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Ethymology of the place name Вердеревъ The oiconym Вердеревъ is mentioned in a document from the end of the 14th century. The historical place name is connected with today's name of a village in Skopin region, Riazan district. Some scientists observe a connection between the name with a hydronym Вердa (V.P. Neroznak, M.H. Tyhomyrov, M.A. Yuyukin). This explanation was called into question by the author: he proves that the oiconym Вердерев needs to be connected with a toponym Верх Дерево and adduces numerous similar geographic names in Slavic lands. Ещё раз об этимoлогии ойконима ВердеревъНазвание Вердеревъ упоминается в списке наименований городов российских от XIV в. Историческое летописное название связано с названием поселения, находящегося в Скопинском районе Рязанской области. По мнению некоторых учёных (Нерознак, Tихoмиpoв, Ююкин) данное название надо связывать с гидронимом Верда. Автор статьи предлагает другое толкование, считая, что ойконим Вердеревъ следует рассматривать в связи с топонимом Верх Дерево. На подтвержление своего мнения автор приводит ряд подобных географических названий, зафиксированных на всей славянской территории.
The purpose of the article is to consider a specific group of ergonyms associated with the regional culture, history, development, and geolocation of the Samara region. The article is aimed at finding out the main characteristic features of the names of enterprises and organizations (ergonyms) in Samara. The author uses descriptive comparative method. To provide the material and examples of ergonym, the methods of association, links and semantic map are used. The provided description makes us think that the regional peculiarities of ergonyms are an essential part of the national-cultural component. It can be realized with the help of the realities associated with geolocation or specific features of the social, cultural, historical, ethnic development of a state and nation as a whole. It can be concluded that modern trends affect the ergonymic space of a city and its ergonymicon. The national-territorial component is capable of performing a parole function. There are certain ergonymic models associated with territorial identity, including abbreviations and acronyms, as well as contaminations of different types. The analysis and the study results of Samara ergonyms are supposed to be a valuable material for investigation of proper names of enterprises, institution, firms etc. There are further prospects for studying a number of onomastic issues. The study results can be useful in solving brand and rebrand problems.
Facta Simonidis
issue 1
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono etymologię ludową i naukową kilku nazw miejscowych powiatu tomaszowskiego. Szczegółowej charakterystyce poddane zostały następujące toponimy: Lubycza Królewska, Korczmin; hydronimy: Huczwa, Wieprz, Tanew; oraz mikrotoponimy: Gołda i Zamczysko. Analiza semantyczno-strukturalna wykazała znaczne różnice między tzw. etymologią naiwną a badaniami stricte naukowymi.
This paper discusses folk and linguistic etymology of selected toponyms in the district of Tomaszów Lubelski. In particular, the author focuses his analysis on the following place names: Lubycza Królewska, Korczmin; hydronyms: Huczwa, Wieprz, Tanew; and microtoponyms: Gołda and Zamczysko. The semantic and structural analysis of the names in question reveals considerable discrepancies between the so-called naive etymology and the linguistic etymological analyses.
Acta onomastica
vol. 61
issue 1
The study is based on 10 years of hydronomastic research of the Malý Dunaj river basin. This area is characterized by an uncompact territory, multinational influences (Bavarian, Hungarian and Croatian ethnicities) and considerable anthropogenic interference in the hydrographic situation of the river basin, that are influencing the form or existence of hydronyms. The contribution focuses on the dynamics of hydronyms in the studied river basin, on the relationship between the standardized and the living form of water names, on the relationship between the first mention and the possible living (non-standardized) form, and on the causes of the disappearance of hydronyms. It also refers to the dating of the first known references of the hydronyms and points to the sources of these data.
Facta Simonidis
vol. 1
issue 1
This paper discusses folk and linguistic etymology of selected toponyms in the district of Tomaszów Lubelski. In particular, the author focuses his analysis on the following place names: Lubycza Królewska, Korczmin; hydronyms: Huczwa, Wieprz, Tanew; and microtoponyms: Gołda and Zamczysko. The semantic and structural analysis of the names in question reveals considerable discrepancies between the so-called naive etymology and the linguistic etymological analyses.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono etymologię ludową i naukową kilku nazw miejscowych powiatu tomaszowskiego. Szczegółowej charakterystyce poddane zostały następujące toponimy: Lubycza Królewska, Korczmin; hydronimy: Huczwa, Wieprz, Tanew; oraz mikrotoponimy: Gołda i Zamczysko. Analiza semantyczno-strukturalna wykazała znaczne różnice między tzw. etymologią naiwną a badaniami stricte naukowymi.
vol. 66
The development of onomastic theory in national and international contexts brings new impulses and pressures on the existing terminological system, including the unequal use of specific terms and the relationships between them. In Slavic hydronomastics, both established national and international terms are used, and others are continually emerging, with some in competition with existing ones. In order for the terminological system to fulfil its tasks, the long-term goal should be to harmonize it in both national and international contexts. In this paper, we discuss the development and status of hydronomastic terminology in the Slavic context. We propose and justify possibilities for the functional elimination of hierarchical and definitional disproportions of the terms of marine and oceanic toponymy, namely oceanonym, pelagonym, talasonym, bationym. In Slavic onomastics, the names of inland water objects are divided into potamonyms, limnonyms and helonyms (formerly also baltonyms). The creation and use of synonymous terms to existing established terms (*paludonym to helonym) may be considered inappropriate. Only time will reveal the usefulness of other emerging hydronomastic terms (*krenonym, *glacionym, etc.) and the functionality of their inclusion in the terminological system. The term microhydronym as a type of microtoponym in some national onomastics covers the names of smaller standing and flowing waters (in Ukrainian onomastics, the term only refers to smaller standing waters), and it is used especially in East Slavic and partly also in South Slavic onomastics. However, such an understanding does not conflict with the above classification of hydronyms according to object types. The question remains whether the principles of creating an onomastic terminological system are current and if there is also a desire to harmonize onomastic terminology in the international context.
Rozvoj onomastickej teórie v národných a medzinárodných súvislostiach prináša nové impulzy i tlaky na jestvujúci terminologický systém vrátane nerovnakého používania konkrétnych termínov a vzťahov medzi nimi. V slovanskej hydronomastike sa používajú zaužívané národné aj internacionálne termíny a postupne vznikajú ďalšie. Niektoré sú v konkurenčnom vzťahu k jestvujúcim termínom. Aby mohla terminologická sústava plniť svoje úlohy, dlhodobým cieľom by malo byť zosúlaďovať ju v národnom aj medzinárodnom kontexte. V príspevku sa zaoberáme vývinom a stavom hydronomastickej terminológie v slovanskom kontexte. Navrhujeme a odôvodňujeme možnosti na funkčné odstránenie hierarchických a definičných disproporcií termínov morskej a oceánskej toponymie oceánonymum, pelagonymum, talasonymum, bationymum. V slovanskej onomastike sa používa členenie názvov vnútrozemských vodných objektov na potamonymá, limnonymá a helonymá (predtým aj baltonymá). Vznik a používanie synonymných termínov k jestvujúcim vžitým termínom (*paludonymum k termínu helonymum) možno pokladať za nevhodné. Užitočnosť ďalších predznamenávaných hydronomastických  termínov (*krenonymum, *glacionymum a i.) a funkčnosť ich zaradenia do terminologickej sústavy ukáže až čas. Termín mikrohydronymum ako typ mikrotoponyma v niektorých národných onomastikách zastrešuje názvy menších stojatých a tečúcich (v ukrajinskej onomastike len menších stojatých) vôd a vžil sa najmä vo východoslovanskej a sčasti aj južnoslovanskej onomastike. Takéto chápanie však nekoliduje s uvedenou klasifikáciou hydroným podľa typov objektov. Otázkou zostáva, či a do akej miery sú zásady tvorby onomastickej terminologickej sústavy aktuálne a či je vôľa harmonizovať onomastickú terminológiu aj v medzinárodnom kontexte.
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Alanica v toponimii Dona

Acta onomastica
vol. 61
issue 1
The aim of the proposed study is to determine the Iranian trace in the toponymy (mostly in hydronymy), attested in the basin of the Don river. In particular, taking into account the results of the etymological analysis of a toponym group in the Don river region, the author considers that the conclusion about its Alanian genesis is very likely. An important factor leads to this thought: the words reconstructed in this study have a close equivalent or full identity only in the archaic Ossetian vocabulary (appellative and toponymic), which inherits Alanian lingual tradition. There is a reason to reconstruct the following Alanian words: *aspa-sāg, *aspa-[s]nav-, *mar-āf, *sāga-stān, *sūs-at, *uz-tarp, *us-tarp, *xalxal-an, *xanʒa. *Aspa-[s]nav- and *uz-tarp, *us-tarp are of particular interest for the practice of etymology and comparative-historical linguistics. The first example is an Iranian word-coinage of a Slavic toponym such as Кобылья Снова and consequently indicates the ancient Alanian and Slavonic language contacts. The second lexeme can be evidence of Iranian and Baltic lingual interaction in the Don and the Dnieper region. The conclusion on Alanian heritage in the Don toponymy can be supported with data from archaeology and history, therefore it is clear that further search of evidences of Iranian lexical relicts in this region will be in perspective.
The article discusses selected terrain names in the district of Lubawa. The microtoponyms gathered are hydronyms, hill names, names of forests, fields and meadows. The names in the group of hydronyms come usually from appellatives connected with water (stream, bog, current). All the names of hills are semantically motivated. Names of forests describe their location, size or kinds of trees. Most terrain names refer to fields and meadows because the district of Lubawa and adjacent districts are agricultural ones. The names are semantically connected with the type and colour of soil, location or condition of fields and meadows. In the collected material there are one-word names, two-word names and prepositional phrases, e.g. Biele, Młyńska Struga, Nad Zogą.
Acta onomastica
vol. 62
issue 2
This article aims to identify motivational and word-forming models of names of small rivers and lakes, surnames and nicknames which are based on “fishing” vocabulary. The methodology includes continuous sampling of onyms related to the field of fish and fishing, their word-formation analysis, linguistic observation of etymology, and interpretation in dictionaries to determine motivational models. The article is based on etymological dictionaries of Ukrainian language, Proto-Slavic dictionary of hydronyms, historical and etymological investigations, and dialect dictionaries. The classified fishing hydronyms are formed according to the motivational model “naming a water object according to the species of the fish that predominates in it”. The motivational model of “naming a river according to the external or behavioral characteristics of fish” seems less probable, as such names may refer both to the characteristics of fish and of the stream (e.g. tiny, winding). As for the surnames, a wider range of forming models is observed, e. g. a similarity between a specific person’s external characteristics and a fish, or between their behavioural traits. Naming motivation for “fishing” nicknames (which are actually based on the same models as surnames and very frequently serve as a link between a common noun and a proper name, in this case personal name) can be even more diverse. A great part of fishing nicknames is formed according to the motivational model “naming the person after a potential seme in the semantic structure of the word-motivator”, which often involves unexpected motivation.
Cílem této studie je identifikovat motivační a slovotvorné modely u hydronym (jména menších vodních toků a jezer) a antroponym (příjmení a přezdívky), která jsou založena na rybářském názvosloví. Do výzkumu byla zahrnuta vybraná onyma, která se vztahují k této slovní zásobě. Jména a odpovídající apelativa byla analyzována z hlediska slovotvorby a etymologie. Studie vychází z etymologických slovníků ukrajinštiny, praslovanského slovníku hydronym, různých historických a etymologických výzkumů a nářečních slovníků. Analyzovaná hydronyma jsou tvořena podle modelu „pojmenování vodního objektu podle druhu ryby, který v něm převládá“. Tento model se zdá být pravděpodobnější než model „pojmenování vodního toku podle vnějších znaků či způsobů chování dané ryby“, protože tato pojmenování mohou odkazovat nejen k vlastnostem ryby, ale i řeky samotné (např. malinká, hbitá). U příjmení lze pozorovat více modelů, např. jméno vzniká na základě vzhledu či chování jedince, které připomíná vlastnosti ryby. V případě přezdívek modely z části vycházejí ze způsobu tvoření příjmení (přezdívka se nezřídka stává mezičlánkem mezi apelativem a příjmením). Velká část těchto přezdívek je vytvořena podle modelu „pojmenování osoby podle potenciálního sému v sémantické struktuře motivačního slova“, což často zahrnuje i motivaci „příležitostnou“ (neočekávanou).
The paper deals with various word formation processes concerning proper nouns. The research is to prove that formants contain semantic markedness, the value of which (or its social perception) has been changing during the development of language and its onymic systems and that semantic markedness of topoformants is connected with the onymic category.
The oiconym Вердеревъ is mentioned in a document from the end of the 14th cen­tury. The historical place name is connected with today’s name of a village in Skopin region, Riazan district. Some scientists observe a connection between the name with a hydronym Вердa (V.P. Neroznak, M.H. Tyhomyrov, M.A. Yuyukin). This explana­tion was called into question by the author: he proves that the oiconym Вердерев needs to be connected with a toponym Верх Дерево and adduces numerous similar geographic names in Slavic lands.
Название Вердеревъ упоминается в списке наименований городов рос­сийских от XIV в. Историческое летописное название связано с названием поселения, находящегося в Скопинском районе Рязанской области. По мне­нию некоторых учёных (Нерознак, Tихoмиpoв, Ююкин) данное название надо связывать с гидронимом Верда. Автор статьи предлагает другое толкование, считая, что ойконим Вердеревъ следует рассматривать в связи с топонимом Верх Дерево. На подтвержление своего мнения автор приводит ряд подобных географических названий, зафиксированных на всей славянской территории.
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Alanica в топонимии Дона

Acta onomastica
vol. 64
issue 2
The aim of the proposed study is to determine the Iranian trace in the toponymy (mostly in hydronymy), attested in the basin of the Don river. In particular, taking into account the results of the etymological analysis of a toponym group in the Don river region, the author considers that the conclusion about its Alanian genesis is very likely. An important factor leads to this thought: the words reconstructed in this study have close equivalent or full identity only in the archaic Ossetian vocabulary (appellative and toponymic), which inherits Alanian lingual tradition. There is a reason to reconstruct the following Alanian words: *anz-āf, *aspa-boγ-, *boγ-ān, *boγ-ut čar, *bor-oday- or *bar-oday-, *bur-gāmi āstaw, *dānaw [*dānaw- sanak?], *fars-dān, *fotug-dān, *is-ān, *sūs-[w]ad, *tuskāj lanč-, *wīr-xān or *wīri xān. All overviewed toponyms are of particular interest for the practice of etymology and Iranian comparative-historical linguistics. There is a very interesting and etymologically equivocal example Донав Сынок which may be a case of Slavic rethinking Alanian *dānaw just as Proto-Slavic *dunavь. The conclusion on Alanian heritage in the Don toponymy can be supported with data of archaeology and history, therefore it is clear that further search of evidences of Iranian lexical relicts in this region will be in perspective.
Cílem příspěvku je odhalit íránskou stopu v toponymii (především pak hydronymii) povodí řeky Donu. Na základě výsledků etymologické analýzy autor považuje závěry o alanské genezi za velmi pravděpodobné. Vede jej k tomu následující důležitá skutečnost: slova rekonstruovaná v tomto příspěvku mají blízký ekvivalent nebo plnou identitu pouze v archaické osetské slovní zásobě (apelativní i toponymické), která vychází z alanského jazykového dědictví. Lze zrekonstruovat následující alanská slova: *anz-āf, *aspa-boγ-, *boγ-ān, *boγ-ut čar, *bor-oday- nebo *bar-oday-, *bur-gāmi āstaw, *dānaw [*dānaw- sanak?], *fars-dān, *fotug-dān, *is-ān, *sūs-[w]ad, *tuskāj lanč-, *wīr-xān nebo *wīri xān. Všechna zkoumaná toponyma jsou obzvláště zajímavá z hlediska etymologie a iránské historickosrovnávací lingvistiky. Bez zajímavosti není ani etymologicky dvojznačné jméno Донав Сынок, v jehož případě se může jednat jak o slovanskou výpůjčku alanského výrazu *dānaw, tak o praslovanský výraz *dunavь. Závěr o existenci alanského kulturního dědictví v toponymii povodí Donu může být podpořen archeologickými i historickými daty, a je proto zřejmé, že bude namístě další hledání dokladů íránského lexika v tomto regionu.
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