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Sprawozdanie z konferencji„Informują i edukują — książkai prasa polska na obczyźniew XXI wieku”(Gorzów Wlkp., 28–29 listopada 2013)
A report from the conference ‘They inform and educate— Polish books and Polish press abroad in the 21stcentury’, Gorzów Wlkp, 28–29 November 2013
Proceedings of the Commission of Press Studies of the Cracow Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Chronicle, Section XVIII (October 2013 - June 2014)
We wzmiankowanym okresie odbyło się 10 posiedzeń z udziałem 140 osób. 10 referatów wygłosiło: 3 pracowników Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie, 2 pracowników Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, 1 pracownik Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1 pracownik Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 1 pracownik Instytutu Historii PAN w Krakowie, 1 pracownik Politechniki Opolskiej, 1 pracownik Wyższej Szkoły Komunikacji Społecznej w Gdyni. W otwartych zebraniach naukowych uczestniczyli pracownicy Uniwersytetów: Jagiellońskiego, Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Śląskiego w Katowicach, Pedagogicznego w Krakowie, Instytutu Historii PAN oraz Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie, Politechniki Opolskiej, Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego
Proceedings of the Commission of Press Studies of the Cracow Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences Chronicle, Section XVIII (October 2014 — June 2015)
Sprawozdanie z konferencji„Informują i edukują — książkai prasa polska na obczyźniew XXI wieku”(Gorzów Wlkp., 28–29 listopada2013)
A report from the conference ‘They inform and educate — Polish books and Polish press abroad in the 21st century’, Gorzów Wlkp, 28–29 November 2013
Recenzja kwartalnika: „Zeszyty Prasoznawcze” Rocznik 56 (2013), nr 1, 2–4
Review of quarterly: Media Research Issues 2013 No. 1 and 2–4
Z prac Komisji Prasoznawczej Oddziału PAN w Krakowie Kalendarium - część XXI (październik 2016 - czerwiec 2017)
Proceedings of the Commision of Press Studiesof the Cracow Branch of the Polish Academyof Sciences — Chronicle, Section XXI(October 2016 — June 2017)
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej „Spectators in Europe” (Düsseldorf, 9–11 grudnia 2016)
A report from the conference ‘Spectators in Europe’(Düsseldorf, 9–11 December 2016)
Sprawozdanie z XII Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej Instytutu Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN „Kraków – Lwów: książki, czasopisma, biblioteki XIX i XX wieku” (Kraków, 13–14 XI 2014)
Report of the 12th International Conference‘Kraków – Lwów: Books, Magazines, Librariesin the 19th and 20th Century’ organized by the Instituteof Information and Library Science of the PedagogicalUniversity of Cracow
Sprawozdanie z IV Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Instytutu Informacji Naukowej i Bibliologii UMK „Niewygodne dla władzy. Ograniczanie wolności słowa na ziemiach polskich od XIX wieku do początków wieku XXI” (Toruń, 23–24 X 2014)
Press studies at the 4th Conference in the series‘Inconvenient for the Authorities:Limitations of free speech in Poland from the 19thcentury to the present” organized by the Institute ofInformation Science and Book Studies at the NicolausCopernicus University in Torun(Toruń, 23–24 October 2014)
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Izvještaj s konferencije "Alice Through the Ages: Revisiting a Classic at 150" održane u Cambridgeu Velikoj Britaniji u rujnu 2015. godine. Izvještaj s konferencije "Alice 150" održane u New Yorku, Sjedinjenim Američkim državama u listopadu 2015. godine.
Report from the Alice Through the Ages conference held in Cambridge, UK in September 2015. Report from the Alice 150 conference held in New York, USA in October 2015.
vol. 35
Kronika Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN (za okres 1 VII 2014 – 30 VI 2015)
vol. 36
Kronika Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN (za okres 1 VII 2015 – 30 VI 2016)
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Spotkania Międzykulturowe

Međunarodni znanstveni skup Interkulturni susreti održan je od 25. do 26. listopada 2011. godine u Sosnowiecu u Poljskoj u organizaciji Instituta za slavenske filologije Sveučilišta u Šleskoj. Na skupu su svojim izlaganjima sudjelovali slavisti iz Češke, Slovačke, Poljske, Rusije, Makedonije, Bosne i Hercegovine te Hrvatske. Uz dvoje domaćih znanstvenika s Instituta za slavenske filologije u Sosnowiecu (Ludwig Selimski i Krystyna Jarzabek) koji su govorili o prevladavanju kulturnih stereotipa.
International conference Intercultural Meetings took place from 25 to 26 October 2011 in Sosnowiec , Poland . It was organized by the Institute of Slavic philology at the University of Silesia. The conference was attended by the slavists from the Czech Republic , Slovakia , Poland , Russia, Macedonia , Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia .
Libri & Liberi
vol. 1
issue 1
Odsjek za međunarodnu suradnju Agencije za odgoj i obrazovanje u sklopu bilateralne suradnje Republike Hrvatske i Republike Austrije, a u suradnji s austrijskom udrugom Kulturkontakt, u siječnju 2011. godine započeo je provedbu projekta Strategije učenja i poučavanja hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, pod vodstvom savjetnica Agencije Marijane Češi i Sanje Milović. Riječ je o dvogodišnjem projektu stručnoga usavršavanja učitelja, ravnatelja i stručnih suradnika za rad s učenicima kojima hrvatski nije materinski jezik. Tijekom projekta u koji je uključeno 25 sudionika iz čitave Hrvatske provedena su četiri dvodnevna modula. Na njima su kao predavači sudjelovali austrijski i hrvatski stručnjaci za područje primijenjene lingvistike, interkulturalne pedagogije, metodike stranih jezika te za poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga (drugoga, nasljednoga i stranoga) jezika.
Department of International Cooperation of the Agency for Education as part of the bilateral cooperation between the Croatia and the Republic of Austria , in cooperation with the Austrian Association Kulturkontakt , in January 2011 began the implementation of a strategy of learning and teaching Croatian as a second language , under the guidance counselor Agency Marijana Češi and Sanja Milovic . It is a two-year project of professional training of teachers , superintendents and associates to work with students who do not speak Croatian as a first language. During the project, which included 25 participants from all over the Croatia was conducted in four two-day modules . Lecturers included Austrian and Croatian experts in the field of applied linguistics , intercultural pedagogy, methodology of foreign languages ​​and teaching Croatian as INOGATE ( second , hereditary and foreign) language
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Jazyk, literatura a region

Izvještaj s međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa "Jezik i književnost u regiji" koji je bio održan od 6. do 7. rujna 2011. godine u organizaciji Odsjeka za slavistiku, Katedre za češki jezik i književnost na Sveučilištu J.E. Purkyne u Ustiju nad Labom, gradu na sjeveru Češke.
A report from an international conference " Language and Literature in the region," which was held on 6th to 7th September 2011. It was organized by the Department of Slavic Studies , Department of Czech language and literature at the University of JE Purkyne in Usti nad Labem , a town in northern Czech Republic.
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