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The purpose of this article is to recognize the assessment of Cracow from the perspective of the residents and tourists a year after a religious event, the 2016 World Youth Day (2016WYD). Bearing in mind that the image of a city is created by an individual and their socio-demographic features, ones that differentiate the assessment of the city were identified and their direction and strength were highlighted. It was also checked whether the assessment of the city declared by tourists (the experimental group) was different from the assessment of the residents (the control group). Analogically, significant differences were recognized between the tourists and residents who took part in 2016WYD; tourists who participated and did not participate in 2016WYD, and also the residents who participated and did not participate in 2016WYD. Theoretical considerations relating to the city, its recipients and mega-events were conducted on the basis of subject literature review. In the statistical part non-parametric tests and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were used in order to achieve the assumed objectives. The results allowed us to observe how the improvement of the city image a year after the mega-event is more often declared by the inhabitants than by tourists and out of socio-demographic features of an individual, gender (both in the case of inhabitants and tourists) determines the assessment of the city image to the greatest extent.
Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie oceny wizerunku miasta Krakowa z perspektywy jego mieszkańców i turystów rok po wielkim wydarzeniu religijnym, jakim były Światowe Dni Młodzieży (ŚDM). Mając na względzie, że obraz miasta kształtowany jest przez jednostkę i jej cechy społeczno-demograficzne, wyodrębniono te cechy, które różnicują ocenę wizerunku miasta, uwypuklając ich kierunek i siłę. Zbadano również czy ocena wizerunku miasta deklarowana przez turystów (grupa eksperymentalna) różniła się od tej deklarowanej przez mieszkańców (grupa kontrolna). Podobnie, istotne różnice rozpoznano między turystami i mieszkańcami uczestnikami ŚDM; turystami uczestniczącymi i nieuczestniczącymi w ŚDM, a także mieszkańcami uczestniczącymi i nieuczestniczącymi w ŚDM. Rozważania teoretyczne odnośnie do miasta, jego adresatów, wielkich wydarzeń oraz wizerunku przeprowadzono na podstawie kwerendy literatury przedmiotu. W części empirycznej wykorzystano testy nieparametryczne oraz współczynniki korelacji dla realizacji założonych celów. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły zaobserwować m.in., że poprawę wizerunku miasta rok po wielkim wydarzeniu częściej deklarują mieszkańcy, niż turyści, a spośród cech demograficzno-społecznych jednostki płeć (zarówno u mieszkańców, jak i turystów) w największym stopniu determinuje ocenę wizerunku miasta.
The text refers to two documentary projects that were created by well-known Polish documentary film directors: Maciej Drygas and Mirosław Dembiński. The first one, Łódź from Dawn till Dusk, was made as a part of the education program at the Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź in 2007. For several years, students in the second year of the Directing Department made short films about Łódź, forming out of this mosaic, images of the city from dawn till dusk. After having been experienced in Łódź, the project led to the idea of using this method to describe various cities around the world. Finally, five films were made in five different cities under the auspices of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. This article concentrates on the analysis of the structure of these films and the images of the cities that emerge out of them.
“The World from Dawn til Dask”. Contemporary Images of the City in the Documentary Projects of Maciej Drygas and Mirosław Dembiński The text refers to two documentary projects that were created by well-known Polish documentary film directors: Maciej Drygas and Mirosław Dembiński. The first one, Łódź from Dawn till Dusk, was made as a part of the education program at the Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź in 2007. For several years, students in the second year of the Directing Department made short films about Łódź, forming out of this mosaic, images of the city from dawn till dusk. After having been experienced in Łódź, the project led to the idea of using this method to describe various cities around the world. Finally, five films were made in five different cities under the auspices of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. This article concentrates on the analysis of the structure of these films and the images of the cities that emerge out of them.
The global community has been overcoming the crisis of being in the city for almost a century. And we are trying to answer the problems of urban crises - how and why do they arise, which development path should the city take and is this step justified? The simplest way of overcoming the crisis by the city authorities is an irrational solution - to erase the past, and build a new one. In such cases, the historical layering of images of the city, which have a great cultural value, is not taken into account. The city government alone and the bunch of institutions interested exclusively in their own financial issues do not have the right to carry out any transformations of the urban image without the participation of the city society and persons competent in this matter. It is culturology, on the one hand, that makes it possible to implement a comprehensive understanding of transformations in the urban space, excluding the one-sided development of transformations from a technical and aesthetic point of view of urban planning. On the other hand, it allows awareness-raising activities among urban residents, teaching them a kind of literacy and critical thinking about the center of their existence. However, for this purpose there must be a certain strategy of work and social cohesion. So, having faced the problem of lack of convenient and at the same time comprehensive definition of the above-mentioned historical layering and the feasibility of transformations in the urban image, in this article I propose, in my opinion, mandatory and at the same time the main stage of work for institutions involved in urban planning. I have developed a model of systematization of concepts of the image of the city, which at this time have already formed a historical multi-layer of the city. This development demonstrated the ability to predict the “behavior” of urban transformations in the future, especially young cities, whose historical layers of images are still ahead, based on the calculation of adaptation maxima in the life of the concept of the city image.
Tożsamość indywidualna jest zagadnieniem subiektywnym, kształtowanym między innymi przez otoczenie. Jakość otaczającej przestrzeni tożsamość miejsca wpływa zarówno na kształtowanie tożsamości jednostki, jak i na tożsamość zbiorową. Zmiany polityczne, społeczne i gospodarcze ostatnich dekad nasiliły potrzebę określenia „kim jesteśmy”, a co za tym idzie zachowania tradycji lokalnych. Część polskich miast utraciła swoją tożsamość w wyniku II wojny światowej, a działania służące jej odzyskaniu trwają do dziś. W wielu miastach pojawiają się spektakularne realizacje, ikony architektury. Komercjalizując przestrzeń nie zawsze wpływają korzystnie na tożsamość miasta. Silne osadzenie wybitnych budowli w przestrzeni i tradycji miejsca, z zachowaniem ich współczesnego charakteru, wzbogaca przestrzeń i służy zachowaniu ciągłości tożsamości, nadając jej równocześnie nowe wartości.
The identity of the individual is a subjective issue, shaped, among others, by the environment. The quality of surroundings, the identity of the place influences both the formation of the identity of the individual and the identity of the collective. The political, social, and economic changes of recent decades have intensified the need to identify who we are and thus the need to preserve local traditions. Many Polish cities have lost their identity as a result of the activities of the last world war, and attempts to recover it continue to this day. There are cities which try to improve their image through building spectacular realisations, architectural icons. Commercialising space does not always have a positive impact on the identity of the city. Strong integration of remarkable buildings in the space and tradition of the city, preserving their contemporary character, enriches the space and helps retain the continuity of identity, at the same time adding new values to it.
Artykuł omawia topos miasta w poezji twórców Stowarzyszenia „Białowieża”. Autor analizuje najbardziej charakterystyczne dla osobistej percepcji miasta kody interpretacyjne: kulturowy, historiozoficzny, psychologiczny. Szczególną uwagę zwraca na poezję Jana Czykwina, w której temat ten zajmuje wiele miejsca.
The article discusses the author’s reflection image of the city so the “Bialowieza”, analyzes the various interpretative codes: cultural, historiosophical, psychological, which are characteristic of personal perception Urbanik different creators. Special attention is paid analyze poetry Yan Chikvin, in whose works the image of the city occupies a particularly important place.
The article focuses on the construction and symbolic encoding of Prague during the 1950s. After 1948 the political and professional elites constructed a suggestive propagandist image of the capital as a ‘new socialist city’. Prague began to be transformed through interventions in its physical space (architecture, monuments), production of its social reality (organized work teams) and reinterpretation of its history. The leading role of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in this process was systematically popularized by the political representatives, the local press and guidebooks. The Communist rhetoric emphasized both Soviet paragons and selected Czech historical traditions (in particular, the Hussite Movement and the Czech National Revival). Citing the example of Prague, this article attempts to underline the spatial aspect of Stalinist ideology and the social ‘constructability’ of any space.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pierwotnych przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza ankiety bezpośredniej na reprezentatywnej próbie dorosłych mieszkańców Szczecina na temat ich postaw i opinii wobec miasta zamieszkania. Ich znajomość jest istotna w opracowywaniu strategii działań marketingowych miasta, w tym zwłaszcza działań związanych z aktywizowaniem społeczności lokalnych, komunikacją władz z mieszkańcami, promocją dorobku miasta czy też budowaniem jego wizerunku, jak również może stanowić podstawę oceny skuteczności realizowanych przez władze działań marketingowych.
The article presents the results of a primary research conducted with the use of a direct questionnaire among a representative sample of adult residents of Szczecin. The questionnaire concerns their attitudes and opinions towards the city of residence. The outcome of the research is essential to develop the city's marketing strategy, in particular activities related to the activation of local communities, communication between the government and residents, promotion of the city heritage, or to build image of the city. Moreover, it can provide the basis for assessing the effectiveness of the authorities' marketing efforts.
У міжвоєнний період м. Львів виступало центром українсыкого політичного та культурного жкиття Польщі. Незважаючи на непрості політичні обставини, українсыкі еліти намагалися формулювати образ міста як „серця й мозку" західної України. У 1928 р. нагодою до цього стали, зокрема, березневі вибори до парламенту та листопадові святкування десятої річниці спалаху українсыко-польської війни.
During tne mid-war period Lviv was a leading centre of Ukrainian cultural and political life in Polish state. Despite the untavourable political situation Ukrainian elites tried to create mythologized image of the city as a ”heart and brain” of West Ukraine. In 1928 the opportunities for such actions were, among others, parliamentary elections in March, and - in November - 1st anniversary of the outbreak of the Ukrainian-Polish war.
Zmiany struktury demograficznej społeczeństwa wiążą się jednocześnie z nowymi wyzwaniami w obszarze społecznym, ekonomicznym i kulturowym. Procesy starzenia się szczególnie widoczne są w miastach, w których przyrost ludności w wieku 65+ jest w ostatnich latach bardzo wyraźny. Powoduje to coraz częstsze pojawianie się w dyskursie publicznym debat na temat kwestii związanych z koncepcjami age friendly city. W tym kontekście miasto można traktować jako produkt, którego jedną z grup odbiorców są osoby starsze. Produkt terytorialny powinien odpowiadać również ich potrzebom. Jest to jedna z przyczyn tego, że miasta starają się zmienić swój wizerunek i być postrzegane jako przyjazne starzeniu się. Konsekwencją tych zmian jest poszerzanie lub rozbudowywanie oferty miejskiej dostosowanej do potrzeb osób starszych i taka organizacja przestrzeni, która umożliwia sprawne funkcjonowanie tej grupy. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie, jak pojęcie age friendly city rozumieją różne grupy odbiorców produktu terytorialnego, jakim jest miasto, i jak z tej perspektywy oceniają wizerunek Krakowa na tle innych polskich miast. W opracowaniu zostały przedstawione wyniki badań własnych zrealizowanych z wykorzystaniem wielorakiej analizy czynnikowej (multiple factor analysis – MFA).
Demographic changes are connected with new challenges in society, culture and the economy. These changes are especially visible in big cities, where the number of older inhabitants is systematically increasing, lending importance to the discussion of the role of modern cities in the context of demographic changes. The emergence of the “age friendly city” is proof of that importance. In this paper the city is understood as a territorial product and the elderly as one of its target groups. The aim of this paper is to present how different groups understand the term “age-friendly city” and how they perceive Cracow from this perspective in comparison to other polish cities. Multiple factor analysis was used to find the answer to this question.
The author of the article discusses in detail documentary films which provide images of Poland’s capital, its permanent residents and newcomers, called “provincial jars”. She compares prevalent imaginations about Warsaw with the realities of daily life in the capital. The analysis begins with examples from the “black series” of the Polish documentary. In the 1950s, directors like Hoffman, Skórzewski, Karabasz and Ślesicki initiated the trend of recording the “dark side of the city”, though most films from the times of the People’s Republic of Poland showed Warsaw as a wonderful, modern metropolis. In the 1990s, Warsaw became the symbolic center of a newly developing capitalism. Most of the phenomena associated with this socio-economic transformation can be seen on the streets in this city. Back then, directors like Titkow, Pałka, Sapija and Kędzierski aimed their cameras at central points in the city (the Palace of Culture and Science and the Stadium of the 10th Anniversary), asking residents of the capital, newcomers from the East, and those from the Polish provinces about their situation, views, plans for the future and opinions on Warsaw. The documentary film Warszawa do wzięcia, directed by Julia Ruszkiewcz and Karolina Bielawska, might be considered a perfect summary of the changes in the image of the Polish capital. In this picture, Warsaw is shown through the eyes of three young girls from a State Agricultural Farm somewhere in the Polish provinces, for whom a trip and work in the capital offered a chance for a change in their fate, but ended in failure.
At Warsaw: imaginations and reality. Documentary stories about the capital, its residents and newcomers called “provincial jars”  The author of the article discusses in detail documentary films which provide images of Poland’s capital, its permanent residents and newcomers, called “provincial jars”. She compares prevalent imaginations about Warsaw with the realities of daily life in the capital. The analysis begins with examples from the “black series” of the Polish documentary. In the 1950s, directors like Hoffman, Skórzewski, Karabasz and Ślesicki initiated the trend of recording the “dark side of the city”, though most films from the times of the People’s Republic of Poland showed Warsaw as a wonderful, modern metropolis. In the 1990s, Warsaw became the symbolic center of a newly developing capitalism. Most of the phenomena associated with this socio-economic transformation can be seen on the streets in this city. Back then, directors like Titkow, Pałka, Sapija and Kędzierski aimed their cameras at central points in the city (the Palace of Culture and Science and the Stadium of the 10th Anniversary), asking residents of the capital, newcomers from the East, and those from the Polish provinces about their situation, views, plans for the future and opinions on Warsaw. The documentary film Warszawa do wzięcia, directed by Julia Ruszkiewcz and Karolina Bielawska, might be considered a perfect summary of the changes in the image of the Polish capital. In this picture, Warsaw is shown through the eyes of three young girls from a State Agricultural Farm somewhere in the Polish provinces, for whom a trip and work in the capital offered a chance for a change in their fate, but ended in failure.
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