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Oeconomia Copernicana
vol. 6
issue 2
This article aims to analyze the process of energy transformation in Germany and renewable energy state support as an example of a strategic and effective policy. Energy transition in Germany, which leads to replacement of conventional energy with renewable sources and increase of energy efficiency is a long-term project requiring a strong state intervention. This project is supported with European Union green energy policy giving favorable legal and institutional framework for green technologies development. The process of energy transformation in Germany started more than two decades ago and nowadays this economy benefits from growing number of new jobs and export of high-tech products. The article analyzes the concept of "green growth" in the EU, which is both determinant and the effect of energy transformation in Germany. It discusses support mechanisms and instruments for German green energy sector, transformation goals in that area, financing sources and the most important economic effects.
Green growth strategies thus need to be robust, what requires carefully designed tools. One of the prerequisites is the appropriate green growth measurement framework. It should allow discerning the effectiveness of policies in delivering green growth. This is where this paper tries to offer a new angle by searching for appropriate indicators that can capture different aspects of eco-innovation. Eco-innovation can be defined as innovation that results in a reduction of environmental impact. Country data from the 2008 Community Innovation Survey is used in the analysis. Dataset consist of 14 variables on environmental benefits and motivations. The aim of the presented study is to reduce the number of variables into factors to discover which of available variables form coherent subsets. It is argued here that such approach can help to construct appropriate indicators, that can capture different aspects of eco-innovation, that are crucial from the point of view of policy-making and policy evaluation.
Green growth is a new approach to the economy that assumes the efficient use of raw materials while minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The aim of the study is to assess green growth in the European Union countries in 2019. For this purpose, secondary data was used and a multidimensional analysis of sustainable development was performed. The non-pattern model together with the Hellwig and Ward methods were implemented. This enabled a comparison between countries, and their classification due to a similar level of development. Based on the analysis, a large discrepancy in terms of green growth was observed in the examined countries. It was noted that the disproportion may turn out to be a problem in the implementation of the sustainable development policy. The results also showed that the position of the country is reflected in its geographic location.
At present, the result of turbulent changes on world markets becomes the centre of attention smart and sustainable growth. There sis a necessity to calculate and prognose development of situation in different regions of Slovak Republic. This means that the emphasis is on both the expansion of green logistics and green supply chains. It is therefore possible to reduce energy consumption and transport costs just minimizing transported kilometres, searching for new transport routes, the use of more efficient transport of goods, improving transport capacity of goods or consolidation of shipments. Since this is possible to achieve the elimination of carbon emissions and great emphasis is put on recycling, use of alternative fuels, but also for the observation of the carbon footprint.12
Research background: Economic growth is unsustainable. However, a circular economy has the potential to lead to sustainable development, while decoupling economic growth from the negative consequences of resource depletion and environmental degradation. The EU's strategy of climate neutralization in 2050 developed, inter alia, into a European Green Deal action plan aiming at the efficient use of resources by moving to a cleaner, circular economy. More sustainable EU food system is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal. The European Commission's goal is 25% of agricultural land to be used for organic production in 2030. The question is if it is possible to reach the objective with the use of current incentives. What else may be done to encourage European farmers to convert to organic farming? Purpose of the article: The aim of this research is to review the development of organic agriculture in Europe and the EU and to identify incentives for farmers to convert to organic farming. Methods: First of all, the methodological approach is to iteratively review the existing literature to frame the problem. Secondly, the data on organic agriculture in Europe is to be analyzed to answer the research questions. The analysis is based on international statistics, mainly collected by FiBL, IFOAM, EC Agri-food data portal and Eurostat..Fitting the trend functions to the actual data has been made in three scenarios (pessimistic, realistic and optimistic). These trend functions were used for the long-term forecasts of the share of organic farmland in the EU. Findings & value added: The long-run forecast might be treated as a goal, which can motivate to act more intensively to achieve the objective. The existing measures, including organic farming payments, are not sufficient to meet the goal of massive increase in the acreage under organic production. It is necessary to develop new incentives e.g. Green Public Procurement, innovative and effective media campaigns, development of a dynamic network of actors within the organic food supply chain with the use of blockchain technology.
Research background: Many scientists have researched the economic competitiveness of agriculture. At the same time, considerably less attention is paid to the so-called green competitiveness. Considering a global trend searching for solutions to reduce the environmental impact of the agricultural sector, it seems reasonable to explore the overlap between economic competitiveness and green competitiveness. Purpose of the article: This study aims to answer the following questions: What is the level of economic and green competitiveness of agriculture in respective countries? What is the level of the comprehensive competitiveness of agriculture in EU member states?  Do the economic competitiveness outcomes of respective countries coincide with their green competitiveness rankings? Methods: Taxonomic methods were applied to design synthetic indices of economic, green and comprehensive competitiveness of 27 member states of the European Union, based on multi-criteria sets of specific indicators from 2018. Findings & value added: The results of analyses imply that, in general, the level of green competitiveness of agriculture is higher than the level of its economic competitiveness in EU member states. Simultaneously, the developed rankings show that respective countries' economic and green competitiveness are not linked. In other words, economic competitiveness outcomes do not match green competitiveness outcomes for EU agriculture. This work is a genuine contribution to studies on the methods for measuring and evaluating the competitiveness of agriculture as it designs separate synthetic measures for economic and green competitiveness and confronts both types of competitiveness in EU member states. The research findings for the first time provide clear answers to questions about the mutual relationship between economic and green competitiveness in agriculture. Furthermore, an added value of this study is that it introduces and attempts to define the notion of green competitiveness.
The paper aim is to increase knowledge concerning formation of eco-clusters regarding their origin and transformation process. Since eco-innovation is emerging as an industry, it should attract attention of decisionmakers of different levels. Author presents the complexity of eco-clusters development and the consequences for its governance. The paper shows what is the role of different stakeholders in this process. The author aim is to recognize the current links between cluster policy directed to sustainability and eco-innovation. Clustering may have significant implication on development of a city or a whole region. From the perspective of regional or city development, eco clusters can play important role in development strategies. Countries, regions and cities search how to improve competitive conditions and attract firms and other stakeholders to their locations prepared for cluster initiatives. Author analyzes policy and support instruments for eco-clusters used in the European Union and in Poland. The paper reviews main theoretical framework, empirical findings and statistical data on clusters in Europe.
Konieczność utrzymania wzrostu oraz rozwoju gospodarczego łączy się w obecnych warunkach z koniecznością zachowania jakości środowiska i jakości życia. Poszczególne gospodarki przekształcają swoje wzorce produkcji i konsumpcji w kierunku gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, neutralności węglowej i eliminacji negatywnych skutków zmian klimatu, mając na celu ochronę zasobów, w świetle zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju. W niniejszym artykule skupiamy się na zielonym wzroście i zielonej gospodarce, jako aktualnej i preferowanej koncepcji na drodze do zrównoważonego rozwoju. Głównym celem artykułu jest przegląd teoretycznych podejść do koncepcji zielonego wzrostu oraz zielonej gospodarki. Aby osiągnąć główny cel, wykorzystano analizę dokumentów oraz źródeł deklarujących różne podejścia i sposoby przedstawiania zielonego wzrostu oraz zielonej gospodarki. Artykuł przedstawia poglądy na temat wspólnych punktów zbieżności, rozbieżności oraz kierunków rozwoju koncepcji zieleni, korzystając ze źródeł literaturowych.
The need to maintain economic growth and development is, in the current conditions, coupled with the need to maintain a quality environment and quality of life. Individual economies are transforming their production and consumption patterns towards a circular economy, carbon neutrality and the elimination of the negative impacts of climate change, with the aim of conserving resources, in the light of the principles of sustainable development. In this paper we focus on the green growth and the green economy, as a current and the preferred concepts on the road to sustainability. The main objective of this paper is to review the theoretical approaches to the concepts of green growth and green economy. To achieve the main objective, an analysis of documents and sources declaring different approaches and ways to presenting the green growth and green economy was used. This article presents views on the common points of convergence, divergence and directions of development of green concepts, using the literature sources.
The main purpose of the study is an assessment of the relationships between sustainable competitiveness of the economy, sustainable development and responsible innovations. For this purpose the indicators from the 2030 Agenda and data published by OECD describing the concept of green growth were used. The results were obtained on the basis of a two-stage procedure. In the first step the rankings of the EU countries in each the considered areas were calculated and in the second one the results of the previous stage were used to create typological groups with the application of correspondence analysis. The outcomes presented in the paper clearly confirm the significant level of differentiation of the results achieved by EU countries in various areas that make up the overall concept of sustainable competitiveness. The value added of the paper comes from the approaches to the evaluation of the relation between various areas sustainable competitiveness.
Głownym celem artykułu było badanie relacji występujących między zrównoważonym rozwojem i konkurencyjnością gospodarki. W badaniu wykorzystano wskaźniki stosowane przez Komisję Europejską do monitorowania postępów we wdrażaniu Agendy 2030 oraz dane zaczerpnięte z bazy OECD opisujące wyniki krajów w zakresie realizacji koncepcji zielonego wzrostu. Do badania relacji między wskazanymi obszarami wykorzystano dwuetapową procedurę badawczą. W pierwszym kroku wyznaczono rankingi w każdym z obszarów, w drugim na ich podstawie dokonano podziału krajów UE na grupy typologiczne z wykorzystaniem analizy korespondencji. Powtwierdzono znaczne zróźnicowanie krajów UE, czego efektem jest podział aż na siedem grup.
Nowadays, environmental factors are seen as an important element in achieving competitive advantage at micro, meso and macro levels. The paper presents an assessment of the green competitiveness of Polish regions in the years 2004 and 2018 (last available data). For the purposes of the analysis, 25 indicators of the condition and protection of the environment and also environmental pressures were selected. Research was carried out based on the taxonomic linear ordering method, which enabled multidimensional comparative analysis (MCA). The adopted method made it possible to evaluate the studied phenomenon as a whole, providing grounds for assigning the Polish regions into four groups, characterized by a similar level of green competitiveness.
W dzisiejszych czasach czynniki środowiskowe są postrzegane jako ważny element w osiągnięciu przewagi konkurencyjnej na poziomie mikro, mezo i makro. W pracy przedstawiono ocenę zielonej konkurencyjności polskich regionów w latach 2004 i 2018 (ostatnie dostępne dane). Na potrzeby analizy wybrano 25 wskaźników stanu i ochrony środowiska, a także presji wywieranych na środowisko. Badania przeprowadzono w oparciu o taksonomiczną metodę uporządkowania liniowego, która umożliwiła wielowymiarową analizę porównawczą (MCA). Przyjęta metoda pozwoliła na ocenę badanego zjawiska jako całości, dając podstawy do przyporządkowania województw w Polsce do czterech grup charakteryzujących się podobnym poziomem zielonej konkurencyjności.
Artykuł koncentruje się na określeniu priorytetowych obszarów ekologizacji i zrównoważonego rozwoju dla krajów OECD i Ukrainy, mających na celu osiągnięcie ogólnego postępu w interakcji między gospodarką a środowiskiem, a także stworzenie koniecznych warunków wstępnych do wspierania innowacji i inwestycji w celu znalezienia nowych źródeł wzrostu gospodarczego, zgodnych z ekosystemami wykazującymi zdolność regeneracji. Udowodniono, że chociaż globalne cele gospodarki ekologicznej są istotne dla wszystkich krajów świata, muszą być dostosowane do specyfiki regionalnej i krajowej, a także do poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego każdego kraju. W badaniu wykorzystano ogólne jakościowe i ilościowe metody badań ekonomicznych, w tym analizę systematyczną, porównawczą, metody analizy logicznej i statystycznej, metodę wskaźnikową i inne. Zastosowane podejście teoretyczne i metodologiczne pozwoliło zidentyfikować ogólne trendy rozwoju czynników środowiskowych w krajach OECD i na Ukrainie oraz ich wpływ na wzrost gospodarczy. W badaniu przeanalizowano w szczególności obecny stan i perspektywy ekologizacji i zrównoważonego rozwoju w krajach OECD i na Ukrainie w oparciu o wyniki kompleksowej oceny poziomu ekologizacji tych gospodarek oraz relacji między wewnętrznym środowiskiem ekologicznym – ocenianym za pomocą wskaźników „zielonego wzrostu” – a ich rozwojem gospodarczym. Artykuł uzasadnia również wprowadzenie priorytetów w zakresie ekologizacji i zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także sugeruje praktyczne środki ich realizacji. Mogą one służyć jako podstawa do opracowania polityki skutecznego zarządzania środowiskiem i opracowania krajowego systemu zarządzania i administracji przyjaznego środowisku.
The article focuses on identifying priority areas for greening and sustainable development for OECD countries and Ukraine. They aim to achieve overall progress in the interaction between the economy and the environment. Additionally, the aim is to create prerequisites for encouraging innovation and investment to find new sources of economic growth that are compatible with ecosystems that are capable of recovering from damage. It has been demonstrated that although the global goals of greening economies are relevant for all countries, they must be tailored to the regional and national specificities, as well as each country’s level of economic development. The study used general qualitative and quantitative methods of economic research, including systematic, comparative analysis, methods of logical and statistical analysis, and index method, among others. The applied theoretical and methodological approach allowed us to identify general trends in the development of environmental factors in the OECD countries and Ukraine and their impact on economic growth. Specifically, the study analyzes the current state of affairs and perspectives for greening and sustainable development based on a comprehensive assessment of the level of greening in these economies and the relationship between the internal ecological environment – assessed using the indicators of “green growth” – and their economic development. The article also justifies priorities for greening and sustainable development and suggests practical measures for their implementation. They can serve as a basis for developing a policy of effective environmental management and elaborating a national system of environmentally friendly management and administration.
This article examines the issue of a green economy, with emphasis on conceptual considerations and its links with the concept of sustainability. It also highlights the stages of implementing a green economy. Each of them is accompanied by measures implemented both by the state, business and society. The development of a green economy also raises issues of its measurement.
Artykuł przybliża zagadnienie zielonej gospodarki z uwzględnieniem rozważań pojęciowych i powiązań z koncepcją zrównoważonego i trwałego rozwoju. Ponadto wskazuje na etapy wdrażania green economy z uwzględnieniem działań realizowanych przez państwa, przedsiębiorstwa i społeczeństwa. Opracowanie przybliża także kwestie problematyczne w zakresie pomiaru zielonej gospodarki.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań empirycznych w zakresie analizy liczby zielonych miejsc pracy w krajach Unii Europejskiej w zależności od wybranych wskaźników charakteryzujących kraje członkowskie. Do analizy wykorzystano model regresji liniowej. Za zmienną zależną przyjęto względną liczbę miejsc pracy w sektorze energetyki odnawialnej w 2012 r., tj. liczbę stanowisk w przeliczeniu na mln mieszkańców krajów. Zmienną objaśniającą w skonstruowanym modelu stanowił udział nakładów na B+R w PKB [%]. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że zwiększanie roli badań i rozwoju ma mierzalny wpływ na zmiany w zakresie dostępności zielonych miejsc pracy w krajach UE. Wyniki badań przedstawiono na tle założeń strategii „Europa 2020”.
The article presents research results on the analysis of green jobs in the European Union countries with respect to selected indicators characterizing the member states. For the empirical analysis a regression model was applied. As a dependent variable a number of jobs in the renewable energy sector in 2012 per million inhabitants of the countries was used. In the linear regression model the explanatory variable was a share of expenditure on R&D in GDP [%]. Studies show that the increase in research and development expenditures have a real, measurable impact on the availability of green jobs in the EU countries. Research results were presented on the background of the strategy “Europe 2020”.
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