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Innovative development of a place is necessary associated with the individual positioning of the place. Europe consists of more than 100 thousand competing territorial units, which need to attract the potential consumers by means of creating a bright and actual image. Without having the unique, characteristic image, a potentially attractive place can remain unnoticed on the enormous European location market.The objective of this research is improving our understanding of a place image and its influence on competitiveness of the location. Over the last decades, the emotional essence of place image has made considerable impact on economic and demographic development of places. This project will allow us to study quantitatively the increasing value of a place image as determinative of its appeal. Our project, thus, aspires to improve measurements of features of a place image for the purpose of management on the level of location attractiveness.The research into and expression of geographical identity of a place is convenient to carry out, using the image of a Dragon as the personification of «genius loci». The methodology is confirmed on the example of a number of cities in the southeast area of Bulgaria.
The Lubovna Castle and its annexed Museum of Folk Architecture present a unique site in Central Europe. In the past permanent exhibitions in the castle contained collections of mostly ethnographic character. A significant change in the contents of the expositions occurred after the reconstruction and opening of the main castle tower, followed by the reconstruction of the Renaissance and Baroque palaces. Museum employees are currently taking up a challenge of creating a temporary or permanent exposition in the Lubomirsky Baroque Palace. The article presents the development of the castle exhibitions from 1966 up till now. It is a testimony based on the history of the place and experiences of generations of Stara Lubovna museologists.
Podstawą rewitalizacji związanej z tożsamością miejsca jest przywrócenie życia, określenie lub odnalezienie ducha miejsca – tożsamości rewitalizowanym obszarom. Genius loci Pragi określają niepowtarzalny charakter, porządek i kompozycja przestrzeni, obiekty, ich struktura i relacje oraz rytm czasu. Do zrozumienia niepowtarzalnego charakteru miejsca niezbędna jest świadomość niewidzialnych wymiarów przestrzeni oraz jej znaczeń. Magnesem Pragi jest tożsamość: autentyczna tkanka miejska, układ urbanistyczny i architektura, przestrzenie publiczne o charakterze handlowym o ponadwiekowej tradycji, bogata historia, wielokulturowość, społeczność prażan – jako odrębnego środowiska z praską gwarą, bliskie sąsiedztwo Starego Miasta i skomunikowanie II linią metra z centrum miasta, charakter artystyczny dzielnicy, bogata infrastruktura społeczna – to wszystko buduje klimat miejsca, który przyciąga środowiska artystyczne, inwestorów i turystów. Autorka przedstawiła charakterystykę tożsamości warszawskiej Pragi oraz procesy niszczące i budujące ją. Wykazała, iż świadomość istnienia niewidzialnych wymiarów przestrzeni pozwoli zrozumieć obecną popularność Pragi.
The basis for revitalization related to identity of the place is the restoration of life with determination in searching for spirit of the place – the identity of revitalized areas. Genius loci of Praga determines not only the unique character, order and composition of district space, relations of structure, and the pace of life, but also unseen dimensions of space and its meaning. That helps to understand the unique nature of the place. Charm of Praga is its identity: authentic urban fabric and layout, historical architecture, public trade spaces with old tradition, rich history, location well connected with II subway line with the Warsaw downtown and location in walk distance to the Old Town, multicultural community of Praga – separate Praga’s community with its dialect, artistic neighbourhood, rich social infrastructure – all of this creates a specific atmosphere of the place, attracting the artistic society and tourists. The author presents characteristics of Praga’s identity and processes that destroy or build it. She shows that awareness of the existing invisible space dimensions will allow understanding current popularity of Praga.
In the context of the ideas of geopoetics, the article examines the images of three cities-Polotsk, Vilnius, Moscow-in the work of the famous Belarusian poet Oleg Minkin. Poems from two poetic cycles are analyzed: Гарады (Cities) and Гастарбайт (Gastrbayt). Attention is drawn to such categories as biographical and cultural space, therapeutic landscape and nostalgic landscape, the influence of literary tradition on the image of the city and the influence of the cultural environment of the city on the national identity of the poet. In search of the genius loci of the three cities, Oleg Minkin portrays Polotsk as a city awakening its national identity, a space of hope, Vilnius as a harmonious space for life and, at the same time, a place of nostalgia for the former glory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and Moscow as a new Babylon, a mixture of languages and peoples, a space of concentrated longing and nostalgia for the homeland.
The lakeland of Trakai is a historically, culturally, and ecologically meaningful place in Lithuania, an important realm of memory and symbol of national identity. In 1991 the historical national park of Trakai was established, bringing under its umbrella material and intangible qualities of the cultural landscape and spirit of this place. This article approaches components of the genius loci of Trakai, interpreting this concept through the lenses of the politics of the protected areas in Lithuania, asserting it was closely intertwined with an idea of sacrum, based on the aim to represent regional specifics and ethnic identity of the Lithuanian nation. Based on long-term personal observations of how values and regulations of the historical national park of Trakai evolved and were introduced in the local context in practice, a critical approach is applied concerning the separation of the local community from their decision-making about the symbolic or physical usage of their surroundings. Multiethnicity with the significant Slavic cultural element of Trakai is discussed as one of the reasons explaining why folkways of the local inhabitants were not equally involved in the whole picture of place identity, leaving the human component of the genius loci aside. The analytical line of the article focuses on the contradiction between the peculiarities of the local culture and national ideas, while the empirical presentation of the theme is set forth through the presentation of the four dimensions of sacrum: historical, cultural, ecological, and human.
The article presents the way of domesticating the space of the health resort and hospital in three works of Miron Białoszewski: The Heart Attack, Konstancin and The Letters to Eumenides. The illness – in 1974 first and then in theyear 1983, second heartattack – forces thewriterto stay consecutively in unfamiliar health resorts, and at the same time it opens a new stage in his life and work. Following the assumptions of geopoetics that the way of seeing space is associated with the activity and the perception of the entity, as well as taking into account the causative role of the places, I analyze the changes occurring in Białoszewski’s health resort texts. I further present the stages of constructing the “self” and demonstrate the importance of space of the health resort and hospital in each of the stages. 
The article presents a new understanding of the meaning and functions of a regional museum in the face of changes taking place in the contemporary world. These changes concern the very philosophy of man, whose role is less perceived in terms of supremacy over the natural environment, and more in terms of equality. Next, the role of the nation-state is diminished for the benefit of the global society, at the same time expanding the space for cultural localisms, including regional and minority ones. Localisms, in turn, go beyond the sphere of ethnos, embracing cultural divisions of the typological order. The criteria for describing cultural peculiarities go beyond the affirmation of one's own heritage, while focusing on its dark sides. All of these and other processes make it necessary to redefine the mission of a regional museum, the main task of which, after all, is to display the genius loci, the spirit of the place where the museum operates and which it aims to express.
Artykuł prezentuje nowe spojrzenie na znaczenie i funkcje muzeum regionalnego wobec zmian mających miejsce w świecie współczesnym. Zmiany te dotyczą samej filozofii człowieka, którego rola coraz mniej postrzegana jest w kategoriach supremacji wobec środowiska naturalnego, a coraz bardziej relacji równorzędności. Dalej, ma miejsce pomniejszanie roli państwa narodowego na rzecz społeczeństwa globalnego, poszerzając zarazem przestrzeń dla lokalizmów kulturowych, w tym regionalnych i mniejszościowych. Lokalizmy z kolei wykraczają poza sferę etnosu, obejmując swym zasięgiem podziały kulturowe z porządku typologicznego. Kryteria opisu osobliwości kulturowych wychodzą poza ramy afirmacji własnego dziedzictwa, skupiając się zarazem na jego ciemnych stronach. Te i inne procesy pociągają konieczność redefinicji misji muzeum regionalnego, którego wszak naczelnym zadaniem pozostaje eksponowanie genius loci, ducha miejsca, w którym muzeum funkcjonuje i którego ma wyrażać.
Mountains are stable and evident phenomenon, especially in contrast with large lowland, as in case of Poland. They determine separateness of the greatest West Slavonic nation from its southern neighbours. On the other hand, in the past Carpathians and Sudeten were a scarcely populated area, entered by the German (from the west) and Walachian (from the south-east) migrants, with important cultural and political consequences. The effect was the diversification of ethnical landscape, with consequences for the process of shaping of modern nations, especially in the case of Slovak nation, which absorbed the great part of eastern, shepherd imigration. For Czechs and Hungarians mountains were protection from German or Slavic environment. Slavic nations after the second World War were situated, as an effect of ethnical cleansing, in national states with large “Wild Camps” in depopulated German or Ukrainian highlands. In this situation especially valuable is the old community of Polish highlanders, perceived abroad as stereotyped Poles with great love for homeland and liberty.
„It was all there already, from the beginning” – Microcosms by Claudio Magris as a Triestineauto/bio/geography Abstract The aim of my article is to study the relation between the subject and the city, focusing on thecase of an autobiographic essayistic novel by a contemporary Italian writer Claudio Magris.The space of Trieste, author’s native city, plays a multiple role in the Microcosms narration.On one hand, it works as a “mnemotechnical pretext” for the protagonist’s sentimentaljourney into the past, both individual and collective. On the other hand, the city space canbe seen as an active factor, shaping the hero’s “triestine” state of mind and reflecting itself inthe novel’s poetics. In my analysis, I refer to some essential categories of geopoetics (“auto/bio/geography” by Elżbieta Rybicka, Tadeusz Sławek’s and Stefan Symotiuk’s interpretationsof genius loci), as well as to Walter Benjamin’s oeuvre, which I consider one of the mostimportant Microcosms’ intertexts. Keywords: Claudio Magris, Trieste, city, auto/bio/geography, space, genius loci
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
vol. 4
issue 1
Cultural Policy of Lublin in the Light of Efforts for the Title of European Capital of Culture 2016
At the beginning of April 1914 Ivo Andrić, the young poet, after completing college education inSarajevo (1911), and than after brief episodes of studies in Zagreb (1912) and Vienna (1913),decided to undertake studies at the Jagiellonian Univesity in Cracow. Why did conventionalbourgeois world, at first glance not so different from world of salons in Zagreb and Vienna, seem to be a “better world” for the writer of Croatian-Bosnian roots? Presenting Andrić’s choices on the eve of World War I, reflected in his gestures of rejection, as well as gestures of afimation, I show the role of meeting with Cracow and the Polish culture in formation of his hybrid Yugoslavic identity. Documentaries are the starting point for reflection on the influence of the genius loci of Cracow on the formation of the intellectual silhouette of the Yugoslavic Nobel-Prize winner (1892–1975).
Na początku kwietnia 1914 roku Ivo Andrić, wówczas młody poeta, opuściwszy Bośnię poukończeniu nauki w sarajewskim gimnazjum (1911), a następnie po krótkich epizodach studióww Zagrzebiu (1912) i Wiedniu (1913), decyduje się na podjęcie nauki na krakowskim Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Dlaczego konwencjonalny mieszczański świat, na pierwszy rzut oka nie tak przecież odmienny od opuszczonego przez Andricia świata salonów Zagrzebia i Wiednia, wydał się pisarzowi o bośniacko-chorwackich korzeniach, światem „lepszym”? Prezentując wyborypisarza w przededniu wybuchu pierwszej wojny światowej, przejawiające się zarówno w gestach odrzucenia, jak i w gestach afirmacji, pokazuję rolę, jaką w kształtowaniu się hybrydycznej, jugosłowiańskiej tożsamości twórcy odegrało spotkanie z polską kulturą początku XX wieku. Materiały dokumentalne stanowią punkt wyjścia do refleksji nad wpływem genius loci Krakowa na kształtowanie się intelektualnej sylwetki jugosłowiańskiego Noblisty (1892–1975).
Celem rozważań jest zwrócenie uwagi na współczesne zjawisko odrodzenia kultury na warszawskiej Pradze w oparciu o zjawisko powstawania „dzielnicy artystycznej”. Zastosowano metody badań niezbędne dla zrozumienia problemu naukowego. Zmiany zachodzące na warszawskiej Pradze, niegdyś dzielnicy kojarzonej wyłącznie z przestępczością i biedą, bezpośrednio bądź pośrednio powiązane są z autentyczną tkaną miejską i lokalnymi tradycjami. Ten unikatowy „praski klimat” spowodował powstanie nowych współczesnych środowisk społecznych – neo-bohemy. Stworzenie przestrzeni, która nie zakłóci charakteru Pragi zwanego potocznie „praskim klimatem”, to nowe zadania dla architektów i urbanistów. W artykule autorka wykazała, iż kluczem do zrozumienia genius loci Pragi stanowi nie tylko świadomość autentyczności architektury, ale również lokalnej społeczności, jej potrzeb, patriotyzmu, hartu ducha, dążeń i niezaprzeczalnego potencjału. Materiał będący wynikiem badań jest wyjściowy dla dalszych opracowań, zakłada się jego rozpowszechnianie wśród projektantów, inwestorów, artystów związanych z warszawską Pragą.
The aim of considerations is to draw attention to the modern phenomenon of cultural Renaissance in Warsaw Praga District on the basis of the phenomenon of “art district”. The author applied the research methods necessary for understanding the scientifi c problem. The changes taking place in Praga, a former district being associated exclusively with crime and poverty, directly or indirectly are related to the authentic structure of municipal and local traditions. This unique “Praga climate” caused the emergence of new contemporary social environments - neo-bohemian. Creating a space that does not disturb the character of Praga, commonly referred to as “Praga atmosphere”, is a new task for architects and urban planners. In the article, the author showed that the key to understanding the “genius loci” of Praga is not only awareness of the authenticity of the architecture, but also the local community, its needs, patriotism, fortitude, aspirations, and undeniable potential. The material resulting from the research is a starting point for further studies, assumed its spread among designers, investors, and artists associated with Warsaw Praga.
The note concerns Jadwiga and Tadeusz Kuta private theatre, Teatr Nasz (Our theatre), which performs in the Karkonosze village of Michałowice. The actors sold their possessions in the city and decided to settle in the mountains, giving up their comfortable jobs in an institutional theatre. Twenty-five years ago they erected a wooden theatre building, a restaurant and cottages for guests in Michałowice. Their spectators flee cities in order to find some rest in Michałowice, and watch cabaret, comedy and musical shows. They also undergo a humor therapy, as it were, and experience the refreshing influence of the mountains.
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