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Kultura i Społeczeństwo
vol. 65
issue 1
The author remembers the late Andrzej Kojder (1941–2021), a sociologist of law, student of Adam Podgórecki, and specialist in the works of Leon Petrażycki. He describes Kojder as a scholar, social activist, and person with whom he shared generational experiences. In addition to biographical information, the essay touches on the history of sociology at the University of Warsaw.
Jakub Karpiński (1945–2003) był znakomitym polskim metodologiem socjologii, prowadzącym badania z zakresu epistemologii nauk społecznych w ramach paradygmatu lwowsko-warszawskiej szkoły filozofii. Jednocześnie stał się jednym z pierwszych i najważniejszych historyków i socjologów systemu komunistycznego w Polsce. Jego socjologiczne opus magnum w badaniach nad komunizmem stanowi książka Ustrój komunistyczny w Polsce. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie projektu socjologii zrekonstruowanego na podstawie tego dzieła w wymiarze retoryki, epistemologii i ontologii. Ukazane zostają racje społeczne i kognitywne, które sprawiły, że program Karpińskiego nigdy nie stał się postępowy w sensie Imrego Lakatosa. Autor stawia pytanie o paradoks: dlaczego świetny metodolog nie stał się równie wybitnym empirykiem?
Jakub Karpiński (1945–2003) was an outstanding Polish methodologist, conducting research in the field of epistemology of the social sciences within the paradigm of the Lvov-Warsaw school of philosophy. At the same time he became one of the first historians and sociologists of the communist system in Poland. His book Ustrój komunistyczny w Polsce (The Communist Regime in Poland) was his sociological opus magnum. The aim of this paper is to explore his sociology project which has been divided into three aspects: rhetoric, epistemology and ontology. It examines the social and cognitive reasons for the fact that Karpiński’s research programme never became progressive in accordance with Imre Lakatos’s seminal concept. The author raises the question: why didn’t brilliant methodologist become an equally bright empirical researcher?
Artykuł analizuje listy polskiego socjologa, działacza ruchu socjalistycznego i społecznika, Ludwika Krzywickiego (1859–1941) do żony, Racheli z domu Feldberg (1863/4–1924), pisane z Londynu w lipcu i sierpniu 1895 roku, gdzie przebywał na kwerendzie w bibliotece British Museum. Listy te są świadectwem, że połowa lat dziewięćdziesiątych XIX wieku to czas: podjęcia przez Krzywickiego ostatecznej decyzji o poświęceniu się pracy naukowej; rozpoczęcia poważnych badań nad dziełem jego życia – Hordą pierwotną, wydaną pośmiertnie jako Pierwociny więzi społecznej; okrzepnięcia modelu małżeństwa zawartego z pobudek i dla osiągnięcia celów ideowych: zgodnego życia, wspólnego działania na rzecz demokratycznego porządku społecznego; ustalenia modelu życia codziennego: skromnego, regularnego i pracowitego, podporządkowanego nauce. Swoistą egzystencjalną ramą kompozycyjną tej dekady są narodziny synów: Aleksandra (1887–1971) i Jerzego (1896–1940).
The article examines the letters of Ludwik Krzywicki (1859–1941) – Polish sociologist, a socialist movement activist and a community worker – to his wife Rachel, nee Feldberg (1863/4–1924). The letters were written in London in July and August 1895 when he did research in the British Museum Library. They show that mid-90s of the 19th century were the time when Krzywicki made a final decision to dedicate himself to academic work and to start research on his monumental book – Horda pierwotna [Primordial Horde], published posthumously as Pierwociny więzi społecznej [The Rudiments of a Social Bond]. It was also the period of strengthening of the model of a marriage contracted for ideological reasons: amicable life, concerted action to promote democratic social order as well as of the establishing a model of everyday life: modest, regular, busy and subordinated to science. The major events of the decade were the birth of his two sons: Aleksander (1887–1971) and Jerzy (1896–1940).
In our article we will present two Eastern European examples of how sociological research on everyday life in the 1970s has been influenced by political and cultural circumstances and particular scientific traditions. From the early 1970s, sociology flourished in some countries of the Eastern Bloc, institutes were refounded, and research projects were heavily subsidised. Research into daily life – the so-called “socialist lifestyle” – was one of the main foci of sociological inquiry. Recently, similar data collections from two such projects were discovered in the archives of academies of sciences in Hungary (HAS) and Poland (PAS). In both cases, we can see that the researchers stand decisively on the side of “high” culture, while taking a normative view of “low” cultural consumption. Even though there was no direct cooperation or interdependence between Hungarian and Polish “lifestyle” researchers, we can observe similar structures of thinking about socialist society. Western influence, mostly implicitly, is also visible.
Celem tego artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie trzech głównych koncepcji regionu, jakie pojawiły się w okresie II Rzeczpospolitej. Po pierwsze, opisana zostanie etnograficzna koncepcja regionu Kazimierza Moszyńskiego, w której autor charakteryzuje region przez opis jego wyróżników związanych z kulturą materialną. Józef Obrębski, uczeń Moszyńskiego, biorąc za podstawę etnograficzną koncepcję regionu, dodaje do niej ideę powstawania regionu w kontakcie członków grupy regionalnej z Innym. Józef Chałasiński, autor trzeciej koncepcji, podzielając pogląd Obrębskiego, dodaje, że w kontakcie z Innym rozwija się najważniejszy czynnik budowania regionu, mianowicie tożsamość regionalna. Prezentowany artykuł pogłębia wiedzę na temat teoretycznych tradycji socjologii regionu w Polsce.
The aim of this paper is to characterize three main concepts of region developed in the period of the 2nd Republic. First of all, the Author describes the ethnographic concept of region, created by Kazimierz Moszyński. He focuses on tangible differentiators of region. Józef Obrębski, who is Moszyński’s disciple, takes as a basis the ethnographic concept of region and adds to it the idea that a region is formed in contact between members of a regional group with the Other. Józef Chałasiński, the author of the third concept, shares Obrębski’s view and adds that it is in contact with the Other that is developed the most important factor in the region-building process, namely regional identity. The paper offers information on the theoretical tradition of sociology of region in today’s Poland.
This text is devoted to the series of seminars organized in the Institute of Sociology in Łódź on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of publication of Thomas and Znaniecki’s The Polish Peasant in Europe and America. Znaniecki is considered the Nestor of Polish sociology. On the basis of speeches during the conference, the author presents the contemporary reception and topicality of Znaniecki’s sociology.
This text contains information about the Qualitative Data Archive at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAS (QDA) [Archiwum Danych Jakościowych przy IFiS PAN - ADJ; adj.ifispan.pl], which collects and digitalizes databases from a broad range of research in the social sciences and makes them accessible online. The archive was established with the idea of preserving material of a qualitative nature. There were two main aims: to initiate new methods of research using the collected resources and to stimulate theoretical and methodological reflection on the idea of archivization, renewed analysis of data, and various other forms of revisiting research. The creators of the archive have managed to save and digitalize considerable amounts of material derived from studies that are by now historical and are important for Polish sociology and anthropology. The Qualitative Data Archive also contains collections of materials from quite recent studies, which have often been processed in electronic form. For these, the QDA functions as a platform where researchers can present their analyses and findings more widely and in a secure form both for themselves and for their respondents.
The author of this essay deals with the specif‌icity of sociology in Poland, reaching for the book of Antoni Sułek A Mirror on the High Road. Chapters from the History of Social Research in Poland (2019). Chapters of this book taken as a set constitute a review of the key issues that Polish sociologists strived to tackle in the 20th century. For approximately half of the book (6 chapters) Sułek focuses on issues of Polish sociology from the mid-1950s to the turn of the 1990s: the f‌irst is the change of theoretical and methodological paradigms in Polish sociology in the second half of the 20th century; the second is the successes of Polish sociology, but also its weaknesses - the author devoted much space to the theoretical limitations that prevented sociologists from predicting the formation of Solidarity in 1980. The third topic is the historical analysis of surveys conducted in the last decade of communism - their reliability as well as social and political functions. Finally, Sułek’s vision of socially-involved sociology appears. The strength of such sociology lies in its methodology, with which specific phenomena can be correctly def‌ined, impartially analysed, and systematically investigated. And this in turn enables evidence-based debate and policy.
Artykuł przybliża socjologiczne myślenie o przyszłości w warunkach realnego socjalizmu, analizując cztery futurologiczne propozycje teoretyczne, powstałe w Polsce w latach 70. Umieszczone są one w szerokim kontekście ówczesnych debat międzynarodowych, ograniczenia swobody (i wyobraźni) naukowej w monocentrycznym systemie decyzyjnym i oficjalnego dyskursu przywiązanego do marksistowskiej teorii postępu. Analiza tekstów futurologicznych Jana Szczepańskiego, Stefana Nowaka, Waldemara Rolbieckiego i Andrzeja Sicińskiego, powstałych w tak ograniczonych warunkach, ujawnia jednak ich oryginalne propozycje teoretyczne, pokazujące możliwe sposoby sensownego myślenia o przyszłości, redefiniujące pojmowanie historii, podejmujące problem indywidualnego i zbiorowego sprawstwa i granic jego przewidywalności. Tak odczytane, koncepcje te zyskują aktualność we współczesnych dyskusjach o antropocenie, w historycznych badaniach przyszłości czy w socjologii oczekiwań.
This article draws attention to the role of sociological forecasting under state socialism. It analyses four conceptualizations of the future developed in the Polish People’s Republic in the 1970s. These ideas are contextualised by transnational discourses on futurology, the constraints of science under the monocentric system of decision-making and ideological discourse officially confined to the Marxist theory of progress. These boundaries limited past prognoses. However, reflections on their function, prospective techniques and future orientation – which are exposed in futurological texts by Jan Szczepański, Stefan Nowak, Waldemar Rolbiecki and Andrzej Siciński – reveal a rethinking of modern concepts of history and temporality pointing far beyond the historical state socialist regime towards current redefinitions of temporal orders by the anthropocene and emerging research agendas such as historical future research, and the sociology of expectations.
The main purpose of this article is to discuss the achievements of biographical research at the Institute of Social Economy of the Warsaw School of Economics, with particular emphasis on the memoirs of the unemployed. The article has three parts: (1) a short introduction to memoir-related research in Poland, (2) a description of the memoir competitions organized by the Institute of Social Economy, and (3) a more detailed discussion of competitions involving the memoirs of the unemployed in the 1930s, at the turn of the century, and in 2017. One of the main conclusions the authors draw is that biographical materials, despite their great potential, are relatively rarely used by social researchers.
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