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In financial analysis rating systems can be applied to divide firms into homogeneous groups. One of these methods is provided by DEA. The method is based on the efficiency optimization for firms described by the set of financial indicators. An important issue is not only estimation of efficiency but also homogeneity of given groups. Within the Hosking-Wallis test one compares variability calculated with respect to L-moments with expected variability for homogeneous groups.The aim of our research was to apply the Hosking-Wallis test to investigate the homogeneity of DEA groups of companies. In the paper we present the results of our research for a set of Polish production companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Tadeusz Garbowski (1869-1940) was an original thinker, preoccupied with zoology and ethology, and also the philosophy of nature. First, he worked in Vienna where he got his PhD and then (1898) he moved to Cracow and continued his studies at the Jagiellonian University. He developed his epistemological concepts with reference to natural sciences, mainly to evolutionary biology. With his naturalistic evolutionism and evolutionary epistemology he was ahead of concepts of Lorentz and, to some extent, K. R. Popper. Although he did not use the concept of teleonomy, which in our times was popularized by a French researcher F. Jacob, he interpreted spiritual culture created by a man as a kind of adaptation in the evolutionary sense. The concept of homogenis makes the core of Garbowski's epistemology and methodology. Garbowski claimed that the aim of science and philosophy is discovering and expressing the truth. The truth is homogenous and undivided, and experiment at the base of philosophy is also uniform and homogenous. Homogenism is a radical monism with naturalistic background. Tadeusz Garbowski (1869-1940) was an original thinker, preoccupied with zoology and ethology, and also the philosophy of nature. First, he worked in Vienna where he got his PhD and then (1898) he moved to Cracow and continued his studies at the Jagiellonian University. He developed his epistemological concepts with reference to natural sciences, mainly to evolutionary biology. With his naturalistic evolutionism and evolutionary epistemology he was ahead of concepts of Lorentz and, to some extent, K. R. Popper. Although he did not use the concept of teleonomy, which in our times was popularized by a French researcher F. Jacob, he interpreted spiritual culture created by a man as a kind of adaptation in the evolutionary sense. The concept of homogenis makes the core of Garbowski's epistemology and methodology. Garbowski claimed that the aim of science and philosophy is discovering and expressing the truth. The truth is homogenous and undivided, and experiment at the base of philosophy is also uniform and homogenous. Homogenism is a radical monism with naturalistic background.
The pivotal point in the Austrian literature on homogeneity, choice and indifference was constituted by Nozick’s On Austrian Methodology. Nozick provoked a long debate on the above notions within Austrianism. The aim of this paper is to elaborate such an account of homogeneity that would take the sting out of Nozick’s challenge and allow for non-trivial formulation of the law of diminishing marginal utility. Hence, we shall first take a closer look at the debate on indifference within the Austrian camp, while defending and building upon the Hoppean account vis-à-vis Block’s criticism. Our justification of the Hoppean position shall consist in showing that his account of the correct description of an action is not an ad hoc move aimed at solving just one problem of indifference but is highly intuitive and widely applicable. We conclude by restating the above-mentioned law, thus demonstrating that the Nozickian objection can be successfully replied.
The paper presents a problem of homogeneity, both spelling and semantics, of terms used in e-learning courses elaborated by international teams. The influence of non-homogeneity on the courses elaborating process is presented at the first part of article. Next, the rules and the tools for getting homogeneity of spelling and semantics of terms, are discussed.
Podstawą prawidłowego funkcjonowania towarzystwa ubezpieczeniowego jest odpowiednie dopasowanie wysokości składek do poziomu ryzyka, jakie reprezentują ubezpieczani. Ubezpieczyciel najczęściej grupuje kontrakty ubezpieczeniowe w portfele charakteryzujące się zbliżonym poziomem ryzyka. Istnieją jednak czynniki bezpośrednio nieobserwowalne, wpływające na wielkość i częstość szkód. Dlatego istotnym zagadnieniem jest ocena jednorodności portfela ubezpieczeniowego. Celem referatu jest ocena wybranych metod, służących do sprawdzania jednorodności portfeli ubezpieczeniowych na przykładzie danych ubezpieczeń komunikacyjnych.
The foundation of insurance company activity is proper adjustment of premium level to the risk level of the insured. The insurer usually groups policies in portfolios characterized with similar risk. However, there exist risk factors not observable directly, having impact on the claim size and frequency. An important issue, therefore is the assessment of portfolio homogeneity. The purpose of this work is the assessment of selected methods of testing portfolio homogeneity illustrated with an example of motor insurance.
Student heterogeneity in (foreign language) instruction is a problem and a major professional challenge in both theory and practice. This problem/ challenge will be discussed in the contribution as a paradox of pedagogical and didactic work from its beginnings onwards. This is followed by a reflection on the institutional and structural frameworks for differentiation as a conceptual option for appropriate treatment of student heterogeneity. The empirical part, stimulated by the students’ statements during a didactics seminar, presents the results of a qualitative analysis of statements by foreign language teachers about differentiation, possibilities of differentiation, dilemmas, and pitfalls. Finally, suggestions are presented through which differentiation could find its way from theory to practice.
Modern concepts of education are increasingly focused on e-learning and distance learning. Expectations from them are at least the same efficiency, but also results higher than those obtained by the traditional education system. In distance learning systems the modules of assistants (tutors, helpers) are very important. They provide immediate feedback both to the student and the distance learning system. Tracking and recognizing emotions in distance learning systems is of great importance, especially in the adaptive capacity of automated education systems towards the student, but also in a corrective role in the distance learning process itself. Here we present a model for evaluating students based on automatic recognition of emotions during task solving.
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Presentation of the seventh volume of Colloquia Humanistica. Wprowadzenie do 7 tomu „Colloquia Humanistica”.
Proces resocjalizacji opiera się na dwóch podstawowych metodach oddziaływania na jednostkę. Pierwszą z nich jest oddziaływanie oparte na bezpośredniej relacji wychowawcy z wychowankiem. Drugą metodą jest praca opierająca się na grupie społecznej. Niniejszy tekst jest próbą podsumowania praktyki pedagogicznej i zestawienia jej z wymaganiami teoretycznymi. Przedmiotem analizy jest dynamika powstania grupy i pogłębiony proces jej tworzenia. Przedstawione zostały czynniki sprzyjające procesowi powstania grupy oraz podstawowe metody jej pozytywnego tworzenia. Grupa w procesie resocjalizacji jest najważniejszym instrumentem oddziaływań socjoterapeutycznych. Umiejętne sterowanie jej powstaniem i dynamiką zmian jest gwarantem sukcesu resocjalizacji w przypadku nieletnich. Umiejętne sterowanie jej pracą powoduje, że resocjalizacja przenosi się z zewnętrznych nakazów na wewnętrzne normy i wartości zarówno jednostek, jak i całej społeczności. Praca włożona w umiejętne zbudowanie i uruchomienie procesów grupowych jest bardziej efektywna w kontekście czasu niż bezpośredni nadzór wychowawczy.
The resocialization process is based on two basic methods of influence on the individual. The first of these is the interaction based on the direct relationship of the educator with the foster child. The second method is a work based on a social group. This text is an attempt to summarize pedagogical practice and compare it with theoretical requirements. The subject of the analysis is the problem of creating a group and the deepened process of its creation. Factors conducive to the group’s formation process and basic methods of its positive creation will be presented. The group in the process of resocialization is the basic tool of sociotherapeutic interactions. Skillful control over its creation and dynamics of change is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation interactions in the case of minors. Skillful control of her work causes that social rehabilitation moves from external commands to internal norms and values of both individuals and the whole community. The work put into the skillful construction and launch of the group processes is more effective in the context of time than the direct supervision of the tutorial.
Disclosure of disinformation has attracted increasing attention in recent years. The society recognises that false reports pose a real threat to the credibility of information and, ultimately, to the security of society. On the Internet an active audience is a distributor of media content because they are convinced of its truth, and in the online environment they find it in other people. Therefore, the audience seems to be an active amplifier of disinformation (sharing), and thus explicitly as a creator of (unwanted) web content (sharing and commenting). People’s willingness to share disinformation is linked to people’s similar attitudes; it is related to the similarity of faith and to the perception of the message, considered as appropriate and interesting (“I like it”), etc. The term “homogeneity” turns out to be a key term in audience research, and experts speak about a phenomenon that in fact appears to be the main driving force for the dissemination of any content. The aim of the research is to identify and classify the factors that motivate university students to share information on the social networking site Facebook.
The paper aims at introducing this special issue on interdisciplinary discourse studies. The editors of the volume locate the titular problem in the context of challenges that discourse analysis has to face as a research perspective in the 21st century. Firstly, it is about explicating an analysis’ heuristic goal, which is connected with the unveiling of the mechanisms that serve to force heterogenous and discursively constructed facts and moral truths. Secondly, there is a dilemma – both ideological and methodological – as to whether discourse researchers should orient themselves towards a neutral analysis, or if they should undertake engaged research projects aiming at social and communicational change. Thirdly, another challenge concerns a choice between disciplinarily homogeneous and heterogeneous research conduct, and using the latter to reinforce critical responsiveness in discourse studies. In the final part of this paper, the authors present articles published in the volume herein as well as their central methodological premises.  
Celem artykułu jest wprowadzenie w tematykę numeru poświęconego interdyscyplinarnym badaniom dyskursu. Redaktorzy tomu umiejscawiają tytułową problematykę w kontekście wyzwań, jakie w XXI wieku stoją przed analizą dyskursu jako perspektywą badawczą. Po pierwsze, chodzi o wyeksplikowanie poznawczego celu analizy, związanego z odsłanianiem mechanizmów forsowania różnych i konstruowanych dyskursywnie faktów oraz prawd moralnych. Po drugie, dylematem zarówno ideologicznym, jak i metodologicznym jest opowiedzenie się badaczy i badaczek dyskursu za analizą neutralną wobec swojego przedmiotu lub zaangażowaną w projekt zmiany rzeczywistości komunikacyjnej i społecznej. Po trzecie, wyzwaniem jest wybór między dyscyplinarnie jednorodnym a różnorodnym postępowaniem badawczym i wykorzystanie tego drugiego do wzmacniania wrażliwości krytycznej w badaniach dyskursu. W końcowej części artykułu prezentowane są teksty zebrane w tym tomie i ich główne przesłanki metodologiczne.
In the article, I examine the descriptions of the globalized urban landscape found in William Gibson’s Bigend Trilogy (Pattern Recognition (2003), Spook Country (2007), Zero History (2010)) and argue that in the socioeconomic reality Gibson projects the global metropolis functions as both a global facilitator and a global bouncer acting on the premise of selective inclusiveness. In the article, I first argue that in the Bigend Trilogy cities act as the enablers (or enforcers) of the global flows, and, what is often overlooked, are thus complicit in all the grounding (and often villainous) processes of globalization. Subsequently, I develop some critics’ ideas about Gibson’s presentation of the urban consequences of global exchange, and conclude that in the trilogy global metropolises are the frontline for the confrontation of globalization and local idiosyncrasies, and portend the advancing global homogenization. Finally, I compare Gibson’s analyses of the post-millennial metropolis and the 20th-century edge city. Just like once edge cities, I propose, the global metropolis prides itself as the new Territory of American civilization; the opportunity it offers, Gibson illustrates, is, however, equally illusory and reserved only for the privileged minority.
Artykuł poddaje analizie opisy zglobalizowanego krajobrazu miejskiego w Trylogii Bigend Williama Gibsona (Pattern Recognition (2003), Spook Country (2007), Zero History (2010)) i stawia tezę, że w socjoekonomicznej rzeczywistości trylogii globalna metropolia nie tylko wspiera procesy zachodzące w przestrzeni przepływów, ale także pełni rolę „globalnego bramkarza”, strzegąc dostępu do struktur globalnych w imię tzw. selektywnej (w)łączności. W pierwszej kolejności artykuł prezentuje Gibsonowskie miasto globalne jako węzeł komunikacyjny oraz pierwszą linię frontu w starciu między globalizacją i lokalnością. Z racji swojego strategicznego położenia w usieciowionej przestrzeni przepływów, miasto współuczestniczy we wszystkich (często negatywnych) procesach globalnych. Zmieniający się pod wpływem tych procesów krajobraz miejski zwiastuje rosnące ujednolicenie krajobrazu globalnego. Następnie artykuł przyrównuje globalną metropolię do „miasta krawędzi” Joela Garreau. Jak kiedyś miasta krawędzi, tak dziś megamiasto zwodzi propagandą sukcesu; możliwości, które oferuje są jednakże dostępne tylko dla nielicznej, uprzywilejowanej mniejszości.
In the context of the ethno genesis of Belarusian song culture examination and the coexistence of Baltic-Slavic elements in it, it is important to properly extract the Slavic musical stylistic complex. In this article it was presented through a few syllable rhythmic forms in various ritual and non-ritual song genres. The given formants represent vocal memes of pan-Slavic importance. Their mapping gives rhythmic ranges which unite the areas of Polish, Slovak and Belarusian border. The vocal musical slavicizms are present in the basins of Prypiat and Dnieper rivers and, which had not been noticed before, in the Upper Niemen (border zone of Minsk and Grodno regions).The aspects of linguistic-musical analysis allow to show common types of vocal forms (compositions), which can be interpreted in two ways: a) as an evidence of affinity, cultural-The aspects of linguistic musical analysis allow to show common types of vocal forms (compositions), which can be interpreted in two ways: a) as an evidence of affinity, cultural-language homogeneity, b) as a result of convergence in the development of „language of culture” in different parts of analyzed region.
W kontekście badania przez nas etnogenezy kultury pieśniowej Białorusi,  współzależności w niej elementów bałtycko-słowiańskich, ważne jest właściwe wyodrębnienie słowiańskiego kompleksu muzyczno-stylistycznego. Został on przedstawiony w artykule poprzez kilka form sylaborytmicznych oraz oryginalny tryb muzyczny (mianowicie całotonowy); charakteryzują one różne gatunki pieśni obrzędowych i pozaobrzędowych. Wymienione formanty przedstawiają sobą wokalne memy ogólnosłowiańskiego znaczenia.
В контексте изучения нами этногенеза песенной культуры Беларуси, соотношения в ней балто-славянских элементов важно выделить и собственно славянский музыкально-стилевой комплекс. Он представлен в статье несколькими слогоритмическими формами в различных песенных жанрах, обрядовых и необрядовых. Названные форманты представляют собой вокальные мемы межславянского значения. Картографирование их даёт изомелы и ритмические изодоксы, объединяющие земли словацко-польского пограничья и Беларуси. Музыкально-вокальные славянизмы обнаруживаются в Поприпятье, Поднепровье и, что не было замечено ранее, в верховьях Нёмана (пограничье Минской и Гродненской областей). Аспекты лингво-музыкального анализа позволяют выявить типы вокальных форм, которые можно интерпретировать исторически двояко: а) как проявление родства, культурно-языкового моногенизма, б) как результат конвергенции процессов развития „языка культуры” (Н. Толстой) в различных частях исследуемого региона.
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