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The article accompanies the author’s translation of Quentin Skinner’s classic essay Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas. The article presents some biographical information about Quentin Skinner, one of the founders of ‘Cambridge School’ in history of politicalthought. It also comments on Skinner’s methodological positions, especially in his Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas (in its versions from 1969 and 2002),and his primary works. The article ends with presentation of several critiques of Quentin Skinner’s work, but also with appraisal of its meaning and significance to the politicalstudies.
The aim of the paper is to analyze electronic comment as a new genre of speech. At the beginning the state of the art is presented. The history of comment in manuscript printed books is outlined, as well as main functions of comment. Then two kinds of post- -typografical comments are indicated: programming comment and Internet comment. The article limits its scope to the last one. The research based on a case of a news taken from a popular Polish language Internet portal. Seven types of comments are discovered: an approval, a question/desideratum, an amplification/a dialog, a correction, a disapproval, an impression, a parasitism. Three most numerously represented groups happen to be a disapproval, an impression, and a parasitism. In the conclusion a hypothesis explaining the phenomenon is proposed.
The article is an attempt at genre analysis of online journals by three Polish writers (Sylwia Chutnik, Jarosław Klejnocki, Jerzy Sosnowski) in both literary-studies and technological perspective. I argue that this specific commingling of a personal document and electronic discourse results in a new form of writing, which functions in a secondary- -orality environment. The uniqueness of this form, in comparison with traditional personal documents, stems from the participation of the audience, which co-authors the text and influences its shape. Blog is a result of the personalization culture, in which the reader influences the writer.
Vox Patrum
vol. 50
Komentarz do 46. Listu św. Hieronima o miejscach świętych.
Commentary to the 46th letter of St. Jerome about the holy places.
This paper provides a brief description of opinions of Facebook users on a specific example of comments to a few selected fanpages. All chosen comments are official statements of non­‑anonymous Internet users and create a range of language behavior in social media. The author tries to assess whether the „courtesy” of selected judgments stems from moral motives of their authors, or perhaps with generally accepted „netiquette”.
Roczniki Psychologiczne
vol. 16
issue 4
W swoim artykule Katarzyna Sikora przedstawia dobrze uzasadnione ujęcie znaczenia troski o dobro klienta oraz sposoby, w jakich pojęcie to jest uwzględniane w kodeksach etycznych psychologów i deklaracjach zasad etycznych w psychologii. Artykuł ukazuje, że odzwierciedleniem istoty postępowania zgodnego z etyką zawodową bywają dylematy moralne i że dobro klienta jest zwykle bardziej związane z wartościami aspiracyjnymi niż ze standardami normatywnymi. Autorka analizuje pojęcie dobra klienta w kodeksach etyczno-zawodowych jako powiązane bardziej z pojęciami korzyści i dobrostanu psychicznego niż z filozoficznymi koncepcjami dobra i zła. W artykule wskazano, że kodeksy etyczne powinny być tworzone lokalnie, gdyż każdej zasadzie trzeba nadać kształt kulturowy w ramach danego społeczeństwa; w tym miejscu Autorka odnotowuje ważną kwestię wpływów europejskich i północnoamerykańskich w aktualnych psychologicznych kodeksach etyczno-zawodowych na całym świecie. Jest w nim również mowa o wyzwaniu, jakie stanowi uniwersalizacja zasad etycznych, a także o perspektywach stworzenia wspólnej podstawy dla kodeksów etycznych w wielokulturowym kontekście. Wspomniany jest Meta-Kodeks Etyczny, przyjęty przez Europejską Federację Towarzystw Psychologicznych w roku 1995, który można również powiązać z „Protokołem porozumienia na rzecz zasad etycznych w praktyce zawodowej psychologów w państwach Mercosur i krajach stowarzyszonych", podpisanym w Ameryce Południowej w roku 1997, który utrzymany był w tym samym duchu i zawierał podobne zasady. W artykule została też wspomniana Powszechna Deklaracja Zasad Etycznych Psychologów (The Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists, UDEPP), uchwalona w 2008 r., jej związek z prawami człowieka oraz możliwość uniwersalizacji etyki z uwzględnieniem różnic międzykulturowych. Omawiając ten proces, Autorka zwraca uwagę, że dla właściwego zrozumienia zasady troski należy uwzględnić nie tylko zasadę primum non nocere, lecz także zasadę maksymalizacji dobra klienta poprzez uszanowanie jego praw i godności zarówno w ich aspekcie indywidualnym, jak i społecznym.
In her article, Katarzyna Sikora presents a well supported perspective on the meaning of caring for the client's welfare as well as on how this concept is included in psychology ethics codes and in declarations of ethical principles for psychology. It is well shown how the core of ethical professional behavior is sometimes reflected in moral dilemmas and also how client welfare has usually been more related to aspirational values than to prescriptive standards. The author analyzes the concept of client welfare in ethics codes as more related to the concept of benefit or well being than to philosophical ideas of good and evil. The paper points out that ethics codes have to be locally developed as any general principle has to be culturally shaped within a particular society, and here the author makes an important point about the European and North American influence in current psychology ethics codes worldwide. Also presented is the challenge of universalizing ethical principles and perspectives for developing a common basis for local ethics codes within a multicultural context. The Meta-Code of Ethics is mentioned, adopted by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations in 1995, which can also be linked to the Agreement Protocol of Ethical Principles for the Professional Practice of Psychologists in Mercosur and Associated Countries, which was signed in South America in 1997, with the same spirit and quite similar principles. Finally, the paper mentions the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists passed in 2008, its relation to human rights, and the possibility of universalization of ethics taking into account intercultural differences. Within this process, the author points out that to understand the principle of caring means to consider not only the primum non nocere principle but the principle of maximizing client welfare by respecting both individual and social dignity and rights.
Artykuł prezentuje najnowszy polski projekt tłumaczenia i komentarza ksiąg Nowego Testamentu, który otrzymał nazwę „Biblia Impulsy”. Nazwa ta wywodzi się z typu komentarza, który w formie krótkich wskazówek – impulsów – stara się wieloaspektowo wyjaśnić poszczególne perykopy danej księgi „Księgą typiczną” dla całej serii jest tom poświęcony Ewangelii według św. Marka (Katowice 2016), w którym wstęp przygotował i przekładu z oryginału dokonał ks. Artur Malina, a komentarz sporządził ks. Janusz Wilk, będący równocześnie redaktorem naukowym serii.
The paper presents the latest polish project of translation and comment of Books of The New Testament which got the name “The Bible Impulses”. This name comes from the type of the comment that in form of short pointers - impulses tries to explain in multifaceted ways the precise pericope of the given book. For the whole series ‘the Typify Book’ is the volume devoted to the Gospel according to Saint Mark (Katowice 2016), where as well the introduction as the translation from the original were made by priest Artur Malina, and the comment was prepared by priest Janusz Wilk, who is as well the general editor.
Vox Patrum
vol. 44
The paper presents Interpretation of Fu living at the top of the mountain 山居賦 written by Xie Lingyun. Xie wrote 山居賦 in the period 423–26. He also wrote an extensive commentary to the poem in which he explains in prose many of the details that the mentions in the fu proper. Xie Lingyun’s account of his mountain estate reflect new ideas about mounatin viewing and visualization that has emerged in the early fourth century.
Fu o zamieszkiwaniu na górze 山居賦 Xie Lingyuna należy do „liryki krajobrazowej” rodzaju specjalnie chińskiego, łączącego zwarty, migawkowy obraz przyrody z uczuciami poety. Jest przykładem utworu, którego tematyka była bardzo popularna we wczesnym chińskim piśmiennictwie, jest relacją z podróży w góry nie tylko wędrowca, ale też osoby odbywającej podróż w wyobraźni. Takie wycieczki określane były jako yuan you 遠遊, „dalekie wędrówki”, i oznaczały podróż ducha do odległych miejsc. Wiersz ten wyrósł z dyscypliny religijnej, z koncentracji na wejrzeniu w głąb rzeczy z należytym skupieniem serca, z poszukiwania cech istotnych lub istoty rzeczy. Poszukiwanie ma jednak określony z góry cel, odnalezienie harmonii.
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Consilia a inne gatunki literatury prawniczej

Najogólniej rzecz ujmując, consilium nazywano poradę prawną, będącą w swej istocie analizą określonego problemu prawnego, sporządzaną w języku łacińskim w średniowieczu i w epokach następnych, najczęściej przez mających uniwersyteckie przygotowanie jurystów. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie consilium w kontekście innych gatunków literackich, w ramach których juryści związani ze szkołami glosatorów i komentatorów formułowali swoje refleksje nad prawem.
Generally speaking, the consilium is legal advice, which is primarily an analysis of a specific legal problem, drafted in Latin during the Middle Ages and in subsequent centuries by university-trained lawyers. The aim of the paper is to describe the consilium in the context of other legal literary genres used by jurists connected with schools of glossators and commentators to formulate their reflections on the law.
Vox Patrum
vol. 64
The first Commentaries to the “Apostolic Symbol”, written in a quite simple language, spread about the IV century among the Latin Churches, which were ac­customed to use professions of faith reproducing the “Roman Symbol”, a model for the textus receptus of the “Symbol” so called “of the Apostles”, an excellent summary of the revealed truths. St. Quodvultdeus of Carthage, in his Sermones de Symbolo, comments the first article of the “Apostolic Symbol” by affirming that it contains the whole faith in the Trinity and the plan of salvation. In commenting the second article, St. Quodvultdeus of Carthage explains how the Incarnate Son is the Messiah announced by the prophets of the Old Testament. Such Incarnation constitutes the second birth of the Word of God after that from the Father without any participation from a mother. He further highlights the great dignity of Mary, playing a quite active role in the work of the Incarnation by gi­ving birth to her Creator. The coming of the Son of God into the world was carried out in a miraculous way, by the work of the Holy Spirit and without the participation of man. For this reason Mary remains virgin and the true Son of God becomes a true man, while still remaining equal to the Father in his divinity. By assuming the human nature in the Incarnation, the Son of God took on Himself all that constitutes a true hu­man being: the soul and the body, already redeemed and sanctified in the very moment of the Incarnation.
Artykuł poświęcony jest związkom trzech „metatekstów”: przekła¬du, komentarza i interpretacji. Na podstawie rozważań Antoine’a Bermana wskazano ich wzajemne powiązania, aby przeanalizować wybrane przekłady poezji polskiej na język an¬gielski. Celem autorki jest zbadanie różnych ról, jakie mogą one pełnić w przedstawianiu literatury polskiej czytelnikowi z innego kręgu językowego. Szczególnie podkreślono rolę przekładu jako interpretacji, a także znaczenie komentarza jako istotnego uzupełnienia przekładu oraz rolę przekładów i komentarzy jako użytecznych probierzy interpretacji.
The paper is devoted to the connections among three “metatexts”: trans- lation, commentary, and interpretation. On the basis of Antoine Bermans assumptions I demonstrate how they are intertwined in order to analyze chosen pieces of Polish poetry in English translation. My aim is to explore various roles which they can play in presenting Polish literature to foreign readers. An emphasis is put on a role of any translation as an in¬terpretation and on a role of a commentary as a crucial supplement of a translation. I also indicate how translations and commentaries can serve as useful probes of interpretations.
The article deals with the role of comment (as a kind of paratext), which gains a particular status in translation, becoming an additional medium between the author/translator/editor and the primary text and the secondary recipient as well as their cultural universe. This seems important because the translated text is to function in a new environment, a new cultural space; it is supposed to find its way to a new audience, and thus this type of expressions “support” translation in its most important role of a link in cross-cultural communication. The role, nature, and importance of paratext-comments (introductions, prefaces, postscripts) have been examined in the context of translations of Slovenian literature in Poland basing on selected examples. Both the comments of experts-researchers, as well as interpreters themselves, have been taken into consideration. The author notes that, from the ethical point of view, a commentary becomes contributive to the slow process of the recipient realizing the presence of an interpreter and inter-subjective nature of translation, extracts the unfamiliar categories of perception and understanding of the world, brings them closer, making the gesture of seeking “imagined communities”.
Članek obravnava vlogo komentarja (kot vrsto parateksta), ki pridobi svojevrsten status v prevodu, tako da postane dodatna oblika posredovanja med avtorjem / prevajalcem / založnikom in izvirnim besedilom ter naslovnikom prevoda in njegovim kulturnim univerzumom. To se zdi pomembno, saj naj bi prevedeno besedilo zaživelo v novem okolju in kulturnem prostoru, našlo naj bi pot do novega občinstva, torej taka vrsta izraza “podpira” prevod v njegovi verjetno najbolj pomembni vlogi posrednika v medkulturni komunikaciji. vloga, značaj in pomen paratekstov-komentarjev (uvodov, predgovorov, pripisov) so bili proučevani v okviru prevodov slovenske literature na Poljskem, in sicer na podlagi izbranih primerov. Upoštevani so bili komentarji tako raziskovalcev-strokovnjakov kot tudi samih prevajalcev. avtorica ugotavlja, da komentar v etičnem pogledu prispeva k počasnemu procesu uzaveščenja naslovnika o prevajalčevi prisotnosti in intersubjektivnega značaja prevoda, pridobiva neznane kategorije dojemanja in razumevanja sveta, jih približuje, s tem pa išče “pojmovno skupnost” (“imagined commu- nities”).
The article is a critical appraisal of one of the most vital publications concerning Norwid and his biography: Kalendarz życia i twórczosci Cypriana Norwida [Norwid’s life and work calendar], published by Wydawnictwo Poznańskie in 2007. This ample publication has 141 publication sheets that is 1816 printed pages (vol. 1 – pp. 800, vol. 2 – pp. 800, vol. 3 – pp. 216). It constitutes an enormous achievement of the Poznan-based Polish Studies milieu. It is a collective publication, developed by a research team headed by Professor Zofia Trojanowiczowa (co-authors being as follows: Elżbieta Lijewska, Zofia Dambek and Małgorzata Pluty, Jolanta Czarnomorska and Iwona Grzeszczak). The author of the review makes a number of corrections as regards dates and facts, yet he approaches the results of the huge collective research effort with a great deal of researcher’s humility, indispensable in pursuit of historical facts. In his analyses, the author employs the contextual apparatus: historical and philological. The author proves that Norwid’s Calendar is an undeniable source of invaluable knowledge, yet he shows that in this kind of research there is always “endless work of History” waiting ahead.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 9
issue 1
Nel lavoro esegetico attorno a Lc 12 il Dottore Serafico fa un’analisi dettagliata del contenuto e determina le due parti fondamentali di 12,1-34. La sua esegesi dei singoli passi è in concordanza con il senso del testo, e le sue osservazioni ermeneutiche, dal punto di vista teologico, filosofico e pratico, sono apprezzabili. Seguendo un metodo collaudato già dai tempi di Agostino, che poi si affermò nella scuola dei Vittorini, è frequente vedere nella sua interpretazione delle citazioni incrociate, in modo da rinforzare il ragionamento mediante testi biblici con un contenuto analogo. Quando si prende fra le mani un testo di un grande teologo come Bonaventura, non si può non ammirare la sua acutezza, il ragionamento logicamente svolto, le conclusioni e i consigli che ne ricava. Il contatto con la sua interpretazione è sempre illuminante.
W pracy egzegetycznej dotyczącej Łk 12 Doktor Seraficki dokonuje szczegółowej analizy treści i określa dwie części zasadnicze 12,13-34. Jego egzegeza poszczególnych passusów jest zgodna ze znaczeniem tekstu, a jego uwagi hermeneutyczne – z teologicz- nego, filozoficznego i praktycznego punktu widzenia – są godne uwagi. Śledząc metodę sprawdzoną już od czasów Augustyna, która potem utwierdziła się w szkole wiktorynów, w jego interpretacji często widać cytaty skrzyżowane w taki sposób, że wzmacniają one analizowanie za pomocą tekstów biblijnych o analogicznej treści. Kiedy bierze się do rąk tekst tak wielkiego teologa, jakim jest Bonawentura, można jedynie podziwiać jego wnikliwość, logicznie prowadzone rozumowanie, wnioski i rady, jakie z nich wyprowa-dza. Kontakt z jego interpretacją jest zawsze oświecający.
In his exegetic study on Luke 12, Seraphic Doctor performs a detailed analysis of the content and defines the two main parts of 12: 13-34. His exegesis of the sections is consistent with the meaning of the text, and his hermeneutic remarks are noteworthy from theological, philosophical and practical points of view. Following the method used already at the time of Saint Augustine and confirmed by Victorinus’ philosophy, his analyses often offer quotations combined in a way that strengthens the analysis with the use od biblical texts of analogous content. Reading a text by such a great theologian as Bonaventure, one can only admire his thoroughness, logical reasoning, conclusions and pieces of advice he provides. Encounters with his interpretations are always an enlightening experience.
Vox Patrum
vol. 52
issue 1
Der Begriff Demut beschreibt Ergebenheit, die in der Einsicht in die Notwen- digkeit und im Willen zum Hinnehmen der Gegebenheiten begriindet ist. In der christlichen Religion bedeutet Demut das Anerkennen der Allmacht Gottes. Demut beschreibt demnach die innere Einstellung eines Menschen zu Gott. Die Demut spielt im christlichen Leben eine besondere Rolle. Fur Ambrosius von Mailand ist Demut eine wesentliche Eigenschaft des wahren Glaubigen, desjenigen, der mit Gott im Einen ist. Gott demiitigt Menschen, um sie zu ihm (zuriick) zu bringen, und Menschen demiitigen sich selbst vor Gott, um von ihm angenommen zu werden. Fur Christen bedeutet Demut gegeniiber Gott, ihn anzubeten, ihn zu achten, zu ehren und zu loben, weil man erkennt, dass alles, was man ist und hat, von Gottes Gnade ist. Beispiele fiir ein demiitiges und letztendlich gesegnetes Leben sind im Evangelium von Lukas z.B. Maria und der verlorenen Sohn. Aus diesen Begeben- heiten kónnen und sollten die Menschen, nach christlicher Auffassung, auch heute noch lernen. Ferner ist ais Fazit aus solchen Erzahlungen zu erkennen, dass im christlichen Glauben die Demut der Schliissel zu allem ist. Nur der Demiitige wird den Segen des Herm empfangen.
Vox Patrum
vol. 52
issue 1
In 1CorHom, edited in the autumn and winter of 392 and 393 AD, John Chrysostom found a natural opportunity to return to his numerous utterances on the role of love in the lives of people. Obviously, the opportunity was the 13“ chapter of this Letter - The Song of Love. Among his works, we will find a few more smali works which were created with the intention of outlining the Christian ideał of love. Many of the contemporary monographs which were devoted to the ancient understanding of Christian „love” have the phrase „Eros and Agape” in their titles. In contemporary languages, this arrangement extends between sex and love. Both in the times of the Church Fathers (the 4th century AD) and currently, the distance between sex and love is measured by feelings, States and actions which are morę or less refined and noble. The awareness of the existence of many stops over this distance leads to the conviction that our lives are a search for the road to Agape. As many people are looking not so much for a shortcut but for a shorter route, John Chrysostom, like other Church Fathers, declared: the shortest route, because it is the most appropriate for this aim, is to live according to the Christian virtues that have been accumulated by the Christian politeia. There are to be found the fewest torments and disenchantments, although there are sacrifices. Evangelical politeia, the chosen and those who have been brought there will find love) - as a State of existence. In the earthly dimension, however, love appears as a causative force only in the circle of the Christian politeia. Obviously, just as in the heavenly politeia, the Christian politeia on earth is an open circle for everyone. As Chrysostom’s listeners and readers were not only Christians (in the multi-cultural East of the Roman Empire), and as the background of the principles presented in the homilies was the everyday life and customs of the Romans of the time, the ideał - dyam] - was placed by him in the context of diverse imperfections in the rangę and form of the feelings exhibited, which up to this day we still also cali love. It is true that love has morę than one name. By introducing the motif of love - into deliberations on the subject of the Christian politeia, John Chrysostom finds and indicates to the faithful the central force that shaped the ancient Church. This motif fills in the vision of the Heavenly Kingdom, explains to Christians the sense of life that is appropriate to them in the Roman community and explains the principles of organised life within the boundaries of the Church. It can come as no surprise that the result of such a narrative was Chrysostonfs conviction that love is „rationed”: Jews, pagans, Hellenes and heretics were deprived of it. In Chrysostonfs imagination, the Christian politeia has an earthly and a heavenly dimension. In the heavenly politeia, also called by him Chrisfs, the Lord’s or the
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Koncepcja homilii patrystycznej

L'omelia patristica e l'entrare nella richezza del mondo divino, il quale si effettua per mezzo delfiniziazione alla Sacra Scrittura. L'omelia era intesa come l'evento salvifico irrepetibile che teneva luogo nell’asemblea liturgica. Similmente l'omelia era intesa nella Sinagoga d'Israele. I testi patristici delle omelie, che sono pervenuti ai nostri tempi, sono quasi „una partitura" del canto fatto dai maestri antichi della predieazione della parola di Dio.
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