszukiwania w nowojorskich archiwach zaprzeczają tej informacji. Na dokumencie założycielskim firmy z końca 1940 r. podpis złożyły inne osoby – także związane z Polską, także zaangażowane w przemyśle cukierniczym. Nie ma jednak ani nazwiska Jurzykowskiego, ani Schenkera. Nazwisko tego ostatniego figuruje dopiero na kolejnym oficjalnym dokumencie z 1954 r., kiedy doszło do fuzji firmy Delicia z innym przedsiębiorstwem. Analiza dostępnych dokumentów skłania jednak do przypuszczenia, iż Jurzykowski faktycznie należał do założycieli tej firmy, ale jako cudzoziemiec, niedawny przybysz do miasta, wolał, aby na pierwszy plan wysunęli się ludzie z obywatelstwem amerykańskim i znani z prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej. Domysł ten zdaje się potwierdzać list Jurzykowskiego do prezesa Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego, w którym biznesmen po raz pierwszy pojawił się jako patron kultury polskiej gotów do hojnego sfinansowania przedsięwzięcia naukowego – opracowania roli polskich sił zbrojnych na Zachodzie w dziele zwycięstwa nad hitlerowskimi Niemcami. W liście tym z grudnia 1948 r. podpisał się jako prezes zarządu, a wydaje się mało prawdopodobne, aby w ciągu ośmiu lat mógł zrobić nawet w niewielkiej firmie tak błyskawiczną karierę – z „nikogo‖, do szefa fabryki o poważnych dochodach. Ów drobny przyczynek do biografii Alfreda Jurzykowskiego jest o tyle ważny, że właśnie w poszukiwaniu coraz tańszych źródeł surowca dla przedsiębiorstwa Delicia – kawy i kakao wypuszczał się on coraz dalej z Nowego Jorku do Ameryki Środkowej i Południowej. Wreszcie trafił do Brazylii, gdzie szybko zorientował się, iż w tym ogromnym kraju istnieją znacznie większe możliwości rozwoju biznesu.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
vol. 23
issue 2
The roots of foundations go back to Roman Law, in which they functioned as units without a legal personality. In most cases, foundations had the form of a legacy or donatio sub modo for the benefit of existing persons. The currently-binding legal framework lacks even a general concept of a charitable trust. In fact, no legal system includes a legal definition of a charitable trust. Such a legal status is unacceptable. Does it mean that it is impossible to establish such a trust in practice? A charitable trust cannot be treated only as resulting from the “concept” of property management in accordance with the founder’s will. This concept cannot form the basis for detailed legal opinions. In such a situation, it seems essential to find the basis for its lawful activities and related detailed legal assessment. In this article I am going to attempt to set the direction for discussion and point out the consequences of this interpretation of the subject matter.
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