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This paper aims at making a presentation of the main regional ideologies of the Transylvanian cultural and spiritual life in the interwar period. The Hungarians’ Transylvanianism and the Romanians’ creative localism or ardelenism alike offered a wide range of key concepts and ideas that shaped/and were shaped by the cultural context of the time. Both regionalisms - Romanian and Hungarian - shared many of these concepts and ideas, although they never really sustained an open and efficient communication due to a series of causes. The shifts that occurred in the self-defining strategies, the communication breakdowns that characterized the relationships between the two cultural milieus and intellectual circles, the identity discourses that can be spotted in the media of that time, and the movement known as Transylvanianism are all approached with the purpose of identifying the causes that hindered real and efficient communication between Romanians and Hungarians.
The development of national community in the light of the 16th century historiographic writing. Reconnaissance The paper constitutes an element of a large scale project whose aim consists in the reconstruction of the identity discourse of the First Republic of Poland in historiographic writing. The sketch presents selected linguistic and extra-linguistic mechanism used in historiography for the purpose of developing national community (at that time understood as the nation of the gentry) and strengthening its internal bonds. The mechanisms used to be referred to as cognitive or visual propaganda. The goal of the paper is achieved by means of the presentation of the linguistic means used for the purpose of shaping historical consciousness as the foundation of national community or expressions referring to the basic concepts related to the national community, i.e. names of the country (kingdom, crown, homeland, state, Poland, republic, the Sarmatia), citizens (Polanie, Polacy, Lechy, Lachy, the Sarmatians) and finally – indication of the role of the graphic code. The source documentation includes 16th century Polish language catalogues of monarchs treated as a tool of social communication and the strategic element of state policy.
vol. 20
issue 1
In the article I attempt to reconstruct the image of ‘the Other’ as presented in middle school textbooks. I am interested in how the authors introduce the motifs of otherness and cultural differences in the world as presented by the textbook. My analysis of five textbook series leads me to conclude that the image of ‘the Other’ is usually presented in contrast to patriotism developed by the official patriotic narrative and that the visions of ‘otherness’ shown to students are very different from the reality of the contemporary civilisation. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that school didactics have not moved beyond cultivating the 19th century concept of nation and beyond the outdated evidence of experiencing otherness developed in that culture. One cannot state with conviction that the education in Polish schools prepares the students for living in a multicultural society.
W artykule staram się odtworzyć przedstawiany w podręcznikach gimnazjalnych obraz Innego. Interesuje mnie sposób, w jaki autorzy wpisują w kreowany przez podręcznik obraz świata motywy obcości czy odmienności kulturowej. Analiza pięciu serii podręczników prowadzi do wniosku, że wizerunek obcego włączany jest najczęściej w oficjalną narrację patriotyczną, a podsuwane uczniom obrazy „inności” nie przystają do współczesnych realiów cywilizacyjnych. Trudno oprzeć się wrażeniu, że dydaktyka szkolna zatrzymała się na XIX-wiecznej koncepcji narodu i utrwalonych w ówczesnej kulturze świadectwach doświadczania obcości. Nie można zatem powiedzieć, że polska szkoła przygotowuje uczniów do życia w wielokulturowym społeczeństwie.
This article addresses means of expressing and implying emotions (Langlotz, Locher 2012) in realizations of impoliteness in written discourse thematizing language and identity in Croatian and Montenegrin media in 2010 and 2011. Realizations of impoliteness often relate to communicating an emotional stance that can trigger emotional responses in readers. Our discourse sample can be described as “disputes about language and identity” (cf. Felberg, Šarić 2013), which is largely characterized by conflictual disagreements. Conflictual disagreements, as Jones (2001) or Langlotz and Locher (2012) put it, do not leave one cold in face-to-face interaction: they arouse feelings of annoyance, irritation, anger, or contempt directed to the communicative partner. These observations are relevant in our context, although we deal with written discourse. The main participants in our data include well-known intellectuals, journalists, and editors. They all defend or attaca a position in discussing, among other things, “how similar ‘our’ language (Croatian/Montenegrin) is to ‘their’ language” (Serbian), and “what makes this language (Croatian/Montenegrin) a distinctive and independent entity”. These participants clearly position themselves in relation to other participants. Their positioning of the self and the other person involves negative identity-ascribing practices. Taking into consideration parameters such as the role of participants in discourse and society, context, co-text, and activity types in which discourse participants engaged, we identified various highly context-dependent types and functions of impoliteness realizations (cf. Šarić, Felberg 2015). Contrary to our expectations, the participants in the media discourse in both countries frequently use impoliteness both strategically and systematically while defending their positions. The impoliteness realizations point to emotively significant places in discourse. Their use has several functions: a prominent one is coercion through legitimizing one’s own standpoints and delegitimizing those of one’s opponents.
The main purpose of the article is to find the answer, how two different religious traditions (reformative and catholic) influenced the process of building of historical consciousness of secular Czech society in the interwar period. During the first years of the independent Czechoslovakia existence, a typical phenomenon was a domination of the hussite historical reminiscences, which culminated in the year 1925, during the national celebration of the 510 anniversary of Jan Hus’ death. In the same time, it was possible to notice voices, which were questioning an asymmetric construction of historical consciousness and emphasizing necessity of ‘extracting’ also from other historical traditions. The opportunity to merge two main Czech spiritual traditions occured in the year 1929, when not only Catholic Church, but also Czechoslovak state organised Saint Wenceslas Millennium celebration. ‘Over-confession’ and ‘over-ethnical’ meaning of state parts of celebration should be considered as the successful change of unequal paradigm of historical consciousness, as well as the beginning of gradual process changing Czech society from the community defined in the ethnical-language way into civic society
The main purpose of the article is to find the answer, how two different religious traditions (reformative and catholic) influenced the process of building of historical consciousness of secular Czech society in the interwar period. During the first years of the independent Czechoslovakia existence, a typical phenomenon was a domination of the hussite historical reminiscences, which culminated in the year 1925, during the national celebration of the 510 anniversary of Jan Hus’ death. In the same time, it was possible to notice voices, which were questioning an asymmetric construction of historical consciousness and emphasizing necessity of ‘extracting’ also from other historical traditions. The opportunity to merge two main Czech spiritual traditions occured in the year 1929, when not only Catholic Church, but also Czechoslovak state organised Saint Wenceslas Millennium celebration. ‘Over-confession’ and ‘over-ethnical’ meaning of state parts of celebration should be considered as the successful change of unequal paradigm of historical consciousness, as well as the beginning of gradual process changing Czech society from the community defined in the ethnical-language way into civic society.
The paper attempts to describe a fragment of the 16th century historiographic writing, perceived as a tool for shaping attitudes, spreading values, creating and consolidating collective memory. 16th century Polish catalogues of monarchs (Ikones) constitute the resource material. They performed the commemorative function, but were also used by the authorities as a channel for disseminating information about the history of the state and the society from the angle of the deeds of sovereigns. The figures of the rulers recorded in the catalogues may serve as universal patterns of both positive (the knight, the host, the father, the faithful) as well as negative attitudes. This form of writing was decisive in respect of what should be remembered and how, constructing common world view and hence developing the identity of the nation of the gentry.
This sketch concerns the notions of groups that were considered aliens by the old Poles. Methodologically the work remains in the circle of ethnolinguistic research. The analysis uses the tools developed by the theory of linguistic image of the world. Material has been excerpted from 4 catalogs of rulers created in the period from the seventeenth to the eighteenth century. In the observed catalogs, there are three points of view, from the perspective of which the alien is categorized; these are the optics of a sword, cross, crown. The reconstruction of the infidels’ image in the article is carried out in the context of the functions this category plays in the era of shaping and preservation of national identity in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country.
After the fall of the communist system, cities of Central and Eastern Europe have undergone complex transformation resulting from such processes as democratization, marketization or globalization. Collapse of the communist regime not only was a turning point in political context, but it also introduced changes and initiated processes which have significantly influenced architecture and urban planning as well as the way of thinking about a city in broader social and cultural context. Although it is a quarter of a century, the process of re-defining and formulating a new urban identity initiated at that time has been still taking place. Lodz is a very interesting example of a post-communist and post-industrial city, where current identity discourse is strongly associated with revitalisation projects.The authors represent two fields of humanities: art history and cultural anthropology. The aim of joint research is to carry out analysis that will help answer the question of how a new Lodz identity is created and how a city identity is managed within the scope of planned and already undertaken revitalisation actions.
W artykule podejmowane są kwestie międzypokoleniowego przekazu dziedzictwa kulturowego. Autor zastanawia się, jaką rolę w tym procesie odgrywa szkoła. Analizując podstawę programową, stara się zrekonstruować ramy, jakie tym działaniom wyznacza polityka oświatowa. Wskazuje, że oficjalne zalecenia stanowią tylko jeden z elementów szeroko rozumianego dyskursu kształtującego tożsamość indywidualną, społeczną i kulturową nastolatka. Dlatego też próbuje określić miejsce oficjalnego dyskursu w obrębie innych wypowiedzi docierających do ucznia gimnazjum i ocenić atrakcyjność przekazu szkolnego w kontekście innych narracji objaśniających świat. Autor odwołuje się do edukacyjnych doświadczeń wprowadzania w tradycję kulturową na przestrzeni czterdziestu ostatnich lat, wskazując te rozwiązania, które uwzględniają rolę ucznia jako podmiotu kształtującego swoją tożsamość. Podkreślana jest rola, jaką w procesie edukacyjnym mogą odegrać narracyjne koncepcje objaśniania świata.
In the text, the question of inter-generational transmission of cultural heritage is addressed, with the focus on the role played by the school in that process. Through an analysis of the national educational programme, an attempt is made to reconstruct the role of national education policy in the framework. It is pointed out that official recommendations constitute only one element of the broadly defined discourse that shapes the individual, social and cultural identity of an adolescent. There-fore, an attempt is made to determine the position of the official discourse among other messages reaching the student and to assess the appeal of the concept as presented by schools in context of other narrations. Educational experiences relevant to the introduction of cultural tradition over the last forty years are referred to throughout the text and approaches accepting the role of a student as a subject creating their own identity are highlighted. Given all those observations, emphasis is placed on the role played in the education process by narrative concepts that help to explain the world.
vol. 32
issue 2
This article aims to describe narratives regarding migration within Slupsk's cultural sphere and their contextual reflections in theatre. The article begins with a comparative analysis of local biographies written down in personal documents, such as the yet-to-be-published Wspomnienia pierwszych słupszczan (“Memories of the first residents of Slupsk”), and the published accounts of Slupsk's residents in Mój nowy dom (“My new home”). The above works are then examined through the lens the of literary discourse surrounding migratory identity.
Artykuł prezentuje narracje migracyjne (założycielskie i tożsamościowe) kulturowej przestrzeni miasta Słupska oraz ich konteksty teatralne. Punktem wyjścia staje się analiza porównawcza mikrohistorii lokalnych zapisanych w tekstach dokumentu osobistego: nieopublikowanych dotąd Wspomnieniach pierwszych słupszczan i opublikowanych wspomnieniach słupskich osadników Mój nowy dom (2009). Przykłady lokalnych narracji migracyjnych skonfrontowane zostają z ustaleniami teoretycznoliterackimi w zakresie literackich świadectw dyskursu tożsamościowego i memorialnego.
An important place in contemporary public discourse is occupied by identity discourse, dominating in the so-called identity media. This discourse in modern media draws attention to, among others on the so-called European identity. The aim of the article is to try to answer the question: what identity discourse about the identity of Europe is created in the media, presenting different political views. The phrase European / European identity, which appears in Polish public discourse, has been analyzed. As a result of the preliminary analysis, the main issues of the identity of modern Europe, taken up in the media discourse, were identified: the identity crisis, relations between European and national identity, values, threats to the EU’s identity.
Ważne miejsce we współczesnym dyskursie publicznym zajmuje tzw. dyskurs tożsamościowy, dominujący w tzw. mediach tożsamościowych. W dyskursie tym we współczesnych mediach zwraca się uwagę m.in. na tzw. tożsamość europejską. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: jaki dyskurs tożsamościowy dotyczący tożsamości Europy kreowany jest w mediach, prezentujących różne poglądy polityczne. Analizie poddano frazę tożsamość Europy/europejska, która pojawia się w polskim dyskursie publicznym. W wyniku wstępnej analizy wskazano główne zagadnienia dotyczące tożsamości współczesnej Europy, podejmowane w dyskursie medialnym, tj. kryzys tożsamościowy, relacje między tożsamością europejską a narodową, wartości, zagrożenia dla tożsamości UE.
The aim of the text is to present opportunity to use researches on press discourse to describe national identity. At the beginning we try to show complexity of the category of national identity. We try to build the definition taking into account main trends of theoretical researches. Then we focus on identity discourse discussing its definition and showing existing methods of examining of discourse. Finally we shows some advantages of use of media discourse analyze to research the national identity.
Poradnik Językowy
vol. 815
issue 6
The article ponders upon ethnic proverbs containing the ethnonyms Ormianin ‘Armenian’, Grek ‘Greek’ and Żyd ‘Jew’, which constitute a peculiar collection of paremics determined by the former sociocultural context. The research material was collected using the NKJP and Google search engine. The paper aims at analysing the collected paremic items as carriers of ethnostereotypes, and to interpret them as textual realizations of the collective memory genre. I employ linguistic cultural methods and the linguistics of memory in the analysis and description of the material, which allows the studied proverbs to be framed as a genre of memory participating in the transmission of images of the past. The study also takes into account the pragmatic functions of proverbs in contemporary identity discourse and the reinterpretation of meanings contained in the paremic items in question.
Artykuł poświęcony jest przysłowiom etnicznym zawierających etnonimy: Ormianin, Grek, Żyd, które stanowią swoistą kolekcję paremiczną uwarunkowaną przez dawny kontekst społeczno-kulturowy. Materiał badawczy został zebrany przy użyciu wyszukiwarki NKJP i Google. Celem artykułu jest analiza zebranych jednostek paremicznych jako nośników etnostereotypów oraz interpretacja jako tekstowych realizacji gatunku pamięci zbiorowej. W analizie i opisie materiału wykorzystuję metody lingwistyczno-kulturowe oraz lingwistyki pamięci, pozwalające na ujęcie omawianych przysłów w ramy gatunku pamięci uczestniczącego w przekazywaniu obrazów przeszłości. W badaniu uwzględniono pragmatyczne funkcje przysłów we współczesnym  dyskursie tożsamościowym oraz zachodzącą w nim reinterpretację znaczeń zawartych w badanych jednostkach paremicznych.
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