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Autorka, badając omówienia krytycznoliterackie w prasie codziennej oraz branżowej, udowodniła, że powieści Ostatni świat i Morbus Kitahara austriackiego pisarza, laureata nagrody Unii Europejskiej Prix Aristeion, Christopha Ransmayra, nie weszły w dyskurs publiczny i słabo obecne są w polskim odbiorze czytelniczym. Zdaniem autorki ma to związek z „narracją historyczną”, historical fiction oraz z rozliczeniową problematyką powieści pisarza.
The author, researching critical-literary discussions in daily and trade press, has proven that the novels, Die letzte Welt (The Last World)and Morbus Kitahara by Christoph Ransmayr, an Austrian writer, the winner of Prix Aristeion, a European Union award, did not come into a public discourse and are hardly noticeable in the Polish reading reception. According to the author, it is related to the historic narrative; and the issue of settlement of the writers novels.
Die Autorin bewies, indem sie Kritik in Tageszeitungen und Literaturzeitschriften unter Analyse zog, dass Ransmayrs Romane Die letzte Welt und Morbus Kitahara, sowohl in dem öffentlichen Diskurs als auch in der ästhetischen Rezeption realer Leser nicht genug präsent sind. Diese Tatsache resultiert aus der „historischen Narration“ und der Problematik der Vergangenheitsbewältigung.
Studia Hercynia
vol. 25
issue 1
It has become a truism that it is impossible to reconstruct a narrative history of Central Asia in the period after Alexander. Scant literary or epigraphic sources, and the pitfalls of reconstructing dynastic histories from coins, make scholars wary of writing ‘history’ in the traditional academic sense. It may therefore come as a surprise that Hellenistic-period Central Asia has emerged as the setting for a number of historical novels. This paper aims to deconstruct the research process that lies behind the crafting of narrative in several such pieces. It will identify the primary sources and works of scholarship used by authors, and explore how these have been used to construct visions of Hellenistic Central Asia which reflect not just on the ancient record, but on the modern authors’ political and social context. The works discussed will include Rudyard Kipling’s The Man Who Would Be King (on Alexander and his routes in Afghanistan), Teodor Parnicki’s (1955) Koniec Zgody Narodów/The End of the Concord of Nations (which explores the resonances of cultural encounter in Hellenistic Central Asia for the post-War world), and Gillian Bradshaw’s (1990) Horses of Heaven (which uses a hypothetical Graeco-Bactrian alliance with Ferghana as the backdrop for historical romance).
Graeme Macrae Burnet’s His Bloody Project (2015) is formally a historical novel with elements of detective fiction and the thriller. The book playfully presents itself as a dossier consisting of ostensibly authentic documents related to the case of a triple murder committed by a young destitute peasant named Roderick Macrae in a small and remote crofting hamlet in the Highlands in 1869. The individual texts, written in different styles and genres, include medical reports, expert opinions, witnesses’ testimonies, transcripts of the court proceedings and, most importantly, a memoir written by the culprit in his prison cell while he was waiting for the trial’s sentence. This article discusses Burnet’s novel and its skilful composition within the context of British literary tradition, but also shows how it exemplifies the determining tendencies in contemporary historical fiction.
This paper seeks to look at the prose fiction and essays published in Hindi in North India in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century from the viewpoint of contemporary religious controversies and communal developments. It suggests a closer look at a few representative Hindi texts by leading Hindi authors (Bharatendu Harishchandra, Devakinandan Khatri, Kishorilal Gosvami). These littérateurs made quite special efforts to point out the religious backgrounds of the fictional characters in their works and, thus, to create a general awareness about the roles of Hindus and Muslims, both in contemporary Indian society and in the historical perspective. Being rather assertive Hindus themselves, they not only pointed out certain negative sides of “the other” community but, also—as in the case of Gosvami—severely criticized the erstwhile Islamic rulers of India. Why was the task of portraying Muslims so crucial for Hindi literature, especially at the time of serious socio-political and religious turbulences? How does this interest go along with the identity-forming agenda of the epoch? What are the ways to structure and generalize the relevant attitudes of the authors and to explain them from the point of view of the historical development of the post-Mutiny society in North India? These are some of the questions to be approached in this paper.
Der Beitrag untersucht die Gattungen der historischen Dichtung und ihre Besonderheiten, die auch in der Autoreninterpretationen bestehen. Es wird unterstrichen, dass nur die Integration der Literatur und Geschichte im Mittelpunkt der Theoriediskussion stehen sollte. Zur Analyse wurden zwei historische Novellen gewählt: „Ursula“ von G. Keller und „Das Amulett“ von C. F. Meyer. Die beiden Novellen haben die Ereignisse der Reformation im Mittelpunkt der Sujetentwicklung. Für unsere Zielsetzung ist wichtig, welche Aufgaben der Autor der historischen Novelle erfüllt, wie er das macht und worin die praktische Absicht dieser Gattung besteht.
The paper deals with historical fiction, the specific features of which, apart from the genre characteristics, consist in author’s interpretation of the historical events. It is highlighted that the integration of literature and history may add to history studying. Two remarkable novellas by Swiss authors of the period of the Realism were chosen for the analysis. Both novellas report the events within the Reformation. The predominant aim of the investigation was the determination of the objectives of the authors of historical novellas, the way of presentation and the practical importance of the genre.
issue 2
В статье раскрывается тема моделирования стереотипа еврея в украинском и английском историческом романе первой половины XIX в. В статье доказывается, что образ еврея в художественных текстах В. Скотта, П. Кулиша, Е. Гребенки есть результатом сложившегося стереотипа злодея, который происками и уловками пытается ужиться со своими нынешними или бывшими обидчиками и часто провести их и уничтожить. В то же время он является униженным и бесправным изгоем в христианской общине, человеком «низшего сорта», и даже в условиях частичной интеграции в общество эта «родимая» примета постоянно подчеркивается авторами.
The article deals with the theme of modeling the stereotype of the Jew in Ukrainian and English historical novels of the first half of the XIX cent. It is proved that the image of the Jew in the literary texts of W. Scott, P. Kulish, Ye. Grebinka frequently represents the stereotype of a villain who intrigues and tricks trying to get on with his current or ex-offenders, and often — to deceive and destroy them. At the same time, he is a humiliated and powerless pariah in the Christian community, a man of the “lower class”, and even with the partial integration in society, this “mole sign” is constantly emphasized by the authors.
vol. 23
issue 2
The article Literary imitation in service of cultural memory – the comparative analysis of “Nichirin” by Yokomitsu Riichi and “Salammbô” by Gustave Flaubert subjects the two novels to comparative analysis, showing how Yokomitsu, inspired by Flaubert’s work, imitates his novel and transposes it into the Japanese culture. It describes the similarities between the plots, the characters and stylistic devices – from the style of description through language to the creation of associative links. The latter similarity is shown via linguistic analysis of text bases. The article analyses how all the elements build a textual monument and how they influence the cultural memory of the readers.
Artykuł Imitacja literacka w służbie pamięci kulturowej – analiza porównawcza „Nichirin” Yokomitsu Riichi’ego i „Salammbô” Gustave’a Flauberta poddaje analizie porównawczej dzieła dwóch tytułowych pisarzy. Pokazuje, jak Yokomitsu, zainspirowany twórczością Flauberta, imituje jego powieść, przenosząc ją na japoński grunt. Opisuje podobieństwa fabuły, bohaterów, a także zabiegów literackich – począwszy od sposobu opisu, przez użyty język, po tworzenie połączeń asocjatywnych. To ostatnie podobieństwo zostaje wykazane za pomocą badania językoznawczego z użyciem baz tekstowych. Następnie przedstawione zostaje to, w jaki sposób wszystko wymienione elementy składają się na pomnik tekstowy i jak wpływają na pamięć kulturową czytelników.
Powieść Roberta Neumanna pt. Struensee, napisana na emigracji w roku 1935, nie cieszy się ze względu na liczne błędy treściowe i historyczne szczególnym uznaniem wśród badaczy. Celem tego analitycznego artykułu nie jest bronienie powieści przed słusznymi zarzutami literaturoznawców, ile zbadanie funkcji narracji w powieści, która na pierwszy rzut oka jest wynikiem niestarannego i pospiesznego pisarstwa Neumanna. Wychodząc od tezy zakładającej, że w powieści mamy do czynienia z narratorem ‘nie godnym zaufania’ (unreliable narrator), autorka artykułu przeprowadza dogłębną analizę narracji i stwierdza, że jest ona zamierzoną strategią autora implikowanego. W ten sposób powieść wpisuje się w estetyczne, literackie i filozoficzne dyskursy okresu międzywojennego.
Robert Neumann’s Struensee novel, written in exile in 1935, does not enjoy special recognition among researchers due to numerous content and historical errors. The aim of this analytical article is not to defend the novel against justified charges of literary scholars but to examine the function of the narrative which, at first glance, is the result of Neumann’s careless and hasty writing. Beginning with the thesis proposing that the novel features as unreliable narrator, the author of the paper carried out an in-depth analysis of the narrative trying to answer the question to what extent this type of narrative is part of the aesthetic, literary and philosophical discourses of the interwar period.
Der im Exil von Robert Neumann geschriebene Struensee-Roman aus dem Jahr 1935 wird von der Forschung wegen seiner zahlreichen inhaltlichen und historischen Fehler nicht besonders hoch angesehen. Das Ziel dieser analytischen Untersuchung ist weniger, gegen diesen legitimen Vorwurf zu kämpfen, als vielmehr die Funktion der auf den ersten Blick nicht konsequenten und variablen Erzählweise des Romans zu zeigen, um ihn weiterhin in bestimmte Themen der Zeit zu situieren. Ausgehend von der These, dass man es in Struensee mit einem ‚unzuverlässigen Erzähler‘ zu tun hat, führt die Autorin eine tiefgehende Analyse der Narration durch und zeigt, dass der Eindruck der Unzuverlässigkeit gezielt vom impliziten Autor erzeugt wird. Dadurch gehört der Roman in ästhetische, literarische oder philosophische Diskurse der Zwischenkriegszeit.
The goal of this study is to reflect upon the construction and use of the Old Czech language in Czech literary criticism, linguistics, and historical fiction. The usage of Old Czech – as a (re-)constructed language – in historical fiction, mostly in characters’ speech, is regarded as one of the elements that make fictional characters realistic and evoke the given historical period. Analyses of scholarly texts as well as of fiction have shown that the appearance of Old Czech in characters’ speech is not at the centre of the authors’ interest. From the literary criticism perspective, the ideas presented in the fiction and the problems of the given historical period are more important than historical language usage. The linguistics texts, if the linguistic aspects of historical fiction are in their scope, are concentrated predominantly on historical vocabulary usage. Linguists’ surprisingly marginal attention to this topic reflects the fact that authors of historical fiction did not use the Old Czech language construct and were not focused on it. If the construct was used, this was not done systematically over the whole text – it was frequently merely one aspect of a game played by the author with the readers (e.g. the imitation of an editor’s work with a “mediaeval” manuscript).
This article addresses two novels that, seemingly or truly, realise the historical crime convention. One of the novels is Pan Whicher w Warszawie (“Mr. Whicher in Warsaw”) by Agnieszka Chodkowska-Gyurics and Tomasz Bochiński, and the other one is Carska roszada (“The Tsar Castling”) by Melchior Medard. Genre aspects of both works are considered, and the consequences the conventional location carries for the way in which the 19th century reality is constructed in both novels. Finally – despite the differences between them – in both crime novels, the Polish history of the 19th century is shaped via many elements; one of them is strong reliance on the discourse of romantic martyr-related provenance.
Artykuł dotyczy dwóch powieści, które – pozornie lub rzeczywiście – są realizacją konwencji kryminału historycznego. Pierwsza z nich to Pan Whicher w Warszawie Agnieszki Chodkowskiej-Gyurics i Tomasza Bochińskiego, druga to Carska rosza­da Melchiora Medarda. W tekście rozważane są aspekty genologiczne obu dzieł i konsekwencje owego gatunkowego usytuowania dla sposobu, w jaki ukazywana jest w nich dziewiętnastowieczna przeszłość. Ostatecznie – mimo różnic – w obu powieściach w sposobie konstruowania wieku XIX widać silne uwikłanie w dyskurs oromantyczno-martyrologicznej proweniencji.
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