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The model of labor market policy is closely related to the form and structure of the socio-economic model operating in a given country at a given time. It has undergone numer- ous transformations in the course of the development of capitalism. Its doctrine mainly origi- nated from the trends of classical, and then neo-classical economics. In the 20th century, the US market economy was frequently influenced by interventionist concepts, though. Owing to the New Deal and Keynesian policy, the US model of a labor mar- ket has become more redistributive, less flexible and subject to various forms of state influ- ence. Interventionist policies implemented during World War II and over the following twenty years led to ‘full employment’ accompanied by the curbing of income disparities in so- ciety. The worsened situation of the labor market during the period of stagflation of the 1970s re- sulted in the victory of a fiscal neo-conservatist concept, represented by the Republicans with Ronald Reagan. The years of the Reagan administration marked the restoration of liberal solutions in labor market policy. Reaganomics limited workers’ rights, improving the situation of employers and significantly reducing labor costs. These changes stabilized the situation in terms of the balance between the supply and demand for labor, simultaneously strongly increasing the in- come polarization of US society and negatively affecting employment standards.
Globalizacja, przyspieszony postęp techniczny i przemiany demograficzne stanowią obecnie ogromne wyzwanie dla gospodarki światowej. Efektem zachodzących zmian jest proces uelastycznienia rynków pracy, który z jednej strony zwiększa konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw, a z drugiej strony pojawia się potrzeba socjalnego zabezpieczenia osób zatrudnionych w ramach elastycznych form pracy. Odpowiedzią na pytanie, jak jednocześnie pogodzić ze sobą utrzymanie wysokiej konkurencyjności z zabezpieczeniem socjalnym jest model flexicurity, który stanowi zintegrowaną strategię równoczesnego zwiększania elastyczności i bezpieczeństwa. W artykule zaprezentowano model flexicurity w świetle teorii i praktyki Unii Europejskiej. Część pierwsza artykułu stanowi wprowadzenie do problematyki flexicurity. Wyjaśniono w niej podstawowe założenia koncepcji oraz wskazano korzyści płynące z jej wprowadzania. Następnie omówiono rodzaje elastyczności i bezpieczeństwa w powiązaniu z flexicurity. W dalszej części przedstawiono ścieżki flexicurity zgodne z dokumentami programowymi UE oraz wybrane modele tej koncepcji funkcjonujące w Europie. W zakończeniu przedmiotem rozważań jest polski rynek pracy z punktu widzenia możliwości realizacji idei flexicurity.
Globalization, accelerated technical progress and demographic changes currently pose a huge challenge to the world economy. The result of occurring changes is the process of labor market flexibilization that on one hand increases competitiveness of enterprises, on the other, a need of social security of the persons employed within flexible forms of work arises. The answer to the question of how to concurrently reconcile keeping high level of competitiveness and social security is the flexicurity model that constitutes an integrated strategy of simultaneous increase of flexibility and security. In this article, the flexicurity model in the light of theory and practice of the European Union was presented. The first part of the article constitutes an introduction to flexicurity issues. ln this part, the basic assumptions of the concept where explained and benefits of its implementation were indicated. Next, the types of flexibility and security in connection with flexicurity were discussed. In the later part, flexicurity pathways consistent with the EU policy papers and chosen models of this concept functioning in Europe were presented. In the conclusion, the subject of deliberation was the Polish labor market from the point of view of possibility of implementation of the idea of flexicurity.
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 37
issue 2
The aim of the article is to present selected areas of social functioning of consecutive generations of young people who entered adulthood after 1990. I will be most interested in the relationship between a realm of objective social facts, represented by economic factors -especially concerning labour market, and the area of social relationship in the family and between young people comprising communication, spending time together and satisfaction with the relationship. I will try to prove the thesis that intergenerational relationships within a family are shaped completely differently from corresponding relationships in the public sphere. Going forward I would like to show that while in the family inside there is a progressive consensus, cooperation and rapprochement of generations of children and parents, in public sphere (primarily involving education, but politics as well) the issues of mutual communication, defining priorities and forms of discourse are to large extent a problematic area.
The article is the issue of the functioning of the Y generation in the labor market in the Polish conditions. Article is made up of two parts: theoretical, in which the authoress present a comprehensive overview of the literature and empirical research containing a description of the methods and obtained from the use of research results. The results of tests conducted using a validated questionnaire on a group of 112 representatives of generation Y have shown that for the representatives of this generation work is important in so far as is consistent with their preferences, competences and enables the interests of outside professional. As a result, the study found that women (in accordance with the established procedure of research) and to persons born after 1987 years people (to a greater extent than others) appreciate the predictability at work and "minimal sense of security". Loyalty to the employer and the desire to maintain jobs is not their forte. In my work they want to stay as long as the work will meet their expectations. A permanent contract of employment is important for them however, when more favorable financial agreement is a civil legal, they prefer to contract civil law. Young women on the other hand, and "the older part of the generation Y" to a greater extent than civil law contracts, appreciate the employment contract.
The paper aims to identify potential threats and opportunities in reference with combining full-time studies with gainful employment from the perspective of future transition of the graduates to the labor market. A hypothesis whether the job of the full-time students provides professional experience, required by employers, was verified. Moreover, it discusses if their professional activity may constitute a solid tie between education and the work after graduation, when continued at the same workplace. The conclusions were drawn, based on the results of the survey conducted over a population of students in the master’s degree course in economics at the University of Economics in Katowice in years 20142016. According to the survey, students rarely undertake job in compliance with their area of study, however, the majority gains valuable skills and competences. Additionally, it proves there exist certain obstacles while combining studies with job which poses a real threat to educational capital. The research also unveiled that less than one third of the students consider present job as a running start to future employment, mainly due to their lack of interest in such a solution.
Młodzież na rynku pracy, w tym zagrożona wykluczeniem społecznym, stanowi grupę objętą specjalnymi działaniami instytucjonalnymi. Wśród aktywnych instrumentów ograniczających bezrobocie młodzieży znajdują się projekty realizowane z funduszy unijnych. Kontynuacja stosowania rozwiązań proponowanych w takich projektach powinna być potwierdzana m.in. za pomocą tzw. kalkulatora kosztów zaniechania umożliwiającego określenie wysokości kosztów społecznych, jakie trzeba będzie ponieść w przypadku zaniechania działań aktywizujących osoby bezrobotne. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie istoty takiego kalkulatora oraz wskazanie jego przydatności do uzasadnienia stosowania nowych narzędzi prozatrudnieniowych na przykładzie projektu zrealizowanego w województwie zachodniopomorskim. W opracowaniu wykorzystano metody desk research i KKZ, który umożliwił potwierdzenie efektywności i skuteczności innowacyjnego modelu wsparcia młodzieży na rynku pracy.
Young people in the labor market, including the risk of social exclusion, a group under special institutional activities. Among the active measures aimed at reducing unemployment of youth are projects from EU funds. The continued use of the solutions proposed in such projects should be confirmed, among others, by means of so-called. cost calculator omission. The aim of the article is to present the essence of such a calculator and an indication of its suitability to justify the use of new tools for pro-employment on the example of a project implemented in Western Pomerania. The study methods were used desk research and CCD, which made it possible to confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of an innovative model of support for young people on the labor market.
The main aim of the article was to analyses of the opportunities and barriers to the development of individual entrepreneurship among rural youth. At first, was presented the theoretical concept of entrepreneurship. Next presented possibilities and risks of individual business development based on the results of their research conducted among the population of interest in 2009 in West Pomerania.
The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the need of taking into account the existence of dual labor markets in the majority of developed countries when analyzing research results on labor immigration. The countries most affected with this duality are the ones where immigration is still on the increase; amongst others, Central and Eastern European countries. Selected qualitative and quantitative research methods were implemented in the study. The data source was a structured questionnaire interview conducted in 2007–2008, among 91 employers and the comparison research carried out again in 2014–2015 with 263 participating entrepreneurs. In accordance with the dual labor market theory, the employers were divided into those who offered employment in the primary or the secondary labor market. The research carried out in the Opolskie Voivodship, Poland showed that those employing a foreign labor force were driven by different reasons in the primary or the secondary sector of the labor market. It was also determined that taking into account the segmentation of the labor market in analyses of results of research on labor immigration positively affected their interpretation and provided more precise conclusions.
Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na potrzebę uwzględnienia istnienia dualnych rynków pracy w przy analizie wyników badań dotyczących imigracji zarobkowej. Podział rynku pracy jest widoczny w większości krajów rozwiniętych, a coraz bardziej dotknięte tą dwoistością są te, w których imigracja wciąż rośnie czyli kraje Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej. W badaniach wykorzystano wybrane jakościowe i ilościowe metody badawcze. Po raz pierwszy badania przeprowadzono w latach 2007–2008 wśród 91 pracodawców. Wykorzystano w nich ustrukturyzowany kwestionariusz wywiadu. Badania zostały ponownie przeprowadzone w latach 2014–2015 z udziałem 263 przedsiębiorców. Badanych podzielono zgodnie z teorią dualnego rynku pracy, na tych którzy oferowali zatrudnienie na pierwotnym lub wtórnym rynku pracy. W obu przypadkach porównano ich motywy. Badania przeprowadzone w województwie opolskim (Polska) wykazały, że cudzoziemcy podejmujący pracę na pierwotnym rynku pracy kierowali się innymi powodami, decydując się na znalezienie zatrudnienia za granicą, niż osoby pracujące na wtórnym rynku pracy. Ponadto stwierdzono, że również pracodawcy zatrudniający cudzoziemską siłę roboczą kierowali się różnymi przesłankami przy zatrudnianiu pracowników z zagranicy w zawodach należących do pierwotnego lub wtórnego segmentu rynku pracy. Stwierdzono również, że uwzględnienie segmentacji rynku pracy w analizach wyników badań dotyczących imigracji zarobkowej wpłynęło pozytywnie na ich interpretację i pozwoliło uzyskać bardziej precyzyjne wnioski.
In this article I propose the term “Multicultural (un)employment”, which was created during the analysis of the situation in the multicultural Israeli labor market. First, I describe multiculturalism in Israel. Next, I discuss the Israeli labor market from a societal perspective. And then I characterized the Israeli labor market in view of the internal-group. The article is completed by the following conclusions. Statistics in Israel show low unemployment in a multicultural society but these statistics do not cover the groups which hardly participate in the labor market (Ultra-orthodox and Arabs). These groups are characterized by the cultural difference and high unemployment rate.
Research background: Various and complicated reasons for belonging to the NEET category (not in education, employment or training), resulting largely from young people's personal and family circumstances, cause that the activation programmes undertaken by public employment services, both in the professional and educational sphere, prove inadequate. Despite the fact that labour market instruments dedicated to young people represent a wide range of possibilities for supporting them in combating professional and educational inactivity, the background of their problems requires new actions that should be undertaken by labour market institutions and their partners. Purpose of the article: Taking the above into consideration, the aim of this study is to identify the challenges faced by the public employment services and other labour market institutions in the area of activating youth experiencing the most difficult situation in the labour market. Methods: The article is based partly on the results of quantitative and qualitative research, conducted in the framework of the project implemented by the Provincial Labour Office in Bialystok Podlasie open to young people, financed by Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (PO WER). Findings & Value added: The results of the study have led to the identification of necessary actions which should be undertaken by labour market institutions to support young people representing the NEET generation. These actions can be classified into different categories. They include preventing inclusion into the NEET group, developing the most effective solutions in the area of getting in touch with this group of young people and supporting them as well as creating a culture of cooperation for their benefit. The study has also revealed the need to carry out in-depth research of the NEET population.
In many countries, data about the economically inactive population attracts more and more attention, because this group is a potential source of labor supply. The article fo- cuses attention on the economically inactive in Poland. Since 1990, the share of economically inactive persons in the total population (15-64 years) remains at a high level. For young people the main causes of economic inactivity is education and training, family responsibilities, while in the case of the elderly illness, disability and retirement. This article addresses also the issues of impact posed by the economic inactivity.
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Minimum Wage Impact on the Polish Economy

This paper focuses on the analysis of the impact of the minimum wage on the Polish economy. It consists of three parts. The first part contains a short overview of the economic literature on the minimum wage in Poland and the results of research on this subject. The conclusions of these studies are unclear, which indicated the need to further analyze statistical data and assess the effects of raising the minimum wage in Poland. In the second part, an attempt is made to examine the correlation between the level of minimum wage and the rate of its change in Poland in the years 1992–2016 and basic economic indicators such as: level and rate of average wage growth, GDP, labor productivity, price growth dynamics and unemployment rate. Spearman’s correlation coefficients were used for this analysis. The third part concerns the perceived and potential effects of raising the minimum wage in 2017 to PLN 2,000 and introducing a minimum hourly rate of PLN 13. The focus is mainly on analyzing and assessing the impact of these decisions on the labor market in Poland. The positive aspects are presented as well as the dangers of introducing a minimum hourly wage. The article concludes that both the statistical data covering the last 25 years and the labor market analysis in 2017 do not support the negative effects of the minimum wage for the Polish economy.
The aim of our research is to identify determinants influencing wages in Poland in the years 2005 and 2009, and to find out if wages obtained by men and women depend on the same factors. Investigation is provided on the basis of data from the Polish Labor Force Survey, employing ordered multinomial logit models and exponential regression.
The key objective of the study is to depict unemployment among young people in the provice Silesia in 2011–2016. As a thesis, it was assumed that in recent years unemployment among people who enter the labor market is falling. On the basis of analyzes of industry materials, this thesis has been proved. At the same time, we can talk about a slower decline in the level of unemployment among university graduates, rather than considering the total number of unemployed people
Koncepcji LLL – całożyciowego uczenia się, nie można rozpatrywać w oderwaniu od pracy człowieka. Zjawiska wykluczenia społecznego są dzisiaj realnym zagrożeniem dla każdego człowieka i w każdym wieku. Przed systemem edukacji stoją bardzo poważne wyzwania, do których należy przeciwdziałanie skutkom rozwoju cywilizacyjnego – marginalizacji społecznej.
The LLL conception – a lifelong learning, we can’t consider in isolation from people’s work. Nowadays the social exclusion is a real threat to every person and every age. The education system has very serious challenges, which include countering the effects of civilization development – social marginalization.
The aim of this study is to present certain aspects related to the situation of unemployment of young people (under 25 years old), living in the Podkarpackie voivodeship and to provide the statistical data and the results of the empirical research refers to the subject. The basis for the publication are presented analysis of unemployment in terms of the situation of individual districts as well as the factors such as: professional qualifications, professional experience, the period of employment and the duration of unemployment. The following part includes the additionally specified situation of young, unemployed women. All conducted consideration ends up with synthetic summary.
Research background: The share of temporary workers in Poland is one of the largest of any EU country, which may affect the output unemployment relationship. The Polish case seems to be a natural experiment. Contrary to many advanced European countries, the spread of temporary contracts in Poland was not caused by labor market reform but instead resulted mainly from spontaneous processes. Purpose of the article: This paper investigates the effect of the widespread use of temporary contracts on the relationship between output and unemployment in Poland. Methods: The analysis is based on the 'dynamic' version of Okun's law and uses OLS regression, OLS split-sample regression and OLS rolling regression. The sample period is 1996-2018. Findings & Value added: The study found that unemployment's sensitivity to output increased over time and was related to the greater use of temporary contracts, particularly among young people and women. Initially, at the turn of the 21st century, the expansion of temporary jobs changed the employment composition and had an insignificant effect on unemployment since firms mainly replaced permanent contracts with temporary contracts. Then, starting around 2006, temporary contracts began affecting unemployment levels and unemployment's responsiveness to output. During this period, firms used temporary contracts as the main workforce adjustment device during the business cycle. 
This article is devoted to the analysis of the labour market in the district of Ropczycko-Sędziszowski and the situation of young people looking for em-ployment. Unemployment among young people is a negative phenomenon, the consequences of which negatively affect the development of the district. Among the registered unemployed aged 18 - 25, special attention is paid to those with the status of "special situation on the job market", who remain unemployed for more than 12 months and require to take various activation actions. In addition, the situation is becoming worse because of the fact that often the first experience in the job market is the registration at the job of-fice. A significant impact on the structure of youth unemployment are demo-graphic changes and interest in undertaking further studies. The results of analysis were used from own statements based on the statistical reporting of the District Job Office in Ropczyce and the statistical database of the Cen-tral Statistical Office, including the information from the Local Data Bank.
Global Migration – a flow of people across borders – is of great importance both for the development of international relations and economic growth as well as labor market and poverty reduction. Little attention is paid to the fact that it affects countries, traditionally produced migration, and destination. The article is based on the latest statistics and social research on Polish emigration. According to the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams: life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth, Poles like to emigrate to the United States. The author focuses on: Polish emigrants to the United States of America – the country most desired by all immigrants in the world. In the article special attention is given to the context of sociological and economic emigration. The picture of Polish diaspora in the United States is changing rapidly. New Polish emigrants are more educated and more focused on their career in the United States. They are also better adapted to the needs of professionals seeking jobs in the U.S. labor market.
The aim of this paper is presenting the situation of the labor market in the European Union after the crisis in 2008 and the comparison of the labor market situation in Kosovo in 2014. In the light of modern economic crisis, it is worth to analyze the development of the situation on the labor markets in the EU and in selected countries of the world since 2008. This allows to examine changes in the level of employment under the influence of both the dynamics of the recession and the antirecession policies used. The level of unemployment is closely linked to the dynamics of GDP. Recorded in the EU and in other countries of the world, increase of the unemployment rate from 2008 confirms the strong interdependence of these indicators. To sum up the situation on the European labor market, it is worth noting that the progressive process of increasing the flexibility of the labor market favors the competitiveness of the economies of the European Union. This does not mean, however, that as a result of the changes observed do not appear negative effects (e.g. Spain). It therefore appears necessary to further reduce barriers to movement of labor and services within the European Union and the use clearly positive experiences of labor market reforms.
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