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This article is a result of research carried out in the municipality of Tykocin during a research internship. It touches upon the subject of the relation of horse breeders towards these animals. In his analysis, the author proceeds from evoking a common conceptualization of the horse to examining the rationalization of breeding it as an animal for slaughter. The author points out discontinuities and contradictions in the interlocutors’ narrations. Horses are noble, useful, friendly, gregarious and have diverse characters; however, as further argumentation shows, behind these anthropomorphic features there are strong, anthropocentric assumptions which lead to how the economic dimension of breeding affects the secondary rationalization of the postulated relationship between humans and animals. The author analyses a narrative model of talking about horses. Examining the statements of his interlocutors from a narrative perspective, the author comes to a conclusion that they recognise the inappropriateness of breeding horses for slaughter. The narrative schemes that enable its rationalisation are: transferring blame onto consumers and butchers, referring to unrelated elements of scientific theories, especially to the theory of Evolution, and evoking the “family tradition” while ignoring historical changeability. The whole article contains a historical context, and is also located within the contemporary political context. It shows ways of adapting to the policy of protecting cultural heritage, while showing its paradoxical consequences: mechanization of horse breeding and objectification of the Sokólski horse.
The study concerns the communication habits of animal lovers, considered against the background of the linguistic picture of the world, which is generally anthropocentric. The research material are comments posted on hobby websites. The analyses allowed the author to observe the active, reflective and critical attitude of many representatives of the community towards linguistic conventions. Its members attempt a dialogue with the tradition by using innovative expressions of people in relation to animals and animals in relation to people, new ways on naming the process of teaching the animal, as well as its death. However, the texts that speak of the latter case revealed the same need, which had a profound impact on the image of living beings in general Polish language — the imperative to distinguish between what is considered to be specifically human and that which is common throughout nature.
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Výcvik vodicích psů v organizaci

This article contributes to the ethnomethodological investigation of the human-animal relationship, focusing on practically oriented and situated members’ methods, categorisations, and forms of interactions. The analysis shows how members reconstruct the rules of the training of guide dogs at a particular guide dog training centre (SVVP), and, while acting, how they orient themselves towards the principles of the broader framework, namely, the ‘institution of the guide dog’. The participation of the dogs in these interactions is also considered. The use of the rules and the principles is interpreted through the concepts of positioning (Harré, Davies), claiming (Bottero, Irwin), and, in general, the framework of the ethnomethodological respecification of the concept of organisation, that is, ‘organisation-in-action’. The article demonstrates how the image of the professional charitable client-orientated organisation is constructed in situ, and how the positions of the guide dogs and the visually impaired are presented by particular speakers. It also reveals that telling moral stories is one of the most frequently used ethnomethods of self-presentation, and that the positions and the claims of the actors are constructed in two main contexts: visual impairment and the ‘dog companion culture’.
The purpose of this article is description of perception and valuation of animals by students from selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In the first part of article was presented the history of the relationship between human and animal. The theoretical part of text includes also reflections on the moral status of animals. In the second part of article was presented results of the research which was conducted by author in 2015. The subject of the researches was: “Environmental values in the awareness of the students of humanities and life sciences from the selected European countries”. The project was conducted based on the quantitative method. The sample was comprised 520 students. In the article proposes the following research problems: Does the perception of animals depend on the direction the respondents study? Does gender affect how respondents perceive animals? The questions and independent variables were nominal, and their analysis required the use of a chi-squared test to examine. On the base statistical calculations can be concluded that sex and faculty of study doesn’t differentiate respondent’s opinion about animals welfare. The lack of differences in opinions between respondents is explained by the fact that it is the result of specifics of cultural Central Eastern Europe, not of gender or field of study. Obtained conclusions are pushing for further research in this area.
W artykule omówione zostało zagadnienie uwarunkowanego antropocentrycznie relatywizmu charakteryzującego stosunek ludzi do zwierząt. Na względność dobra i zła w tym zakresie spojrzano przez pryzmat wybranych tekstów prawnych. Wskazano na językowe egzemplifikacje (różne części mowy, wyrażenia, substytucje, kolokacje) poświadczające przypadki normatywnego przyzwolenia na naruszanie dobrostanu zwierząt, wynikającego, jak można sądzić, z przedmiotowego podejścia do nich i podporządkowania postępowania względem nich dobru ludzi. Wyrażono także potrzebę nadania kwestii ochrony zwierząt rangi konstytucyjnej.
The article covers the issue of anthropocentrically conditioned relativism characterizing the attitude of humans toward animals. The relativity of good and evil in this respect was viewed through the prism of selected legal texts. Linguistic examples were indicated (various parts of speech, expressions, substitutions, collocations) attesting to cases of normative consent to the violation of animal welfare, resulting, as it may be assumed, from the subject approach to them and subordinating human welfare to them. The need to give the issue of animal protection a constitutional rank was also expressed.
Libri & Liberi
vol. Vol 4
issue 4.2
Contrary to the common view that Wonderland was sheltered from major world events, Carroll projects global trends onto his intrepid child explorer, allowing her to experience the expanding and shrinking effects of global dynamics. Emigration to the Antipodes stretches her body and the reader’s imagination beyond terrestrial limits into mysterious realms. Unbelievable animals became a reality in the context of world exploration, challenging the Victorians to extend their mental as well as their geographical horizons. The threat to the biblical divine order of animals unknown to Noah was augmented by the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species in 1859. Carroll, as a devout Christian, revived traditional views of animals as allegories of virtues and vices and as mediators between the world of spirits and the material world. Alice and Wonderland animals play roles as divine beings in a coded confrontation between contemporary scientific paradigms and magical belief-systems.
Nasuprot uvriježenomu mišljenju o tome da je Čudozemsku izolirao od važnih svjetskih događaja, Carroll je smjerove globalnoga razvoja projicirao upravo u svoju odvažnu istraživačicu, dopuštajući joj da na vlastitu tijelu iskušava posljedice proširivanja i sužavanja horizonta globalnih zbivanja. Odlazak k Antipodima izdužuje njezino tijelo, a čitateljeva se moć uobrazilje širi preko svake zemaljske granice, sve do tajnovitih predjela. Otkrivanjem su svijeta, naime, životinje koje do tada nisu bile ni zamislive postale stvarnošću. To je ljudima iz viktorijanskoga doba nametnulo potrebu za proširenjem ne samo njihovih prostornih, već i duhovnih predodžbi. Biblijski božji poredak u još većoj mjeri ugrozile su Noi nepoznate životinje, a na njihovo postojanje upućivalo je Darwinovo djelo O podrijetlu vrsta (1859). Kao uvjereni kršćanin Carroll je obnovio tradicionalno mišljenje o životinjama kao alegorijskim prikazima vrlina i poroka, ali i ono po kojemu su životinje posrednici između svijeta duhova i materijalnoga svijeta. Carroll Alici i životinjama iz Čudozemske stoga dodjeljuje ulogu božanskih bića u kodiranome suprotstavljanju suvremene znanstvene paradigme i magičnih sustava vjerovanja.
Im Gegensatz zu der üblichen Ansicht, dass das Wunderland von wichtigen Weltereignissen abgeschirmt bleibt, projizierte Carroll globale Entwicklungen auf seine kühne Explorandin, sodass sie die erweiternden und schrumpfenden Horizonte des globalen Geschehens am eigenen Leib verspüren kann. Die Auswanderung nach Australien dehnt ihren Körper und gleichzeitig die Vorstellungskraft des Lesers über die irdischen Grenzen hinaus in geheimnisvolle Gefilde hinein. Im Zuge der Entdeckung der Welt wurden Tiere, die bisher nur imaginär existierten, Realität. Dadurch ergab sich für die Viktorianer die Herausforderung, nicht nur ihre geografischen, sondern auch ihre geistigen Vorstellungen zu erweitern. Die Gefährdung der biblischen Ordnung Gottes aufgrund der für Noah unbekannten Tiere wurde noch durch die Veröffentlichung von Darwins Über den Ursprung der Arten 1859 vergrößert. Als überzeugter Christ belebte Carroll die althergebrachten Ansichten von Tieren als Allegorien für Tugenden und Laster sowie als Vermittler zwischen der Sphäre der Geister und der materiellen Welt neu. Alice und die Wunderland-Tiere spielen Rollen als göttliche Wesen im Rahmen einer kodierten Konfrontation zwischen zeitgenössischen wissenschaftlichen Paradigmen und magischen Glaubenssystemen.
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