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Studia Ełckie
vol. 20
issue 4
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, at beginning of his academic work and on up to his election to the Holy See, was vividly interested in the interpretation of the Holy Scripture. In his theological works on the Divine Filiation, essence of the Church, credibility of Christianity and the primacy of God he often referred to biblical texts. The German theologian is not afraid to identify perilous tendencies in the interpretation of the Holy Scripture which have emerged in the modern thought and could be seen in the three stages of his search for historical Jesus. J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI notices positive elements of exegesis based on the historical-critical method, but resolutely outlines its boundaries. Consequently, to address this issue the German theologian applies the canonical method. According to the Church Fathers, the Bible should be interpreted through the mutual reference of the Old and New Testaments. In the foreword to the book entitled Jesus of Nazareth, Benedict XVI gives a methodological justification for this method. It is utterly necessary as it is based on the hermeneutics of faith.
The historical-critical method of biblical exegesis has its roots in Humanism and in the Enlightenment. Humanism situated the Bible in the series of ancient texts, whilst the Enlightenment sought the rational elements in the message of the Bible. The method, developed over a long period of time, proceeds from the assumption that the Bible has a message, first and foremost, for the respective era. This is why it tries to distil the demands and consolations of the Bible on the basis of (historical) knowledge about the respective era, and to sound the depths of its message for the present on this basis. There are many steps the interpreter must go through to create a space in his heart for the message of the Bible in accord with the specifics of his own era. The critical aspect of the method rests primarily on placing the message within the time of its utterance, but also on relating it to the conditions and mentalities prevailing at the time of interpretation. The historical-critical method is an auxiliary science that does not exclude other types of Bible exegesis. The insights gained from applying it are communicated through sermons and as part of the teachings of the Church.
Verbum Vitae
vol. 40
issue 2
This paper aims to show the reasons why Alfred Loisy’s idea to develop an apology for Christianity was unsuccessful and led to his transition to the modernist position. It explores theological and fundamental issues underlying his ambitious program. Firstly, it discusses the concept of modernism, having in mind that Loisy himself opposed the accusations of his following modernism. Secondly, it synthetically presents the context and characteristics of Loisy’s works to properly understand his idea of Christian apologetics. The subsequent section analyses Loisy’s most important assumptions and the way he formulated his apologia, focusing on the issue of historical criticism and his application of John Henry Newman’s idea of development to the history of religion. These analyses allow us to conclude that by applying the historical-critical method, Loisy did not avoid adapting incorrect philosophical assumptions and improper application of Newman’s development of Christian doctrine to his reflections on the history of religion.
This study aims to capture the dynamics of the recent biblical studies in the Orthodox and Western, especially Protestant, theological areas. Both the Orthodox biblical theology and the Western biblical theology are streamlined by research, which can be inspired by each other´s experience. Thus, the Orthodox biblical studies are recently shaped in receiving and developing an exegetical method, and in this sense may appeal to the Western experience, especially the historical-critical method. On the other hand, the Western biblical scholars are concerned with bringing into the present the meaning of biblical texts or their update, in a direction close to the Orthodox biblical experience. The solution to these concerns can be rediscovered in the mutual completion with ecumenical connotations.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 7
issue 1
In the second part of the article on the rhetorical and socio-rhetorical reading of New Testament texts, the author focuses on the socio-rhetorical approach. It is presented as a remedy to the fragmentary character of the sociological and anthropological studies on the Bible. The stress on the close reading of the text inherent in the socio-rhetoric gives both sociology and anthropology the anchorage they need not to stray from the main object of their inquiry. The author with broad strokes depicts the development and main concepts of the socio-rhetorical methodology. Then, he explains the six stages postulated by the method: the analysis of inner texture, intertexture, social and cultural texture, ideological texture, sacred texture, and the so called rhetorolects. The article finishes with concise conclusions on the advantages of using the socio-rhetoric in comparison to the deficient historical-critical methodology
Abstract: In the second part of the article on the rhetorical and socio-rhetorical reading of the New Testament texts, the author focuses on the socio-rhetorical approach. It is presented as a remedy to the fragmentary character of the sociological and anthropological studies on the Bible. The stress on the close reading of the text inherent in the socio-rhetoric gives both sociology and anthropology the anchorage they need not to stray from the main object of their inquiry. The author with broad strokes depicts the development and main concepts of the socio-rhetorical methodology. Then, he explains the six stages implied in the method: the analysis of inner texture, intertexture, social and cultural texture, ideological texture, sacred texture and the so called rhetorolects. The article finishes with the concise conclusions on the advantages of using the socio-rhetoric in comparison to the deficient and outdated historical-critical methodology.
Benedict XVI is an adherent of use of the historical-critical method which he considers to be an obvious tool of the exegetical technique. On the other hand, Joseph Ratzinger points out that this method has its limitations and it is subject to all kinds of influence. The article focuses on Joseph Ratzinger’s (Benedict XVI’s) statements which show the involvement of the historical-critical method in an inappropriate philosophy, and it deals with a-priori assumptions made by exegetes who use this method. All of them were gathered in chapters titled: “The model of the natural sciences applied to spiritual reality”, “Positivistic hermeneutics instead of the hermeneutics of faith”, “Philosophical influence alien to the Bible”, “The enlightened mind not submitting to authorities”. German theologian and subsequent pope gave proper grounds (theological, philosophical, scientific ones) for perceiving the crisis of exegesis, the understanding of which makes it possible to look for way out of an impasse in exegesis.
Benedykt XVI w swojej trosce o stan współczesnej egzegezy przypominał o konieczności stosowania kryteriów teologicznych w interpretacji Pisma Świętego. W ramach postulowanej przez niego „hermeneutyki wiary” należy uwzględniać tak zwane „wielkie zasady interpretacji”. Jedną z nich, którą omówiono w artykule, jest uwzględnienie żywej Tradycji całego Kościoła. Pogłębiona refleksja nad relacją Pismo Święte–Kościół prowadzi papieża do wniosku, że życie Kościoła jest właściwym miejscem interpretacji ksiąg natchnionych. Ojcowie Soboru Watykańskiego II oczekiwali, że studium Pisma Świętego stanie się duszą teologii. Ojciec Święty modyfikuje to życzenie i postuluje, by Pismo Święte czytane w komunii Kościoła stało się duszą studium teologicznego.
Benedict XVI in his concern about the state of the modern exegesis reminded of the necessity to use theological criteria while interpreting the Holy Scripture. The so-called “great principles of interpretation” should be taken into consideration as part of “the hermeneutics of faith” postulated by the Pope. Taking into account the living Tradition of the whole Church, the principle that was described in the article, is one of them. Deep reflection over the connection between the Holy Scripture and the Church makes the Pope conclude that the life of the Church is the proper place for interpreting inspired books. The Fathers of the Second Vatican Council expected the study of the Holy Scripture to become the soul of theology. The Holy Father modificated this wish and postulated that the Bible read within the communion of the Church should become the soul of theological studies.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 7
issue 2
Benedict XVI in his concern about the state of the modern exegesis reminded of the necessity to use theological criteria while interpreting the Holy Scripture. The so-called “great principles of interpretation” should be taken into consideration as part of “the hermeneutics of faith” postulated by the Pope. Taking into account the living Tradition of the whole Church, the principle that was described in the article, is one of them. Deep reflection over the connection between the Holy Scripture and the Church makes the Pope conclude that the life of the Church is the proper place for interpreting inspired books. The Fathers of the Second Vatican Council expected the study of the Holy Scripture to become the soul of theology. The Holy Father modificated this wish and postulated that the Bible read within the communion of the Church should become the soul of theological studies.
Benedykt XVI w swojej trosce o stan współczesnej egzegezy przypominał o konieczności stosowania kryteriów teologicznych w interpretacji Pisma Świętego. W ramach postulowanej przez niego „hermeneutyki wiary” należy uwzględniać tak zwane „wielkie zasady interpretacji”. Jedną z nich, którą omówiono w artykule, jest uwzględnienie żywej Tradycji całego Kościoła. Pogłębiona refleksja nad relacją Pismo Święte–Kościół prowadzi papieża do wniosku, że życie Kościoła jest właściwym miejscem interpretacji ksiąg natchnionych. Ojcowie Soboru Watykańskiego II oczekiwali, że studium Pisma Świętego stanie się duszą teologii. Ojciec Święty modyfikuje to życzenie i postuluje, by Pismo Święte czytane w komunii Kościoła stało się duszą studium teologicznego.
According to Joseph Ratzinger the appearance of the historical-critical method simultaneously gave rise to the struggle for its scope and character. This method is an indispensable tool of exegetic craft, but it has its limitations as well. It’s shortcomings of the historical-critical method that are presented and discussed one by one in the article, and they are the following: looking only for historical meaning of the text; pointing only to one dimension (the human one) of Holy Scriptures; lack of continuity as one of principles of the method; outcomes of the research being hypothetical. At the end of the article a dangerous discord between scientific research and study of theological meaning of texts is highlighted. Benedict XVI’s appeal to reinstate theological principles mentioned in the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum and to link them with scientific principles was reminded of as well.
Według Josepha Ratzingera powstanie metody historyczno-krytycznej jednocześnie wywołało walkę o jej zasięg i kształt. Metoda ta jest koniecznym narzędziem egzegetycznego warsztatu, jednak posiada ograniczenia. W artykule przedstawiono i kolejno omówiono właśnie granice metody historyczno-krytycznej, do których należy zaliczyć: poszukiwanie jedynie historycznego znaczenia tekstu; ukazywanie tylko jednego z dwóch wymiarów (ludzkiego) Pisma Świętego; brak ciągłości jako jedna z zasad metody; hipotetyczność wyników badań. W zakończeniu zwrócono uwagę na niebezpieczny rozdźwięk między badaniami naukowymi a studium teologicznego znaczenia tekstów. Przypomniano również apel Benedykta XVI o przywrócenie należnego miejsca w interpretacji Biblii zasadom teologicznym wskazanym w Konstytucji dogmatycznej Dei verbum oraz o ich powiązanie z zasadami naukowymi.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 11
issue 2
The Catholic interpretation of the Holy Scripture is characterised by coexistence of theological principles and scientific methods. Theological exegesis so understood itself requires theological justification. In search of the latter the author of the article referred to the International Theological Commission’s documents. A theological basis for both the so-called “great principles of the interpretation” of the Bible and the necessity to apply the historical-critical method are presented in the text. The conclusion deals with suggestions worthy to be considered in the Biblical interpretation. Bipolarism of the exegesis process that is impossible to be defined is first of all to be heeded.
Katolicką interpretację Pisma św. charakteryzuje współistnienie zasad teologicznych i metod naukowych. Tak rozumiana egzegeza teologiczna sama z kolei wymaga uzasadnienia teologicznego. W jego poszukiwaniu autor artykułu sięgnął do dokumentów Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej. W tekście ukazany został teologiczny fundament zarówno dla tzw. wielkich zasad interpretacji Biblii, jak i konieczności stosowania metody historyczno-krytycznej. W zakończeniu przedstawiono propozycje godne uwagi w interpretacji biblijnej. Spośród nich najbardziej interesująca wydaje się przede wszystkim niemożliwa do zdefiniowania dwubiegunowość procesu egzegezy.
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