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Upon the discovery and colonization of the Americas, sixteenth‑century Spaniards had to face the process of interpretation of the new reality. To do this, they drew on a specific kind of writing, the chronicles of the Indies, and used specific social imaginary, a way of conceptualizing which comes from Spanish and, more broadly, European cultural traditions. A Hispanic chronicler wrote about the Indians and about himself. The aim of this paper is to analyze one of those texts, the Relación Breve – written by one of the soldiers of Cortés and a Dominican friar, Francisco de Aguilar – in order to define his cultural tradition and his way of addressing the “Other”, an indigenous world. My study shows that the text by Aguilar is a mixture of medieval and Renaissance discourse; the author exposes his judgment about the native inhabitants of the Americas based on his viewpoint of a soldier or of a friar.
Global warming is a fact. The reason for this can only be a guess. There are hypotheses claiming that the climate changes are consequences of human activities. Other hypotheses say that such occurrences appear regularly every few thousand years. As early as the beginning of the twentieth century some scientists noticed indicators of the growth of the global average temperature. Regardless of the reason global warming is observable mostly in polar areas. Nowadays about four million people live in the Arctic including native inhabitants. Global warming impacts on all of these including indigenous peoples of the Arctic whose cultural identities have always been related to nature. They have always lived in harmony together with nature, they have been a part of it and have never tried to fight against it. A changing climate can make them give up the way their ancestors used to live. Afterwards it can cause the disappearance of their languages and cultures that languages are parts of. Besides for many decades all indigenous people had been thought to be at a lower development level than new arrivals so today almost all languages spoken by indigenous peoples of the Arctic are endangered. All indigenous peoples of the Arctic have common points in their histories like deprivation of lands and suppression of languages and traditions. Most of their ancient customs and religions are forgotten but there are many material marks that are important for future generations. It is very important to preserve the marks and the knowledge of their languages because the value of them is priceless. Today native inhabitants of the Arctic live in countries with various law regulations so their situation is different in each country. Some of them have some autonomy, but others still seek it.
In the article the period of traditional education of aboriginal people in Canada in precolonial times has been presented. The main objectives have been defined as theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, which highlights different aspects of the problem under research; characteristic of theoretical framework in understanding the concept of traditional aboriginal pedagogy and main principles underlying the education of younger generations of the indigenous people in Canada. The major components of teaching methods (practical, visual and oral) have been specified. Practical, visual and oral methods of imparting knowledge have been discussed and peculiarities of the traditional education of native population in Canada in precolonial period have been identified. The problem of traditional education of aboriginal people in Canada has been studied by scientists: aboriginal education (M. Battiste, J. Henderson, J. Lambe); development of aboriginal education (J. Friesen, V. Friesen, J. Miller, E. Neegan); tertiary education of aboriginal people (V. Kirkness); traditional education of aboriginal people (L. McGregor). The research methodology comprises theoretical methods (comparative-historical method; logical and comparative methods; methods of induction and deduction, synthesis and analysis).
This article explores the development in Bolivia under president Evo Morales, through a critical postcolonial approach. From a traditional liberal perspective, this article concludes that the liberal democratic system under Morales has not been deepening, though certain new participatory aspects of democracy, including socio-economic reforms have been carried out. In contrast, this article analyses to what extent the presidency of Evo Morales may be seen as the end of the postcolonialism, and the beginning of a new era in which Bolivia’s indigenous people finally have been incorporated into the forward development of a multi-ethnic society. By analysing issues such as time, nation, land, space, globalization and language, the conclusion is that the new constitution marks a fresh beginning, one beyond the colonial and postcolonial eras, for indigenous groups, but it will not bring back the old indigenous societies as was dominating the territory of today’s modern state.
issue 50
The article is a deep reflection on changes taking place in minority cultures, not only in contact with their larger neighbours, but also, and above all, under the influence of globalisation processes and the rapid development of tourism. The research is structured in order to present the Batwa people living in the African Great Lakes region from a broader time perspective. The juxtaposition of two research periods, one from the early 20th century (Jan Czekanowski) and the other from the 21st century (Lucjan Buchalik), made it possible to track the changes in the everyday life of this community. On the one hand, the Batwa are marginalised, and on the other hand, they are being absorbed by the surrounding, more dominant peoples. Studying the transformation process, one can notice that the Batwa accepted many changes resulting from their contacts with the outside world. It was the process of forcible displacement from their historical territories that threatened the existence of this community.
In the history of the struggle of the North American Indigenous people for the respect of their rights, the Catholic Church has always been portrayed as the one who most contributed to the violation of the fundamental rights of them, including the right to dignity and self-determination. The attitude of the governments of colonial states or the newly founded Canadian state or the United States or other Christian denominations, which supported the policy of assimilation, displacement and marginalization of the ethnic population, is almost completely ignored. In the widely held discussions in Canada and the United States, the voice of the Catholic Church which defended the indigenous people of the American continent is completely forgotten. The words of subsequent popes who demanded respect for the rights of the indigenous people, and they cut off from the policy of dehumanization are ignored, or even negated. Therefore, it is worth recalling that from the very beginning the Catholic Church, through its superior as the Pope, protested against the violation of the rights of indigenous people of North America and firmly cut off from any actions of state power aimed at assimilation of this population. In fact, it is thanks to the work of missionaries who, with the support of the Holy See, have preserved the culture, language or tradition of the Indigenous people in North America. This article reminds the forgotten voice of the popes in defense of the rights of the North American Ethnic People.
W historii walki ludności etnicznej Ameryki Północnej o poszanowanie praw Kościół katolicki był zawsze przestawiany jako ten podmiot, który najbardziej przyczynił się do naruszenia podstawowych praw tej ludności, w tym prawa do godności i samostanowienia. Niemal całkowicie pomija się postawę rządów państw kolonialnych czy nowo powstałego państwa kanadyjskiego, Stanów Zjednoczonych, a także innych wyznań chrześcijańskich, które wspierały politykę asymilacji, wysiedlenia i marginalizacji ludności etnicznej. W szeroko prowadzonej dyskusji w Kanadzie i Stanach Zjednoczonych głos Kościoła katolickiego, który stanął w obronie rdzennych mieszkańców kontynentu amerykańskiego, jest całkowicie zapomniany. Słowa kolejnych papieży upominających się o poszanowanie praw ludności etnicznej, odcinających się od polityki dehumanizacji są ignorowane, a wręcz negowane. Dlatego warto przypomnieć, że od samego początku Kościół katolicki poprzez swojego zwierzchnika, jakim jest papież, protestował przeciwko naruszeniu praw rdzennej ludności Ameryki Północnej i stanowczo odcinał się od wszelkich działań władzy państwowej zmierzającej do asymilacji tej ludności. W rzeczywistości to dzięki pracy misjonarzy, mających poparcie Stolicy Apostolskiej, zachowała się kultura, język czy tradycja ludności indiańskiej na tym kontynencie. Niniejszy artykuł przypomina zapomniany głos papieży w obronie praw ludności etnicznej Ameryki Północnej.
Artykuł traktuje o niezgodności pomiędzy założeniami stojącymi za prawem autorskim a wizją świata ludności rdzennej. Autor odwołuje się do kategorii polityczności, jako adekwatnej dla odzwierciedlenia tego tarcia, a nie wymagającej powiązań z potocznie rozumianą sferą polityki. Przyjmuje przy tym wpływową intuicję Carla Schmitta o związku polityczności z konfliktem. W kontekście problemu za przejawy konfliktu uznano krytykę prawa autorskiego ze strony ludności rdzennej oraz wybrane przykłady sporów prawnych. Ich analiza pokazuje, że przedmiotowa dziedzina prawa nie uwzględnia potrzeb rdzennej ludności oraz kłóci się z jej intuicjami.
The article deals with an inconsistency between the indigenous vision of the world and copyright. The author refers to the category of the political as the proper one to reflect this friction. The work embraces influential intuition of Carl Schmitt on the relationship between politicality and conflict. The author assumes that what can be treated as an expression of political vision (i.e. as something which is not neutral) is political. This approach does not require direct link with the traditionally understood sphere of politics to discern the realm of political.
Nurt SVD
issue 1
Theologians are looking at the ecological crisis from a gospel perspective. The Asian bishops are aware of the ethical implications of the ecological crisis. They claim that the task of stewardship for creation is an obligation for any human being, it places us all squarely in creation’s ecology today in the face of climate change and climate justice. We should also learn more from indigenous people, regarding their understanding of the natural world. Christian communities and their leaders and theologians have to enter into dialogue with all religions and especially into dialogue with all Cosmic or Primal religions as they are part of the cultural and spiritual heritage of all indigenous peoples all over the world. There is much they can offer not only to Christians but to all members of contemporary plural and secular societies. Christians at grassroots level in their families and as members of Small Christian communities and parishes as places of communion of communities are adequate and relevant places where eco-theology and eco-spirituality is creatively received, practiced and further developed.
Teologowie spoglądają na kryzys ekologiczny z perspektywy Ewangelii. Biskupi azjatyccy są świadomi jego moralnych konsekwencji. Twierdzą, że zadanie zarządzania na rzecz stworzenia stanowi obowiązek każdej istoty ludzkiej i sytuuje dziś ludzi w obrębie ekologii stworzenia. Ponadto zadanie to stawia człowieka w obliczu zmian klimatycznych i sprawiedliwości klimatycznej. W tym kontekście należy więcej dowiedzieć się od rdzennych mieszkańców o ich rozumieniu świata natury. Wspólnoty chrześcijańskie, ich przywódcy oraz teologowie muszą wejść w dialog ze wszystkimi religiami, zwłaszcza kosmicznymi lub pierwotnymi, ponieważ są one częścią kulturowego i duchowego dziedzictwa rdzennych ludów świata. Ludy te mogą wiele zaoferować nie tylko chrześcijanom, ale także wszystkim członkom współczesnych pluralistycznych i zsekularyzowanych społeczeństw. Chrześcijanie na podstawowym szczeblu – w swoich rodzinach i jako członkowie małych wspólnot oraz parafii, miejsc komunii wspólnot – tworzą adekwatne i istotne miejsca, w których ekoteologia oraz ekoduchowość są twórczo przyjmowane, praktykowane oraz rozwijane.
Mieszkające w województwie opolskim dzieci i młodzież rodzimego pochodzenia były poddawane szczególnym zabiegom władz, które miały na celu ugruntowanie w nich postaw propolskich a wyrugowanie sympatii proniemieckich. W latach 1950–1970 zabiegano o eliminację wśród najmłodszych mieszkańców regionu języka niemieckiego w mowie i piśmie, niwelowano ślady tradycji i kultury niemieckiej w regionie, piętnowano postawy rewizjonistyczne. W zamian za to starano się, by młodzież rodzimego pochodzenia poznała polski język, kulturę, historię oraz kształtowano u niej postawy patriotyczne oraz akceptację dla nowego ustroju i państwowości regionu. Zadania te realizowano przede wszystkim podczas edukacji szkolnej, w czasie zajęć pozalekcyjnych, a także poprzez działalność organizacji młodzieżowych, przy współpracy z organizacjami społecznymi i lokalnym aparatem partyjnym.
Those children and youth living in the Opole Voivodeship who represented indigenous population were subjected to a special actions undertaken by authorities aimed at both strengthening pro-Polish attitudes and eradicating German sympathies. In the years 1950-1970 the youngest inhabitants of the region faced endavours to root out their written and spoken German language, the traces of German tradition and culture were being eliminated and the revisionistic attitudes stigmatized. At the same time efforts were made to familiarize the indigenous youth with Polish language, culture and history, this process being accompanied by disseminating among them patriotic attitudes and acceptance for the new system and statehood which expanded its jurisdiction over the region. These tasks were performed predominantly in the course of the school education and during extra-curricular activities, but youth organizations cooperating with social organizations and the local party apparatus were also involved.
Indianie stanowią ponad 8% mieszkańców Chile. Mimo to wiele ich problemów wciąż pozostaje nierozwiązanych. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu dokonanie oceny działań rządu Sebastiana Piñery na podstawie oświadczenia specjalnego sprawozdawcy ONZ ds. praw człowieka i zwalczania terroryzmu Bena Emmersona, sprawozdań rządowych oraz artykułów prasowych.
The indigenous people account for at least 8% of the inhabitants of Chile. Nevertheless, a lot of their problems remain unsolved. The aim of this article is to evaluate the actions of Sebastián Piñera's government on the base of the statement of special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while counter-terrorism, Ben Emmerson, reports of the government and press articles.
W latach 1945–1950 autochtonki na Górnym Śląsku przechodziły weryfikację narodowościową i repolonizację. Procesy te zrodziły nieufność do polskiej administracji i Ligi Kobiet, która utożsamiana była z nową władzą. Autochtonki nie uczestniczyły w życiu publicznym i społecznym. Działaczki Ligi sporadycznie podejmowały próby włączenia Ślązaczek w pracę organizacji. Sytuacja zmieniła się w czasie wdrażania planu sześcioletniego.
In the years 1945–1950, the autochthons in Upper Silesia underwent nationality verification and repolonization. These processes gave rise to distrust of the Polish administration and the Women’s League, which was identified with the new government. The indigenous people did not participate in public and social life. The League’s activists made sporadic attempts to include Silesian women in the work of the organization. The situation changed with the implementation of the six-year plan.
One of the conditions for the effectiveness of guarantees attributed to peoples by international environmental law is their proper communication aimed at enabling these peoples to participate in the management of public affairs. The essence of communication with indigenous peoples is to obtain their consent to undertake operations that may carry a risk of harm to the environment. Communication with the EU nations takes place, on the other hand, by means of the EU secondary legislation. Although the subject in each of these cases is the peoples, and the purpose – conservation of the environment, different conceptual tools and methods of action apply. It is therefore reasonable to answer the question as to how these tools and methods enrich or limit the realization of claims in the linguistic aspect. The purpose of the paper is to reconstruct the assumptions about how to communicate with the peoples and to explore the conceptual framework that determines the concept of linguistic justice in international environmental law.
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