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Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań przeprowadzonych wśród lekarzy odnośnie do praktyki uzyskiwania zgody zastępczej na leczenie dorosłych nieubezwłasnowolnionych pacjentów, pozbawionych jednak z przyczyn faktycznych kompetencji do wyrażenie zgody na leczenie. Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami w sytuacjach braku bezpośredniego ryzyka dla życia pacjenta jedynym podmiotem decydującym o podjęciu leczenia jest sąd opiekuńczy, natomiast w tzw. sytuacjach nagłych lekarz może działać bez konieczności konsultacji z sądem. Badania wykazały, że respondenci, choć deklarują wiedzę w zakresie obowiązujących przepisów, w większości proszą o zgodę członków rodziny pacjentów niekompetentnych faktycznie, a dopiero ew. w przypadku ich sprzeciwu występują do sądu opiekuńczego, choć i tak czyni to tylko ok. 10% badanych. Także w sytuacjach zagrażających życiu ok. 30% badanych postępuje w sposób sprzeczny z przepisami. Ponadto jedynie 50% lekarzy wskazuje na konieczność szanowania autonomii pacjenta w procesie leczenia. Takie wyniki sugerują konieczność zwiększenia edukacji lekarzy w zakresie ich wiedzy z prawa medycznego oraz wyrobienie w nich postawy poszanowania dla praw człowieka, a także skłaniają do zastanowienia się nad funkcjonalnością obowiązujących przepisów i wprowadzenia odpowiednich zmian dla jej zwiększenia. Słowa kluczowe: zgoda na świadczenie medyczne, pacjent niekompetentny faktycznie, zgoda zastępcza, sąd opiekuńczy, respektowanie autonomii pacjenta.
The paper presents the results of research conducted among physicians on their practice in obtaining substitute consent on behalf of incompetent adults. According to Polish law, in the situation where there is no immediate risk to a patient’s health or life, the physician may treat the patient after obtaining consent from the guardianship court. In cases of emergencies, the physician may treat the patient without consulting the court. The research has shown that in practice, the majority of physicians ask family members for consent on behalf of incompetent patients; only if they do not agree to the proposed treatment, 10 per cent of physicians consult the court. Even inthe case of a life-threatening emergency, approximately 30 per cent of physicians act against law. Only approximately 50 per cent of the interviewed physicians declare absolute respect for the patient’s autonomy. The results suggest the need to improve medical students’ education in the area of law, especially in the context of human rights. They also provoke reflection on the effectiveness of the existing law and introduction of appropriate changes to accommodate all concerned parties.
Opracowanie poświęcone jest instytucji wysłuchania dziecka w postępowaniu cywilnym. Autor analizuje ten instrument prawny w perspektywie różnych form udziału dziecka w postępowaniu sądowym. Dokonuje przeglądu unormowań prawa międzynarodowego oraz Konstytucji RP. Główna część opracowania dotyczy przepisów Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego normujących wysłuchanie dziecka w postępowaniu procesowym oraz nieprocesowym. W szczególności omówione zostały pojawiające się w piśmiennictwie kontrowersje dotyczące obligatoryjnego charakteru wysłuchania dziecka oraz sposobu jego przeprowadzenia. Autor staje na stanowisku, że decydująca o przeprowadzeniu wysłuchania powinna być dokonana przez sędziego ocena zdolności dziecka do wzięcia udziału w tej czynności. Powinna ona uwzględniać jego rozwój umysłowy, stan zdrowia i stopień dojrzałości dziecka. Rozważania uzupełnione zostały prezentacją dotychczasowych ustaleń empirycznych w zakresie omawianej instytucji prawnej.
This subject of this paper is the institution of hearing of a child in a civil procedure. The author is analysing this legal instrument in a perspective of different forms of child’s participation in court proceedings. He is making review of legal provisions of international law and Polish Constitution. The main part of the paper is concerns the provisions of the Civil proceedings Code, which are regulating hearing of a child in a trial proceedings and non-trial proceedings. In particular discussed were the controversies appearing in legal doctrine concerning the obligatory status of hearing of a child and manners to perform it. The Author is of the opinion that the judge’s evaluation of the child’s ability to participate in such action, taking into account its mental development, health status and maturity level, should be decisive, whether to perform hearing of a child or not. The elaborations were supplemented with a presentation concerning empirical finding concerning the said legal institution.
The family constitutes with social fundamental unit compound of connected persons with marriage bonds and parental. When next generations are diverging than priority for her values in the way threatening for her functioning, then the family is happening dysfunction and in consequence for her a state aid is essential. The dysfunction of the family constitutes the order slip of her functionality that is the correct and efficient achievement of the goals and tasks which before her are being put. Supporting the family in problems which he is passing, threaten­ing her correct functioning, belongs to constitutional principles of the Polish state. And so the family with its problems isn’t left entirely to itself, but can count for supporting state agencies. Presented issues cause the statement, that accepting the help of organs to the authority of the state behind the criterion it is possible to divide the participation of beneficiaries in two stages. First from them it is based on the principle of the freedom, when the help is being given in the precourt stage by extrajudicial bodies. Currently, in the predominant scope, they are it is action carried out by institutions functioning as part of selfgovernment units. Depending on the degree of the dysfunction of the family and employing persons, to which the managed aid is, this action can end including the stage. Differently however, when the degree of the dysfunction of the family and the lack of employing on the part of aid beneficiaries are threatening further functioning of this social fundamental unit, then initiating is necessary second from stages of the support. The second stage is deprived of the freedom. Then the help is being given in frames of the court decision carried out.
Rodzina stanowi podstawową jednostką społeczną złożoną z osób powiązanych więzami małżeńskimi i rodzicielskimi. Gdy kolejne pokolenia odchodzą od priorytetowych dla niej wartości w sposób zagrażający jej funkcjonowaniu, wówczas rodzina staje się dysfunkcjonalna i w konsekwencji niezbędna jest pomoc państwa. Dysfunkcjonalność rodziny stanowi rewers jej funkcjonalności, czyli prawidłowej i sprawnej realizacji celów i zadań, jakie są przed nią stawiane. Wsparcie rodziny w trudnościach zagrażających jej prawidłowemu funkcjonowaniu należy do konstytucyjnych zasad państwa polskiego. Zatem rodzina ze swoimi problemami nie jest pozostawiona całkowicie samej sobie, ale może liczyć na wsparcie organów państwowych. Przedstawione zagadnienia prowadzą do stwierdzenia, że pomoc organów władzy państwowej, przyjmując za kryterium udział beneficjentów, można podzielić na dwa stadia. Pierwsze z nich oparte jest na zasadzie dobrowolności, gdy pomoc udzielana jest w stadium przedsądowym przez organy pozasądowe. W przeważającym zakresie są to działania realizowane przez instytucje funkcjonujące w ramach jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Gdy stopień dysfunkcjonalności rodziny i brak zaangażowania ze strony beneficjentów pomocy zagraża dalszemu funkcjonowaniu tej podstawowej jednostki społecznej, wtedy konieczne jest zainicjowanie drugiego ze stadiów wsparcia, które pozbawione jest dobrowolności. Wówczas pomoc jest udzielana w ramach wykonywanego orzeczenia sądowego.
The reported research is a continuation of the studies on families under court’s supervision in consequence of the limitation of parental authority. The former studies were conducted on the sample of such families representative of the entire country, which consisted of 757 families with the  total of 1,436 children in whose interest protection proceedings has been instituted in 1973. While in that phase of research an attempt was made to characterize the families and the children that came within the above proceedings and to describe the action of the court and the efficiency of the measures adjudicated by the court, in the present studies the further fates have been studied of 330 boys and 252 girls - formerly under the care of the court - who were aged at least 19 on September 1, 1980 (they were aged 19 - 24, mean age being 22). During the research, it was found that among the persons under examination - after coming up to the age of 17 (upper limit of minority) - there were 27% of men and 7% of women with criminal records (12% of men and 2% of women had been convicted at least twice). This percentage was three times higher as regards the convicted men and 8 times higher as regards the convicted women in comparison with the extent of crime measured by the number of convictions among men and women aged 21. Among the convicted men there were as many as 49% convicted for larceny, 19% for robbery, and 13% convicted for offences against person. As many as 84% of men were convicted for offences against property only, or for these offences as well as for others. The structure of crime of the persons under scrutiny differs from that of the whole of young adult offenders (aged 17 - 20) as regards the high percentage of those convicted for larceny. In this respect it resembles the structure of crime of the juveniles formerly under care of juvenile courts in, the cases pertaining to parental rights in Warsaw, but only as regards the sons of alcoholics (also aged 22 on the average), as the sons of non-alcoholics were in a much higher percentage convicted for offences against person, characterized by a large intensity of aggressiveness. The offences of the persons under examination resemble juvenile delinquency in the eldest age groups, though the harmfulness of their offences is much greater. 50% of the convicted men had been sentenced to immediate imprisonment already in their first case, 95% - in their second case, and all of the convicted men –in  their third case. An attempt was made to differentiate the category of the investigated sons who would be characterized by a higher extent of crime when aged over 17; however, no increase in offending was found both among children from broken homes and among those whose parents revealedconsiderable social demoralization. Even the percentage of socially demoralized mothers whose sons had criminal records when aged over 17 was only slightly higher than that of socially adjusted mothers of the convicted men. On the other hand, the men coming from towns were considerably more frequently convicted as compared with those coming from the rural areas, which seems to shake the now established opinion about the small differences between the intensity of crime in the town and the country, if we take into account the offender’s place of residence and not the place where the given offence has been committed. In spite of the confirmation by the present study of the well known regularity that there is a higher percentage of persons convicted when aged over 17 among those who revealed early behavior disorders, and in spite of the fact that there is a correlation between the improvement in the minor’s behavior accomplished by the probation officer during his supervision and the subsequent clear record of his former probationer - no correlation was found between the way in which the supervision had been performed and the criminal records of the men when aged over 17. Such a correlation was not revealed even by comparing the most highly estimated supervision with this actually not performed at all. This proves the  predominating role of factors other than probation officer’s supervision in the process of forming social attitudes of the youth. Since even those of the probation officers, who perform their supervision reliably and efficiently, are not in approximately one half of the cases able to cause improvement of their probationer’s behavior, then the role of other factors independent of the officer’s action is immense and their further negative or favourable influence may - in course of time - wholly destroy the impact of the methods of supervision. Therefore not only the probation officer’s efforts should be supported by creating the actual possibilities for him to organize the proper educational environment for his probationer but also these social processes should be strenghtened which promote the internalization by children and youths of favourable patterns of behavior and moral standards.
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