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ETF is a  new financial instrument, which was introduced on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in September 2010. Currently there are three ETF’s: it is ETFWIG20L which follows the value of WIG20, ETFDAX which follows the value of DAX and ETFSP500 which follows the value of S&P500. The basic advantages of ETF are: high liquidity, simplicity and clarity of the instrument, low transactions’ cost and others. Nevertheless ETF’s market in Poland is at very early stage of their development.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
We decided to use the PROMETHEE method to rank selected types of investment funds offered on the Polish market. In our deliberations, we took an interest in the investor with a certain aversion to risk who chooses from among treasury securities or stable growth funds. We took into consideration whole ranking lists made for half-yearly periods from 2010 to 2012 instead of the specific objects pointed by model. We decided to check whether, among investment products of interest to us, there are stable relationships over time arising from their ranking positions that allow to identify regular groups of leaders and outsiders. Moreover, we checked the influence of the fund size measured by the value of its assets on its ranking position.
Summing up; passive investments in Poland are slowly becoming more popular. It should be expected that the development of this market will give rise to growing accessibility and attractiveness. There is still some space for improvement in their results, and the outcomes may turn out to be even more promising when full time series for long term horizons become available. The decrease in fees, which exceeds those on mature markets by several times, can change significantly. The entry of new players onto the market may reduce the total expenses incurred by the investor. This study does not explicitly answer the question as to whether the attractiveness of passive investment is higher than that of active investment. The differences in fees themselves are not big enough to explain the differences in the rates of return after costs. But it may be stated that an essential difference lies in the profitability of funds before costs. However, for such a short time series, it cannot be determined whether the indicated differences are stable or result from incidental market fluctuations. All the more reason why not all the passive instruments performed better in terms of rate of return for the period analysed, as the WIG20 ETFs appeared to be less attractive than other active funds.
The issue of the article focuses on the need for the selection of investment funds of the Warsaw Stock Exchange with a certain similarity in terms of investment risk. For this purpose, the selected hierarchical agglomeration procedures and the diagrams methods that allowed creating a map of the funds, describing their diversity and diversity of the market, were applied. In addition, the compatibility of the obtained results were verified in terms of the measures of the investment risks designated by the fund managers
Common phenomenon is the positive relation between risk level and return. Investor would also expect that the higher the mutual fund fee, the more active is the management, so risk is increased. Then, as a payoff for higher charges and risk, he or she anticipates higher returns. It turns out that at least in Poland in 2015 rates of return did not go up as risk increased, and most risky funds lagged by 5 pp. in rates of return. Most expensive funds in Poland lost 8 pp. versus the cheapest, whereas in UK top-fees funds’ returns were 2 pp. lower.
The effectiveness of investment results is one of the basic and most frequently analyzed issues related to investment funds. Research on factors affecting the effectiveness of funds in both foreign and Polish literature is rare. In the case of research on commodity funds, this is difficult due to the relatively young, still developing market. This study attempts to determine whether the duration of operation of commodity funds has an impact on the investment results obtained by them. To this end, the effectiveness of nine commodity funds operating on the Polish financial market in the period 2007-2018 was analyzed. As a measure of fund effectiveness, the rates of return and risk-adjusted measures were used: the Sharpe and Treynor ratios. The obtained results indicate that there is no clear relationship between the time of operation of commodity funds and the rates of return they receive.
Efektywność wyników inwestycyjnych stanowi jedno z podstawowych i najczęściej analizowanych zagadnień związanych z funduszami inwestycyjnymi. W literaturze zarówno zagranicznej, jak i polskiej badania dotyczące czynników oddziałujących na efektywność funduszy są rzadkie. Badania dotyczące funduszy surowcowych są utrudnione ze względu na młody, wciąż rozwijający się rynek. W niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto próbę określenia, czy czas funkcjonowania funduszy surowcowych ma wpływ na uzyskiwane przez nie wyniki inwestycyjne. W tym celu przeanalizowano efektywność dziewięciu funduszy surowcowych funkcjonujących na polskim rynku finansowym w latach 2007-2018. Jako miary efektywności funduszy wykorzystano stopy zwrotu oraz miary skorygowane o ryzyko: wskaźnik Sharpe’a oraz Treynora. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż nie ma jednoznacznego związku między czasem funkcjonowania funduszy surowcowych a uzyskiwanymi przez nie stopami zwrotu.
Theoretical background: Retail investors in the financial market have nowadays access to a wide range of investment products. One of the types of such products are open-end investment funds, which by design are asset masses managed by professional entities. Open-end investment funds became one of the more popular financial instruments that retail customers purchase. Purpose of the article: This article aims at determining the efficiency of mutual funds as measured by the rate of return. An important point of the study is to determine whether funds with lower total risk as measured by standard deviation achieved lower losses. Research methods: The research method is an analysis of performance of twenty Polish open-ended mutual funds in three different time horizons, by using classic mutual fund performance measures adjusted for negative returns, i.e. Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen alpha indicators as well as the Israelsen and Treynor ratios adjusted for negative return. Main findings: It has been observed that the high volatility in the financial market had a direct negative impact on the returns of these funds. When comparing the Treynor ratio adjusted for negative returns values it appears that some of the analysed equity funds performed better than, for example, stable growth funds. In case of high volatility in the stock market, both in the long and short term, the analysed stable growth funds did not bring more value to investors in relation to the total risk incurred than balanced or even equity funds, which is particularly noticeable in the case of three-year and annual results. This is because asset diversification did not fully work in the high market volatility seen since the beginning of 2022 mostly due to falling prices of debt securities caused by interest rate increases. The article also contributes to the interpretation of Sharpe and Israelsen ratios in case of similar negative rates of return and different volatility measured, because the Israelsen ratio may not be the best to compare such funds as it prioritizes the funds with lower risk and does not consider relation of risk to return.
From an investor's point of view, the appropriate selection of a fund is an important issue. When making such a choice, many elements should be considered. These include not only the fund's rate of return or its risk, but also the comparison of the fund's results with an appropriate benchmark. The aim of the research was to apply principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimension of the indicators that help the investor in selecting a fund. The subject of the study was 15 equity funds that had been on the Polish market for many years. The research showed that it is possible to reduce the primary variables to two dimensions.
After introducing EU Regulation on short selling and certain aspects of credit default swaps, in 2012, investors holding a significant short positions are obliged to disclose it in a public manner, through the local supervisor registry. Beside the intended transparency, such a registry also have a cogent influence on behaviour of market participants. The Multimillion euros worth of short position is a strong view on underlying stock perspective, to say the least. Thus, many investors do care about the public disclosures of short positions and some of them manage their portfolios accordingly. The aim of herein paper is to provide quantitative assessment of stock performance following short position announcement and present activity of short selling investors on Polish stock market. The research hypothesis verified in this study stated that the prices of short sold stocks are exhibiting significant downward trend relative to the benchmark in a half a year period after disclosure.
Na polskim rynku dostępnych jest około 57 otwartych funduszy inwestycyjnych akcji polskich typu uniwersalnego. Wybór spośród nich funduszy do portfela inwestycyjnego nie jest łatwy, zwłaszcza, że ich strategie inwestycyjne często nie różnią się znacząco od siebie. Z tego też powodu inwestorzy stosują różne strategie inwestycyjne. Jedną z nich, która często sprawdza się w indywidualnym inwestowaniu na rynku akcji, jest strategia wykorzystująca zjawisko określane mianem „regresji cen akcji do średniej” (De Bondt, Thaler, 1985; Kowalke, 2014, s. 177). W niniejszym artykule zostanie przeanalizowane, czy strategia ta sprawdza się również na polskim rynku akcyjnych funduszy inwestycyjnych o charakterze uniwersalnym. Zakres czasowy badania stanowić będą lata 2001-2016.
There are approximately 57 open-end universal Polish equity investment funds on the Polish market. Choosing funds for an investment portfolio is not easy, particularly because their investment strategies often do not differ significantly from each other. For this reason, investors execute different investment strategies. One of them, frequently used in the case of individual equity market investments, is a strategy utilising the phenomenon of “stock price regression toward the mean”. This article will present an analysis of whether this strategy also works in the case of universal Polish equity investment funds market.
The purpose of this article is to compare Polish investment funds market to other European coun- tries, with particular reference to Central and Eastern Europe, in terms of market size, funds allocation. Investing in mutual funds is one of the reasons of globalization and integration of financial markets. The integration of financial markets of EU countries is supported by Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP) established by European Commission in 1999. The most important legislative initiatives taken under the FSAP are MiFID and UCITS directives, whose main objective is to raise the level of harmonization of financial services among the countries. UCITS IV directive was launched in Poland on 1 February 2013. The analysis was based on annual reports published by the association EFEMA. The size of Pol- ish investment funds market, as well as other CEE countries, is not comparable to the Western Europe countries. However, the gap is decreasing, we observe in CEE countries high growth rate and trends prevailing in the developed countries. Poland plays a leading role in this process. Poland has the biggest investment funds market among the analyzed group of New Member States, almost four times bigger than the average for the group.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
W artykule zaprezentowano stan i analizę oszczędności gospodarstw domowych w latach 2006–2016 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wykorzystania funduszy inwestycyjnych. Aktywa funduszy inwestycyjnych wzrosły jedynie o 28% w okresie od 2006 do 2015 roku (do 106,6 mld zł). W tym samym czasie wzrost depozytów bankowych wyniósł 177% (662.5 mld do PLN). Znaczna liczba klientów unika funduszy inwestycyjnych w związku z ich spadkami w czasie kryzysu w roku 2008. Wykorzystanie funduszy inwestycyjnych w ramach dodatkowego zabezpieczenia emerytalnego w Polsce jest również skromne, głównie ze względu na bardzo małe znaczenie dobrowolnego systemu emerytalnego. W artykule omówiono przyczyny takiej sytuacji i wskazano czynniki kluczowe dla przyszłego rozwoju funduszy inwestycyjnych w Polsce.
In the article there is review of the household savings in retail investment funds in comparison to bank deposits. There is also analysis, why there is a low growth of fund’s assets in comparison to deposits. Investment funds could be interesting alternative for household saving when the interest rate on bank deposit is very low, but there is no significant growth of the open-ended investment funds. Assets of the retail investment funds increased only by 28% during period 2006 to 2015 (up to PLN 106.6 billion). At the same time growth of household deposits was 177% (up to PLN 662.5 billion). Most clients still avoid investment funds after crisis in 2008. Using investment funds in supplementary pension system in Poland is also modest, due to very small overall participation in voluntary pension system. Author discusses reasons for such situation and key factors for the future development.
Mikroprzedsiębiorstwom, które stanowią najliczniejszą grupę podmiotów działających na lokalnych rynkach, nieustannie stawianych jest wiele wyzwań. Zaliczyć do nich można między innymi osiągnięcie i utrzymanie konkurencyjności oraz efektywności, wykorzystanie możliwości, jakie oferują nowe technologie, a także konieczność funkcjonowania w ciągle zmieniającym się otoczeniu – czego przykładem jest nowa rzeczywistość pandemiczna. Funkcjonowanie mikroprzedsiębiorstw w wysokim stopniu warunkowane jest przynależnością do Unii Europejskiej, bardzo ważnym bowiem obszarem strategii gospodarczej krajów UE jest kreowanie oraz pomoc we wzroście przedsiębiorczości poszczególnych gospodarek. UE oferuje szereg różnych środków finansowych dla osób, które chcą założyć lub rozwinąć działalność gospodarczą. Celem głównym artykułu było sformułowanie rekomendacji w zakresie wykorzystania funduszy strukturalnych i inwestycyjnych UE w rozwoju podlaskich mikroprzedsiębiorstw. Praca składa się, oprócz wstępu, z czterech części merytorycznych i zakończenia. Do realizacji celów oraz weryfikacji postawionych hipotez zastosowano metodę studiów literatury oraz metodę ankietową. Przeprowadzone na próbie stu mikroprzedsiębiorców badanie miało charakter pilotażowy.
Micro-enterprises, which constitute the largest group of entities operating on local markets, are constantly facing many challenges, which include, among others, achieving and maintaining competitiveness and efficiency, using the opportunities offered by new technologies. What is more they need to operate in a constantly changing environment, especially nowadays during the new pandemic reality. The functioning of microenvironments depends to a large extent on belonging to the European Union, as a very significant area of the economic strategy of the EU countries is the creation as assistance in the growth of entrepreneurship in individual national economies. The EU offers a number of different financial resources for people who want to set up or develop a business. The main purpose of this paper was to formulate recommendations on the use of EU structural and investment funds in the development of Podlasie micro-enterprises. The paper consists, apart from the introduction, of four meritorical parts and the conclusion. The method of studying the literature on the subject and other secondary sources as well as the survey method were used to achieve the goals and verify the hypotheses. The research was carried out on a sample of one hundred microentrepreneurs and was a pilot nature.
This paper present’s the analysis of effectiveness and thus the attractiveness of the various types of investment funds by using selected methods of multidimensional comparative analysis with particular emphasis on the development Hellwig’s measure. There have been attempts to verify the usefulness of this method over other methods to support the decision to choose a  specific fund to invest. The study deliberately selected the so-called period of 2009-12. the first wave of the global financial crisis, which has also had an impact on the financial market in Poland.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
The article evaluates the role of mutual funds as shareholders in companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange as of the end of 2006, 2008 and 2010. The authors examine the involvement of mutual funds in the stock of publicly traded companies as well as the position of these funds compared to that of the largest shareholders. The authors also investigate the characteristic features of publicly traded companies whose shares are part of mutual fund portfolios. These companies are analyzed taking into account the status of the leading shareholder and various aspects of company operations such as human resources policy, business performance and changes to the ownership structure. The authors conclude that that mutual funds play a limited role in corporate governance processes in publicly traded companies in Poland. This is primarily due to the relatively low financial involvement of the funds. Companies whose shareholders include mutual funds usually meet higher standards in terms of corporate governance than other businesses. This may stem from the fact that mutual funds are capable of selecting better companies for their portfolios than other shareholders, Adamska and Urbanek say.
Celem artykułu była ocena roli, jaką pełnią towarzystwa funduszy inwestycyjnych (TFI) jako akcjonariusze w spółkach notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie na koniec 2006 r., 2008 r. i 2010 r. Przedmiotem analizy były udziały TFI w kapitale spółek publicznych, ich pozycja w stosunku do największych akcjonariuszy, charakterystyka spółek publicznych, których akcje znajdują się w portfelach funduszy inwestycyjnych, ze względu na ich wielkość i typ akcjonariusza dominującego oraz wynikające z tego implikacje dla takich aspektów funkcjonowania spółek, jak polityka kadrowa, wyniki ekonomiczne, zmiany w składzie akcjonariatu. Otrzymane rezultaty pokazują na ograniczoną rolę, jaką mogą pełnić fundusze inwestycyjne w procesach nadzoru korporacyjnego w polskich spółkach publicznych. Wynika to przede wszystkim z relatywnie niewielkiej skali zaangażowania kapitałowego funduszy. To, że spółki, w których akcjonariacie występują fundusze inwestycyjne, charakteryzują się na ogół bardziej korzystnymi standardami nadzoru korporacyjnego może wynikać z przewagi TFI w stosunku do innych akcjonariuszy, jeśli chodzi o ocenę spółek portfelowych. Prowadzi to do selekcji lepszych spółek do portfeli i może oznaczać, że TFI stają się beneficjentami lepszych procedur nadzorczych stosowanych przez akcjonariuszy większościowych, legitymizując tylko swoją obecnością w akcjonariacie wysoką jakość tych procedur.
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) są jedną z najszybciej rosnących kategorii funduszy inwestycyjnych. W pewnych krajach, takich jak Polska, nie nastąpił jednak rozwój tej grupy funduszy. Celem tekstu jest omówienie wybranych zagadnień teoretycznych związanych z wpływem ETFs na system finansowy oraz ocena możliwości wystąpienia tych oddziaływań w Polsce w odniesieniu do funduszy notowanych poza granicami Polski, które posiadają polskie aktywa. Przedstawione zostały wyniki badania przeprowadzonego z wykorzystaniem wskaźników obliczonych na podstawie danych o poszczególnych funduszach, w tym przede wszystkim zagregowanych wartości aktywów funduszy w różnych ujęciach (zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do rozmiarów poszczególnych części systemu finansowego) oraz struktury aktywów. Okres badania to lata 2010-2017. Wyniki analizy wskazują na to, że potencjalny wpływ zarówno funduszu notowanego w Polsce, jak i notowanych za granicą funduszy z polskimi aktywami na polski system finansowy jest silnie ograniczony ze względu na ich niewielkie rozmiary.
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are globally one of the most rapidly developing categories of investment funds. However, in some countries, such as Poland, their growth has been minimal. The aim of the paper is the presentation of the selected theoretical issues linked to the influnce of ETFs on the financial system and the evaluation of the possibility of such an impact in Poland, with the focus on the foreign funds that hold Polish assets in their portfolios. The analysis was conducted with calculated indicators based on the values of assets of funds in various perspectives (including the size of the financial system’s particular segments). The period of the research was 2010−2017. The results of the analysis indicate that the potential impact on the Polish financial system of both the fund listed only in Poland and the foreign funds with Polish assets is severely limited by their size.
The article looks at the evolution of regulatory framework and size of investment fund market in the EU. The authors describe the three-stage evolution of the EU regulations determining the growth of the size of this market: (1) investor protection, (2) creation and strengthening the single financial market in the EU, and (3) protecting stability and integrity of the market. Particular attention is given to the last stage, as they claim that the post-crisis regulations allowed the EU single investment fund market to gain the trust of investors, which has resulted in its expansion and improved competitiveness.
For research purposes, three multicriteria outranking methods (PROMETHEE, WSA and TOPSIS) were used to construct rankings of investment funds to assess their performance in the time period from January to July 2008. Nine indicators related to the distributions of return rates, purchase and management costs and to customers’ convenience were included in the set of criteria. The weight of each criterion was calculated on the basis of the relative volatility rate of the given criterion. In order to assess the stability of the rankings, the weight of a single criterion was changed (using each criterion in turn) and new rankings were constructed using the modified weights. The similarity of rankings built before and after these changes was assessed on the basis of the maximum difference between ranks and the Spearman correlation coefficient. The results obtained enable assessment not only of the stability of each outranking method, but the similarity of results obtained by different methods as well. All calculations were done using the SANNA software.
Theoretical background: Capital allocation on the stock market is associated with having extensive knowledge and skills. This can be done individually or through investment funds. There are many funds on the markets whose investment strategies do not differ from each other. Therefore, choosing entities from among them for the investment portfolio is not easy. Around the world, especially on developed markets, a lot of research has been conducted to identify the characteristics of funds that generate above-average returns. However, Polish literature on the subject lacks analyses that refer to the topic of the relationship between specific fund characteristics and the rates of return they achieve. This article aims to fill this gap.Purpose of the article: An attempt to identify specific characteristics of investment funds that generated the highest and lowest rates of return on the market. The article verifies the hypothesis that investment funds return rates differ significantly depending on the characteristics of individual funds.Research methods: For the purposes of the article, the rates of return of open-ended investment funds of the universal type were analyzed, categorized according to age, net asset value and level of costs of fund operations. The time range of the research was 2009–2018. Deductive inference and statistical methods were used to achieve the article’s goal and the hypothesis verifiation. The significance of differences between rates of return for individual groups of funds was analyzed on the basis of the Student’s t-Test.Main findings: The conducted analyses showed that in the researched period the highest rates of return were obtained by funds: 1) which were active on the market from 10 to 15 years (65.03% total rate of return); 2) whose value of assets ranged from PLN 50 million to PLN 100 million (63.67%); 3) whose operating costs relative to assets ranged from 3% to 4% (63.75%). Whereas the groups of funds that obtained the lowest rates of return were the following funds: 1) operating on the market from 5 to 10 years (33.47%); 2) with an asset value of less than PLN 10 million (-21.79%); 3) whose operating costs relative to assets were above 6% (16.69%). It should be emphasized, however, that the differences between rates of return of individual groups of funds were not statistically significant. For this reason, the research hypothesis put forward has been verified negatively.
Uzasadnienie teoretyczne: Alokacja kapitału na rynku akcji wiąże się z posiadaniem szerokiej wiedzy i umiejętności. Można tego dokonywać indywidualnie lub za pośrednictwem funduszy inwestycyjnych. Na rynkach funkcjonuje wiele funduszy, których strategie inwestycyjne nie różnią się od siebie, dlatego wybór spośród nich podmiotów do portfela inwestycyjnego nie jest łatwy. Na świecie, zwłaszcza na rynkach rozwiniętych, przeprowadzono wiele badań, które miały na celu zidentyfikowanie cech funduszy, które przynoszą ponadprzeciętne stopy zwrotu. W polskiej literaturze przedmiotu jednak brakuje analiz, które dotyczą relacji pomiędzy określonymi cechami funduszy a stopami zwrotu, jakie one osiągają. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu wypełnienie tej luki.Cel artykułu: Próba identyfikacji specyficznych cech charakteryzujących fundusze inwestycyjne, które wypracowywały najwyższe i najniższe stopy zwrotu na rynku. W opracowaniu poddano weryfikacji hipotezę zakładającą, że stopy zwrotu funduszy inwestycyjnych różnią się istotnie w zależności od cech charakterystycznych poszczególnych funduszy.Metody badawcze: Na potrzeby artykułu przeanalizowano stopy zwrotu otwartych funduszy inwestycyjnych akcji typu uniwersalnego w podziale ze względu na wiek, wartość aktywów netto oraz poziom kosztów działalności funduszy. Zakres czasowy badania to lata 2009–2018. Do realizacji celu i weryfikacji hipotezy wykorzystano wnioskowanie dedukcyjne oraz metody statystyczne. Istotność różnic pomiędzy stopami zwrotu poszczególnych grup funduszy została przeanalizowana na podstawie testu t-Studenta.Główne wnioski: Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że w okresie badań najwyższe stopy zwrotu uzyskały fundusze: 1) które działały na rynku od 10 do 15 lat (65,03% całkowitej stopy zwrotu); 2) których wartość aktywów mieściła się w przedziale od 50 do 100 mln zł (63,67%); 3) których koszty działalności w stosunku do aktywów mieściły się w przedziale od 3% do 4% (63,75%). Natomiast grupami funduszy, które uzyskały najniższe stopy zwrotu, były fundusze: 1) funkcjonujące na rynku od 5 do 10 lat (33,47%); 2) o wartości aktywów poniżej 10 mln zł (-21,79%); 3) których koszty działalności w stosunku do aktywów były powyżej 6% (16,69%). Podkreślić jednak należy, że różnice pomiędzy stopami zwrotu poszczególnych grup funduszy nie są statystycznie istotne. Z tego powodu postawiona hipoteza badawcza została zweryfikowana negatywnie.
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